Andrew Morantz:许多特朗普的支持者明知其自私自利且腐败,却依然支持他,认为他至少诚实坦率。特朗普的吸引力在于其反应性保守主义的承诺,即作为救世主或复仇者。
Jill Lepore:解释特朗普的吸引力不能仅仅归结于其表演性,而应理解其支持者的政策偏好和对联邦政府权力、自由主义道德的反对。
Susan Glasser:特朗普不是一个传统的采访对象,他的交流方式更像是自由发挥的演讲,而不是问答。主流媒体对拜登的负面报道,拜登团队试图通过与媒体沟通来改善形象。
Claire Malone:一些右翼媒体人物对主流媒体抱有深深的怀疑,并利用这种怀疑来提升自己的形象或证明主流媒体攻击右翼的论点。特朗普加剧了人们对媒体的机构性不信任,使得媒体的真相报道和打击虚假信息的任务变得极其困难。
Evan Osnos:尽管拜登的立法记录和经济数据良好,但他未能获得应有的认可,这部分原因是由于过去四年(包括新冠疫情)造成的政治混乱和社会失调。
Kelefa Sanneh:美国两党制度的薄弱导致候选人要么是名人,要么是资历深厚的老政治家,缺乏有吸引力的领导人。选民对候选人的投票,部分原因是基于对另一方候选人的强烈反感,而非对本方候选人的积极支持。
Ben Wallace-Wells:与2016年相比,2024年特朗普的竞选活动能量有所下降,但其运动对民主制度的反对更加公开,共和党对其支持也更加彻底。
At the beginning of 2021, it seemed like America might be turning a new page; instead, the election of 2024 feels like a strange dream that we can’t wake up from. Recently, David Remnick asked listeners what’s still confounding and confusing about this Presidential election. Dozens of listeners wrote in from all over the country, and a crack team of political writers at The New Yorker came together to shed some light on those questions: Susan B. Glasser, Jill Lepore, Clare Malone, Andrew Marantz, Evan Osnos, Kelefa Sanneh, and Benjamin Wallace-Wells.
Some years ago, the poet Ada Limón moved from New York City to Lexington, Kentucky. In a book called “Bright Dead Things,” she writes about adjusting to a new home, and the constant talk of thoroughbreds. “People always asking, ‘You have so many horses in your poems—what are they a metaphor for?’ ” she told the Radio Hour. “I think they’re not really a metaphor. Out here, they’re just horses.” Limón, who’s the current Poet Laureate of the United States, took us on a tour of Keeneland racecourse, in Lexington, and read her poem “How to Triumph Like a Girl.”*This segment originally aired on April 13, 2018. *