Bert Chrysler
Tom Segura
@Bert Chrysler : 我亲身经历了洛杉矶山火带来的巨大破坏,我的老社区几乎被夷为平地,包括我的房子、孩子学校以及许多我们常去的商店。这场灾难的损失难以估量,已经超过510亿美元,而且还在持续增长。我意识到建筑材料的重要性,水泥和石头建筑更耐火。灾难过后,总会出现一些不法之徒利用灾民进行诈骗,同时也会催生新的产业,例如耐火建筑材料产业。我对这次山火感到震惊和困惑,难以理解这种损失。我准备了逃生包,以应对可能发生的紧急情况。我查看了Zillow上的房源,发现很多被烧毁的豪宅将以低于市场价的价格出售,被烧毁房屋的业主将面临巨额贷款和房产贬值的问题。在高风险火灾地区,房屋保险通常不包括火灾险,需要额外购买,高价值房屋的火灾保险费用非常高昂。兰约峡谷发生火灾,让我意识到火灾离我非常近,这让我感到害怕。兰约峡谷火灾让我意识到火灾的严重性和紧迫性。我认为有人故意纵火,可能是反法西斯组织或黑命贵组织。火灾导致洛杉矶交通混乱,商店关闭,火灾让我意识到我房子周围的树木存在火灾隐患。我开始整理逃生包,但是发现我房子里的东西对我来说并不重要,我的女儿Isla想要带走她房间里的所有东西,包括她的灯和猫。如果我的房子被烧毁,我会搬去住在Tom的客房,并创作一个关于我的新喜剧系列。拥有自卫武器是个好主意。如果有人试图抢劫我的房子,我会把他们关起来折磨他们。我的逃生包里装有枪支、链锯和应急灯。我的逃生包放在壁炉旁。如果发生紧急情况,我会选择住在我的旅行车上,我的旅行车是我的安全场所。 @Tom Segura : 这次山火将导致大量人口迁移到其他城市,如奥斯汀,并促进当地经济发展。灾后重建将导致房地产市场变化,并推动耐火建筑材料产业的发展。灾后重建将导致房屋价格下降,但同时也会增加耐火材料的成本。政府可能会出台新的法规,限制在易燃地区建造房屋。未来在易燃地区建造的房屋将更注重耐火性,例如使用混凝土和石材。耐火喷涂等新兴产业将蓬勃发展,保险业也将面临巨大压力。在经历飓风或火灾等自然灾害后,重建房屋的规定会更加严格,例如要求房屋必须建在高处。我对富人遭受损失感到一种复杂的情绪,既同情他们的遭遇,又对他们的财富感到不满。许多在阿尔塔迪纳和帕萨迪纳居住的人,包括我的朋友和经纪人,都失去了家园。比利·克里斯托也失去了他的家园,这说明这次山火对富人和普通人都有影响。阿尔塔迪纳和帕萨迪纳的许多房屋被烧毁,这说明这次山火波及范围很广。我认为有人故意纵火,并且随着火势蔓延,更多人会加入纵火行为。现在的年轻人缺乏希望,他们认为无法获得财富和安全感。与过去相比,现在的人们对未来缺乏希望,这导致了社会的不满情绪。我曾经对富人的财富感到羡慕和绝望。我曾经对在洛杉矶买房感到绝望。我接到Andrew "Dice" Clay的电话,他担心他的儿子们在洛杉矶的安全。Andrew "Dice" Clay担心他成年了的儿子们没有离开家,这让我觉得很有趣。Andrew "Dice" Clay整晚都在关心火灾情况,这让我感到意外。Andrew "Dice" Clay一直把他成年了的儿子们当成孩子看待,这很有趣。我希望我的女儿们能多参加体育运动。我会鼓励我的孩子参加体育运动,并给予他们经济奖励。我父亲曾经鼓励我参加体育运动,并承诺给我提供经济支持。我的女儿在疫情期间退出了垒球队,这让我很生气。我的女儿在15岁时退出垒球队,这让我很生气,因为我认为不应该轻易放弃。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are the Los Angeles wildfires considered unprecedented?

