cover of episode Socialist Venezuela’s Rigged Election Is A Prequel For America (Ep.10)

Socialist Venezuela’s Rigged Election Is A Prequel For America (Ep.10)

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Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

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Good morning and welcome to Bungina Report Early Edition. I am your host, Evita. Reminder that all of the stories I cover will be featured on if you want to read and learn some more. We have a lot to cover today. Venezuela's election has thrown the country into complete political turmoil. And guys, it's a prequel for what's to come here in America. We'll also discuss how unelected Kamala Harris is essentially the president right now.

Also, an update on the big tech censorship of the assassination attempt on Trump. Kamala's plan to grant citizenship to millions of illegals she led into the country reports that Kamala is wildly abusive to her staff and an obscene amount more of our tax dollars are being sent to Ukraine. All this on Bondina Report, early edition.

So socialist president Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner of last weekend's rigged Venezuelan presidential election. And there are a lot of disturbing similarities between

between Venezuela and what's happening now in America. And I'm going to walk you through what's happening in Venezuela, but I just want you to be keeping in mind that there are parallels to what's happening at home as I do this. Now, Maduro took power in 2013 after the death of dictator Hugo Chavez. And Maduro is essentially Chavez 2.0.

Very similar policies. And under Maduro's dictatorship, under Maduro's leadership, Venezuela has faced economic collapse, hyperinflation, shortages of basic goods like water, electricity. There's famine, malnutrition, political violence, mass government directed censorship. It is essentially a socialist hellscape.

So it makes sense that the opposition party's leader, who is Maria Machado, represents the opposite of Maduro, was set to win this general election in a landslide. She won 90% of the primary vote, and she was again on track to win the general against Maduro in a landslide. Until Maduro's comptroller general's office announced that

that Machado was banned from running for office for 15 years. And her top, the Maduro-controlled top court affirmed that decision in January. So they booted her off the ballot. Sounds a little familiar, a little bit familiar. We'll keep going. So Machado picked a replacement for herself, Edmundo Gonzalez Orrutia.

And Arrutia is essentially just a stand-in for Machado, right? They are campaigning together. They're the same party. It's a way for Machado still to sort of push her policies and her opposition party just with a new person because Maduro's government has waged complete lawfare against her.

And over the weekend, Machado's party viewed tallies from about 40% of the total vote in this general election. And it showed that Orutia, again, Machado's replacement, was winning by 70% and Maduro only 30%. But when the early returns suggested this landslide victory for Orutia, Venezuelan authorities stopped sharing the official results with the opposition. And then just after midnight,

The Maduro friendly National Electoral Council announced that with 80% of the votes tallied, Maduro held an insurmountable lead over Arrutia. They claimed that. Now, no one believes that these starving Venezuelans are voting for Maduro en masse. It's just not happening.

And as of yesterday, Machado said that her party obtained possession of 73.2% of the voting tallies, showing that Maduro had won 2.75 million votes and Orucia 6.27 million votes. Everybody knows that this was a rigged election.

that this was a stolen election. And the Venezuelan people right now are rising up. They are taking to the streets in protest. We have a video of what that looks like. Just mass protests. Some of them have become violent, arson involved. And we have another video. They're also tearing down statues of Hugo Chavez.

Now there are also reports that military personnel are turning on Maduro's government, so this could get very violent. Things are getting tumultuous in Venezuela. Now here in America, we aren't Venezuela yet, right? We don't have water shortages. People aren't resorting to eating their pets because they have nothing to eat. We're not there yet.

But I think what we're seeing in Venezuela is a prequel for what's to come in America because we're facing a lot of the same issues. Kamala, of course, we talked about yesterday. She's a communist herself. If you look at yesterday's show, you'll understand what I'm talking about. This is a woman who wants to bring equity via draconian government measures. Full-on communist.

What's really interesting is Kamala's response to all of this because Maduro did to Machado what Democrats did and are doing to Trump. They waged lawfare against him, tried to get him thrown off the ballot, rigged the 2020 election with drop boxes, obstructed GOP poll watchers from observing the ballot counting process, implemented last minute changes to election rules. And then you have the corporate media prematurely calling the election for Biden in 2020.

