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What's up everyone? It's Chicks in the Office with Rianne Fran giving you that Friday energy on a Friday. Happy Friday everybody. Going right into the weekend. Friday, Friday. Do you remember where you were when you first heard that song? I wish I did. I don't even know why I asked. What year did that song come out?
Trivia question. What year did Rebecca Black's Friday come out? That might have been a trivia question, I feel like. Was it 2012? 2011? I'm going to say earlier than that. What's your guess, Noah? I'll say 2011. 2011. No, you just took what... You heard that, right, Sarah? I said 2012. So what? I can't agree? And then I said 2011. You said 2012 first, though. And then I said 2011, and then you said...
Because I was doing it in my head and 2011 sounded right. I would have said that if you didn't say that. Here's the thing. Great minds think alike. The song's music video was released on February 10th, 2011. February 10th, 2011. So I was a...
junior in high school sitting at my desk listening to this bad boy. At your desk? No, no, I don't. Probably in a library or something. No, no, no. At home. You're literally making up where you were because you can't remember. I was sitting in English class. I'm like literally quizzing you. I have no clue. I have no clue. I was probably home at that point. February 10, 2011. Yeah. Yeah.
Do you remember exactly where you were? Is that what you wanted to say? I don't have to share. I just remember being in my friend's car and I was in the backseat and I remember hearing it on the radio. Do you remember any... It played on the radio? Yeah, and I remember for some reason I remember it like maybe that wasn't the first time I heard it, but that's a memory I have. So maybe that wasn't the first time.
I just remember watching the YouTube video. Can you remember any other line outside of the chorus? Like, how does it even start? 7 a.m. waking up on the weekend. Yeah. Gotta brush my hair. Yeah.
Yeah. Wow, we nailed it, guys. Yeah. Well, anyways, it's Friday, so happy Friday, everybody. And now, hopefully, it brings you back to where you were when you heard Friday by Rebecca Black for the first time. Where were you on February 10th, 2011? Something to think about. It is something to ponder. When that seismic shift happened. There's pre-Friday by Rebecca Black, and there's post-Friday. Right. It's like the Bible. When people mentioned, oh my God, it's Friday, like,
Pre-Friday by Rebecca Black, what song played in their mind first?
Feel good. Because it was Friday. Yeah. So they just felt good. Yeah. But now. Like what other. Last Friday night. Was that pre or post? I think that was pre. TGIF. TGIF. TGIF. Right. But I don't think people automatically started saying. But like what about. What about in the 80s? You know. Right. Right. Right. Right. Oh that was 2011 too. What was up with. Wow. Oh my God. The battle. But what date. What date of 2011. Yeah.
Let's see. And February is early 2011. June 6, 2011. Oh, she copied. Jump on Rebecca Black's wave? Oh my God, trying to get clout? Yeah. Because truly there is like, my friends and I were actually talking about this last weekend because they saw a TikTok of a girl asking people at different age ranges what song you think of when you hear the words
Blank? Hey Now. Oh. Hey now, this is what dreams... Yes. Now people our age through that one, some older folks did... Shit, now I forget what it is. I don't even remember what the other one is. Anyway, there's a lot of other songs. Terrible story. That was the best story you've ever told.
Anyway, the point of this was that there were three different people named three different songs. But when they asked me, Jen was the one talking about this, when she asked me, I was like, I immediately went Hilary Duff also. So when I hear Friday, Friday by Rebecca Black is honestly one of the first things that pops into my head. Why, of course. Song-wise. So it's like, I wonder what it is for the older generation or the younger generation. Because it's AD now.
yes bc is before friday and ad is after yeah um i'll do another one for you okay shake it shake it shake shake shake it shake shake shake it like a polaroid picture yeah that was the one i had in my mind but i also thought you maybe would have went with yeah that's a station yeah yeah that that one's a good one too freaky friday
Chris Brown. I never think of that one. I never think of that song. Lil Dicky. Yeah. Yeah. I honestly, I hated that one. Really? I love Pillow Talking. I thought that was my favorite Lil Dicky song. I don't really know any of his songs. But Freaky Friday was not one of my favorites. All these Nicki Minaj things are coming up just because her album was called Pink Friday. Even I guess Dancing Queen maybe could be one. You know, Friday night and the lights are low. Right. That could be it depending on the mood you're in. Yeah.
I just Googled songs with Friday in the title. Well, hopefully everybody's having a nice Friday listening to us name songs with Friday in the title. Exactly. That's just what pops into my... Oh, Friday, I'm in love. The Cure? Oh. Yeah. Monday... Don't they name all the days of the week in that song? Friday... You know that one. You know what I'm saying? But do they name all the days of the week? Is that the Shrek song?
No. I'm in love. Ooh, that's I'm a believer. Oh, I'm a believer. I'm a believer. No, this is...
Oh yeah, I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's gray, and Wednesday too. Thursday, I don't care about you. It's Friday, I'm in love. Okay, yes, yes, yes. That's the cure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or how about Happy Days, the Happy Days theme song? Yeah. Monday, Tuesday, happy days. Wednesday, Thursday, happy days. Friday, Saturday, happy days. What a day, what a day. They mentioned Sunday. I'm gonna be rocking to you.
Anyways. I got a feeling this list is here. And those are the days of the week. Yep. You what? Did I say Friday and I got a feeling? I'm looking at like Friday songs and I got a feeling it's ranked pretty high. I've got a feeling it's going to be a good night. I don't think so. I don't think. I think. No. Any night could be a good night. Any night could be a good night but specifically Friday and Saturday people look forward to their nights. Yeah. Yeah. It's like. Yeah exactly. That's going to be on it. Or I got a feeling that Friday is going to be a good night. Like that would be.
You need to be able to play that song at any time. Exactly. You've got to be able to have a good feeling at a moment's notice. Right, of course. Remember when I, wasn't that the song that I played in that Uber? Yes, in Charleston. The guy was like, give me a song. Literally play any song right now. No, I got a feeling, which is a classic and a good pick. Because that's the Uber that had the lights in it, right? Yeah. I got a feeling it's always going to get the car going. So that was a great pick. Honestly, Black Eyed Peas. Oh my God. Listen, if Black Eyed Peas went on tour. Oh.
I'd be one of the first people to buy a ticket. With everybody. Like, needs the whole band together. Oh, all of them. Yeah, yeah. Need all of the P's. All the P's. Every P must be an attendant. Can you name more than two P's? Will.i.am. Well, yeah, Will.i.am. Fergie. Fergie. Oh, um... Give me a second. I can picture him. He's got the...
Shit. Oh, wait. Taller. Because he says like in the song, I feel like Will.i.am will say like. You are now, now rocking. No, that's Will.i.am. No, that's literally Will.i.am. I'm sorry. Will.i.am was just such a star. Yeah, he was. Where is he? He does a lot. Does he? Who's the other P? There's four. How many P's are there? Because I always think of the Ella Funk album cover. There's three P's. Oh, four P's. Yeah. But Fergie was like in and out.
Oh, God, you'll never. We would never get here. What are the other P's? Taboo is one. Taboo is the one I was picturing in my head. And then the other one is, I don't even know how you would say his name. Apple D-I-P. Is that one? Yeah. It's so crazy how none of us had ever thought about what the other P's names were. Literally A-P-L dot D-E dot A-P. His real name is Allen.
Also known as Alan. Well, it says like Alan, then known professionally as Apple. You think they just call him Apple D-App? Apple D-App. Yeah, I don't know. He's a founding member of the Black Eyed Peas. Shit, and we put no respect on his name, but now we are by calling him Alan. I know. Damn. Well, I would seriously be one of the first to buy a ticket to that. I think that Black Eyed Peas and LMFAO, if they went on tour together...
