cover of episode The Murder of Jon Pownall (Maine)

The Murder of Jon Pownall (Maine)

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Dark Downeast

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Kylie Lowe
Linda Pownall Carlson
Kylie Lowe: 本集讲述了1973年缅因州电影导演Jon Pownall被谋杀的悬案,50年后依然没有定论。案件涉及复杂的财务纠纷、公司内部矛盾以及一份巨额人寿保险。通过对受害者女儿Linda Pownall Carlson的采访,以及对大量历史资料的梳理,本集试图还原事件真相,并探讨案件中未解之谜。 Linda Pownall Carlson: 我父亲Jon Pownall是一个充满创造力、性格外向的人。他从芝加哥搬到缅因州是为了寻求更好的生活和更安全的环境,并计划在波特兰建立一家电影公司Planet 3 Films。然而,在公司成立和电影制作过程中,他与其他投资者,特别是Joseph Castellucci和Herbert Schwartz之间产生了激烈的财务纠纷。这些纠纷最终导致了他的死亡。虽然Truman Dongo被捕并被指控犯有谋杀罪,但最终他和Herbert Schwartz都被判无罪。我认为检方掌握了真相,但证据呈现方式存在问题,导致审判结果不理想。我父亲的死一直影响着我的生活,但我选择接受现实,并继续追寻真相。 Linda Pownall Carlson: 我父亲是一个非常有创造力的人,他总是充满活力和想法。我们从芝加哥搬到缅因州,是为了追求更好的生活,也因为在芝加哥发生过一次持枪抢劫事件。在缅因州,他成立了Planet 3 Films公司,并开始制作电影《塞勒姆六号》。然而,在电影制作过程中,他和一些投资者之间发生了激烈的冲突,这些冲突主要围绕着财务问题和合同纠纷展开。我记得有一次,我看到他和Castellucci以及Schwartz在办公室里激烈争吵,场面非常可怕。我父亲的死对我们全家都是巨大的打击,虽然案件最终没有得到公正的审判结果,但我仍然会一直记得他,并努力让他的故事被更多人知道。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

MAINE, 1973: Just months into production of a new and exciting project, film director Jon Pownall was found dead at his Monument Square office in Portland, Maine. Why would anyone want to kill him? As the investigation into his murder began, a motive for his death emerged, but the question of who was behind it all is one that still hasn’t been answered with a conviction 50 years later.

Lynda Pownall-Carlson was only 16-years old when her father was killed. She’s on Dark Downeast to share her father’s story – all the complex and layered and shocking pieces of it – but most of all, she’s here to tell you the parts that were left out of the narrative back in 1973, the stories and memories that she holds onto all these years later. 

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Dark Downeast is an audiochuck and Kylie Media production hosted by Kylie Low.