So Kamala really can't criticize Maduro right now. And this is what she posted on Twitter this week. Let's throw that up there. She said, the United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today's historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected despite the many challenges. We will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future for the Venezuelan people. Did that statement mean anything to you, Michael?

Absolutely nothing. That statement meant nothing. And if Trump were in office, he would have immediately called this whole election a sham, phoned Arrutia, congratulated him on his win, because that's the kind of thing Trump does. But Kamala, ironically, can't defend democracy, as she says that she's so committed to doing, because in 2020, Democrats took a page out of Maduro's dirty political playbook.

And we all know that they're planning on doing it again in 2024. So pay attention to what's happening in Venezuela and pay attention to how our leaders are treating the situation in Venezuela because they really have no legs to stand on when it comes to defending democracy abroad. And by the way, why is Kamala putting out the statement in the first place? Where is Biden? Where's the president's statement on what's happening in Venezuela?

It seems like everything now consequential is being dealt with by Kamala Harris and not the president of the United States. This was from yesterday, Phil Gordon, who is the assistant to Biden and national security advisor to Kamala that quote,

Kamala has been briefed and is closely monitoring Hezbollah's horrific attack on a soccer field in northern Israel yesterday, which killed a number of children and teenagers. She condemns this horrific attack and mourns for all those killed and wounded. OK, but where's Biden? Where's Biden's statement? Is he monitoring this? Is Kamala just in charge? It seems like it. And I think it makes you, at least for me, really stop and consider the

The power of the blob, the sitting president who we all know did not want to drop out of this race. Biden had no interest in leaving. He was in it to win. It was strong armed into quitting his campaign. And then they installed Kamala. And now she's just in charge with the full support of big tech and the corporate media. Never were the American people consulted throughout this entire process.

No one ever elected Kamala. Even Democrats did not vote for her in the 2020 primaries. But the state got its way anyways. It's really a terrifying thing to behold. Moving on.

There have been some updates in the big tech conspiracy to censor the assassination attempt on Trump. We talked about the way Snapchat AI, Meta AI and Google are preventing people from learning about what happened on that Saturday rally in Pennsylvania.

We have some updates now. Yesterday, Facebook started flagging the iconic Trump assassination attempt photo, the one where he had his fist in the air, blood on his face, the flag in the background, sort of flagging it as misinformation. Can we put the flag? First, let's put the flag photo up there so people know what they're looking at. So that's the photo that was censored. And then you can see the fact check. So an altered photo.

And Instagram is doing the exact same thing. I think we have a photo of us. I think that's the Facebook one. The point is Instagram and Facebook are both censoring these, this photo of Trump.

And a meta spokesperson has come out and said under a Charlie Kirk post that this was all a big mistake. I said, this fact check was initially applied to a doctored photo showing the secret service agents smiling. And in some cases, our system incorrectly applied that fact check to the real photo. This has been fixed. And we ask and we apologize for the mistake. It's kind of interesting that all of these errors only ever go in one direction.

And we know why that is, because these aren't errors at all. I talked about this in my very first show. The Trump photo is powerful. It's a sign of strength and leadership that Democrats hate is now associated with Trump.

And there are already reports that the corporate media is consciously refusing to share this iconic Trump photo because they fear they'll be spreading so-called photo ganda for Trump. Like we have a headline. Censoring the Trump photo is not the job of the corporate media or any of these big tech platforms.

Censoring news about the Trump assassination attempt, which is what Google, Meta, AI, Snapchat, AI are doing, is not big tech's job. But they're doing it anyways because big tech and the media exist to promote the preferred narratives of the state. And the state is corrupt. It was just last week you had FBI Director Christopher Wray spreading this conspiracy that Trump wasn't actually shot. Why? Jack Posobiec has a tweet, he knows.

He says every leader of the national security agencies knows that if Trump returns, they are going to be fired and likely investigated. This is why we cannot trust a single word that they say. It's not about Venezuela or the assassination attempt or anything. Let's throw up Jack's tweet again. He says at the end, they have every incentive to lie and interfere just as much as they did, if not even more than the last two elections.

