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At Academy Sports and Outdoors, we've got the trusted brands you need for hunting season in Texas. Gear up with a wide selection of rifles, ammo, and optics at unbeatable prices. Plus, find all you need to attract and scout big game all season, like deer corn and game cameras. Need a hunting license? We've got that in store too. Swing by your local Academy today or shop academy.com for free in-store pickup. Get everything for your next hunt at Academy Sports and Outdoors and have fun out there.
What's up, everyone? It's Chicks in the Office with Rhea and Fran, giving you that Friday energy on a Monday. Happy Monday, everybody. We have big news for you. This podcast is presented by Abercrombie today, and today is the last day. Monday, June 10th, it is the last day of the Dress Fest season.
on Abercrombie. Francesca is wearing a beautiful dress from Abercrombie right now. It's a little chilly in here, so I don't have a... It's a bit chilly, but... I have a jean jacket on, but the jean jacket's also from Abercrombie. Yes, and I'm also in full Abercrombie jean shorts and a classic t-shirt, but this dress is so cute, and they have tons of cute dresses. I just got a cute little...
mini orange dress. I'm loving orange these days. So I can't wait to wear that. That's also from Abercrombie. I mean, they just have amazing dress options right now. Like cute, summery, like fun, flowy, maxi, but also like
Maybe if you want to go a little like sexy mini. Right. Like a little date night. A little cute little mini. So many different options from a maxi casual to a little more dressed up. We also know that they have their wedding guest selection as well. So right now is the last day to shop the sale. And you can use our code AFCHICKS to get an additional 15% off on that sale. Yeah, which is awesome. So like I said.
Last day. Right now. Take advantage. AF Chicks. Also, they're activewear dresses as well. Yes. Which I love. Like, easy to throw on. Running errands. All those things. They're super cute. Comfortable. All on sale. AF Chicks for the extra 15% off. Yeah. So make sure you shop. Don't miss out. Last day. Don't miss out. Monday. If you're listening on Tuesday, sorry. You missed out. That's why you gotta listen on the day it comes out. Anyways.
Happy Monday everybody. Hello. Happy Monday sunshines. Oh my god you literally said happy Monday and Noah just yawns so huge. And as I said good morning sunshines and welcome to today's episode. Today's Mondays. Today's Mondays episode. How we doing today? Great. Got loafers on. I do.
I don't wear them often, but they are a staple piece. I do. I think these are the, you know, and, you know, they're the Gucci ones. I got them as a birthday present years ago. I do enjoy them. And I bring them out every once in a while. I feel like this is a cute, and I mean this as a compliment. If I worked in a real office? Or as a teacher. Oh, yeah. You know what I mean? Like, you would be everyone's favorite teacher. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you.
I would appreciate, I like that compliment. Cool teacher vibes this morning. Yeah, cool. You would be my favorite teacher. I'd be like, oh my God, she's so pretty and cool. Like, I want to dress like her. I wore sandals all weekend and my feet were fucking killing me. Just like, you know, sometimes when you're just walking on flat, like flat, there's no arch support, no nothing. Oh. You know, my flat feet. Yeah. It hurts. I mean, these aren't like, these aren't great. Are you like extremely flat footed? Yeah. Yeah. I stand and my arches collapse completely. Yeah.
Interesting. Yeah. My legs go inward. I'm not quite. I think I'm also flat foot. I got bunions. You're a flat foot? I think. I'm not really. I have a hard time walking in heels without a platform. So I would think maybe. I do have bunions. Yeah. So that's a different problem. It's like. Inherited from my grandma. Well, I'm not. I'm not going to. RIP grandma Betty. I was thinking I was maybe going to stand up and show you, but then I would be completely barefoot, which, you know. Yeah. You're going to save those. I don't need to do that on.
I don't need to do that publicly. Keep those loafers on. How was your weekend? Exactly. Once you break them in, they're comfortable. It just takes a while to break in. That good leather. Right. How was your weekend? Lovely. That's lovely. I feel like it was my first...
First summer weekend. Well, that's because it was my first summer weekend where I was taken full advantage. We had a beautiful weekend Friday. We all went to the Hose Your Show. Yeah, how was that? How were you two hanging out on Friday? Just fine.
I like it's weird to make a weirder deal about it I'm not making a weirder deal I was making a joke it wasn't just us yeah exactly Kelly and Gio were there yeah I mean I wouldn't now it would have been weirder if it was just me I'll go to a hosier show anyway but that would just be weird in general we would look like a couple yes of course um
Totally like a couple type, a lot of couples. Yeah. It's kind of a- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was lovely. We got drinks before. We all went to Forest Hills, which I'd never been to. Very cool. Fun outdoor arena, stadium, whatever you want to call it.
Is it tennis? Tennis, but I don't know if they still play tennis there. Yeah, I think... But it feels like you're in Wimbledon. I think, like, once a summer, there's maybe, like, it's something for tennis. I was looking at the board. But, like, good food vendors, we didn't eat any of it, but it smelled good. But it looked good. It really smelled and looked good. And, I mean, the show itself was awesome. He's amazing. He has the voice of an angel. Yeah. And he brought out...
Boy Genius. One of the girls from Boy Genius. Oh, nice. Lucy. No, I think there's two Lucys. I have no idea. Honestly, he like...
He teased someone coming out and we were all like, oh my God, oh my God. And then he said the name and people freaked out and I was like, I have no idea who that is. No, Gia lost her shit. Gia was like freaking out. I was like, what is happening? Yeah, I'm like, who is that? They're big. They are, they are. And I believe there are, I think there's two Lucys and Phoebe Bridgers. Yeah. And I think both of the other girls are named Lucy. Wow, how do you end up in, how do you end up?
With two Lucys in one, right? Phoebe and the Lucys. Yeah. Lucy... I mean, that's the bad part. That's what happens then. Then you just become the Lucys. Oh, I also completely made that up. There's one Lucy. Okay. There's literally one Lucy. So forget Phoebe and the Lucys. Forget that I said that at all. Why did...
Who said something about there being two Lucys when we were at the show? I didn't hear that. Sounds like you did. Or was somebody around us? I don't know. It was a game of telephone. Lucy Dacus is the one that came out. The other girl is Julian Baker. Not to be confused with Lucy. Correct.
Julian, Phoebe Bridgers, and Lucy. Those are the three that make up Boy Genius. They came out. Lucy came out. They sang a song together. It was beautiful. And yeah, he played the hits. Did he take you guys to church? Sure did.
sure did that that song just it's like you transcend yeah it was also it was also very windy so i mean his hair was just blowing yeah and he's so cute after every song he just goes thank you very much you know oh thank you very very much yeah um
Beautiful. He had a little acoustic set down at the, what I like to call the B stage. Anytime I see that, it just makes me think of the Jaws Brothers B stage. So he came back. It was cool because you could see him run on the side of the crowd to the other stage. I mean, he's just, and we know,
He's been in this studio. He's a large band. Tall, tall guy. Tall, tall guy. Yeah. So when he was running, it was like, there he goes. Lanky, tall guy runs. Yes. Exactly. Great band. Yeah. So it was awesome. And no one went back a second night. He loved it so much he went back a second night. I was going to say, no one twice. Was the show on Saturday any different than Friday? Did he bring anybody out? He did not bring anyone out, and the show was pretty much exactly the same. Although I was in GA, so it was cool, too.
I went by the B stage and I will say he left me hanging on a high five. And the person you were with, he high fived? He high fived my friend. Were you close enough to... You were close enough to get a high five? Oh, I was, yeah. Like, it was... He high fived my friend on the way onto the stage. Then he was coming off the stage and I was like...
This like up high because I'm like he's tall. But I think he was only looking at the low fives. But he left me hanging so bad. I was like I thought he was going to do it. Oh shit. Sorry you got left hanging. Yeah. I know. That's a tough one. Right. But yeah it was nice. Yeah. Like I said beautiful. I will say I don't know. I think I'm past. It really depends on the show. But being in the seats.
And they were, it's old, so it's like bleachers. But sitting and watching everybody in GA, I'm like, oh God, I just don't like sitting so much more. I just don't know if I can do the whole GA thing. It was a pretty relaxed GA. Like there were a lot of people who just like, there was grass and like sitting on the grass. It wasn't like packed or crazy. GA can get crazy. It can get really intense. Sometimes, like at a music festival, I can handle it because there's so much open space. And if you need to like,
leave your it's just so many people when it's like a tight like it was a packed GA at least on Friday night like it was tight yeah and when it gets a little tighter like that that's right it is funny too when you switch the stages and you just can see like a sea of people like start running yeah yeah everyone just turns around and they run back the cool thing about this GA though that I've never seen at a concert before was they had
walking through the GA with beer and drinks like as if it was a baseball game yeah yeah that's nice that's good too because also you like you need like water and stuff in GA like I remember when we went to Harry Styles at the forum GA and that was madness genuinely one of the most crazy things I think we've ever been a part of like we stormed a barricade no there was a literally there was a storming and we were stuck yeah and people were like but
But also that was like, the way they set that up was so stupid. They put a barricade across the middle of the floor, like trying to separate it into two sections. And the front section just wasn't full. So the people in the back section were not, were going to be like, fuck this. Like, we're just going to stand back here. And then the barricade was eliminated completely. They just, we just...
It was gone. Yeah, that was scary. I just remember before the concert started, everyone was so tight together. So you're like, there's no room. And then the second the lights came down and he came out...
All of a sudden, like all this room opened up and people started sprinting forward. It was crazy. It was scary. It was it was it was an experience that we'll never forget. How was the rest of your weekend? Completely an experience. So fun. It was beautiful. I mean, Saturday was a beautiful day. Absolutely stunning day. It was Madeline's 30th birthday. She had a big birthday.
