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Protecting Our Power w/ Nedra Glover Tawwab

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Woman Evolve with Sarah Jakes Roberts

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nedra Glover Tawwab
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Sarah Jakes Roberts:在人际关系中,如果一切进展顺利,则可能存在被忽视的问题。做出更健康的选择可能会导致与某些人的关系破裂,但这是必要的。为了迎合他人而保持不变,会使自己丧失诚实和真实,最终失去自由。在与家人设定界限时,要区分自己行为的改变和家人的反应,并主动进行沟通。健康的家庭关系中,应该允许存在冲突和分歧。拥有力量意味着在不同时期做出不同的选择,例如在需要时说“不”,并寻求帮助。 Nedra Glover Tawwab:社会上存在大量教导人们放弃做自己的信息,从学校到家庭再到朋友,这些教导让人们开始怀疑自己,并试图成为他人期望的样子。在向他人展现真实的自己时,不必精心设计措辞,直接表达自己的改变即可。可以告知他人你将会有所改变,但不必解释原因。有时,我们试图让一个人扮演所有角色,这会导致问题。我们需要不同的朋友和家人来满足不同的需求。当我们开始展现真实的自己并因此疏远一些人时,可能会感到孤独。这时需要主动结识新朋友,并从现有关系中寻找支持。当感觉他人不允许自己表达时,应先尝试沟通,并理解对方可能存在的恐惧。如果对方无法接受真实的你,则可能需要暂时疏远。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Chhiiillleee, POWER is on the move! During the Houston leg of her book tour, SJR sat down with two-time New York Times Bestselling Author and Licensed Therapist, Nedra Glover Tawwab. These two chopped it up about how to introduce authenticity into your environment, set boundaries, and bring more healthy people into your life. Sis, you know W.E. do ourselves a disservice when we create a boundary and then back away, right? W.E. get everybody can't go with you, but no need to act funny! If you're serious about honoring yourself in relationships and engaging in uncomfortable conversations, then this episode is for you. To learn more about how to protect your power, swing by!

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