That would seriously heal a lot of the world, I think. Right. LMFAO and Black Eyed Peas went on tour together. And they need Fergie. Need. Yeah. Must have. I'm not going if Fergie's not there. You know how they do those morning concerts for like the morning news or whatever? There was one that it was a collab between Black Eyed Peas and Outkast. They both were performing, which was like... That is sick. Yeah. That is really cool. Damn. Damn.
Yeah, I mean, sign me up for that too. Basically anything the Black Eyed Peas are on. I agree. But unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen. So, a dream concert. I could see them getting back together. LMFAL and Black Eyed Peas. They're not that old. Black Eyed Peas? Yeah, like eventually. Yeah, I could see them doing something. Yeah, maybe. I don't think they had a big falling out, did they? It's not like they hate each other, like Fergie and them. I don't think so. Fergie just went solo. Yeah. Fergalicious. Yeah.
Let's play some basketball. Oh, yeah. Basketball. That's the best. It is the best. How was your dress yesterday? Picking it up? It was good. It was an easy process. In your closet? And it is in my closet. Yes. Nice. And I got a lot of responses from girls who were like, I was like, I put it in my parents' house. I'm like, I'm not flying the dress to Florida and I'm not pre... I can't like take it to...
I can't take it too early to Martha's Vineyard. Yeah. Because then I got to take it back anyway. Right. Like, I'm going to do alterations in the city. So I think by the time, once I start my fittings, which I have to do extremely soon. Yes, you do. Is...
A lot of places, they'll keep the dress. Yes. They will. Which I learned that that's something that happens. I think that they totally will because they're going to have to do more alterations. Yeah. So I don't think they'll make you bring it back and forth. My grandma also called me last night and said if I need to put it somewhere, I can keep it in her house as well. Which would be a very safe place for her to keep it. It absolutely would. My grandma's on TikTok now, which is...
Adorable. Yes. And probably not great at the same time. Impressive. Yeah. I am very impressive. But like my mom texted me this morning being like, do you have an issue with where to keep your dress?
You didn't even tell me. Meemaw called me this morning. She said she saw your TikTok. So now that's a line of communication that I did not expect was going to be a thing. But also now, good news, you know that she would keep it safe for you. Yeah, exactly. Because it's like, Mom, obviously I can't.
Like, it's... I was like, I didn't even talk to you about keeping it in the house somewhere because what I'm not taking... Like, I'm not going to fly it to Florida and then fly it back. No, that would be the most ridiculous thing that anyone could ever do. Yeah, that would be ridiculous. So it's just... It has to...
It's good where it is. I made room. I found enough space. Good. It's good where it is right now. And once I go to take it, also got a lot of great alterations, recommendations from the New York City brides as well. Need a trusty source. Exactly. So when I go to call some of these people, then that'll hopefully like, then the dress. That'll ease some of the stress. The dress will be there. But I said, I said, Joe.
Don't you open those? He won't. No, he wouldn't. He would never. How freaking excited are you, though? Oh, now I'm like, it's in my fucking apartment. I'm like giddy. I also put it on one last time. Of course. Just to confirm that everything was good while I was leaving. And yeah, another thing was people were like,
Not to give too much away, but people were saying, oh, won't the salon just hold it? That's just not an option for what I'm doing. No. Also, I could, but I don't... Like, I totally could. I could do alterations there. I just don't want to go back and forth to Jersey for every... Yeah, you talked about this. Yeah, that's what I said. So...
Yeah. And I think that's totally reasonable. Yeah, I'd rather like it be in the city. So depending on make sure it's close, whatever. Right. But yeah, putting it on again, just being like reaffirming that this was the right choice. And I was locking in my choice for veil. And was it what you had picked? Yeah, it was what I picked. You want to look? I had the girl take a video. Wait, stop.
Right now. Oh my god. Oh wait, wait. Don't show the camera. I know. Oh my god. I had her take a video around the edge. Oh my god. It is so...
stunning it is just I know the veil actually I think is perfect for it it is so stunning oh my god I'm obsessed I'm watching the video again sorry sorry now everyone's gonna be jealous but I'm looking at it by the way I am like not I am not that bride that doesn't show anybody like if you ask me I will show you
That's happened multiple times. I'm with you. Where people like, and it's funny because I've been at other events where friends
friends of friends or whoever they're like oh my god can I see yeah and then their friend like hits them you're like oh don't ask her that I'm like I don't care I'm like you're not gonna be at my wedding right so I might as well show you now no it's all very exciting um are you is this how you think you're gonna wear your hair like similar to like sorry I think now we're just chatting I know now it's like because I you've shown I've seen pictures of this veil with your hair in a similar fashion and now I think I'm gonna wear my hair up yeah and it right now I'm my in this video my hair is up it's
absolutely perfect stunning gorgeous everything about it like it's just going to be the most beautiful I'm so excited for you oh my god it is so beautiful I'm gonna wear my hair up and then maybe like try and do a little half up half down like change or something we'll see we'll see
Because I love the bridal bun. I think it is classic. I think it's pretty. Especially with the veil. I just think it's so classic and timeless. But for like party time, I want like a little more fun hair. Yeah, get a little sexy with it. Yeah, exactly. And like you're just going to look so fucking stunning that having your hair pulled out of your face and letting your beautiful face shine in your dress is just going to be magical. It really is. Thank you. It's going to be magical.
I'm excited. I'm so excited. That is just stunning. We'll talk more about it after. So now it's sitting in my closet and I got a lot of people, they were like, lay it flat, hang it up, don't do this, don't do that. I'm like, okay. It'll be okay. It's okay where it is right now. It's not going to be sitting exactly where it is for like three months untouched. Yeah, you're going to bring it to the place. You'll move it around. It's going to be good. It's going to be amazing. Yeah.
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We had to go lock in signed papers at the church that we're getting married at. Do you have to do Pre-Cana? Yes. It was really exciting, you know, getting everything set. And the church itself is so stunning, beautiful. And I had chills.
when we were in there like just beautiful church it just you know like we it was just that feeling like when we had picked the venue that we were getting married at we both had that feeling like this is it and then when we went here yesterday it was like wow like and this was the first time you saw the inside of the church yes so we had seen pictures and everything and it's close by to the venue so it's the most like reasonable choice um
But it seriously took my breath away. Like, it was just so beautiful. And we lit a candle and did the whole thing. And it was so, like, ah! Like, I just was, like, had chills. Like, it was just such an exciting day. It's a beautiful church. Thank you very much. And now that it's, like, less than a year, like, I don't know, 10 months now, I guess, whatever, it's like, okay, now it's, like, really, like, you know, okay, get the church and everything and getting everything going. So...
I don't know. It was beautiful. It was just a beautiful day. And it was just also like a gorgeous afternoon yesterday. I feel like just being around, probably walking around the area and seeing everything. Got a nice little dinner after. Phenomenal burger at this place. Fucking phenomenal burger. Yeah. Amazing. Great day. Beautiful little afternoon. For both of us. What a nice little treat. Nice little day. I know. It was a major...
wedding day, wedding prep day. Usually what happens on the day is that we don't come into work. Yeah, we are in the office. We have to do like our other... Yeah. Our personal life stuff. I know. Other duties. Well, what's also been so fun about going through all this like at the same time is...
is when there's stuff at work we're like can't sorry can't we both have things to do that's it yeah so not just one of us actually sorry we both have appointments we can't miss it does work it does work out where it's like not just one it's like it's both of us yeah sorry it's actually both of us so yeah we're we're on the same page here you're gonna have to get on board right what's going on and i and i also think it's so great that like
Because we're both getting married like around the same time. There's a good time in between like six months in between our weddings. But we're both so understanding of each other's schedules and like what we have going on. I think it's helpful in that way too. We both want to have our moments and because we're both like it's like well if I'm going to do it then I want her to have it tenfold. No it's so helpful for each other to understand.
be so understanding and I'm sure other people are understanding in other circumstances but I can see a world where if somebody's getting married and the other person isn't and they don't know like what those responsibilities entail yeah like you know what I'm saying yeah absolutely so we're living it at the same time so it's like you're going I'm like hey I get it
Yeah, exactly. So it's a beautiful thing. It is. And it's so exciting. So yesterday was a great day. Amazing. And now we're back here. And now it's the weekend. It's the weekend, yeah. Kelly, Gia, and I are going to see Niall Horan tonight at MSG. And I respect you guys for that. Yeah, we... Yep. I have dubbed this the summer of the Irishman. Yes. Irishmen. You have. Multiple. They're just...