Birthday party. Big B-Day bash. Down the shore, which was a ton of fun. Shout out, Take Your Shoes Off. They're, you know, the band. Most of them? No, not most of them. A couple of them, I know for a fact, are like Jersey kids. Grew up close to us. And they're so fun. Just like great vibe. Had the band going the whole afternoon. Just awesome.
Perfect, beautiful sunset. It was a beautiful day. Jolion sandwiches, platters, delicious food, drinks. And then we went to the columns, had a great night. Classic. Good band. And that was crowded. We waited in a long line. But it was like we knew wherever we got in the line. And I was like, guys, if it's around the block,
that's when we know we're kind of in trouble. It was around the block and further down. Really? And we stood in line, we got in line probably 9.45-ish. And we were like, all right, let's be real. If we try and go anywhere else, is it going to be that much better? And we were like, no, probably not. And we were a big group, like 25 people. Oh my God, yeah. So we're like, we just got to wait it out. And we did, we played a lot of categories.
which is so fun. It's almost like you're waiting in line for a roller coaster at Universal. Exactly. It made the time fly, but it did take almost an hour for us to get in. Wow, that's wild. But dedication. And once you got in there, it's like, ooh! Sweet relief. Yeah, exactly. It was a lot of fun. But I'm new to categories. So say we're playing, right? The four of us. And...
I say, you guys come up with a number. One through ten. Ten being the best, one being the worst. And so you give me like seven. You guys all say, I plug my ears, you say seven. Yeah, weird. I was going to say seven. Wow. And then I look at you and I say types of...
types of foundation you've used okay and you think of your rankings of foundation you use and you think of what seven would be for you and you give me the like you say you know okay some right seven worthy foundation okay i look at sarah i say sarah like out of all the hosier songs like what's a seven i mean i wouldn't know it's a seven i'd say
Right, and then you would guess that that's how you figure out the number. So I say like hosier songs and then Sarah thinks, okay, what's a seven for a hosier song? Okay, gotcha. Yeah, that's interesting. I've never played that. It's a lot of fun. That will make time pass. I feel like that would be really hard to get. No, but you play with like five or six people, maybe more. So you have enough samples that most people normally get it, I think. Yeah.
But it's a good test of like you gotta ask the right question. You gotta know the person. You gotta know what like you gotta be very deliberate with the category you give to the person. So like when I play it and Joe's in the group it's easy because I'm like I know. Like Joe's answer is normally what seals the deal for me so I always like save his one for the end.
But it's a lot of fun. That is a fun game. And we played it for literally a full hour with a bunch of people until we made it to the front of the line. I'm going to keep that noted. Yeah, it's a fun game. Good at... Well, I played it recently at a wedding, which was really fun for, like, the table when some people... Even if you, like...
Maybe you don't know everybody, but you know some. It's kind of like a good icebreaker game, too. Yeah, that is a good icebreaker. Oh, I get to know me. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. That does sound fun. So that was a lot of fun. We had a beautiful night, and I went to the beach for a little on Sunday. It was rainy, but the sun came out, so we had a full... Turned out to be a beautiful night. Exactly. Full afternoon.
Took the train back to the city Monday morning and here I am. Full summer weekend. Exactly. There you go. What did you do? So Friday night, we actually drove to Red's Lobster Pot, which is in Point Pleasant, which is down at the shore. Extremely close to where I was. Yes. A town over. Which was so funny because...
Literally, it's like an hour away from where we live. So like we did this last year at the beginning and the end of the summer where we just drove there for dinner because it's so fucking good. Like really, really good seafood there. They have like this stuffed crab shrimp. Like it's unbelievable. So we were like, okay, that's what we'll do. We're going to drive a little date night and go there. And I had posted that we were at Rent Slops or Potten.
people were DMing me like, I thought you were waiting to go to the shore for your birthday. And I want to be clear, I did wait because I didn't go out. I literally just drove to dinner and then drove back. We drove past the house that we're staying at because we wanted to scope it out. How's it look? Fantastic. I was really confused because you sent that picture and I'm like,
Why is she in the Jersey Shore? Yeah, I mean, it's not too far from LA. It's an hour. So we were like, okay, we're not doing anything else. We'll drive, get a glorious dinner and then drive home, get some ice cream, you know, classic date night. And that... Have you ever been there, Red Lobster, bro? No. It's so fucking good. Like, it truly is so... Not to be confused with Red Lobster. Not to be confused with Red Lobster. It's so good. It really is. Now, I'm guessing they...
sell a lot of lobster there's lobster there's lobster on the menu but i didn't get a lot oh well we got a lobster roll they're they're hot butter lobster roll they have both both options but i'm a hot butter lobster i know no as a mayo i don't even know we don't even want to you know i also don't want to call it a it's like cold i would just say cold like but it's cold the cold one is like yeah i mean it's mayonnaise yeah i would go with hot butter it's like a lobster salad yeah
A lobster roll is what the cold one is. The hot lobster is just lobster on bread with butter. No, it's a lobster roll, though. It's a choice. They're both lobster rolls. They're both considered lobster rolls. No, no, I know, but I'm saying, like, it's not even... You can't even compare them. They're two different things. Like, the thing that I eat is, like, a real sandwich, and yours is just, like, hot lobster on bread with butter. No, it's a lobster roll. What qualifies a real... I mean, I could have turkey...
With nothing else in between white bread, that's still a sandwich. No, no, I know. But to me, it's like they're completely different items. But on the menus, on every... They're not. The meat's the same. Everywhere that I've... It's just like different condiments. Everywhere that I've gone that has... Yeah. That's a lobster roll on the menu, it literally gives you the option hot or cold. Lobster roll, hot or cold. Lobster roll. Still lobster roll. I would enjoy... I would very much enjoy a hot lobster. Like, I love lobster. It's just... To me, it's like, why wouldn't I just have a lobster at that point?
Because it's the same thing. Anyways, it was a really good hot lobster roll that I had. Completely different. Completely different things. One, you have to like fully crack open a full ass lobster to have it. It's also most of the time more expensive. Oh yeah. Well that. You know?
Anyways, it was good. You had a delicious. It was really delicious. I'm jealous because I would love a lobster. It was it was really delicious. And then drove back home and then Saturday just hung out with some friends, went to Hoboken and I had like a realization that I've maybe graduated to Hoboken.
I need to head more uptown. Yeah. Yeah. Look, it's a sad day, but it's a real day. Yeah. You know, I've been there. I've been there with a few of the bars that I've frequented, especially at the Jersey Shore where I've said, you know what? I think it's time to hang up the shoes for this place. Yeah. And... And...
I always told myself that I was never going to be that person that gets to like a certain age and says, oh, I'm too old for this. Yeah. Because I don't really, you know, of course you're too old for some things. But I hate that sentiment when people are like, I'm so old. I'm so old. I'm so old. It's not even that like the complaint is not like, oh my God, I'm too old. It's just like you want to be old.
You want to be surrounded by peers. Yes, yes. And that's what it is. And so we went out with a couple of friends on Saturday and we went to Hoboken and it just felt like everybody was 15. Yeah. And this is the first time I have felt that way. And I don't know, maybe it was the night, like maybe it was like...
Look, I'm telling you right now, this is also like an old lady thing to say, but these 21-year-olds are looking younger and younger these days. They really are. I think that's also it. They were not 15, but they looked... It's crazy. To me, when I see a fresh 21-year-old, I'm like, oh my God, you look like a baby still. Everybody looked...
so young and I was like whoa and granted there was probably you know here or there there's some underagers for sure right right but like you know I'm no narc majority exactly majority of 21 year olds like I look at them and I'm like oh my god right you're not 17 yes and I just like had this feeling where I was like
okay, I think I've graduated to going to different places. That's a good way to look at it. It's not like you've aged out. You just graduated to the next level. Yeah, that's it. Exactly. That's what I felt like. I'm just graduating. You're moving on up. Yep. And that is okay. It is okay. And yeah, it was the first time I was like, whoa.
And you're so right. They just, for some reason, look so much younger now.
And I don't know if it's because we're getting older or if they genuinely look younger. Like, damn, these kids are looking young. Right. I'm like, whoa. I was in Columns Saturday night. And Columns, I think, is always a good mix. Yeah. At the Shore. I love a mix. Like, I love a place that has all ages. Yeah. Yeah. And some of Gia's friends were there. And I was like, okay, you know.
I am almost five years older than Gia, so it's not crazy, but they're still middle of the ground enough now where I'm like, okay, I'm okay. When I start to dip younger, that's kind of been a barometer for me, and I don't know if that's just an oldest child thing, like when you have younger siblings. You're like, okay, if I'm in the ballpark of where my siblings are, I'm okay. But once it starts to get younger, like when we're reaching younger than Gia, I'm like, oh boy, what do I even say to these people? Yeah.
That totally makes sense. And I feel that because I've always been the youngest. I'm the youngest child. I've always been the youngest here. You know, I've always been the youngest of my friends. Like, I just... So...
I think that to the point where it was like, if I'm feeling this way, then, you know, we've, we've reached it. Yep. So it was still, still a fun night, but it was funny. It was like more funny. Like, Oh, and then I started thinking about the shore and I was like, I wonder how I'm going to feel then. Like, and, and granted, like with the shore, it is kind of like mixed ages. It is mixed. And it always depends on the weekend. Depends on the night. Yeah. Like, yeah.
I will say the last time I went to Parker House, I was like, maybe, I'm not quite sure. It just depends on the night. But we've talked about this already. And even like my sister went to Parker House, obviously Memorial Day weekend. Yeah, I love cheese. And she sent a selfie with her friend into our family group chat. And in the background, my brother was like, oh my God, is that our cousin? Yeah.
