cover of episode Seasons of Transition w/ Priscilla Shirer

Seasons of Transition w/ Priscilla Shirer

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Priscilla Shirer
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Sarah Jakes Roberts:探讨了在人生过渡时期,如何平衡对父母的期待与接纳他们的选择,以及如何在此过程中实现自身成长。她强调了在面对父母无法满足自身需求时,子女应该如何调整心态,并以爱和付出回应父母的爱,而不是只关注父母是否给予回报。同时,她也分享了自己在面对挑战时,如何保持对上帝的信靠,以及如何在信仰与挫折之间找到平衡。 Priscilla Shirer:分享了她对人生过渡期的看法,她认为人生的每个阶段都有其独特的美丽,不要执着于某个阶段,而应顺应变化,拥抱新的阶段。她强调了顺应变化的重要性,以及通过磨难提升自身品格。她还分享了自己在母亲去世后,如何带领家人度过难关,以及如何在信仰与挫折之间找到平衡。她鼓励人们在过渡时期,允许自己质疑、悲伤和失望,这并不违背对上帝的信仰,并相信上帝的品格,信靠祂带领你度过难关。她认为,即使无法完全理解上帝的旨意,也要相信祂的品格,并信靠祂带领你度过难关。在人生过渡时期,即使面对不理想的情况,也要全然信靠上帝,将一切交托于祂。 Priscilla Shirer:进一步阐述了顺服的含义,她认为顺服意味着否认自我、背负十字架并跟随基督,这需要舍弃一些东西,即使这些东西并非罪恶,但它们可能会妨碍我们与上帝建立更深的 fellowship (团契)。她强调了在顺服之前,要先正确认识耶稣是谁,才能更好地顺服祂。她还分享了自己进入事工的经历,以及她如何一直顺服上帝的带领,并最终认清了上帝的旨意。她鼓励人们在事工中,要谦逊,将荣耀归于上帝,避免骄傲自满。事工的目的是指向耶稣,而不是彰显自我。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

If anybody's got the inside scoop on how to maintain faith in seasons of transition, it's our good sis Priscilla Shirer! As an Evangelist, Bible Teacher, and Christian Media Personality with over 25 years in ministry, she knows without a shadow of a doubt that character development surrenders in the face of change. Through firsthand experience of enduring the grief and loss of her mom, Priscilla answers the sought after question: Can faith and frustration coexist? SJR grabbed the mic to let listeners know that Jesus didn't want this plot twist of a life for us either. But at the end of the day, W.E. gotta be about our Father's business. If you're ready to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ, then this is the episode for you. Be on the lookout for Priscilla's upcoming film, "The Forge" hitting theaters this August!

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