They're flourishing right now. And so Hosea last week, he's Irish. Niall this week, he's Irish. Who knows what's next? Who knows what Irishman you're going to see next week? Yeah, I know. They're just... I'm trying to think of another one. They're very popular. I am currently trying to think of one. Extremely popular right now. I know, I was trying to think of another... Who's that? He's a crooner as well that everybody loves. Dermot? Dylan? Declan? It's a D name.
Bono? You know who I'm talking about. No, I will not be seeing Bono in the next week. Thank you. Unless... Yeah, yeah. I'm not seeing any D. I don't know who you're talking about. Yeah, you know. Ronan? Dermot Kennedy. See, Irish. Yep. Interesting. He didn't come up on the Irish singers list. Well, he is one. If you could have any accent in the world, what accent would you take outside of your current one?
oh tough maybe australian or british yeah british is the classic answer yeah but like a very posh british right right right depends on where you're from that's also such a funny thing that i enjoy when i watch love island uk is when people from different parts and of course it makes sense it's like if if i if a boston native and uh and a
Texas native went on a date together, they'd be like, wow, your accent's funny. Right. It's like when they're on Love Island UK, they're like, oh, you're from the South? You sound ridiculous. Like, you sound funny. I'm from the North. They all have very different accents. And there are some strong accents on this season, I will say. Like, more so than past seasons where sometimes these girls are talking fast. I'm like, whoa. I know. It's hard to keep up with. Slow down. But yeah, I'm actually very excited to see We Nile. Yeah.
That little lad. Wee Nile? Because he's so tiny? He's not that tiny. You'd call him wee? But wee is... Wee out of a term of endearment. Oh, little wee Nile. Yeah. I'm excited for you guys. What song are you most excited for? I guess. I literally don't know a single Nile song. I really liked his new... You know Slow Hands. No, I really don't do. Yes, definitely know that one.
Even I know. Slow hands, sweat dripping out of that dirty laundry. I don't think I do. I feel like it's Blue Up on 2. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it. Yes, yes, yes. That's not a horrible song. First of all, that's not a horrible song. You're too much singing for me on this podcast. I wasn't saying not a horrible song, but that's a Niall song. Yeah. I literally had no idea. That's a good song. It is. I very much enjoyed his new album that came out, the show. It was a great album. And...
I'm looking forward to the show. I'm looking forward to Heaven. I think Heaven's great. Some of his new ones. He also had a song with Lizzie McAlpine. I glitched there for a second. Lizzie McGuire. Lizzie McGuire. Lizzie McAlpine. We Should Start a Cult. I like that song as well. You think he's going to play one direction songs? Shockingly, I actually know more Niall than I thought I did, but I am a fan of Niall. I think Niall arguably gets the second spot these days.
After Harry. In terms of what? Like stardom? Yeah, being out there in the world. Stardom. Relevancy. Zayn is... I think Zayn could sell out more arenas. But Zayn stays so low key. Niall was a judge on The Voice. Yeah. He's on tour. He's got a lot, you know. He's put himself out there a lot. But that's why I think if Zayn were to be like, I'm going on tour, people would be like, oh shit. But that's Zayn's prerogative. He's not, you know. If he wants to...
Second spot is Zayn's. He could take it. Did you listen to his new album? No. I listened to the first single that he put out after he went on Call Her Daddy. And it was good. But I have not listened to the whole thing. I think Zayn's going to be on Sabrina Carpenter's album. Oh, really? Yeah. He is. Was there something teased? I saw a tweet about that earlier. Oh, interesting. I like that combo. Taylor Swift and Zayn. Great combo. Are you double checking that?
I Googled it and nothing came up. Wait, is it Taylor Swift and Zayn? Wait, what? Or is it Ellie Goulding and Zayn? I don't remember Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift doesn't have a song with Zayn, does she? Are you talking about that song, like, Pillow Talk? No, no, no, not Pillow Talk. Oh, no, he does. I want to live forever. Yes, yes, yes, thank you. This is a tweet from Zayn Radio Updates. Oh.
Reliable source. 717 followers on Twitter. No, but the tweet took off. Confirmed. Zayn is confirmed to feature on Sabrina Carpenter's upcoming studio album, Short and Sweet, releasing on August 23rd, 2024. Confirmed off what? Where does Zayn confirm that? Zayn radio update. Confirmed from a dream I had. Yeah.
I don't fucking know, honestly. Not one single thing. It's gotten so much. This tweet has a lot of traction. Almost a thousand quote tweets. People are freaking out. I was one of them. Well, damn. Well, it must be true. Well, hey. Oh, confirmed by who exactly? And someone said Sabrina's agent.
And then the person wrote back, okay, thanks. This has 6,000 likes. Let me tell you something. I fucking love Twitter. 6,000 likes is a lot of likes. They just make shit up. If that was a real thing, it would have like 100,000. They just make shit up.
It's like, oh, where'd you hear that from? Sabrina's mom said it. Also, that's... Oh, okay, cool. Got it. And then I fucking believe it. Although if you search Sabrina Carpenter Zane and then hit latest on Twitter, there's a bunch of just like people being like, oh my God, we're getting a Zane and Sabrina Carpenter. Yeah, people are like totally believing it. But it's probably based off that tweet. Yeah, it's based off the tweet.
Oh, man. That's how the music rumors start. That's how the fan bases get themselves all worked up that something's happening. We'll see what happens. Right now, Kelly and Gia are sitting at their desks watching the live stream of the Taylor Swift show in Liverpool because the fan base has got them all worked up that something's being announced right now. Well, I heard that people were speculating that she was going to bring Paul McCartney out. Yeah, apparently he's there.
He's there, but he's not performing. I mean, it's happening literally as we speak. The show is going on right now. I would assume. But then I think it was also his 100th show maybe. So there's – people were – the numbers thing. There was a numbers game happening. Paul McCartney in Liverpool? That would be crazy. Yeah. I feel like if he's there, he's got to sing a song. I don't know. I don't know. They're good friends. Yeah, but if Sir Paul doesn't want to sing, Sir Paul doesn't want to sing, you know? Get up here and sing, you puppet. Yeah. You muppet. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. Anyway, I'm going to Nile tonight. I'm pretty excited. You guys are going to have a great time. Yeah. Yeah. Let's get into the topics for today. We're going to. I had one more thought. Sorry, cutting you off. Horrible spoiler for me this morning that I must say I'm very upset about. What happened? I'm on Twitter. Once again, this vile place. Yeah. But God forsaken app right on my timeline.
The Daily Mail posts an article about, it's like, I won't give it away, but it's like fans lose themselves over blank scene in Bridgerton. And then the picture was a screenshot of the scene. Of the scene?
I was like, the show's been out for five hours. That's wild. Why are we doing this? That's wild. Why are we doing this? That's wildly spoiled. That's fucked up. For that one scene. And it's a big one. It's a doozy. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I know. No, that's fucked up. It was so annoying. It's like, at least wait at least 24 hours. Also, at least don't put the picture of the scene. Right. It's like the show came out today. It's out now. I guess whatever. Wednesday at midnight or 3 a.m. Whatever time people could start watching it in the middle of the night. I got it.