She had no idea. Oh my God. And we were like, we can see him in the back corner and we were like, oh my God, it is. And then she went up to him, whatever. And I was like, okay, if he's like at Parker house now, yeah, that it's too much for me. You know, like these are like, cause to me, especially with family members, my cousins, I'm like, these are like my, my baby cousins.
And now they're all old at the bar. I'm like, they don't need to be at the bar with me. Yeah, no, I, that makes sense. And I do think though, there, there's a lot of places that have all ages, which, which is great. And it just some, and like you said, some weekends, but, um, holiday weekends are always a hotspot for like, I used to be like more like younger crowd. Oh, I want to like go out and Hoboken, whatever. And, and then this weekend I was like, I gotta, I'm going to go back to Manhattan. Yeah. Like I was like, I want to go back to the city.
I was like, I don't know. So that was funny. And then Sunday was super chill day. I got like a good ass nap in. Like I had one of those like sink into the couch thing.
because we were like up late Saturday night and that's the best on Sunday when you're like you really feel like you deserve that nap and you're like I'm gonna fucking sleep so hard in this couch right now yeah and that's what I did I hit the couch hard and I had a beach nap I had a beach nap on Sunday wow can you fall asleep at the beach oh yeah oh I'm jealous and I went well
If I'm around a lot of people, sometimes no. But this was just a really chill day. I was not around a lot of people. But no, I was out, like full-blown drooling on my towel, like out. That's amazing. I woke up and was like, whoa. But that must have felt so good. Like the towel print on my face. It did. It felt amazing. Oh, my gosh. It really felt amazing. I'm jealous of that. I can't fall asleep at the beach, but man, do I wish I could.
Laying your towel out behind your chair and snuggling up is just the best. That sounds delightful. It's just the best. So nice weekend's had all around. Beautiful summer weekend. Noah doubled up. Doubled up on the hosier. Yep. Yeah. And now it's Monday. It is. And we're happy to be here. Another beautiful week. It looks like it's going to be gorgeous this week in the city, which is tough because all you want to do is be...
Like at the beach. I know. When it's so beautiful like this. But it's going to be nice. Walking. This is like my ideal. Walking to work this morning, it was like 70 degrees. A little cool breeze. Beautiful out. Beautiful. You got your pool. That's such a great asset. I don't know. I really want to get to the beach, right? I really want to go to the beach this weekend. I don't know what fucking beach to go to. I don't. I don't know what beach to go to on Long Island anymore. I don't know. Why don't you just come with me? No.
I really wasn't fishing for an invite, but I'm so there. That looks so much like you're fishing. I really, I honestly. I don't know where Fran lives. Anyone go to a beach this weekend? I swear to God, I wasn't fishing for an invite. I just, I'm just talking about. Yeah. Okay. Growing up on Long Island, we used to have to lie about where we lived and
to get a beach pass. Yeah, it is. The politics of it all is very interesting. Of the Long Island beaches is fucking terrible. So growing up... I've learned a lot about it. Yeah, it's awful. Growing up to get a beach pass on our car, our neighbors would conspire together and they would do this thing where they would like,
kind of trick the people to not put the pass on the car and use like maybe their grandparents address I forget exactly how it went down to them so you don't want to give logistics just in case they come and find us and that's how we'd get a pass to go to the beach um growing up my parents and like my they kind of aged out of getting like beach passes like they're not we used to go to the beach growing up a lot more but now they're like not trying to get to the beach like they'll just sit in our backyard and
Lately, I've just been like, what fucking beach do I go to on Long Island? Because I don't even know if you're allowed to go. Like, you literally have to have a pass to go to the beaches. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, it is. It's crazy. Most of the towns have their own passes, their own beach tags, or you belong to one of the beach clubs. Right, there's so many beach clubs. Beach clubs. There's so many beach passes. You could obviously go to Jones Beaches. There's the public beaches, but those are packed. No, yeah. And to be honest, I don't want to go there. Robert Moses. Yeah.
That's far. That's farther. Yeah. Yeah. From where I am. I got you. You want to go to the beach? We can go to the beach. I do. I do want to go to the beach. You know you're always welcome. I know. I'm so intimidated by your beach crew. I've been a couple times. I've been like once or twice. No, definitely twice. I've been definitely two times. And both times I was like really intimidated by the beach crew. That's so fair. It's like 20 point. And let me tell you.
Point lookout people, Long Beach people. I know they're separate crowds. I went to high school with them. They fucking run deep and they're very serious about about the places they grew up in. Yeah. And they're not very like totally welcoming to outsiders. You got to really like work your way in, which you now have done. Look, it took me a while. I still now like I'm like the
the weekends when Joe's not around I'm like I can't go to the beach without you he's like what the fuck are you talking about at this point you totally can no yes I absolutely can I feel way more established in for sure I mean this is my eighth summer I would hope you feel comfortable going at this point absolutely so yes we can go absolutely right but once again it gives me like no super fair and it's justified it is it is
No you're not wrong The way they set up These chairs Is like Oh it's a big fucking group It's like they all line up They all got their They got their sandwiches They got their people Everybody's prepped The chairs What seat are you in What side do you go to Like you don't want to Step on any toes It's a whole thing It's a whole thing So yeah Question But we'll go We'll go
We'll go eventually. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. You're welcome. Once again, I was not fishing for an invite, but thank you very much. Yeah. Happy to be included. What's one thing that growing up you really wanted to have as an adult? You were like, when I grow up, I'm going to have that. Maybe it's something you didn't have. Yeah. I feel like it would have something to do with food. Yeah.
I'm not like a like a like a ice cream machine or like something. Oh, OK. Like something silly. Like, yeah, you know. Right. Like the people that had like a popcorn machine in their house or like like. So like not even like on Cribs. Not even like a massive one. You saw it on MTV Cribs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I guess. So I'm like when I'm old enough, I want to buy one of those. Right. For me, because Matt and I were talking about this yesterday. For me, it's an in-ground pool because.
I grew up most without a pool. Yeah. And then like going into kind of, I think like when I was going to high school, we got an above ground pool and people really make fun of above ground pools. They call them trashy, you know, whole thing, having an above ground pool, whatever. And I was always like,
kind of like embarrassed of my above ground pool you know because people made fun of it people like make fun of above ground pools and I almost feel like I'm like shedding an armor right now talking about the fact that I have an above ground pool at my parents house on Long Island because I was
people really made fun of you for having an above ground pool and it feels like I'm really letting something off my chest right now talking about it so for me it was like oh when I grow up I want to like I want to be able to get an in-ground pool yeah yeah yeah um the pool dream I hope I get there one day yeah the pool dream was oh wait I feel like that's a it's a big such a big like a common kid dream for sure because when you
If you went to a friend's house that had... Especially an in-ground pool. An in-ground pool with a slide. Yeah, you were like, holy fucking shit, this is luxury. I thought they were the richest people on earth. I was like, oh my God. You go home and you were like, I want a pool. Oh, it was such... I was like, oh, we have an above-ground pool. And granted...
I now love, like, I love the fact that there's any sort of pool at my parents' house because I can go lay on a float and catch the rays and it's great. But growing up. Especially during peak hours. Especially during 11 to 2. But growing up, it was definitely something people make fun of you for.
Yeah, when you got that invite for that play date for your friend's house that had the pool, especially in the summer, you were living large. Yeah, the in-ground pool. You were fucking pumped. Nobody was excited to come to mine above ground pool. I felt the same way about trampolines. Trampolines, yeah. My friends who had trampolines. Did you guys have pool...
I guess clubs. Like they're not necessarily like a country club. Yeah. Because obviously like there are country clubs that have pools. But just like. Public pools. Places that were just pools. Yeah. And like water park pools. Yes. Yeah. Because there was like certain town pools. Yes. That people were members at. And when I would get invited to like go to like the Madison pool or like any other pools, I was like, fuck yeah.
Yes. Because those are the pools that had the slides. Yes. The New Providence pool was a great one. Yeah. The big dive, the super high diving board. Right, right. Yeah. Those were the ones we were like, holy shit. I'm so excited to go to those ones. There was one summer we hit Wontaw pool pretty hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And then like, especially when you were the age when it started to like boys and then you were like, oh my God, like so-and-so belongs to that pool. Like what if we see him? Yeah. But that was a whole other thing where I was just like,
Like, I didn't want any boys to know I had an above-ground pool.
I'm so serious. Like, kids are mean. They really make fun of you for that sort of thing. No, I know. But I'm saying a pool, like, if you were going to... It's... You have a... It's Friday. It's a half day. Yeah. For some reason, you know, for whatever reason, school's a half day. Mm-hmm. Or it's, like, obviously summer, and you don't have school. But, like, those early June days when you would get, like, random half days, and your friend would invite you to her pool. So sick. And you'd be like...
It was so sick. I mean, I just want to thank my parents in general for getting us any sort of pool. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, shout out to them for even making any sort of pool happen. You know, they were like, we got to get these kids like some pool. Yeah. So shout out to them. One time I was invited to, well, multiple times, but this was one time I'm thinking of. We went to this girl's pool. She had an in-ground pool. And this is when I was still keeping like my modeling stuff like a secret.
And I was on a side of a bus. Like my picture was on the side of a bus. And one of the parents called my house being like, do you know Maria's picture is on the side of a bus? Like left a voicemail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And my parents like were like, do we call back? Do we not call back? Like my parents always told me like, don't tell anybody. Like only tell your only my best friend knew like I didn't tell anybody I was doing this.
