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The Edomites

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The Ancients

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Matthew Vincent
Tristan Hughes
Tristan Hughes: 本期节目探讨以东人的历史,指出圣经并非了解以东人的唯一资料来源,考古发现和铭文等书面资料也提供了宝贵的信息。节目还探讨了以东人的地理位置、与周边文明的关系,以及他们独特的文化和生活方式。 Matthew Vincent: 以东人主要居住在约旦南部,包括佩特拉、亚喀巴和瓦迪·伦等地区。最早的记载来自公元前13世纪的埃及铭文。以东人控制着重要的铜矿资源,并发展了高度发达的社会组织和贸易网络。他们与周边文明,特别是以色列和巴比伦,有着复杂的关系。考古发掘揭示了以东人的城市布局、水利工程、农业和畜牧业,以及他们的宗教信仰和文化习俗。以东人的语言属于闪米特语系,与纳巴泰语相似。以东人的文化和影响延续了很长时间,希律王就是以东人的后裔。 Matthew Vincent: 以东人的历史可以追溯到青铜时代晚期,甚至更早。瓦迪阿拉巴的铜矿开采在以东人的经济中扮演着关键角色,这表明他们拥有高度发达的社会组织能力,足以支撑一个王国。考古发现的大量矿渣表明以东人在当地冶炼铜矿,并生产铜锭。他们控制着重要的南北贸易路线,这使得他们能够将铜矿等商品销往地中海、大马士革和阿拉伯等地区。以东人的定居点显示他们具备一定的水利工程能力,能够在半干旱地区生存和发展。他们可能在定居和游牧之间存在过渡,这与铁器时代的社会变迁有关。布塞拉遗址显示以东人拥有先进的城市基础设施和规划,塞拉遗址则是一个重要的防御性遗址。以东人的农业主要种植豆类、谷物等耐旱作物,畜牧业则以羊、山羊为主,也可能饲养牛和猪。以东人的语言属于闪米特语系,文字与纳巴泰文相似,可能借鉴了早期阿拉姆字母。以东人的宗教可能与后来的纳巴泰宗教有相似之处,都崇拜自然神灵。以东人在圣经中被描绘成与以色列人冲突,并支持巴比伦人征服犹太。纳波尼德的铭文记载了他征服以东和塞拉城,以及他对月神的信仰。考古学正在努力揭示纳巴泰人的起源和以东王国向纳巴泰王国的过渡过程,但仍有很多问题有待解答。以东人很可能也从事海上贸易,亚喀巴港口在他们的贸易中扮演着重要角色。以东人是一个高度组织化的社会,他们的生活方式与现代社会有很多相似之处,但也存在许多不同之处。

Deep Dive

The Edomites, rivals of the kingdom of Judah, resided in present-day southern Jordan, including Petra and Wadi Rum. Archaeological evidence, inscriptions, and written sources shed light on their existence, challenging the solely biblical narrative.
  • The Edomites lived in southern Jordan, including the area around Petra.
  • They are mentioned in the Old Testament as rivals of Judah.
  • Archaeology, inscriptions, and written sources provide additional information about them.

Shownotes Transcript

The Edomites are in the Old Testament, an ancient people who lived around Petra, Jordan before the Nabateans and before Petra was even created. King Herod was a descendant of the Edomites, and perhaps most infamously they are remembered for supporting the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, rejoicing when he sacked Jerusalem in the 6th century BC.

Tristan Hughes is joined by archaeologist Dr Matthew Vincent, who has been excavating tombs in Petra, to discuss what is known about the Edomites as archaeology and newly-discovered written sources reveal fascinating insights into how they lived.

Presented by Tristan Hughes. The producer is Joseph Knight, audio editor is Max Carrey. The senior producer is Anne-Marie Luff.

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