cover of episode Adam “Pacman” Jones Chased Who Off the Field?? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

Adam “Pacman” Jones Chased Who Off the Field?? | 2 Bears, 1 Cave

logo of podcast 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Adam "Pacman" Jones
Tom Segura
@Adam "Pacman" Jones : 我在Jake Paul和Mike Tyson的拳击赛后,在酒店酒吧里遭遇了种族歧视的经历。虽然我当时很愤怒,但我克制住了想打人的冲动。这场比赛本身很烂,但活动的组织和氛围很棒。我非常自信,从不怀疑自己的能力,即使在大学和NFL生涯中也从未动摇过。我每周进行三到四次训练,包括跑步、力量训练和专门的橄榄球技巧练习。我的身体经常疼痛,但持续运动能缓解疼痛。我的双手因为职业生涯中的高强度动作而疼痛。接球技巧是可以训练的,但良好的手感是必不可少的。作为一名优秀的接球手,我需要有极佳的视野和自信,并且相信自己能够突破第一位防守队员。我很少放弃接球,这与其他接球手不同。我在球场上非常努力,从不与教练或老板发生冲突,我的问题在于场外生活。我是一名非常擅长垃圾话的球员,我会在比赛中不断攻击对手。并非所有球员都能承受我的垃圾话攻击,有些人会因此而崩溃。拿到第一张NFL支票时,我感到非常兴奋,并开始大手笔花钱。我曾经在迈阿密的一家夜店里花费了76000美元购买酒水,这是我做过最愚蠢的事情之一。我还曾经在拉斯维加斯赢得了100万美元,并把其中10万美元花在了夜店。我多次进过监狱,但从未与狱友发生冲突。我会告诫年轻球员,NFL是一个商业联盟,要专注于表现,并保持清醒的头脑。我曾经因为一名球员在比赛结束后故意犯规而追赶他。我讨厌匹兹堡的一切,包括那里的球队和人。人们对我的误解是,他们认为我难以相处,其实我是一个很爱护人和关心人的家伙。我承认自己有点傻,但这并不影响我的生活和人际关系。我与Jerry Jones的关系很好,他对我帮助很大。 @Tom Segura : 我觉得Mike Tyson和Jake Paul的比赛战术单调,缺乏攻击性。

Deep Dive

Pacman Jones recounts his experience at the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight, discussing the fight itself, the overall event experience, and a subsequent racist encounter at the hotel bar. He shares his perspective on the fight's quality and the event's organization.
  • Pacman Jones's experience at the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight.
  • His encounter with racism at the hotel bar.
  • His opinion of the fight's quality versus the event's overall experience.

Shownotes Transcript


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It's another week of 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura being joined by guest bear, Adam "Pacman" Jones! "Pacman" is a former NFL cornerback and return specialist, who currently hosts The Pacman Jones Show, a streaming show on the BetOnline platform. Tom and Pacman talk about NFL shit talkers, the dirtiest players in the game, gaining confidence in your own skills, college football, spending money on dumb things, winning millions at the casinos, soft coaches, passing down wisdom to younger players, and golden toilets. Pacman also tells Tom about his dislike of Pittsburgh, his relationship with Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and tells his side of the story about what happened the night of the Jake Paul/Mike Tyson fight. Enjoy!

2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 272


00:00:00 - Intro

00:00:40 - Tyson Vs Paul Fight

00:05:47 - Life On Field As An NFL Player

00:15:38 - Best NFL Sh!t Talkers

00:22:13 - First Job & Pacman's Self Confidence

00:30:36 - College Football Has Changed

00:35:44 - That First NFL Check

00:39:49 - Strip Club Drops & Las Vegas Wins

00:43:12 - Trouble Nights & Advice For Youngbloods

00:48:25 - Dirty Players, White Receivers, & NFL Legends

00:54:15 - Rivals

00:57:52 - Misconceptions

01:00:32 - Plugs

01:02:48 - Jerry Jones

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