cover of episode Married To The Queen Of Garbage w/ Kevin Ryan & H Foley (Are You Garbage?) | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Married To The Queen Of Garbage w/ Kevin Ryan & H Foley (Are You Garbage?) | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

logo of podcast 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
H. Foley
Kevin Ryan
Tom Segura
@Kevin Ryan : 我们制作了一部纪录片,展现了《Are You Garbage?》巡演的幕后花絮,包括在巴士上和餐厅里的各种趣事。我们租了一辆80年代的老旧巴士,状况很糟糕,但很有特色。巴士司机似乎讨厌我们,这可能是因为我们的长相。巴士中途还坏过,里程数也很高。 @H. Foley : 我在巡演中经历了一件非常尴尬的事情——我当着五个摄像机的面拉屎了,并试图掩盖。服用Ozempic让我身体不适,导致了这次意外。我试图在巴士坏掉后偷偷处理掉,但最终还是被拍了下来,这段视频也出现在了纪录片中。 @Tom Segura : 我分享了我父亲在酒店大堂拉屎的故事,以及他试图穿着沾有屎的裤子离开的经历。我还谈到了我孩子们的一些疯狂行为,他们喜欢用暴力方式“折磨”我,甚至还曾经抓到一条铜头蛇并把它放在冷却器里。 Kevin Ryan: 我们在Three Forks餐厅喝醉并差点被赶出去,因为我们的行为举止过于放肆。我们没有去费城观看超级碗比赛,因为NFC冠军赛的经历让我们精疲力尽。 H. Foley: 我喜欢那些严厉但关心球员的教练。 Tom Segura: 我分享了一些关于严厉教练的故事,以及他们对球员的影响。我还谈到了Chubbies的短裤,以及购买人寿保险的重要性。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces the Are You Garbage? podcast and documentary special, detailing the behind-the-scenes moments, humorous mishaps, and overall experience of their Route 66 tour. It covers their unusual bus, a bus driver who disliked them, and various on-the-road misadventures.
  • Release of Are You Garbage? Route 66 tour documentary special on YouTube.
  • Details of the tour bus and the driver's dislike for the hosts.
  • The incident of H. Foley shitting his pants on camera.

Shownotes Transcript

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It's another week of 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura joined by a pair of guest bears, the Are You Garbage? boys Kevin Ryan and H. Foley! They've got a documentary special coming out and they talk all about the intimacies of behind the scenes moments and the classic comedy bit of shitting your pants on camera. Christina P had the pleasure of recently appearing on Are You Garbage and the trio give the "Queen of Garbage" her flowers. They also talk about how insane Philadelphia got when they won the Super Bowl, the importance of mean old coaches, getting thrown out of restaurants, financial goals, being a big baller when the bill comes, shady banks, and the homicidal shenanigans of Tom's kids. Check it out!

2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 277


00:00:00 - Intro

00:05:10 - Crapping Your Pants On Film

00:16:36 - Restaurant Chaos & Philly Super Bowl Bliss

00:24:05 - Clip: Old Mean Coach

00:30:18 - The Queen Of Garbage

00:38:49 - Tom's Kids

00:48:48 - This Is Not Financial Advice

00:55:08 - Shady Banks & Money Goals

01:03:08 - What's Next?

01:09:48 - Big Baller Bills

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