I guess people were doing that. Yeah, that's crazy. But, you know, to throw out that tweet at 9 a.m. Eastern on Thursday...
crazy that is really crazy on the day of release it's not even a weekend like you haven't given anybody any time no yeah it's fucked up it just slapped me right in the face i was like oh come on that's um your payback for uh spoiling you a couple years ago yeah right fuck wait how did she say wasn't that right wasn't it you yeah yeah i think it was you no no no no it
It was you, but that's a payback for spoiling Kristen Cavallari's reality show. Kristen Cavallari's reality show. Yep. That was... That was unreal. Backstory, because this was a long time ago. But in 2018, when we started our SiriusXM radio show, one of our first guests ever was Kristen Cavallari. And this was live radio. And we had heard that she was doing a reality show, but it wasn't, like, news yet. Allegedly unconfirmed. Allegedly it was unconfirmed.
And... No, I just asked. I completely forgot what... Yeah, I think I just asked, like, oh, you know, we heard that there's a reality show in the works, whatever. And she was like, I don't think that's announced. Yeah. And you're like, oh, well, this is live. She's like, oh, well, I think I just announced it. I think she said that other people did that, though. Yeah. Well, because it was all over. Like, I didn't just bring it up out of nowhere. It was all over...
the tabloids and the news like Chris Cavallari reality show but I guess at that time E it was on E I think right yeah very Cavallari very Cavallari it was just like E had not 100% come out and like confirmed it but it was a show that did happen yeah I miss going to the serious building my
I don't I don't at all yeah remember when we got hot dogs that one time that was good that was a good little treat I also want to apologize I've yawned like four times in the past 10 minutes I don't know why like you're fine it took over my oxygen in this room it's taking over me I've been trying to eat them you know when you try to eat a yawn and it just gets bigger and then you make a face like this yeah it's like I'm like oh uh yeah I don't miss going to Sirius XM um
But yeah, I mean, we've had some good memories. Sometimes it was fun when you would like see other people. Yeah. We just felt like professional. Right. Right. Yeah. We have some good memories there. We do. And some of getting. What's your best memory at Sirius? Lea Michele canceling in front of our face. My bad. That's my favorite memory. It doesn't get better than that. I mean, in terms of like actual, like real good guests. Who's the best interview? Remember when you interviewed all of Floribama Shore at the same time in like a closet? Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah.
I was weirdly thinking about that last night because, because I was thinking about the intern that we had at the time who filmed a lot of herself, filmed herself with four short caps and put it on our account. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. So that's why I was thinking about the four short interview last night. Um,
Yeah. Who else? We interviewed. I feel like you had some big people. We interviewed the models. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there were some times when we had that full giant room. Yeah. Pilot Pete, Hannah Brown, all those took place back then. Oh, those were like the good, that Pilot Pete interview was good. Yeah. Noah Cyrus. Noah Cyrus. Frankie Grande. Frankie Grande. Yeah. All the siblings. All the claims of faith. Jonathan Van Ness was there, remember? Yeah. Tan France. Yeah. Yeah.
A lot of interviews. It was fun seeing, like, if you saw any, did you ever see, like, an actual famous person, like, that we, just, like, walking through? Sutton Foster was one I think I did. Oh, Sutton Foster. Oh, you did, what's her name from Modern Family by yourself, I remember. Oh, yeah. Ariel Winter? No, we did together. Ariel Winter. Yeah, she was there. Yeah. Who am I thinking? Sutton Foster I did. Was it Sutton Foster? Yeah. I'm pretty sure. Because that was when I also ran into Hoda, copy in the, she was walking around, I was starstruck. Yeah.
Yeah, that was cool. That was cool. But I do enjoy being in this studio. There's a ton of other ones. First Hosea interview was that serious. That is true too. Yeah. And he had such a sweet, sweet voice. He did. He still does, but it was like extra like. Yeah. It was extra sweet. That was like the first impression. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you very much. All right, let's get into the topics for today's episode. We're going to be talking about Mattie Healy and Gabrielle engaged. Jason Tartick and Kat Sickler confirmed their relationship on Instagram with a joint post. Ariana Grande went on Penn Badgley's podcast. We'll talk a little bit about that. And it has been announced by Max that Euphoria season three will not be set in high school. Will not be set in high school. And we have a great game of trivia. So let's get into it. Starting off with the topics.
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So, Maddie Healy and Gabrielle are engaged. And now they announced this on Instagram, on their Instagram stories. This was Tuesday night. They announced this on their Instagram stories. Apparently, they have been engaged for a couple of weeks, Maddie Healy's mom said. And people are going... She's vocal online. She's vocal online. Kelly Keegs tweeted...
engagement aside if anyone thinks the timing of this isn't intentional you don't know a bitter toxic toxic man i do actually think they're a good couple and i hope he is normal to her otherwise somebody responded not everyone's lives revolve around taylor swift maddie healy's mom responded with laughing emojis to that person about taylor swift so she is she is vocal three laughing emojis she is vocal online now i'm gonna see something bold i'm gonna see something controversial right now that i
want to stay away from it, I'm going to say it because I have to. Do we maybe think that Mattie Healy actually really doesn't care about Taylor Swift and wants to get engaged to this girl Gabrielle and has nothing to do with Taylor Swift? Because I do. I honestly do. Like, I think this man and...
Listen, Taylor had her own experience and sung and wrote about her own experience with Mattie Healy, which I think is totally fair. And she has every right to do as an artist. And that was her interpretation of her relationship with Mattie Healy. And he probably did promise about empty promises and make it seem like, oh, I'm in love with you and I'm really not because that's the kind of guy that he seems like he is. Right. Mm hmm.
But at the same time, I think it's also possible that Mattie Healy probably when things ended with Taylor Swift was probably like onto the next thing and then moved on with this girl, Gabrielle, and has found love with her and is engaged to her in his world.
I don't know if it's an intentional... People saying it's intentional against Taylor Swift. It would have been a good time. I don't believe it was intentional to Taylor Swift. Because also, how much time would have needed to have passed for them to then decide that, oh, enough time's passed, it's not about Taylor. I just think, in his mind, he's just proposing his girlfriend. Without Taylor Swift on his mind. I truly think this is how this guy works. That he's just...
moving along with his life and he's on he's on to Gabrielle and he's getting her album released and maybe then maybe right yeah at this now it's like yeah it's been a few months it's June yeah like I feel like no matter what any period of time that Maddie Healy got engaged after this people would be like oh this is this is crazy to do to Taylor and it's like right I don't know if he's thinking like that like I think he's truly like in his own world right no I agree
So and also Taylor's also very happy in her own world with her own boyfriend now. And she even said herself like she wrapped up these poems put a little bow on it. And that was the end of the chapters in her life with with this guy. So I feel like.
Not everything has to be like, this is intentional towards Taylor Swift. Right. The only parallel really that I was kind of immediately focused on in the Taylor Swift world with this was the line in Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus where she says like, and if you have some kids with the internet, starlet. Then I was like, because that was the only time it felt like
there's any maybe direct reference to, to, to this relationship, but they, it really is like Maddie Healy and Gabrielle have been together for a while. I think it's almost a year now. Um,
So, and here's the thing, like, it's like, I hope they, you know, they're, they're, those two look like they're miserable together. Yeah. And like, they're together almost a year. Right. And people are like, oh my God, how can, how can he get engaged to her? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. But,
if Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey got engaged and they've been together almost a year, everyone would be so happy for them, which they should be. Right. Like I think you should be. So that's why I think it's like, and trust me, I do not like Maddie Healy. I, I honestly think he's a weirdo and like, sorry if that's a strong word to use, but I do. And you know, there's, there's so many things about him that I just, I'm like, oh, bye. Um,
But when it comes to this, I'm just like, I don't think that this was like an intentional move on his part. Like, I really think he's living in this own world with this girl and proposed to her. And they're living in their, you know, world. Right. I'm not sure what I think, to be honest. I don't think it's like a direct... I don't think there's really any direct correlation, but there could be indirect in the fact that like...
