cover of episode Sylvia Baker (3 of Spades, Connecticut) from The Deck

Sylvia Baker (3 of Spades, Connecticut) from The Deck

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Dark Downeast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
叙述者:本集讲述了西尔维娅·贝克在1982年被谋杀的案件。西尔维娅是一位28岁的单身母亲,在出门倒垃圾后失踪,次日被发现遇害。案件发生后,警方进行了调查,但一直未能找到凶手。直到2019年,警方通过DNA比对找到了一个嫌疑人,但案件的细节仍然扑朔迷离,存在多个嫌疑人,他们的关系和作案动机尚不清楚。此外,在同一时期,哈特福德还发生过其他类似的女性被害案件,警方怀疑存在连环杀手。本案的侦破过程曲折复杂,充满了悬念和挑战,也反映了冷案侦破的困难和希望。 埃琳娜:作为西尔维娅的女儿,埃琳娜对母亲案件的侦破感到绝望,但仍然希望能够找到真相。她已经接受了母亲被害的事实,并努力过上平静的生活,但她仍然对母亲的死因感到困惑和悲伤。她希望警方能够尽快破案,让凶手得到应有的惩罚,也希望更多的人能够关注冷案,为受害者伸张正义。 叙述者: 本案中,警方调查了多个嫌疑人,包括西尔维娅的前男友莱斯特、在案发现场附近发现钱包的乔、以及通过DNA比对找到的格朗特。此外,乔的兄弟米洛和同父异母兄弟沃尔特也与案件存在关联。警方怀疑凶手不止一人,作案动机可能与性侵犯有关。虽然警方已经取得了一些进展,但案件的关键问题仍然未解,例如:谁在面包车里?有多少人参与了谋杀?他们是如何让西尔维娅上车的?凶手为什么要杀害西尔维娅?这些问题都需要进一步调查才能得到解答。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Sylvia Baker, 28, went downstairs on July 17th, 1982 to take out the trash. Sylvia never returned to her apartment, where her two young kids were watching TV. When she was found the next day, nude and bound with pieces of her own clothing, her family remained in a state of shock as police worked to track down her killers. Over 40 years later, no one’s been held accountable for Sylvia’s murder, but a DNA match and other clues have investigators closer than ever to the truth.

  • If you have information regarding this case, please contact the Connecticut Cold Case Unit at 1-866-623-8058.
  • This is a special release episode from audiochuck's The Deck. Dark Downeast will return with a brand new episode on May 29, 2023.
  • The Deck is available on Apple Podcasts), Spotify) or wherever you listen to podcasts. To learn more about The Deck, visit
  • The Deck guest hosted episode by Kylie Low: Desiree Michaud (Queen of Clubs, Connecticut))


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Dark Downeast is an audiochuck and Kylie Media production hosted by Kylie Low.