And went to the girl at the in-ground pool's house. And her mom was, like, putting sunscreen on everybody. And she, like, grabbed me and started putting sunscreen on my face. And she looked me in the eyes and she goes, you know, Maria, all models wear sunscreen. And I was like...
like it was like her way of being like she knew like she knew and like kind of like but it was like devious like it wasn't like it was literally like a TV show she was like you know it's like Spiderman all models wear sunscreen like she caught me like I'm a little I'm a little girl and you're an adult mom
Yeah. Ladies are sometimes ladies are ruthless. Yeah. It was like an old, like ruthless older lady. Yeah. But very nice. I know your secret. Right. Very nice in ground pool. She had a lovely pool. Very nice in ground pool. Very nice. Anyways. So that's how you would know. Right. Lovely pool. Lovely in ground pool. Yeah.
Okay, anyways, moving on. Let's get into the topics for today's show. We're going to talk about Sabrina Carpenter's new song, Please, Please, Please, and the music video, of course. Ariana Grande put out the Boyz Mine music video with Penn Badgley, which I have a lot to say about that, honestly. I haven't seen anybody talk about it, and I got something to say. Actors on actors interviews have been released. We'll talk about those. And we have the weekly watch report. So let's get into it. Starting off with the topics. Woo-hoo!
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Sabrina Carpenter's new song and music video is out. Please, please, please. Fantastic, fantastic song. I'm so obsessed with it. Love it. And then she did the music video with Barry and people were freaking out over that. It was funny because the song is like, don't embarrass me. You know, heartbreak's one thing, my ego's another.
I beg you don't embarrass me, motherfucker. And she put her boyfriend... Motherfucker. Yeah. It has a little country twang to it. It does, even though she's from Pennsylvania. Yeah. And people were... Oh, so is Taylor Swift. That is true. Could be country. And people were just talking about the funny dynamic of that because... Yeah. She put her actual boyfriend in the song. Yep. And now the song and the music video will never age badly because...
Even if they do break up, she was in the song being like, you better not embarrass me. But here's me acknowledging that I've heard some things. Yep. Yep. I loved it. Awesome. Great surprise. She had teased a new song. And obviously she also shared that she has an album coming out in August, which is very exciting. But it was like, bam, here's the music video and Barry's in it. And we've got this whole like...
where even like criminal team dynamic, he keeps getting put in jail, she's bringing him out and then she kind of flips the script a little bit at the end but perfectly matches the tone of the song of like, hey, fucking watch yourself. Like I can make excuses for you but don't fuck with me. I also like there was one line about like her saying,
Like, it's just his culture, like, whatever, you know? So I was like, damn, maybe he has that classic Irish sense of humor and some people don't get it. She's making excuses for him and all those things, but...
Awesome video. Such a good video. Gave me chills. I loved it so much. Yeah. There's a couple parts of the song where I'm like, ooh, this really just like scratches my brain just right. Like right in that spot right there. It's like, ooh, I have a scratch. Ooh, you got it, Sabrina. You got it right there. That's how I feel about the song. It was a perfect follow up to Espresso for me because Espresso was so big that I think you have to follow up with something different.
equally as big, if not bigger. And I felt like the music video kind of, you know, propped this song right up. Like the song itself is great, but I think the music video is what made everyone start talking about it initially because we got her and Barry together. And it's so great when artists do things
Put in the effort and get the, obviously, I mean, it's her boyfriend, but get a big star, whatever it is. And I mean, it's the same with, we'll talk about it with Ariana Grande, but like putting in the effort to make the music video really pop. Yeah. Because all music videos, I feel like used to be like that. And we've kind of fallen off the art of the music video. I feel sometimes only like the really big stars do big music videos. I feel right.
We had this discussion Saturday night. We started playing some of the best music videos because I had also was talking about that. Like, what happened to the music video? You know, like, that's what MTV was all about. VH1, the music video. And yeah, we've fallen off that a little bit. But...
Hey, maybe we're bringing it back. Yeah, I thought that was so good. It's really fallen into, I think everybody had like, I saw some people who were like, look, I've always been on the Barry train or this music video put me on the Barry train. You know, I saw a mix because there's been like, and we're very much in this realm of, we were talking about it last week, not on the podcast, but
Hot rodent. Hot rodent boyfriend. Hot rodent boyfriend summer. Hot rodent summer. There's a lot of different terms being thrown around. It's a hot rodent summer. Hot rodent boyfriend. Rodent boyfriend. Rodent summer. Rodent summer. So... I was confused because...
I thought everyone was on the Barry train after salt burn. Like I thought people were jumping on it. I think it was mixed after salt burn still. And now I'm realizing people were grossed out by him after salt burn, but I thought it was like everyone was jumping on the Barry train after salt burn. Um,
So that confused me to see everybody jumping on now. I was like, I thought we've been on this train. But apparently not everyone was on the train. Not everybody, but the hype around it is real. There is a name for it. I mean, this is an article from The Guardian that was posted today. Headline, the hot rodent boyfriend. Why Gen Z has gone wild for sexy rat guys.
From Timothee Chalamet to Josh O'Connor, many of the world's most famous men are being compared to vermin this summer, and it's meant as a compliment. I was going to say, I don't know if these men are particularly excited to be compared to rodents all summer. Oh, man. But hey, it's a compliment. Don't worry. It's a compliment. Oh, wow. This article is hysterical. Who wrote this?
Name, hot rodent boyfriends. Age, brand new. Appearance, imagine if vermin were sexually attractive. What do you mean, imagine? I can see you've been reading online ratatouille fan fiction again, but this isn't about sexy rats. It's about famous men who look like sexy rats.
And then this says, there are men who look like sexy rats? The answer, oh boy, there sure are. Timothee Chalamet, total sexy rat. Barry Keane, what a sexy rat that man is. Jeremy Allen White, sex on four tiny legs. Josh O'Connor, he could scurry up my drainpipe. Wow. Oh my gosh. Mike Feist says, Feist? Fast? Fast.
I don't know how you say him. Both men from challengers are on the list of, they both are rodent boyfriends. They both are rodent knee. Yeah. Yeah. So he's on that list as well. Um, I think Maddie Healy probably falls as the, as the origin of this. He really is. He's up there for sure.
But yeah, I mean, just Googling rodent boyfriend and seeing like the news articles that have come up are hysterical. Where did the hype over hot rodent men come from? Gen Z reveals new viral obsession, hot rodent men. It's the summer of the hot rodent boyfriend. Uh, what? Hot rodent boyfriend summer is the internet's new obsession. Well, okay then. So, you know, I wonder how these men feel about that because it is meant as a compliment, but at the same time,
They're being called rats. I feel like they're probably a little bit in between. Right. You got to embrace it. Yeah. I could see them all acting like- This is better than people calling them ugly, right? Right. Like, oh, they're ugly hot. Yeah. That's basically what they're saying with rodent. Right. They're just trying to find a nicer name for ugly, but rodent isn't better than that. Right. Do you remember the Tale of Despero? Yes. Yes. Animated movie. Yeah. Yeah. Or book. Book.
Was it a movie or was it just a book? I think it was definitely a movie. Really? Yeah. He's a rat. A mouse? He's a mouse. I was going to say, I feel like he's a mouse. It was a movie. And, aw, he was cute. He was cute. The Tale of Despero. And... Mice arguably much cuter than rats, so... Oh, yeah. Oh, Matthew Broderick played Despero. Oh, yeah.
Desperate verse Stuart Little who you got you know what I saw someone talking about this the other day on a on a video I saw where they were like honestly if my parents came home with Stuart Little I'd be kind of pissed too yeah like you just kind of kick me to the side and you only care about Stuart it's kind of fucked up it was yeah it definitely was man I remember being a mouse
The Rattatouille. Oh, wow. They're really playing Tale of Duskborough a lot on June 19th on Starz coming up. Oh. There's three different shows. A lot of programming updates. A lot of programming for the Tale of Duskborough coming up. Box office, 86 million. When did that movie come out? 2008. 2008. I just remember really loving the Tale of Duskborough and then totally forgetting about it until this very moment. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't need to totally black out a movie and then all of a sudden you're like, we. With mice.
Ratatouille. I remember Ratatouille's a rat, obviously. I remember the... The book more. Yeah, The Tale of Despereaux. All right. Well, he's a rodent. Certainly. Certainly. Matthew Broderick. Yeah. Yeah, the Remy... Ratatouille cracks me up. Joe watched Ratatouille on the...
On the plane to Paris. It was like a perfect, he was like, I'm going to watch, we're headed to Paris, I'm going to watch Ratatouille. I've never seen Ratatouille, and we talked about this. Let me tell you, of all the movies that you have, like the movies that you've revealed to me you haven't seen, that you, like, Ratatouille, I'm telling you, Ratatouille is top of the list. Can I admit something?
I always thought that Ratatouille was the name of the rat. I didn't know Ratatouille was a dish. Yes, it is. A vegetable dish. I just found that out. Yeah. And the rat's name is Remy. You just found out right now that Ratatouille is the name of the rat? I mean, I'm not shocked. Neither of you have seen Ratatouille? I only found out this year. Sarah, have you seen it? Oh my fucking God.
It's one of the best animated movies, I think, ever. And now, what does it have to do with Ratatouille the dish? And what's his name? Remy. Remy the rat. Oh, that sounds familiar. He's Remy. Yes, okay. And then Linguini is the chef. Yes, right. And Ratatouille is a vegetable dish? Yes. A veggie dish? Yes. So Linguini is a- Have you ever had Ratatouille? Yes. I actually- We had some in Paris. We had to, obviously. And how was it? It's delicious. It's like-
It's like a kitchen sink type dish where you kind of throw all the veggies together in a sauce. I feel like traditionally it's in a red sauce. Yes, that's what I'm seeing. And it is delicious. We had some the last night in Paris. We went to a restaurant and it was on the menu and we said we got to get it.