Sometimes your last relationship does affect how you think about your new relationship. You know, just like, oh, I went through all that with Taylor, but now this is going to be the one. Like, whatever. So I don't think it was like, oh, I'm going to propose to stick it to her. Like, I don't think that's what it is. But, you know, you never know. Especially this. Taylor Swift, Maddie Healy, whatever.
This relationship seems so emotionally toxic and just overwhelming that, like, who knows? But he could be the kind of guy, and he does give off that energy, that he can just...
oh that oh i'm done with that chapter in my life now i'm on to this yeah that's why i think like i truly think he like he gives off the energy where he's like huh yeah like oh i didn't even do it because it's very clear they had this very strong on and off situation but in his eyes i feel like he plays it down right and is like that wasn't even a thing like i'm you know i've moved on i'm engaged so we saw a
after afterwards they were out in New York I believe they were at a Charlie XCX show and it's funny because people like people think she is Gabrielle like has stolen Amelia Hamlin's look flip that Amelia Hamlin's Gabrielle's look like this has been Gabrielle's look for a long time I dare I call it like
death chic yeah it's like you're you're you're looking borderline like you could pass out any second but it's an intentional look looking borderline like you fucking hate your life yeah and you hate everyone around you yep um yeah her engagement ring is a large black diamond yeah surrounded by a halo that's what that's what she posted and
because she had tagged like marrying the 1975 is very brat that is what she posted they were out with julia fox that night seeing the charlie xcx show healy's mom confirmed that her son is a groom to be saying she's thrilled about the news and that he had the black diamond ring made for her healy appears to have opted for a rose cut to stone that could be as large as nine carats
This person's from... This is like a jeweler that Page Six talked to. Black diamonds are a cool avant-garde take on the traditional engagement ring. Famous black diamonds include the spirit of... Oh, the spirit of... I don't know what that is. The black star of Africa and, of course, the black Orlov. So she's got a giant black diamond. Not my style, but it fits them. Exactly, right? Like that's... You...
You tell me Maddie Healy proposed to Gabrielle with a giant black diamond. Checks out. Fits. Checks out. I feel like those two are perfect for each other. Yeah. They just give off the same vibe. They do.
They do. And to me, they're miserable all the time. Yeah. Like Taylor Swift gives off a much happier, goofier, livelier vibe than that. It's crazy. I think they are happy. They just don't look it, but they are. They're happy with each other, but it's the vibe they give off. Yeah. Um, and which it's a blessing that Taylor's with Travis because he's goofy and fun. They get to have fun together, live happily and light and things, you know, are probably easier than with Maddie. It's so funny. Truly. Can you,
put two people on paper that could be any different
any more different than those two. Kelsa to Mattie Healy? No, Mattie Healy and Travis Kelsey. Oh, like in every category they're on opposite ends of the spectrum. Every single way. Yeah. Like she had to go so opposite of Mattie Healy. Yep. Which thank God, like thank God because she seems so happy with Travis and like who knows what's going to happen with Mattie Healy and Gabrielle. Like we, you know, we only see on the outside looking in. On the outside looking in it looks like, oh, you know. Oh, ah, scared. Scared.
Right. Yeah. Ooh, not for me, but you know, whatever you guys wish. So yeah, that was kind of my just like original response to it was like, I don't think we have to eat. Like even Taylor said it herself that she was closing these chapters. Yeah, I agree. So like, why can't, why can't we like respect that and say, you know what? They can both close their chapters and move and move on along. Moving on.
Jason Tartik and Kat Stickler. Yes. They've confirmed their relationship. Jason Tartik from the Bachelor franchise. Kat Stickler, famous TikToker, confirmed their relationship on Instagram. They did a joint post. People had seen them together at a ton of events for a while now. It's been a while. And I think that this is a cute couple. I think it's a great couple. I think they match each other's energy. And they definitely match each other's energy for sure. Yeah, I'm happy for the both of them. Like, I feel like
I don't know much about Kat, honestly. Yeah, I don't really either. We know Jason better. Yeah. But just from the outside looking in, I feel like they're two people that really just want to find each other, find the person and spend... I feel like they'll make some cute contact together. Right. They maybe get married, have a family. I could just see this all happening for them. I feel like same... I don't know. The one thing that I will say...
And we've talked about this. But truly, like, this is not. I'm happy for Jason 100%. I don't want him to be happy. This is a great, you know. Both Caitlyn and Jason deserve to move on from their relationships. If you squint at that picture, she and Caitlyn look real similar. Yeah.
Yeah. They just, you know, and that's fine. Some people just have a type. Yeah. I... And that's it. Yeah. Some people have a type. When you sent that yesterday and you were like, if you just close one eye, I was like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which, like I said. Right. Some people have a type. And at least, like, they're happy together. So, happy to see it. Yeah. So, Caitlin, there was an article about...
That said This was from Us Weekly That said Bristow 38 Offered a candid glimpse Into her state of mind After ex-fiance Jason Tartick Made his relationship With Cat Sticker Public on Wednesday In a Facebook group For her Off the Vine podcast A fan posted a message Of support for Bristow Amid the major development In Tartick's life So the comment section Quickly filled up With other fans Like the post Was a nice post In light of recent news Like let's say something We like love about Caitlyn Blah blah blah Um
The comment section is quickly filled up with other fans who speculated about how Bristow felt about Tartick and Sickler's romance. Some suggested that Bristow appearing to have moved on with Zach Clark means she wouldn't be upset over Tartick's personal life. Caitlin wrote in the thread, Y'all are making some wild assumptions in here. Thank you for the kind sentiment. It meant a lot to me.
Oh, so maybe she did want the support. Another social media user noted that the original post was just a way to spread high vibes for Bristow, to which she replied, haha, same. I was like, oh, this is so kind. Oh, damn. Because then obviously looked at the rest of the...
Then someone wrote, we need to let go of the narrative that KB is hurt slash saddened by Jason's relationship. She has very clearly moved on and truthfully, based on some of her cryptic comments, there's no love lost on her part. Wrote another Facebook user to which Caitlin replied, it's more of some held on anger and resentment that I'm working through, not hurt. Yeah, I don't know. It just feels like maybe there's a different, there can be different levels to this, but they have both levels.
They have both moved on, but no matter what, when people, people dig and poke. So right there, there's going to be the people that are poking around. Side note, Jason's Instagram stories about whatever happened on his airplane. Yeah. Yeah. The other day.
That I've never seen happen before. The pressure of the airplane that if they opened the doors, it would explode. It was a whole thing. He couldn't breathe. The cabin pressure was fucked up. The cabin pressure got all fucked up. So his ears kept popping and unpopping. I learned things about
like airplanes and cabin pressure that i never really thought about and didn't ever want to think about and now i have right you just like want to go up in the air and go down and not think about like yeah what like the lack of oxygen didn't need to be reminded but yes yes and uh yeah i just was i learned a lot yeah and i'm glad that he got to the bottom of it but at the same time i was like these instagram stories i'm learning about stuff that i never even thought about yeah
Yeah, that's a scary one for sure. I think like there's a lot of different, obviously, plane variations of things the captain could get on the intercom and announce to the cabin that you'd be like, okay, we're okay, we'll be okay, whatever. Anything that has to do with like,
air to breathe I don't want to know I don't want to know but now I do yeah so thank you Jason yeah but yeah people were going crazy over the post over over him and Kat like people were going nuts yeah like it's it's
It was only a matter of time though, right? Like they've been, we've known they've been together for a while. They have, they have not directly posted each other, but they've been in other people's posts. They've gotten to tons of events together. So at a certain point, like, hey, they're probably in this amazing, like honeymoon phase of their relationship. They want to be able to share each other and they, they want what joint post. Yeah. Why not? And maybe it was happy. Maybe it was the near death experience Jason had on the plane. Right, right. Yeah. Good point.
Good point. Maybe they're like, oh my gosh. You know what? It's time to put up that Instagram. Who knows what could happen on that plane. Yep.
