John Carlin is a cybersecurity expert and chairs the Global Risk and Crisis Management practice group at Morrison Foerster. He previously served as the Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division at the Department of Justice and as Chief of Staff to Robert Mueller at the FBI. He is the author of Dawn of the Code War: America’s Battle Against Russia, China, and the Rising Global Cyber Threat. Carlin speaks with Preet about his book, the U.S. response to cybercrime, China’s theft of intellectual property, and how America was unprepared for the attack on its values.
Plus, Preet’s thoughts on House Democratic committee investigations and the possibility of amending the U.S. Constitution.
Mentioned on this episode of Stay Tuned:
The Midroll survey
John Carlin’s book: Dawn of the Code War
The 2014 DOJ indictment of the People’s Liberation Army
The 2014 North Korea Sony Pictures hack and DOJ charges
The 2014 Iranian hack on Sands Las Vegas Corporation
The 2014 Yahoo data breach
The 1998 Lockerbie bombing
Preet’s 2012 NYT op-ed on cybercrime, Asleep at the Laptop
This interview was taped on 12/4/18.
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