It is funny that when you search Ratatouille, it's a mixture of the dish Ratatouille and the movie. Yeah. The movie's more popular than the dish. The airport was, they were selling like stuffed animal Remy's. I almost bought one, but I already have a Remy that can talk that I bought at Disney. Oh, okay. You squeeze its hand. You squeeze its right hand. It says, hey, I'm Remy in English. And then you squeeze its other hand. It speaks, he speaks in French. I was originally going to say you need that, but then to
find out you already have one. No, I already have one. Then you don't need two. Joe was like, please do not buy that again. Well, because they have a ride at Epcot, Ratatouille ride. It's awesome. When did they get that? It's new? It's new. Relatively new. But Linguini can't... He's a chef, but he's terrible. And Remy helps him... Can cook. The rat can cook? He's the ghost cook. Anyone can cook. And so he's the cook. So he... He, you know...
Remy sits in Linguini's hat and kind of like controls him and he becomes a better chef. They become unlikely friends. A tale of unlikely friends. It's a whole big thing because the restaurant they're working at, they're trying to impress the scary restaurant critic. Oh, okay. Maybe I'll watch tonight. It's a fantastic movie. Or this week. I don't want to like promise that I'll watch tonight, but this week. Yeah. I highly, highly recommend it. Should I watch it on the plane to London? You could. You totally could. You gotta watch Ignatia Hill.
Like snuggled up. Yeah, something more British. Like I'm just like, ah, I'm going to fall asleep to Ratatouille. Yeah. It's an all-time favorite. Damn. Okay. Well, sorry to disappoint you and I'll get on that. And it's funny because Josh O'Connor, who is on the hot rodent boyfriend list, fucking loves Ratatouille. He talks about it all the time.
I feel like he kind of looks like the chef in Ratatouille. He does. If they made a live action Ratatouille, Josh O'Connor has to play Linguini. Has to. They look the same. You know what's so crazy? He is like so opposite of his character in Challengers. Yeah. Like that man might be one of the best actors ever because he's so good.
so opposite when I hear him talk in real life of like who he plays in that movie I mean even just from playing even just from playing Prince Charles like on the crown to playing you know he's got range he does have range and he like they did so much press for Challengers and Ratatouille was mentioned often by him because they also did a letterbox you know you guys get those TikToks of like four favorite movies yeah um
And he put Ratatouille on his and everyone like freaked out. Maybe they are making, maybe he's trying to like hint that they are making a live action Ratatouille and he will be playing Linguini. That could be something. That'd be weird. A live action Ratatouille. Like then it's like a real rat. I actually believe his name is Alfredo Linguini. If I remember correctly. Is he an Italian chef? I don't know if they ever really say.
Alfredo Linguini yes I mean one would assume he is Italian with a name like that working in a Paris restaurant yeah anyway that's my spiel on watching Ratatouille but yeah the boyfriends it's in can I admit something yeah not into it no there's nothing to do with that something else okay
I thought it was still on Hot Rodent Boyfriend. No, it's totally off subject and I'm going to bring it up. Okay. So you know in Europe how, because we were just talking about Alfredo Linguini from Italy to Paris, that's such a short trip. Maybe two hour flight. It's so crazy that they're all different countries because in the United States-
You flying to Florida is like two hours, but it's the same country. You're still in the U.S. of A. Yes. We're united. It's just wild to me. Like, it's just, you know, I know that may sound silly. Hey, I mean, a lot. But it is wild if you think about how quickly in Europe they could all jump from country to country. But in here, we're jumping state to state and it's taking the same amount of time. But they're not different countries.
Yeah, but in a way, that's why when we're in Britain... Yeah, Brexit was such a big deal. Brexit, that was such a big deal. I think that's why it is harder for people to travel, or I think it's a little harder if you're a British citizen because now you're not part of the EU if you want to go to other countries. Right, you have your passport. You can go live in another country. You can work. It's totally fine. You can live there. It's fine. It's like, obviously, you go, we moved to...
Florida, like we can still... Exactly. We have no... Nothing changes like that way for us. But yeah. Yeah. Anyways. Yes, I mean... It is just kind of... It's just kind of funny to think about. We have more continental space. It's just kind of funny to think about. You should watch that movie Civil War because that kind of is like... Europe is smaller. Basically like what if America wasn't united? Yeah. And then each state is kind of like a country. Yeah. That would be...
Quite a lot of countries. That is what? Yeah. Yeah. Not completely. Was not out of the realm of possibility at a time. Yeah. Okay. Well, that was just a little thought that I had. Sorry. Moving on. Ariana Grande released a new music video with Penn Badgley for The Boy Is Mine. Question. Wasn't Penn Badgley talking about how he didn't want to really do any more romantic roles because of his wife?
- Correct, he definitely did say that at some point in the last couple years for sure. - Like recently he said this, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And so that's why I was kind of just shocked to see him in this music video. - That's fair, but maybe a music video, I was like, I feel like a music video is a one-off, maybe a couple day shoot, you know?
And maybe he didn't want to play another role or get another character on a TV show that could last seasons and years of him being romantically involved on camera with somebody else.
And it could just be levels to it. Maybe his wife's a big Ariana Grande fan. You know, he's been filming season five of you around our parts. Now, here's the problem. I can't find these articles now about him saying this. No, but you said that and I... It rings a bell, right? It does, 100%. But was...
Was it definitely? No, it was totally him. It was totally him. Totally him. And now I'm like... Because he said he was talking about looking forward to when you would be over, I feel like. Yes. And now... Oh, okay, okay. Found something. Okay. It was...
about sex scenes oh okay that's fair yes that's fair that is take something with less sex scenes yeah i think that's more of what it was okay that makes a ton more sense important to me my real life to not have them totally totally he said when he asked to clarify what he means badgley responds my fidelity in my relationship is important to me and actually it was one of the reasons i initially wanted to turn the role down i didn't tell anybody that but that is why um
His wife encouraged him to play Joe and he wasn't going to listen to anyone more than her. Yeah. Um,
Okay. That makes more sense. Totally. But originally, I think when that article came out, it was kind of spread as like him not doing romantic. Right. Right. Romantic roles anymore. Right. But that would a lot of times like they come hand in hand. Yes. Especially if you're like on like a Netflix show or something. Yes. Yeah.
So they love throwing sex in those. Right. Just random like unneeded sex scenes. Yeah. Yeah. So, OK, that that clarifies it a bit because I was like, oh, he'll jump at the chance for Ariana Grande. Yeah. I just see Ariana Grande is going on his podcast. So it's a little scratch my back type. Yeah, that's. Yeah. Yep. Yep. That's good. That's some that's some good networking right there. That is. Yeah.
And it's smart. Smart for both of them. Yeah. Good music video. Another, like, you know, another good music video. Speaking of rats. What? That music video. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yes, very true. I was like, we're what? Yeah. The craze over real life couples working together will never die. You know? Like, Sabrina and Barry...
People are just gonna lose their shit because they're together in real life and here they are working together Which really shouldn't be that crazy everyone should you know, I know people are freaking people lose their shit so that music video far overpowered the Discussion online over like Ariana and Ben Badger Which I think would have gotten way more discussion total if Sabrina didn't release that music video. Yeah the same day It's just like it's just what happens
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Visit Chevy.com to learn more and build your own Chevy Silverado today. Like imagine, imagine how people would lose their mind. And people, I saw so many comments like hard launch, hard launch. I mean, it's not real. I mean, I guess that is what qualifies a hard launch is when they work together, do something like that. But, you know, Barry and Sabrina have been on carpets. They've been at, like they've been doing a ton of stuff out together.
Same, I feel like if Taylor and Travis did, they've been out obviously publicly, we all know that they're together, but if Travis was in a music video, people would melt. Right. I thought you were about to say. They wouldn't know how to control themselves. Lose their minds. Lose their minds. Completely. Do you think there's any chance that happens? I don't. I don't as well. I don't really think she would do that.
But she also might not want to act with another man in a music video at this point. Yeah. I feel like Justin Bieber always said stuff like that and then he's at other people in music videos. Yeah, that's true. Like it's like, yeah, you don't necessarily want to have it be somebody else, but for the sake of...
Yeah, well, he did SZA's music video. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Well, anyways. But it would be wild. Right. It totally would be wild. Now, I think Ethan Slater falls into Rodan Boyfriend. No? No.
I mean, certainly not hot rodent boyfriend. Yeah, that's like doing a disservice to all the other... To the hot rodents? Yeah, if you're putting Ethan Slater in the same category as the hot rodents, then we got to just light the group on fire. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Sorry, I was trying to be nice. That's awful of me. That was not nice, Maria. It was really not nice. Apologize. Well, they went to the Florida Panthers game. They looked like they had a lovely time.
Listen, they're happy smiling together. Nobody really knows what happened. Everyone could assume this happened, that happened, whatever. They look like they're happy together. And so let them be. Why wasn't he in the music video with her? Imagine. Because he doesn't have what it takes to be in a sexy music video. Do you think he sees Pambajli and is like, damn. No, I think they're... Yeah, we got to... What? What?
No, I'm having the same thoughts. They're just not coming out of my mouth. You know, I was like, it's just, he's probably, he probably would think that for literally anybody. Like, here's the thing. Well, now we're being mean. We're being mean. I'm about to make up for it. Okay. I'm about to make up for it.
The reason we see him this way is because of the SpongeBob thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I honestly think that... If he wasn't SpongeBob, it'd be different. It's just easy to go SpongeBob. It's easy to make that joke right into SpongeBob. I don't think we'd be making these jokes so easily if it wasn't for the SpongeBob thing. It's like, oh, it's freaking SpongeBob. That's why I go there. I've literally never even heard this man talk, so I...