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Moving on, Ariana Grande went on Penn Badgley's podcast. They did a little swap. You do my music video, I'll do your podcast. And Ariana Grande was asked about the Nickelodeon things that came to light, the documentary, all of that. And Ariana Grande, I thought, I totally respect her response. I think everyone should respect her response, was that she is still in the process of reprocessing
things and she thinks that a safer work environment needs to be created for young actors which I think everyone can get behind and she's still reprocessing her experience which we talked about when the when we watched the Nickelodeon documentary was that like
The pressure to make other young actors talk about their experience is just a little insensitive because you can process things later on in your life about things that happened to you earlier on that you maybe didn't pick up on. And then when you reprocess them, you go, oh, yeah, that was not OK. And that's.
that was wrong and that was weird. And these things happened to me. And at the time I was a child and I didn't know any better. And now I'm processing it. And yeah, these things happened to me. And so people had to lay off others that were, you know, on Nickelodeon and let them process their emotions in which Ariana Grande said she is doing. Yeah, exactly. It's like, and everybody processes in different ways on their own timeline, you know,
And she was open with how she has kind of looked back on things now and maybe certain certain viewpoints have changed. But yeah,
She did say that she does think like that environment needs to be made safer. If kids are going to be acting, she thinks that there should be parents, therapists on set. She thinks there should like your parents should be allowed everywhere. Absolutely. Don't have like times where your parents aren't supposed to be around, but they should be allowed wherever they want to be. And like you said, she said she's reprocessing her own relationship to it a little bit now. And that looking back on some of the scenes,
she's like it's made her upset given the new context of course she said specifically about our show I think that that was something that we were convinced was the cool thing about us is that we push the envelope with our humor and the innuendos were like it was like the cool differentiation like I think she's saying at the time which I totally get at that age that you think that kind of humor you're like you're like edgy you're cool you're like cool teenagers because you're joking about that stuff yeah we're the older Nickelodeon show yeah um
and then she said I don't know I think it just all happened so quickly and now looking back on some of the clips I'm like damn really oh shit and the things that weren't approved for the network were snuck onto like our website or whatever and she said you know I guess I am upset yeah so like I said it's probably extremely hard to go back and rethink about these things as it's probably something she doesn't
or hadn't really thought about too much. And now everybody's talking about it. And it makes you kind of sit there and be like, wow, I guess I do have to think about all these things again. And was that wrong? And how do I feel about it now? Right. And also a bit disorienting. Yeah, completely. You look back and you think about your younger self and you feel bad for them almost. Like, oh. Right. Your memory's like completely shifted. You don't really pour out.
you know younger me you didn't even realize what was happening to you or what they were doing um and so yeah i thought that um her talking about it was great because i think there was a lot of pressure for people to talk about it and like i said there shouldn't have been pressure because she kind of nailed it like yep they're reprocessing and i think everyone should respect that about all of um
any, you know, child star actor, anybody who's been through any of that because the she even said like now she probably saw all the clips and was like, what the fuck? Yeah, totally. So it's a crazy thing. Last topic quickly because I don't think this show is ever coming back. But Max said that Euphoria season three won't be set in high school. So where the fuck is this going to be set? What the fuck is this going to be set? When the fuck? We're doing like a Winter Hill time jump here, but we didn't see graduation.
What? We're just going to jump ahead? We're just going to jump this far ahead? It's such a crazy thing to say that there's going to be a time jump when there were so many stories from the second season that just were left so open-ended. All of them. That a third season would have answered if it was filmed. And of course, these are all outside circumstances, out of their control on why it's taken so long for this to happen. But...
If we're just skipping ahead to a whole new time and we have no idea what happened in between, like they have a whole new set of problems because they're like in college or I don't know. Like, are we going to are they going to college? I don't know. Like Nate's a cop now. Like, you know, like what's going to happen? Yeah. Right. Like.
It's... I don't know. My brain is very confused trying to process this. Right. Like, they're six years later and they're just... You know, they've graduated college at that point. They're just, like, full-grown adults. Like, they're just... Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. My guess would be college, but then it's like...
Rue owes all that money. There's so many things. There's so many things. I don't think this show is ever getting me. Yeah. Yeah. And if it is, it's going to be like a whole totally different show. I know. I know. I do not have high hopes also. Like it's tough because the actors are so great. But I think with the circumstances that they're in and the story that they're going to have to tell in this way, it's just it just might feel forced. Yeah.
I think they should just wrap it up. But, you know. Yeah. It's just such a mega money, like moneymaker, you know. If they, if everyone is in to make a third season, they're going to make it. And then they got. Everybody's. Yeah. Everybody's going to watch it. And then they just got to call it quits. They got to, they got to wrap it up. They got to figure out a way to make this third season. Like just, I don't know. But here's a whole nother thing. Like if they're.
The end is there for the earlier seasons. It's like they're in high school. You can end it at the end of high school, right? Now we're skipping ahead. Are they in college? Is one season going to be enough to tell like a college story? Are they going to have to tell their whole time in college? Now it's like five. We need like five seasons for them to finish college. Life goes on. Yeah. We must know. Right. Or maybe in this day and age, you know, none of them go to college. They could be. Could very well be. Yeah.
I want Tell Me Lies to come back. Yeah. That's my new euphoria. What happened to that? They're filming. Tell Me Lies is my new euphoria. Right, right, right. They're coming back. It's just, look, it's the strike. It's going to take a while. These shows are being filmed. That's just like how I'm seeing now. I'm getting TikToks of them filming The Summer I Turned Pretty. The new season that they're filming. They're filming it now, so we're not going to get it until next summer. And I said this to Kelly the other day. I was like,
It just doesn't feel like summer without cousins. No, you're right. I'm sad about it. That house. I know. With my cousins. Yep. They just wrapped Outer Banks. Yeah. I saw Chase's story. JB out. Yeah. Madeline. They all posted. Wrapped. This has got to be the final season. Now this has got to be the last season. Yeah. He wrote JB out. So I took that as done. Out for good. Yeah. He's out. Yeah. We'll have to remove the sign soon. I would die for John B. But yeah.
that's a wrapped one. I think final season. I mean, they could have wrapped it at the end of the last one. And then they just threw in a fucking new treasure hunt right at the end. I liked season three better than season two. I did too. We'll see what happens with season four. I don't know. They might have gone off the path a bit.
kind of Riverdale-esque, but we'll see. Right, who knows? I saw crazy fucking rumors about this season and there's no way they're true. About like the Riverdale sense where they started to put like magic into it? No, there's legitimately no reason. No, Sarah Cameron's pregnant with JJ's baby. There's no way. There's zero percent. This rumor was circulating. It's not true. No.
can't be how would they make that jump no and also that's just a terrible story it would be terrible but also a terrible story to tell no one wants that story no it would be juicy though it'd be like what yeah but then we'd all be it's juicy for five seconds and then you're like what what but now she's having yeah his baby yeah right now um yeah i don't know the the rumors are running rampant but yeah yeah
Yep. That one's coming. That's a... Is there a 2025 probably for Tell Me Lies, right? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. 2025 is going to be stacked. Thank God. Need more TV. Right? Because by the time all this stuff...
is filmed and put out 2025 is gonna be ready to go can't wait yeah can't wait for it all maybe i could wait for euphoria but the other ones right give them to me right right give them to me now euphoria could be 2026 at this rate they're gonna jump ahead they might as well just throw it another year to 2030 yeah make them fully grown house and kids yeah um all right that wraps up today's episode that wraps up the topics we're gonna get euphoria season three like after we get wicked part two
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back for another game of Beat Rhea and Fran. This is game number 129, and we are joined by Sophia and Kendall. They are ready to go. They said, you know, maybe they're a little bit nervous. We are also a little bit nervous because we haven't had our best showing. You know, we lost last week, and it was a tough game after that. So hopefully we'll all do our best.
