cover of episode Arnold Schwarzenegger PUMPS UP The Bears | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Arnold Schwarzenegger PUMPS UP The Bears | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

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2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

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Arnold Schwarzenegger
@Arnold Schwarzenegger : 施瓦辛格详细阐述了他独特的健美训练方法,强调心理训练的重要性。他认为,成功举重不仅需要身体力量,更需要强大的心理素质。他分享了在训练中如何通过反复练习接近最大重量的重量来克服心理障碍,以及如何利用心理策略在比赛中影响对手,最终取得胜利。他还谈到了与Lou Ferrigno的竞争,以及如何利用心理战术来扰乱对手,并结合节目效果来提升自身形象。施瓦辛格还分享了他与史泰龙的竞争,以及如何通过良性竞争来激励彼此,不断提升自己。他回顾了两人在电影中竞争武器的规模和杀伤力,以及如何通过努力提高片酬,最终达到相同的水平。施瓦辛格还谈到了他在房地产投资方面的成功,以及如何通过勤奋工作和学习积累财富。他分享了他与Franco Colombo的合作经历,以及如何通过石匠生意积累资金,并最终进行房地产投资,不断扩大规模。施瓦辛格还谈到了他的人生哲学,以及如何将健美训练中的经验应用到生活中,强调努力奋斗和积极乐观的重要性。他认为,人生需要不断地克服困难和挑战,才能获得成长和进步。施瓦辛格还分享了他对死亡的看法,以及如何保持积极乐观的心态。他认为,人生短暂,应该珍惜每一天,并尽情享受生活。 @Bert Kreischer @Tom Segura : 两位主持人与施瓦辛格进行了轻松愉快的对话,并就施瓦辛格分享的健美、电影生涯以及与史泰龙的竞争等话题进行了深入探讨。他们对施瓦辛格的成就表示赞赏,并就一些细节问题进行了提问。 Bert Kreischer: Bert Kreischer主要就施瓦辛格的健美训练方法、与史泰龙的竞争以及人生哲学等方面提出了一些问题,并表达了对施瓦辛格的敬佩之情。他与施瓦辛格就健美训练中的细节问题进行了深入探讨,并分享了他自己的训练经验。 Tom Segura: Tom Segura主要就施瓦辛格的电影生涯、商业成就以及人生感悟等方面提出了一些问题,并表达了对施瓦辛格的敬佩之情。他与施瓦辛格就电影拍摄中的趣事以及人生经验进行了深入探讨,并分享了他自己的生活感悟。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasize the importance of mental preparation in weightlifting?

He believed that mental preparation was crucial to overcome fear and build confidence with heavier weights. By repeatedly lifting near-max weights in training, he conditioned his mind to handle the fear associated with heavier lifts.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger describe his rivalry with Lou Ferrigno?

Arnold described his rivalry with Lou Ferrigno as a psychological game, where he would use tactics like complimenting Lou to make him overconfident. This strategy was partly for entertainment during the filming of 'Pumping Iron' and partly to gain an edge in competitions.

What role did Muhammad Ali play in Arnold Schwarzenegger's career?

Muhammad Ali influenced Arnold by teaching him the importance of psychological warfare and selling a sport through personality. Arnold adopted similar tactics in bodybuilding to elevate the sport and increase its popularity.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger start his real estate investments?

Arnold began his real estate investments by saving money from various jobs, including a mail-order business and a construction business with Franco Columbu. He eventually bought a six-unit apartment building in Santa Monica for $240,000, putting down $27,000.

What was Arnold Schwarzenegger's approach to training with heavier weights?

Arnold believed in gradually increasing the weight and doing multiple sets with near-max weights to condition the mind and body. He emphasized the importance of not just trying, but actually doing the lifts to build mental resilience.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger describe his relationship with Milton Berle?

Arnold described Milton Berle as a mentor who taught him the art of comedy and how to use humor in speeches. They often smoked cigars together and Berle helped Arnold with comedic timing and delivery for public appearances.

What was Arnold Schwarzenegger's view on aging and training?

Arnold believed that training was addictive and essential for maintaining mental and physical well-being as one ages. He described his workouts as a necessary part of his daily routine that made life more vibrant and positive.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger's early experiences shape his training philosophy?

Arnold's early experiences in a weightlifting club taught him the importance of basic exercises and building a strong foundation. He emphasized that mastering basic lifts like deadlifts and bench presses was crucial for overall strength and muscle development.

What was Arnold Schwarzenegger's favorite cigar routine?

Arnold enjoyed smoking cigars in specific moments, such as after lunch or in the evening, often pairing it with a drive around a new town. He preferred to enjoy cigars in moments that felt special and not just anywhere.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger's rivalry with Sylvester Stallone impact their careers?

Their rivalry pushed both of them to improve their physiques and performances in their movies. Arnold credited Stallone's discipline and dedication to diet and training as motivation for him to push harder in his own roles.

Arnold Schwarzenegger discusses his unique mental strategies for weightlifting, emphasizing the crucial role of mental preparation in achieving peak performance. He details techniques to overcome the psychological barriers that often hinder physical strength.
  • Mental preparation is as important as physical training.
  • Repetition of near-maximum weight builds mental confidence.
  • Fear is a major psychological obstacle in weightlifting.

Shownotes Transcript


GET TO DA CHOPPA!!! Arnold Schwarzenegger joins Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer in the gym for this week’s episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave! The bears are beyond pumped (and maybe a little intimidated) as Arnie entertains them with wild stories from his bodybuilding days and his legendary rivalries with Lou Ferrigno and Sylvester Stallone. Arnold also talks to the bears about his love of cigars, the exercises he helped popularize, his physique, Muhammed Ali, plus the surprising way Milton Berle helped shape his career and so much more!

2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 268

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