She needed to let her scalp and forehead breathe after wearing a wig that covered her hairline, which made her feel self-conscious but ultimately embraced her natural look.
She navigates leadership by stepping into critical moments with a focus on maintaining, sustaining, and potentially growing the work already done, while caring for people as their primary leader recovers.
She completed a zero to five K run app, which helped her build confidence in running and led to weight loss. She plans to continue her fitness journey with a 5K to 10K app next.
A body scan revealed she was half fat, contrary to her belief that she was mostly muscle. This realization motivated her to take better care of her body and prioritize health.
She emphasizes the importance of not conforming to worldly standards but being transformed by renewing one's mind to align with God's will, focusing on thoughts that reflect God's perspective.
She described her year as 'okay,' highlighting a slower pace that allowed for unexpected healing and adventures, helping her get to know herself better as a single woman.
She found excitement in exploring new possibilities and diversity in relationships, learning to trust herself more and embrace her identity without fear of rejection or extremes.
She recommends addressing the blues by letting go of obligations, setting boundaries, reimagining holiday traditions, and focusing on gratitude and excitement for the future.
She explains that forgiveness doesn't require re-engaging with those who caused harm but acknowledges that people may not fully understand their actions, and true forgiveness allows for reconciliation when love persists.
She described her year as a collection of popcorn moments of joy, such as beach sunsets, donut shop visits, and laughter with friends, making it difficult to pinpoint a single highlight.
It's giving homegirl-time in the sanctuary! And Delegation, who better to tag team the mic than our favs, SJR and Dr. Anita Phillips? These two are dropping a whole lotta gems as they reflect on the lessons that left a lasting impact, testify to the deep satisfaction found in Christ, and share how to beat the holiday blues. If you’re looking to exchange your triggers for glimmers, Sis, then this episode is for you!
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