We don't know him at all. I have because I saw SpongeBob on Broadway. Exactly, but you saw him as SpongeBob. And that is the problem I'm having is that I saw him as SpongeBob. You cannot, you are having trouble separating the man from the artist. I am. And I'm sorry. Yeah. But it was nice of you to include him. Yeah, I thought I would accept, yeah, you know, and then it was like, you know what? Fair. It's like Timmy Chow, it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Well, it's funny because I know Timothee Chalamet falls in the category, but I also don't think Timothee Chalamet falls in the category. I think Timothee Chalamet is very handsome. But I guess they're all very handsome. I think they're all just short. They're not short. Timothee Chalamet's not short, I don't think. I feel like he's not tall. I think Timothee Chalamet's like six foot something. No. No.
There's no way. I don't even know what I'm saying. This is 5'10". I would say he's probably like 5'10". Mike Feist. Fast? How do you say his name? Feist? That says he's 6'0". Yeah, I was going to say the Challengers guys aren't super short. Yeah. So it's a mix. It's like why isn't Tom Holland a rodent? Well, Tom Holland doesn't have that look.
Yeah, I guess it's just what is the look. Just because your short doesn't put you in the category. Yeah, it's more of a facial feature. Yes. Yeah. It's, I think it's, yeah, it's maybe a nose thing. Mike Fast definitely looks like a rodent. I'm looking right now. Well, they all have, you know, they all have beady eyes. All right, moving on. We can't talk about this anymore. Yeah. Tom Holland is not in the category. No, no. No, Tom Holland is not.
Tom Holland's fucking Spider-Man. Mel Rodin would be cast as Spider-Man. Oh, shit. Okay. They bring this on themselves by the Gen Z. This is Gen Z's fault.
You know what? They're mean. This is Gen Z's fault. And they labeled them all and they do mean it as a compliment because they're fucking obsessed with these guys. They're mean as a compliment but let me tell you they're meaner than what we said on here about Right, right, right. Well because they looked at these people and went oh they all look like rats but we'll call them hot and we love them. And we're attracted to them. We're attracted to these beady little rats. So we're blaming them. Not us. Not us. Nope.
Moving on. Every time we talk about Ariana Grande's boyfriend, I feel fucking bad. And shout out all the people who liked all these guys before it was cool. You know? Yeah. Is that like being in love with Timothee Chalamet is news to the world? No. I mean, Club Chalamet. She's been there from the start. Yeah, of course. But where was she on 9-11?
what is that a thing you guys don't remember oh oh oh oh oh yes you don't remember what happened on when she posted about 9-11 oh yeah yeah yeah yes yes now i feel like i have to give some content oh yeah you do you do you do because i forgot i'm like is it worth explaining it's it's just no i wasn't making an insensitive no no no um
Basically, Club Chalamet on 9-11, she had a very, very wacky tweet. And what happened was she wrote like in July 2001, I turned down a job opportunity that was located on the 102nd floor of the World Trade Center. And she ended up turning it down. So basically on 9-11, she tweeted about like, oh, it could have been me. Right, it could have been me. It was almost me. Yeah. And then everyone was like, wait a second.
if you were almost working at the world trade center in 2001 how fucking old is club chalamet like oh i feel like that's what established she is an older woman that's what that's what happened though that's what everyone realized they were like wait club chalamet is like a 50 something year old woman she was in the workforce in 2001 right so everyone was like wait a second
that's what that's what the joke was that everyone was like okay wait besides this weird tweet in general we now just realize that club chalamet is yeah 50 something or 60 something years old um moving on yeah moving on uh actors on actors
Love this time of the year. Love when they do actors on actors. Your guy, Nicholas Galzatine, and Noah's guy, Leo Woodall. I do like them both. I do like them both, too. But which one, if you had to pick? Oh, Nicholas is not your choice. Yeah, I'm kind of torn. Galzatine, yeah. I'm kind of torn on that. I mean, I love Leo Woodall for sure. And I loved One Day. I don't...
I don't know. This hasn't aired. The trivia question that we had about one day was on the one that hasn't come out yet, I think. I can't remember. Yeah. If it was from Friday. Whatever. Anyway. Yeah, I can't. I had said, like, that show emotionally wrecked me so much that I've, like, blocked it out of my mind. Like, I've, like, it's, it's, I watched it and I put it into a different part of my brain.
And I think that's had an effect of just Leo Woodall as a person. Yeah. Like you like him, but you're, you kind of blocked it out. Yeah. Yep. Well, they did actors on actors with each other and they both found out that they had auditioned for similar parts, which would make a ton of sense. Totally. Nicholas auditioned for, um, White Lotus. White Lotus.
And then Leo Woodall auditioned for something that Nicholas said. Mary and George. And so they... Which makes sense. Like, they're running in the same circles of auditions. British. British guys. Around the same age. Yeah. Similar looks, kind of. Like, I think that makes a ton of sense that they'd be auditioning for the same type of stuff. Absolutely. All of these... The actors on Actors are great. They're long, a lot of them. So it's like... It takes time to go through every single one if you watch the full things. But...
they're clipped and shared on tech talk non-stop i've seen so many clips of them um i know one that like kristen wigg and john ham are really crack some people obviously they know each other more so they have more of a rapport they they can joke it's funny they have you can tell they like almost have inside jokes so you're on the outside but watching them talk about it is great um
And then there's ones that you're like, wait a second, what is this connection? Like people freaked out about Kim Kardashian being on it. And Chloe Savini, but she, like Chloe kind of came to Kim's defense because everyone was like, she's not an actor. But,
She is. Now she is, yeah. Like, sorry. She was on... She's on a hit television show. That qualifies her as an actor. Whether you think she's a good actor or not, up to you. But she can wear the actor... She can put that in her bio. She can. On her resume, she has something to add to that. Exactly. There was a very sad clip that went around. I saw this a million times. That was Jennifer Aniston. And Quinta Brunson, yeah. And...
um they asked quinta to ask jen what it's like re-watching friends now and and jennifer aniston starts crying immediately and she's like it's because and then quinta's like i know um and she's like we don't have to talk about it like whatever i thought quinta handled that very well of course and it just was like shady of them to do because it was like you know by asking i feel like that question could have been asked differently but the way that it was asked it was like how does she
how does she feel about watching it now? Yeah. Like you could, you could maybe ask like,
how does it feel to hear and see so many people watching Friends, you know, like now getting on the Friends train or whatever, a different way to word it. But I like to be like, how do you feel watching it now? It's like, obviously, you know, not fantastic given what recently happened with Matthew Perry passing away. So that was obviously very sad. Yeah, definitely. And, you know, she got emotional. She definitely tried to, she definitely tried to laugh it off a little bit. It was probably what
you know, Matthew Perry would want in that sense. But, you know, they said, oh, we're approaching the 30th anniversary. And Jennifer Aniston was like, well, just so crazy because I'm 30. Yeah. Which, you know, I thought was a cute spin. I'm just kind of obviously trying to laugh a little bit while thinking about it because it's got to be very, very emotional. Extremely. So, you know, I'm sure...
She knew at some point that would come up.
given the circumstance but still sad in general and a nice pair up though I think Quinta and Jennifer I understand it was a good pair up they did a great job with all with all of them I feel like I'm excited to watch more of it because they are long and so we haven't gotten to watch like all of them and so scene bits and pieces but always interesting always interesting tidbits that come out of these and that wraps up the topics for today's episode
The MMA event of the year, Battle of the Giants, is coming up fast. Lineal heavyweight world champion Francis Ngannou makes his return to the cage versus Hanan Ferreira. Women's MMA GOAT Chris Cyborg takes on 2023 PFL champ Larissa Pacheco.
Johnny Ebelin goes toe-to-toe with Fabian Edwards with the Bellator middleweight title on the line. Battle of the Giants and Ganu vs. Fajera goes down Saturday, October 19th at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on ESPN Plus Pay-Per-View.
Welcome back to the Weekly Watchaport, where we talk about the things we watched this week. Weekly Watchaport on Monday. Weekly Watchaport on Monday. Weekly Watchaport on Monday. Weekly Watchaport on Monday. Ay, ay, ay.
All right, let's talk about the things we watched this week. I watched a new show on Peacock called Love Undercover. Ah, I've been wanting to press play on that. And it is about... I love the concept. It's about star football players, soccer players. Football? Football. Soccer players that are famous in other countries that are going undercover to find love in
Because they think that people just want to date them because they're famous soccer players. Have millions of followers, lots of money, Rolexes, the whole thing. They want to find girls that don't want that. Although...
They cast girls who are very into people with money. Yeah. So, you know, there's girls on the show that are like... But that's got to be the point, right? Like, the throat. And they care about jobs. And they care about money. Exactly. Because then you get to see their true colors. Because they get to be obnoxious. Right. Because they think these guys are like plumbers. And then they... Yeah. So, I'm two episodes in. Or maybe three. It's like...
I'm not loving it, but I'm not turning it off. Because the first reveal, I got to the first reveal of... Because they go on more. It's not over. How are they undercover? Do they wear a disguise? No. They literally just don't know who they are because the girls are from America and they're from a different country. But kind of bold to assume they wouldn't know who they are because one of the guys is very...
Marco, I forget Marco, I forget his last name. But like I was like, oh, I've seen him before. But like, would you really know? I guess in that context, like you wouldn't know. Yeah. But now that I know, I know. I also don't think like if it was somebody that was telling you he gave you a you're meeting him on a dating show and he's giving you a totally like maybe you're like, oh, this guy kind of looks familiar, but you're probably not like. Right. This is him. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
And some of the girls, like, talk about, like, how they like soccer. So that was interesting. And the first group, like, I mean, I don't want to give, like, too many away. But, like, it's not just one group of girls. Like, they date multiple groups of girls. So, like, the first group, the first uncovering I saw wasn't very, like, pow. Yeah. You know? Like, it wasn't like, oh, my God. Like...