The wildfires are described as the largest ever in Los Angeles, with an estimated damage cost of $51 billion, which is expected to grow exponentially. Entire neighborhoods, schools, and businesses have been completely destroyed, including areas where the hosts once lived.

What are 'go bags' and why are they important during wildfires?

Go bags are emergency kits packed with essential items like passports, cash, medication, and valuables, ready to grab in case of evacuation. Bert mentions packing go bags as a precaution due to the proximity of the wildfires to his home.

What industries or changes might emerge from the wildfire disaster?

The hosts speculate that industries related to fire-retardant building materials and concrete or stone homes will grow. They also predict stricter laws prohibiting flammable landscapes and trees in fire-prone areas, leading to a shift in construction and landscaping practices.

What is the impact of the wildfires on real estate in areas like Malibu and the Palisades?

The wildfires have destroyed many high-value properties, leading to a potential decrease in property values. However, the hosts predict that rebuilding efforts will focus on fire-resistant materials, and some people may take advantage of the situation to acquire beachfront property in Malibu.

How did Nikki Glaser handle hosting the Golden Globes?

Nikki Glaser received praise for her performance, particularly for her ability to deliver jokes with perfect timing and adapt on stage when her planned closer didn't work. She also gave credit to her writers, highlighting the collaborative effort behind her success.

What is the significance of Muslim fashion discussed in the podcast?

The hosts discuss the consistency of traditional Muslim clothing, noting its practicality in Middle Eastern climates and its cultural significance. They also humorously suggest implementing a similar uniform approach in America, reducing individual expression through clothing.

Why did Bert buy a pot leaf hat for a friend's son, and what was the result?

Bert bought a pot leaf hat as a joke for a friend's son during a vacation in Italy. The son wore it in every family photo, ruining the vacation pictures, which led to the mother jokingly blaming Bert for the ruined memories.

What is the hosts' opinion on Hollywood writers?

The hosts praise Hollywood writers for their wit and creativity, citing examples of clever humor and the collaborative nature of writer's rooms. They highlight Nikki Glaser's writers as some of the funniest people in the industry.

The podcast starts with a discussion about the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles, describing the widespread destruction and the impact on Bert Kreischer's former neighborhood. The conversation delves into the aftermath, including potential scams, the rebuilding process, and the changes to the landscape.
  • Widespread destruction from the Los Angeles wildfires
  • Bert Kreischer's former neighborhood is largely gone
  • Predictions about the rebuilding process and new regulations
  • Impact on the insurance industry

Shownotes Transcript


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WHAT'S EVERYBODY! It's another week of 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura and Bart Chrysler! Los Angeles is being ravaged by wildfires right now, so Tom and Bert chime in on what's going and how serious the damage has been. The destruction has hit very close to home for them, so much so Bert's got himself a go bag ready by the door. The bears also talk about their kids playing sports, dumb shirts with pot leaves on them, ruining vacation photos, gifts for family, Tom's mom and sister both moving to Austin, Muslim fashion, a national uniform for people in America, clever Hollywood writers, and Nikki Glaser's Gold Globes hosting job. Bert also shares a story about Andrew "Dice" Clay asking him to keep his sons safe in LA, plus other stories from LA. Stay safe out there!

2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 271

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Chapter Markers

00:00:00 - Intro

00:00:22 - The Los Angeles Wildfires

00:15:04 - When Sh!t Gets Real

00:21:13 - Go Bags

00:29:06 - Uncle Bert/Kids Playing Sports

00:39:14 - Vacation Ruining Gear

00:43:14 - Gifts For Family/Tom's Sister & Mom Moved To Austin

00:52:41 - Muslim Fashion/Regional Uniforms

01:01:51 - Hollywood Writers/Nikki Glaser

01:09:19 - Back To LA Wildfires

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