cover of episode Up and Vanished officially returns on August 8th

Up and Vanished officially returns on August 8th

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Up and Vanished

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
主持人:由于案件出现转机,并收到大量线索,第四季《午夜阳光》的播出时间推迟到8月8日。节目组收到了大量关于Florence Akpialik和Joseph Balderas失踪案的线索,真相即将浮出水面。 匿名线人:线人提供了一个关于Balderas的视频,并表达了恐惧和担忧。视频是线人秘密录制的,线人害怕因此破坏友谊,但也担心真相被掩盖。线人表示,在小城镇,人们往往因为害怕报复而保持沉默,但线人希望通过提供视频来帮助找到Florence和Joseph。线人多年来一直听到关于此案的传闻,并最终决定站出来提供线索。 匿名线人:小城镇的特殊环境导致人们对案件保持沉默,出于对报复的恐惧,许多人选择不说话。线人秘密录制了关于Balderas的视频,并希望节目组能够保持其匿名性。线人相信,通过提供这些信息,能够帮助找到Florence和Joseph,揭开案件的真相。线人多年来一直关注此案,并最终决定站出来提供线索,即使这意味着要冒着潜在的风险。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


I know I said we were coming back in June, but this case has taken a turn. Never in the history of Up and Vanished have we received this many tips. People are talking, and the truth about what happened to Florence Akpialik and Joseph Balderas is right at our fingertips. Up and Vanished Season 4, In the Midnight Sun, will officially return on August 8th.

And I'm for real this time. Thank you for your patience, and I'll see you soon. Pain, I have a video. I took it tonight. It has to do with Balderas. I'm scared because he didn't know I was recording. I'm afraid to ruin friendships, but at the same time, we are talking about someone's fucking life. I've been hearing this shit for years now.

Small towns are like this. You know about it. But nobody ever says anything. Trust me. Most people don't say anything. Out of fear of retaliation. And this is where I'm scared. He didn't know I was recording. He might talk to you. Please keep me anonymous. Here's the video I secretly recorded. Let's find Florence. And let's find Joseph.
