cover of episode Noah Rothman Navigating Global Turmoil

Noah Rothman Navigating Global Turmoil

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Breaking Battlegrounds

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chuck Warren
Corinne Murdock
Noah Rothman
Noah Rothman: 本期节目讨论了美国国务院内部对拜登政府在加沙冲突中呼吁停火的抗议,以及美国政府向伊朗提供资金的问题。Rothman认为,国务院内部的抗议缺乏说服力,媒体对其的报道夸大了其影响,旨在破坏美以联盟。他还批评了拜登政府向伊朗提供资金的行为,认为这在战略上和行动上都是不可理喻的,因为美国同时与伊朗的恐怖主义代理人作战。他认为,拜登政府的决策过程混乱,这可能更多地归咎于总统本人而非政府其他部门。他还分析了美国政府对以色列的支持存在矛盾,一方面支持以色列打击哈马斯,另一方面又反对在医院等地发生战斗。他认为,美国的外交政策需要明确的目标和果断的行动,而不是试图取悦所有相关方。他还讨论了以色列是否需要拥有独立的远程精确打击能力,以及共和党选民对外交政策问题的关注程度。最后,他还谈到了自己从广播制作人到政治评论员的职业生涯。 Chuck Warren & Sam Stone: 两位主持人与Noah Rothman讨论了当前国际局势,特别是以色列和哈马斯之间的冲突以及美国在其中的角色。他们质疑了拜登政府的决策过程,并对政府向伊朗提供资金以及对以色列的支持表示担忧。他们还讨论了美国在乌克兰和中东冲突中的策略,以及共和党选民对这些问题的关注程度。此外,他们还与Corinne Murdock讨论了ESG投资基金对能源基础设施的影响以及大学中对以色列和中东问题的偏见叙事。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

In the latest episode of Breaking Battlegrounds, we're joined by Noah Rothman), a seasoned senior writer at National Review. He sets the stage with his incisive take on the complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict and the intricate web of American foreign policy dynamics. Brace yourself for thought-provoking discussions that kickstart the show's exploration of today's most critical global issues. Following Noah, Corinne Murdock takes the spotlight, diving deep into her investigative reporting. She delves into the case of Arizona State University College of Law Professor Khaled Beydoun), who deleted a viral tweet detailing a racially-motivated verbal attack against Muslims after it was publicly exposed as fake. We have a power-packed episode for you—this is one you won't want to miss!

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About out guests

Noah Rothman is a senior writer at National Review. He is the author of The Rise of the New Puritans: Fighting Back against Progressives’ War on Fun and Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America.

Corinne Murdock is a reporter who prioritizes truth and rejects those partisan takes that spare a favored narrative. In addition to AZ Free News, her reporting appears in The Daily Wire and Be the People News. She got her start reporting with The Star News Network. Her proudest reporting accomplishment to date: when The Rush Limbaugh Show cited her investigative reporting prior to his passing. Get full access to Breaking Battlegrounds at