Just all around, hope everyone does their best. Just hope everybody does their best. That's a great message. Thank you guys for playing. Thank you for having us. We've been waiting for over a year. It's a long list. They sent me questions every day for two months straight.
That's dedication. Until we got them on the schedule. Well, thank you guys so much for submitting questions. It's actually crazy. You know, it's like the lines at like Disney World Universal. It's just like, it feels like it's never ending, but then you get there and it's worth it. And there's no fast pass. Nope. We sent them, but no one ever used them. Oh my God. None? None?
None. Damn. Holly from Tonson beats us out. She also shows a ton of dedication. Noah clearly plays favorites. Maybe they're just in the bank. Yeah. Ready to be used at some point. Plastic Noah to bring it up and be like, thanks so much for sending questions. Hasn't missed a single question.
All right, let's get started. Okay, yes. Jump right into it. 15 questions. If you get the question right, you get the point. If you get it wrong, the other team can steal the point. Whoever has the most points at the end wins. To determine who goes first, Noah's going to give us a movie. We're going to guess the Rotten Tomatoes critic score of that movie. Everyone gets their own individual guess, and we will alternate between teams for guesses. So, Noah, what is today's movie? Today's movie is The Duff.
I love that movie. Guys, the amount of times that I have watched The Deaf. That was an iTunes purchase. Yeah. I had it downloaded on like every device. I've watched it a bunch too. It's just a classic. Just a classic. Okay. All right. So one of you guys try to guess first. It's a classic, but I feel like it's going to be like, I think my guess is 28. I'm going to go 82. Woo. I think it has a high score. Shit. Okay. Okay.
I think 42. 42? Okay, I'm going to go... I feel like it's going to be straight down the middle. I'm going to go 56. Rhea's the closest at 73. Wow! I knew it had a high score. Shout out to Duff. Yeah. It's a great movie. It is. And you know, sometimes you love a great movie and they don't get a good score, but this one I think was critically acclaimed. Sometimes movies like that, they don't get the credit they deserve, you know? But this one did. Yeah. All right, question number one to Rhea Fran. Shout out, Hallie from Clemson.
In 2014, Jay-Z and Solange had an altercation in a hotel elevator following which event? This is us. It's the Met Gala. Yeah. Met Gala. Yeah. Final answer. Correct. And then Beyonce once said, of course some shit's going to go down when there's a billion dollars on an elevator. Mm-hmm.
Okay, one nothing, Rianne Fran. Question number two, shout out Grace from Indianapolis, and she prefaced this question by Ria specifically asked for classic rock music questions. Oh, God. Who played the iconic performance of the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock in 1969? That's not our question. Yeah, that's... I have no idea. I think... Am I dumb to think like Jimi Hendrix? No.
I have no idea. I have no idea. Let's go with that. Okay. Jimi Hendrix. Correct. I was going to say that's right. Oh, good. My dad's going to be so excited. I thought about not taking that off because last night at the NBA Finals,
it was a guitar player playing the Star Spangled Banner. I'm like, this is going to remind people. I don't know if we would have really thought that one through that much. I wasn't like locked into the national anthem last night. Okay. Tied up at one. Question number three to Rian Fran. Shout out Allison from Anvil, Pennsylvania. Finish this quote from Miss Congeniality.
Miss Rhode Island, please describe your idea of a perfect date. That's a tough one. I'd have to say April blank because it's not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket. Us? Yeah. It's April 25th. Final answer. Yep. Correct. 2-1. The perfect day. The perfect day. Okay, question number four to Kendall and Sophia. Shout out Katie and Melissa from New Jersey.
In the Harry Potter film series, which character responds to the question, after all this time, with the response, always? I have no idea. Yeah, me neither. Let me think of a... Character? Hermione. Final answer. Incorrect. Are you just asking who says always? Always. Final answer. Correct. Nice. 3-1. Rhea and Fran.
And question number five to them. Shout out Allison from Anvil, Pennsylvania again. Aretha Franklin taught us to spell respect. Gwen Stefani taught us to spell bananas. Fergie taught us to spell tasty and delicious. But what did Kesha teach us to spell? Oh, shit. I can like, I can hear her voice saying letters. But it's like... Ten seconds. Oh, fuck.
I'm not quite sure. I don't know either. I got nothing. Animal. Final answer. Incorrect. I think it's dinosaur. It is dinosaur. Final answer. Yeah. Correct. Oh, what song is that? Dinosaur. Oh, yeah. I would have never gotten that, but now it rings a bell. I had never heard that. I thought it would have, and it's not. Yeah. 3-2, Rhea and Fran. Question number six to Kendall and Sophia. Shout out Grace from Indianapolis.
Name the actor or actress who appears in the following films. Juno, Catch Me If You Can, Valentine's Day. Okay, I'm trying to think of like, Valentine's Day has everyone. Think of like Catch Me If You Can. I don't think I've seen it. It's like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Amy Adams. Who's the mom in Juno?
It's not. Is it Judd Apatow's wife? Is it Leslie Mann? No. She's not in. Valentine's Day. Shoot, I have no idea. Ashton Kutcher. Who plays Kashmiri Pikan? This is the second time we've gotten a Kashmiri Pikan who's in the movie. Is it Christopher Walken? He's not in Valentine's Day or Juno. Is he?
He's the grandpa. Oh, no, no. The grandpa's the grandpa from Princess Diaries in Valentine's Day. That's a favorite. Ten seconds. With Shirley MacLaine. Who plays the fucking... Five seconds. Shirley MacLaine? Should we just throw that one out? Shirley MacLaine. Jennifer Garner. Oh.
Oh. Doesn't ring any bells. Nope. For which one? All of them. I mean, literally. Only Valentine's Day is the only one. Catch me if you can and Juno is not ringing a bell for me. Yeah, no, I know. Yep, not even a little. Yeah. All right.
We gotta really study the cast to catch them if you guys are the second time we've been asked. But now he's not gonna use the second question. We're running out of characters. If we start questioning, you know, if we start studying it up. Okay, 3-2 Rianne Fran and his questions to them. Shout out Katie from Foxborough. In the song All Me by Drake featuring 2 Chainz and Big Sean, what two words does Big Sean say at the very end of the song? This is all you. 15 seconds.
He's the type to wear a bulletproof condom and still have to pull out, but that's not the end of the song. That's his verse in the middle of the song. Five seconds. Finally famous. Final answer. Yeah. Incorrect. And would you know? No. I have no idea. I can't even think of the song in my head right now. Um, the only thing that's coming to mind is like Young Money, but that's not him. Yeah, what does he normally... I know. What's like a Rick Ross phrase? 15 seconds. I don't know.
You want to throw out a guess? I have no idea. I don't know. Let's go with Young Money. Young Money. Incorrect. It's Little Bitch. Oh, yeah. That's how he says it. Yes, I... Thank you for that. 3-2, Rian Fran. This question is to Kendall and Sophia. Shout out Caroline from Denver. In the adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, Max creates an imaginary place called what? Actually, I think that...
What is it? I think it's Planet Drool. Oh, yes. Yes. Okay. Final answer. Correct. Nice. Wow. I don't remember a single thing about that movie. Nope. Nope. Tied up at three. Question number nine to Rian. Fran, shout out Carly and Aaron from Port Townsend. Yeah. What street does SpongeBob live on? He lives on a street. Bikini Bottom. Bikini Bottom.
What's his address? I don't know. Oh, fuck. I gotta think of his license. Oh, yeah. Fifteen seconds. Um, is it, um, not Barnacle? Five seconds. Go with Barnacle. Okay, Barnacle. I don't know. Maybe it. You know? No, I don't. I like seashell. That would be my only guess. Why do I feel like it's like pineapple? Pineapple.
Because he lives in a pineapple? Yeah. Pineapple on Pineapple Street? Mm-hmm. I think it might be Seashell. 15th Street. Okay, let's go with that. Seashell Lane? Final answer. Incorrect. Conch Street. Conch. Conch? Conch. Conch. Yeah, but isn't it like a... No, Conch. Conch Shell? Conch. Conch. C-O-N-C-H. I understand what you're saying. Is that not... Conch is the shell? No.
