Matt put up a wanted poster for the United Healthcare CEO shooter to raise awareness and engage his audience, even though some people responded by saying they wouldn’t turn the shooter in.
People celebrated the shooting because of the company's poor reputation and the perceived injustice in healthcare, but such violence is not an acceptable solution.
Matt stopped selling drugs due to repeated robberies, which made him realize the risks were not worth it. Once he had kids, the idea of going to jail became even more unacceptable.
Shaving his beard removed the gray hair that added years to his appearance, making him look much younger.
The Dominican girls pressured Matt to show his penis, promising it would be a unique experience for them. Despite initial reluctance, he gave in to the pressure.
According to the discussion, women's brains are set up to prioritize the emotional connection over physical attributes. Bringing home flowers and showing affection can help them forget about previous experiences.
Matt's friend initially set up a drug deal involving a gun but backed out because the gun scared him, realizing the serious consequences of carrying a firearm in such operations.
Matt's experience in Japan, where even mundane jobs are performed with excellence and pride, made him realize the value of meticulous and passionate work, which is often missing in other places.
Matt's doctor told him he was prediabetic because of his high rice and potato consumption, which can cause significant glucose spikes. He also had a family history of type 2 diabetes.
Matt and his partner used a storage unit to store large quantities of drugs, which allowed them to manage their inventory and reduce the risk of being robbed at home, though it still involved significant anxiety.
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The Shaman himself, Matt McCusker joins Tom Segura for this week’s episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! They discuss the United Healthcare CEO shooter, Parking Wars, rude meter-maids, Asian excellence, skateboarding, gambling, the thrill of winning, Matt's career as a dealer, Tom's face, wiener fluffing, big dick energy, and so much more!
2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 267
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