cover of episode Shoot Your Shot w/ Mya Douglas

Shoot Your Shot w/ Mya Douglas

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mya Douglas
节目主持人:在追求目标的过程中,女性需要坚持自我提升,行动与目标一致,才能获得美好改变。同时,要勇敢面对创伤,并将其转化为帮助他人的动力,追求成长而非仅仅生存。在亲密关系中,要学会区分基于创伤的强势和基于生存的强势,并学会放下不必要的防御,展现真实的自我。 Mya Douglas:女性的成长是一个独立的过程,不应依赖于他人的认可。通过禁食祈祷,可以寻求上帝的指引,找到理想的伴侣。举办青年大会是遵从上帝的旨意,并将其视为自身事工的延续,为年轻人提供积极的信仰引导。通过心理治疗和灵性疗愈,处理童年创伤,为事工发展奠定基础。在追求关系的过程中,要克服习惯性的焦虑,并相信上帝的安排。女性不应主动宣称某人是自己的丈夫,应尊重上帝的安排。在一段关系开始前,要为对方创造一个安全的空间,了解对方的经历和感受,从而避免触及对方的创伤。女性的力量不应被视为威胁,而应被视为一种美德。接纳真实的自我,包括优势和不足,才能获得内心的平静。叛逆的孩子往往是内心受伤的表现,需要理解和引导。 节目主持人:在追求目标时,保持顺服,并从结果中抽离出来,避免压力。疗愈需要勇气,即使生活艰难也要追求成长而非仅仅生存。写作新书是展示自我疗愈成果的方式。主动联系潜在伴侣,但将结果交给上帝,专注于自身行为的改变。女性的力量是其内在的一部分,无需刻意强求。真实地展现自我,才能避免身心俱疲。个人的成长不应以获得他人认可为目的,而应专注于自身提升。在成长过程中,可以从不同的人那里获得不同的支持和帮助。

Deep Dive

Maya discusses her experience of sending a message to a man she believes is her husband and the process of disconnecting from the outcome, focusing on being obedient to God rather than worrying about the response.

Shownotes Transcript

Audacity is at an all-time high & the Saints are here for it! Guest co-host, Mya Douglas, is believing God for her kingdom husband, Youth Anthem Conference 2022, & NEW romance novel! Plus, find out what the bestie SJR is doing this year to target the lingering impacts of trauma. Sis, the idea that your healing is connected to another woman's breakthrough may feel completely out of bounds. But lean in & learn how to pivot! Mya coached listeners toward being obedient to God and becoming disconnected from the outcome. Issa wig-splittin’ moment for the girls! Email [email protected] to be featured as a guest co-host or to ask ya girl SJR for advice! Then score some freebies at + +

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