Like the big shells? The conch shell? I thought it was pronounced conch. I've never... I've always... I immediately thought conch. Yeah, I mean, I could be making that up completely. Not that I'm saying it that often. Yeah, no, I'm not saying it that often either, but my heart is telling me conch. I mean, that would make sense. Okay. Still tied up at three. Question number ten. And this is to... Conch shell. Conch. I don't like that. That's news to me.
I think everyone in this room is surprised. Isn't there an episode like all about the conch shell? Oh yeah, the magic conch. And they say conch. They say conch. Yeah. I don't know. I've never heard conch. That doesn't sound right. Oh well. Yep. Okay. I'm going to play a movie clip and you tell me what movie it's from. In summation, I think you just got to not do it, man. That's all.
Whoa. It's, um, Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Because they don't say cuss words. They say, are you cussing with me? I feel like we used to say that a lot. Yeah. Fantastic Mr. Fox. Correct. Wow, nailed it. Would have never gotten it. You're on a roll. I thought the ending would have been what gave it away. I've never seen that movie. I've never seen it either, actually. No, I've never seen Fantastic Mr. Fox either. Popular movie. Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, 4-3. Is that George Clooney? I'm pretty sure that's George Clooney and Bill Murray. I was going to guess one of the oceans. That's what I thought too. I was going to also guess one just because I was like, that's George Clooney. Okay, 4-3. Kendall and Sophia. This question, we're 11 to re-infrance. Shout out, Kendall from London, Ontario, Canada. In Seinfeld, what does Jerry put on Elaine's lap to make her laugh during the piano recital? I have no clue. I don't know.
I mean, this episode's so funny, but I can't remember. 15 seconds. I remember the last time that I rewatched Seinfeld, I, like, watched this episode for the first time, but I can't recall. Shit. Five seconds. I don't know. I don't know. Pass. You know what? I never had to find out. I know. I, like, it was always on in the background when I was growing up. I want to say, like, I don't know, like a plastic toy.
is the only thing that comes to mind, but that could be completely wrong. Okay. All right. Plastic toy. Incorrect. A Pez dispenser. That's got, yeah, yeah. That's plastic toy, Pez dispenser. It's not the same, but I, you were on there. You were close. No, you were close. That doesn't ring any bells. No. Still 4-3, Kendall and Sophia, and it's question number 12 to them. Shout out, Olivia. Yeah.
From Ohio. But it's A-L-I-V-I-A. Hmm. Interesting. On Abbott Elementary, what is Janine's biggest fear? So if you watch... I know I do watch. And it's not ringing a bell at all. Gosh, I don't know.
15 seconds. Should we just go with the fear? Spiders, snakes? Spiders, that's what I was thinking too. So if we're aligned, then yeah, that's good. Spiders, final answer. Incorrect. I don't know. I also watch and it's also not, I also have nothing. It's gotta be something kind of ridiculous, right? Yeah. Pickles? I have no clue. I don't even have a guess. I don't think so.
Pickles. Incorrect. It's heights. Oh, simple. Oh, damn. We just went through the list of fears. I tried to go different. One of those, like, my biggest fear shows. No, I did not know that at all. Okay. For 3Kindle and Sophia, this question is to Rian Fran. Shout out Haley from Baltimore. In their first day of being residents, what animal did Izzy Stevens save on Grey's Anatomy?
Just us? Yeah. It's like a cat from a tree? No, she does like... It's like in the hospital. 15 seconds. Somebody's like somebody's pet. Guinea pig? 5 seconds. Guinea pig. I'm gonna say cow. Final answer. Incorrect. I thought it was like a baby animal. Um, I feel like cat was right. Okay. I'll try... Yeah. It's really... I'm drawing a blank though. Let's go with cat. I like it. Cat. Final answer? Incorrect. It's a deer.
knew that why did i not say deer because you said cow i know but i thought it was some cow deer that's i could see you getting that mixed up oh my god you know what happened what i watched this episode on a plane like really recently really and i just mixed it up in my head with like the new episodes with like no no no there is not there's no cow i just like in my head i was like
Oh, the deer thing happened way later. Oh. But. I mean, you know, like cow, deer, you were headed in the right direction. I knew it. Big. That's so stupid. I knew it was a deer. Why did I not just say deer? Damn. Like, she saved a deer? Yeah. That's wild. Why did I not just say deer? It's all right.
Okay, still four or three. Kendall and Sophia. It's like the first episode of like season four or five. I watched it on a plane. Okay, anyway, sorry. Question number 14. Shout out Grace from Indianapolis. In The Office, who plays the intern who turns out to be Michael's nephew? Oh, it's Evan Peters.
Yeah. Evan Peters. Final answer. Correct. And that seals the victory. You know what? You were on a damn roll. You deserve it. You actually are. You're on a roll right now. She got me the your guys' game. Yeah. And
And she gets it every single one. Oh my God. That's amazing. Oh, that's amazing. Thank you so much for buying it, but that is awesome. Yeah. Oh my God. It's like the best game ever. It's probably the best game ever for you. You know, everything. Deer is going to haunt me. All right. We'll do the last question. Shout out Samantha from the Bay area in friends. How many times does Ross reveal him and Rachel slept together while dating? It's an exact number. Yeah.
What? What? What is the question? How many times does Ross say he slept with Rachel? When they were dating. No clue. I have no idea. 42? They actually didn't date for that long, to be completely honest. That feels low. 42 feels low? They didn't really date for that long. Remember? They were only together for actually a short amount of time until they broke up. Yeah, but... Okay. 113. Yeah.
That was actually going to be my answer. She's close. I think it's like 101 or 111. It's like, yeah, that is a hard one. 111. No, 101. Final answer. Incorrect. It's actually 298. What? They really weren't together. They were together for actually a very short amount of time. Maybe they. Yeah, they're hitting it three, four times a day.
that I guess it's also like in the grand scheme of the seasons for the span of the show it's kind of hard to tell how much time really passes you know yeah but they he said it to like the couch salesman her and they were both holding a couch and the guy like didn't believe that they were dating or that they had dated oh and he was like well it'll be 298 times and she's like you counted gotcha okay
You know, now I'd like to get like a real number of how long Ross and Rachel actually dated. Right. Because... Let's see if that's... Like, I want to see if that's an answer to a question because they really date for like such a short amount of time. And then the whole rest of the show is a like...
They were on a break. They'll date other people. Oh my God, but he's still in love with Rachel, but they date other people. And then they come together in the end and they even have a baby together, but they're still not together. That counts as least one time. Yeah, that is true.
This is it was the backpacking to Europe. Oh, this is like someone on Reddit asking like about the 298 being like, how would this have been possible? Wow. We've really opened up a thing. We have because it was like they really like it almost seemed like they were together for like only like a month at some point. This
If they were together for one year, that means that they had sex a whopping 5.7 times a week, which, considering they both had jobs, didn't get together. Oh, my God. Okay. That's getting too deep now. We don't care this much. You know what I mean? Like...
maybe they maybe they were doing it five times a week you know yep for a year but that's very speculating they did it would have been like a year a year and a half i think they dated even less than that if i'm we're going by season but now we're getting in too deep with yeah and there could have been some other times right right sprinkled in yeah oh well well done ladies
Thank you so much for playing. Thank you for playing. You guys absolutely crushed it. Thank you for sending in questions and thank you for buying the game. Yeah, very much appreciate it. And you get shirts that say you beat us now. So congratulations. And we'll get those sent to you if you could just send Noah your address and sizes. Awesome. Thanks, guys. Bye. Bye.
All right, that wraps up today's episode of Chicks in the Office. Thank you so much for watching and listening. We love you guys. Have a fantastic weekend, and we'll see you on Monday. Goodbye now.