One girl was like kind of mad and then the other girl was like laughing. Like it wasn't like this big reveal. Right. Because it's tough because they are obviously well known and like they're known in their respective sports and maybe in their respective countries, but they're not like...
They're not like in some crazy disguise and they're mega, mega famous. And like they're in like movie prosthetics and stuff. And they take them off and they're like, holy fuck, like it's Neymar. Yeah, right. You know, like it's like. And one of the girls, like her crush was Neymar. Like who's your celebrity crush? And hers was Neymar. Yeah.
like one of the guys has like so many pictures with him because like whatever yeah and but it wasn't like a big reveal so I'm not like yeah I'm giving it like a like a c-minus okay maybe a d like I'm not like totally loving it yeah that's fair um
I can't remember if I watched the third episode, but I definitely watched the first two. But I think maybe I watched the third. Kardashians. I'm all caught up. First three episodes. First three episodes are out? I watched the first two, I think. First three. I'm enjoying it. Yeah, it feels like there's not crazy, crazy drama happening. So it's really just family dynamics. It's just an easy watch. I'm enjoying it. I'll give it a...
I'll give it a B. I'll give Cardi Machines a B. Easy, solid watch. I like to know what they're up to. I put on the first episode of Perfect Match. I hate this show. I'm pumped to watch Perfect Match. I love this show. Really? I loved the first... I mean, I haven't watched the second season. I loved the first season. The same thing happened with me with the first one. Yeah. Where I went to watch it, turned it on, said, I don't like this show. I'm turning it off. Tried again with this one. Same thing? Same thing. Like...
I think for me, there's nothing at the end of this. It's like, oh, the winners will go on like an all expenses vacation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like there's no money. There's no like, like when like it's like, I'm like, what is the point of this show? You know, like it also is tough because it was filmed so long ago. That was another thing. It's like, I know how this ends up. Yeah. And yep. You know, yep.
So that was another thing. Um, I'll also get perfect match to see minus, which I know is, is like a lot of people love this show. I know that's like a not common opinion. Um,
But there's something missing for me in that show. Well, yeah, it's because there's not a single genuine person on it. No, there's nothing enticing me. I know they're all there for fame. Yeah, there's no belief. Granted, I have not watched the second season, but from what I watched on the first season, there's no genuine love connections being made. No, they're all the stars who want to be famous. Yeah.
And like I said, you know that because there's no... There's no prize. Yeah, it's very transparent. They're literally like, oh, here you go on vacation. Yep. Okay, cool. Summer House reunion, which we've kind of talked about, I think, a little bit. No. Which, no, I guess maybe we didn't. We didn't talk about it at all at Air Thursday night. Right. I mean, we talked... Paige kind of alluded to some of it, but we had not seen it. We hadn't seen it, right. Summer House reunion, it's like...
I don't know how many times we could say the same thing. Thank God Carl and Lindsay didn't get married. Yeah. Thank God they didn't get married. Yeah. I think the main part of this was the West and Sierra dynamic. Yep. Which I think everyone was disappointed to see how West ended up in this reunion. Yep. And I just got to give props to Sierra because I felt like instead of succumbing to the pressure of society at times, like,
She kind of held her own and was like, listen, I don't give myself up very easily, which I think I'm so proud of her for holding her own and saying how she feels. Because I feel like it's easy to, like I said, succumb to the pressure of society. And Ciara could act like she doesn't care and whatever, but she does care. And I think it's cool of her. I think her standing up for herself...
And acknowledging all of that. And she honestly looked very sad. Like I just felt bad for her because she did reveal that they did end up sleeping together. Yeah. I think her worst fears came true. So I think she was sad about it again. I think she felt like potentially used again. Right. It's like they ended up sleeping together in the fall. And then what happened?
It ended or he ended it because he his reasoning was so far out there. Yeah. I mean, he seems extremely immature. So I feel like honestly, if he just said like like him tossing it up to the Bravo audience being all women and like having these appearances and blah, blah, blah, like was such a cop out. If he got up there and said, hey, listen, after.
and getting to know each other and hanging out, I realized that maybe I didn't like you as much romantically as I maybe thought that I would. That happens. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, you're allowed to like not... Yeah, but I don't even know if that was the case. No, I know, but I'm saying... Yeah, yeah, yeah. ...that if that was the case, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.
That is allowed. You're allowed to end up not liking somebody and then not wanting to pursue a romantic relationship further, right? Yeah, yeah. I feel like if he went more of that route, like, which maybe that's not how he feels. Maybe he really did like Ciara and he just ended it because of that. He could have said that and then Ciara could have been like, okay, well, you just told me all this stuff. Right, right, exactly. But if he ended up realizing, oh, she's not the one for me, that's a little different. But it was all of the excuses...
what he said like about it was such a cop-out and it was kind of like okay then why did you bring her to a wedding why did you bring her to your brother's house why did you meet the parents like yeah all those things that you would think when you really like someone you do anything is leading to something more serious and you definitely you definitely don't think it's just a talking situation when you're going to all those things you're like oh this is this is serious yeah like meeting the parents going to a wedding and
You know, all these things. If I was Ciara, I'd also think that we were going to enter a relationship. So... I think at the end of the day, when he finally said, I was worried about just being known as Ciara's, like, man. He said puppet. Puppet, yeah. That was the reason. I think that, like, he didn't want to reveal that, and he finally did, and I think that... Because at the core of that is...
His ego and him going on a TV show and being so afraid of being known as just like, oh, Sierra's little boyfriend instead of like, cool, funny guy Wes that he...
was so insecure about that that he couldn't let that be the truth. Yeah, what an insecure man you have to be. Yeah, it's incredibly insecure. And even like, his parents were giving him shit for it. They were like, you're gonna look like an asshole. It's very clear that everybody else could see it and it was like, that was his worry that he was gonna be on. Like, that's your biggest worry is you're gonna be on TV and be known as this asshole
stunningly gorgeous, beautiful woman's boyfriend, like you should be so lucky. And that's kind of, you know, what Paige was saying too. It's like, you're so, he was so locked into the, to the fame aspect of it and being known as like, and sure, Grant, you know, whatever you want to be known as your own guy. Fine. But like, you can do that also in a relationship. And I don't, if, if, if they came off the show and, and said that they were in a relationship,
Nobody would have watched the season back when it aired and been like, oh, that's just Sierra's little boyfriend. We would have enjoyed the season just the same and would have been happier that it worked out. Everybody watching enjoyed Wes separately from Sierra. They just were rooting for their relationship. But everyone was talking about funny Wes. So it was like, he was never seen as Sierra's puppet. So, I mean, yeah. Why would he have thought that after the show happened?
When they were done filming, this was going into December, that they were still, you know, together. Yeah. So it's like, why... At that point, the show... You've already filmed the show. Right. Everyone's going to see what they see. So now you're just worried about, like, what people are going to say on Instagram? Yeah. And it's the same thing with saying, like, oh, like, if I go to an event and, like...
Girls are talking to me, like whatever. It's like, what? Dude, what are you talking about? Right, and they were all like... Girls aren't just going to come up and start making out with you at a lover boy party that you're at. No, and I think everybody...
on the cast it was like this is not a good excuse for this group and um no jesse solomon should have kept his mouth shut he tried i appreciate him trying for his friend but you you're not helping no not at all jesse solomon had a good run and it was like right until that moment you should have kept your mouth shut because you can't defend this like whatever west was trying to say was just the wrong way to handle that whole situation totally um
And I felt sorry for Sierra because I felt like she really, literally her big, like go through the fall, they sleep together, they're dating. And then all of a sudden it just, he, for the worst excuse imaginable, like it's not even like, like, cause if it was like, I don't really see us being together and you know, then that's different. Then she could be like, okay, he doesn't see us being together. He's not the one. But when you're saying that it's for these reasons, it's like,
this is the dumbest like it's such a horrible cop out it also makes me really sad for Sierra because I think as for Sierra I think that keeps her in the headspace of like well shit did he just want to sleep with me like this whole time like did he have a goal right and he and he what and he worked his way up like he got more and more serious so that he could get to that point and then after that
right it ends could be the case and if i was sierra i'd be thinking that way totally i would be thinking the same way so um it was unfortunate i mean i loved page standing up for sierra once again page said exactly what we were all thinking yeah um when it comes to when it comes to west and you know he and i also think i saw people kind of having some thoughts for sierra saying like oh you know if he changed like the door you i wouldn't
He'd have to really change for me to rethink us working out, which is not a crazy thing to say. I know people are like, why would you ever think about being with him again? Blah, blah, blah. It's like, that's hard. That's really tough. They're on a show together. They're doing all these things together. And if he did change and do all the things that she wanted him to do, maybe she would think about it. But I don't, I mean, Wes doesn't seem like he's making any adjustments for anybody. You're telling me if he's not going to do it for Ciara...
Who's he going to do it for? He's certainly not going to do it for somebody off the show. They really won't understand with his whole narrative here. Right. Exactly. Exactly. He did also cop just still sleeping with other girls during the summer and all these things, which you could have guessed. Right. Yeah. I mean, they weren't like... Yeah.
He obviously was just lying about it. Right, right. That was unfortunate. He could have just told the truth about that. Yep. But not shocked that he didn't. Yep. So he definitely got put in the hot seat as well-deserved. And seeing Sierra cry about it was so sad. Paige said she didn't want to cry going into this. I feel like Sierra wants to...
put up such a strong front and not show that vulnerability, especially in front of him. So that broke my heart a little bit. And even Kyle was...
