cover of episode Surrender Your Comfort w/ Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Surrender Your Comfort w/ Tasha Cobbs Leonard

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Tasha Cobbs Leonard
SJR: 本期节目探讨了在舒适区中顺服的主题,分享了个人经验和对家庭融合、信实等方面的观点。她鼓励听众建立祭坛,记录神在生命中所做的一切,以便在未来的挑战中获得力量和信心;分享个人经历比布道或采访更有力地帮助他人,因为这展现了神如何与自己相遇;鼓励人们克服恐惧,勇敢地展现脆弱和透明,因为很多人都在等待有人分享他们的内心感受;建议人们专注于自身,发展个人兴趣爱好,体验生活中的快乐,而不是仅仅专注于寻找伴侣;建议人们专注于提升自身身心健康,而不是仅仅依赖于一段关系来获得幸福;没有完美的家庭融合指南,但在最佳情况下,父母会优先考虑孩子的健康成长;融合家庭的关键在于双方对家庭愿景的一致性,并需要共同努力去实现;在融合家庭的过程中,保持清晰的界限,并给予彼此空间和时间去处理情绪非常重要;祈祷是融合家庭过程中一个强大的工具,可以帮助人们获得清晰的指引和内心的平静;健康的家庭融合是可能的,需要时间、敏感性和沟通技巧。 Tasha Cobbs Leonard: 本期节目中,塔莎分享了她对顺服、恩赐、挣扎和成长的理解。她谈到了在不同领域展现出的不同自信程度,以及如何克服对恩赐是否持久的质疑;分享创作过程中的挣扎和成长经历,可以帮助人们更好地理解成功背后的努力,并保持对神恩赐的珍惜;分享歌曲背后的故事,可以帮助人们理解歌曲中蕴含的更深层次的意义;分享积极的经历和山顶的体验,同样重要,可以平衡人们对苦难和挣扎的关注;跨界合作,可以拓展音乐风格,并从不同的视角展现神;接受神的呼召,并尽力去完成,是重要的;在跨界合作中,保持自我特色,并分享独特的文化视角,对拓展影响力至关重要;在融合家庭的过程中,要学会从自身问题出发,并向他人学习;在这个阶段,顺服意味着要对那些让自己感到不舒服的经历说“是”,并依靠信心;顺服意味着持续地向神献上自己,即使这意味着要放弃现有的舒适和安全感;顺服意味着要放弃那些尚未实现的梦想,因为真正的梦想是来自神更深层次的启示;神并不害怕我们的软弱和人性,即使在感到害怕和不确定时,也要勇敢地顺服;神正在教导她关于信实的功课,即即使在迷茫和困境中,也要继续信靠和顺服神;建立祭坛来纪念神过去的信实,以便在未来的挑战中获得力量和信心。

Deep Dive

Sarah Jakes Roberts advises a listener to focus on self-love and personal growth during the waiting season of dating, emphasizing the importance of pursuing individual dreams and finding joy in the present moment. She encourages exploring personal talents and desires, rather than solely focusing on finding a partner.
  • Focus on self-improvement and personal growth while waiting for a partner.
  • Embrace current circumstances and find joy in the present.
  • Explore personal talents and interests to create a fulfilling life.

Shownotes Transcript

 Is SJR picking up on something? 'Cause this week's guest seems to be settling into her G.O.A.T. status. That' right, Sis—W.E. said what W.E. said, and the glow-up of Tasha Cobbs Leonard is clearly by God! While there ain’t no one-hit wonders over here, the two differentiate between the anointing vs. one’s humanity. Tasha shares what it means to see God through a worldview and opens up about her personal life, taking us on a journey from dark spaces to mountaintop experiences. If you ever told God to “get somebody else to do it”, hit PLAY and discover the beauty of surrender at! 

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