Kyle was crying a little bit which I was like what's going on here but at the same time like maybe it's just all very emotional in the moment it was emotional I teared up watching it felt so bad for Ciara I felt like I felt her emotion through the screen so maybe that's how Kyle felt watching it but also I was like what you know like Kyle doesn't even like cry when it comes to Amanda sometimes like what's going on here right um which is a whole other you know I think we'll see that in the second part of the reunion but good reunion I'll give it a B plus um
I thought it was solid. Yeah. And that's everything I watched. I watched Kardashians as well, but I only watched episodes one and two. I'll give that a C plus. You know, I turn it on and I'm not even really paying that much attention, to be honest. Summer House, I'll give an A minus. It was good. I thought it was good. And... Geek Girl? Geek Girl. I watched all of Geek Girl, per your recommendation. Adorable. Adorable show. Yeah.
I'll give it a B. It was cute. Loved the tails all the time. Will they, won't they? Also like modeling or high school. Just famous dreams or just being a regular gal in high school. Trying to do both, but you can't. You just can't. You just can't. You just can't.
Mean bullies in this show. Really mean. Mean. Really frustrating to watch. I know. I know. I did not like that group. When I watch shows like when there's bullies in the show, I get so mad. What was her name? Lexi? Yeah. Something in the olives. Yeah. It just was like, I get so mad as if it's happening in real life. My favorite was, now I'm spacing on his name. Wilbur? Wilbur. Yes, Wilbur. Wilbur.
Great character. Great character. I loved Wilbur because I also felt like, you know, a show about the modeling world can be a little tough these days. I feel like people are very critical of that whole world realm and everything. And he he was like a good advocate for her. Like he had her back. Yeah, I like totally. It was like nothing. They weren't all business people like the head lady. Yeah, you had the mean lady. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Loved him.
Nick, adorable. Nick Park. Super cute. They're just both geeks at heart, really. Really. That's what he loves about her. Exactly. She's stunning. Yeah. Fit the mold perfectly. Totally. Totally. So it was very cute. And also said, easy watch. I think I watched it in a day and a half, maybe. They're like those quick 10 episode, but 30 minutes. So...
I enjoyed it. I thought that was really cute. I caught up on Real Housewives of New Jersey, except for not last night's episode because Sunday night. Sunday night Bravo is tough for me. I don't care what show is on Sunday night. I want it during the weeknights. I don't want Sunday night. I want a weeknight. Agreed. So I have, we had to watch that one. But what I've, the last stuff I saw was the, was the sit down, the bougie, bougie brunch. The like,
They have a problem. These women fucking hate each other. I gotta catch up. These women fucking... Watch the first three? ...hate each other. Jennifer and Teresa, they hate Margaret. Margaret hates them. They're picking sides. Rachel hates her. Like, there's just... Melissa, like, there's just so much... Hate. ...in the mix. And there really is. So...
They can't all be in the same room together. No. They can't all be in the same room together. You can't have a show where they... Like, they can't have one meal without somebody storming off. So that's going to be a problem. I will give New Jersey... I'll give it a B-. We're in, like... It's fine, but there's... It can be kind of tough to watch because at some points you're just like, God...
Are they ever going to start not screaming at each other? Or, I don't know. So, yeah. What else did I watch? I think that's pretty much everything. Kardashians. Oh, oh, LaVon UK is back. Yeah, it is. I know that the first few episodes are on Hulu, I believe now. If you are like me who cannot wait, I'll watch it on my laptop with a VPN. I know people will ask. I use ExpressVPN. I pay for it.
I have the subscription. Yeah. I pay for an ITV membership so that I can go on to ITV on my Google Chrome and be on the VPN and load the new episodes when they come out. I'm up to... When did I leave? Friday. So Thursday's episode is as far as I've gone. I've not caught up on this weekend's, but if you're watching on Hulu, kind of-ish. I feel like Hulu...
is a little faster this season. It's only been one week and those episodes are already out. Normally they're behind like two weeks. So that's great for the Hulu watchers out there. The big...
They always try and start off the season with a bang, right? It's like an ex or somebody comes in. They brought in Joey Essex, who I know is a big deal. I don't know too much about him, but he's a big UK reality star. I saw Girl Boss make a TikTok. She was like, I've not watched Joey Essex, but I know it's the equivalent of like
Pauly D or like Scott Disick going on a reality dating show. And I was like, okay, I felt like that was a fair comparison. He's...
He's interesting because he's somebody who's obviously very famous already. So he knows like he gets girls whenever he wants and blah, blah, blah. But he's here for love and all these things. Like, OK, OK, buddy. Yeah, obviously other girls are going to freak out. There is one. He seems nice, but there is one moment. And this isn't like a spoiler. I've seen it on TikTok a bunch, too. It was fine. But there's one moment. There's one girl who's like he's a she's a dancer. She's just musical theater like that stuff.
They're off chatting and he's like, "Come on, do a little dance for me." And I was like, "Oh, oh, I do not like that. I do not like that one bit." He's sitting in his chair, he's sitting back, "Do a little dance for me, honey." I'm like, "Sweetheart."
And she did. And she's like, I'm like, this is so uncomfortable to watch. Another spin is the hideaway is like open. So anybody can like just go in the hideaway when they please. So there's been some chats happening in the hideaway that are pissing people off. I'm excited. I'm excited for some...
I'm not like fully in love with the original cast. I'm hoping that they bring in some new people. That always happens though, I feel like. I really like the new girl that they just brought in. She seems cool. Because the girls are very, like four of them are really similar to me. Just even more.
Like appearance wise, you know, because they got to mix it up a little bit. Yeah. So I'm excited to see where, where it goes. I'm sure there's been some recouplings that I've missed that I'm, that I'm excited to see, but Love Island UK, uh, not a, not a super hot start for me. I'll give it a B plus. Okay. Cause normally Love Island UK lives in an A for me all the time. It's going to get better. Yeah. I, yeah, definitely. Uh, and that is everything I watched. How about you, Noah? I didn't watch much this week.
Well, actually, I kind of did, but I didn't watch a lot of different things. I watched the entirety of the show Eric on Netflix. It's with Benedict Cumberbatch. Oh, I keep seeing that. Yeah. It's weird. Like, it's very weird. But if you get past the weirdness of it, it actually is, like, pretty good. Because his character is kind of, like, I'd say schizophrenic. So there's, like, characters that aren't real. Oh, okay.
One being like, he's a puppeteer. That's his job. And so there's this like monster whose name is Eric who like he's seeing but doesn't really exist. But it's good. There's only six episodes. It's quick. I'll give it a B. Solid.
Dark Matter. That's probably my favorite show right now. So that's really good, right? I see people talking about this. Yeah, I think it's really good. I mean, depending on what you watch. That's on Apple TV. Apple TV, Joel Edgerton. Not to be mistaken with Jordan. Yeah.
Although I'm sure he would be good in it too. Yeah. But yeah, it makes you think just, you know, like the whole multiverse type deal. I'll give that a B plus. And then I watched Hitman yesterday. I really want to watch. I want to watch that too. The thing is, it's like I heard mixed reviews before.
At first I just heard it was really good. And then I heard people saying like, Oh, like I thought it was great. I thought it was good. I think I didn't really know what it was about other than the name. So I actually did think it was like, he was a legit hit man. And then, so when he wasn't, I was like, Oh, maybe this is why people are disappointed. But, uh, I thought he was great and like cool story. And, um, I don't know her name, but I'm in love with her now. It's,
She's very new. I wouldn't say new, but she's going to be huge. Adria? Yeah. Adria Arjona. She could be Adria. Adria. Yeah. Arjona. But they had great chemistry, and it was also funny. I'll give that a B+.
That's a good score. Glenn Powell, people are absolutely loving Glenn Powell these days. I mean, he's got the Twister movie coming out. I've seen a lot of articles. He's doing so many profiles and it's all like the summer of Glenn Powell. Yeah, people are eating up Glenn Powell. You can either be Glenn Powell where you get a whole summer to yourself or you can be with the rodents. Thankfully, he's not thrown in with the rodents. I just recently connected that he was in The Dark Knight, which I had no idea. I'm like, he's been around for so long. He has been. He...
He's put in the work. I knew I saw her name somewhere too because apparently she is dating Jason Momoa. What? Yeah. Yes. That's why I saw like a week ago was like Jason Momoa's new girlfriend, Adria. Adria, I don't know. It could be. Damn. Yeah. Would you think you had a shot? No, just like Jason Momoa. Like how old is he? Jason Momoa is not as old as you think. 44. He's 12 years older than her.
I'm only four years younger than her. Yeah, you got it, Noah. One and the same. You and Jason. Yeah, I mean, if that's her type, I guess, yeah, I don't have a shot. Oh, man, I want to watch that, though. It's good, yeah. I'll watch anything Glenn Powell's in just for him. He's funny.
And it's cool because he, do you know about who he plays? Do you know anything about it? No. Because he just has to, he basically is a fake hitman. So he tries to get these people who are trying to hire him and arrested. So he plays all these different characters. So it's funny. Like ridiculous characters. Yeah.
I knew the premise, so I'm excited to watch because now it's on Netflix. Richard Linklater was the director. Solid movie. He was stoked about working with him. He's had this movie in the works for a while, I'm pretty sure. Yeah.
And I also like when the credits came up, he was it was written by Richard Linklater and Glenn Powell, which I didn't. Yeah. I saw Glenn talk about how Denzel Washington gave him some advice where he was like.
basically just like it's a marathon not a sprint like don't look in other people's lanes like only look at your lane yeah um because i guess like when he was starting off and look at where look at where he is now you know even just getting advice from denzel washington right that that's you know like if you're talking to that's gonna motivate you in any way um but happy for glenn powell same for you glenn it is the summer glenn yeah you go glenn powell all right that's everything we watched this week
All right, that wraps up today's episode of Chicks in the Office. Thank you so much for watching and listening. We hope you have a fantastic week. We'll talk to you on Wednesday.