That's what all this is about, guys. We cannot trust the state for information at all. They are true threats to democracy, as the Democrats would say. We know that border czar Kamala Harris, and she is the border czar, has let in millions of unvetted illegals who aren't just a national security threat, but they are illegally voting in our elections, and real Americans have to pay to feed and house them in hotels, which is ridiculous.

But the border crisis just got a lot worse. It's about to get even worse if Kamala is elected. And I can't say I didn't see this coming, but the video is still outrageous nonetheless. So Pocahontas, a.k.a. Elizabeth Warren,

says Kamala Harris wants to grant citizenship to all the illegals she has let into the country. Let's play that video. To have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done.

Kamala is obviously an open borders globalist, right? This is somebody who hates America. She hates the American people. She hates our culture. Otherwise she wouldn't have facilitated this open border crisis and she wouldn't be wanting to make all of these millions of illegals who are now living in our country automatically legal. It's just wrong. It's also so disrespectful to the people who are waiting and did this process, right? My grandmother's one of them came from Spain.

waited for a long time to become a citizen, did it the right way. It's just wrong. It's unjust. And when you overwhelm the American populace with millions of illegals, there's no room for assimilation. You essentially destroy who we are as Americans. I'm not against immigration, but if you don't have them come in controlled waves where they can then assimilate into the culture, suddenly your culture starts to disappear.

I have another clip for you guys. This one is from five years ago, but it's really important. And

And you won't, I mean, it's with Jake Tapper, CNN, you really won't believe what Kamala has said in this clip. And I think we should take her at her word when she says this. Must be addressed. The bill also says, quote, every individual who is a resident of the United States is entitled to benefits for health care services under this act. Not every individual who's a citizen, but every individual who's a resident. So you support giving universal health care, Medicare for all, to people who are in this country illegally? Yes.

Let me just be very clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health, period. Clear as can be, Kamala wants universal health care, including Medicare for All, for illegals. This is insane. Kamala and the Democrats know that.

that real Americans aren't buying what they are selling. This is truly a disgusting policy from her because essentially what she says is, I don't care if regular Americans are mad at me. I'm just going to legalize a bunch of the unvetted immigrants that I let through our open border and they'll vote for me. They'll support me. So wrong. So outrageous.

Now, there are a lot of reports as we talk about Kamala being an actual commie that she fits the dictator archetype in more ways than one. Apparently.

Kamala treats her staff very, very poorly. 92% of Kamala's staff left her in the first three years as vice president. Now you guys, this is not normal. It's a huge honor to work for the president, to work for the vice president. People don't just leave those jobs. It has to have been real bad. And there's a lot of reports that,

from individuals talking about their experience of working with Kamala. And I want to bring to your attention one from 2019. This was written by a Democrat voting father whose son interned for Kamala. It was J. Eugene McAteer.

And I'm going to read, bear with me, I'm going to read you some of these excerpts, but I think it really illustrates what Kukamala is as a person. So he wrote, Senator Harris vocally throws around F-bombs and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she used her profanity throughout the day.

As attorney general, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, good morning, general. Can you believe that one? That's so crazy. This woman is insane. Never once during the month long internship for this man's son, did Harris introduce herself to our son as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees and staff was too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgement was a form letter was a form letter of,

Thanks signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service. Gregory, their son, was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look at her in the eye as the privilege was only allowed to senior staff members. I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way that they treat people who are professionally below them.

And clearly Kamala treats her staff very poorly. And I'm, I'm somebody who says, you know, reports like this can be false. Sometimes, you know, people make up lies all the time. Look at what happened to Brett Kavanaugh, right? This happens to people who are in power. But when you have 92% of your staff leaving within the three years, you're

That's a sign that there is a problem, that it's not just one person who is, you know, disgruntled and lashes out. It's a real issue that she's having with everyone that she works with, which is a very, very negative sign for who she is as a person and how she's going to run her own country.

We're gonna switch gears a little here because the US has announced that it will be sending $1.7 billion in military aid to Ukraine, including an array of munitions for air defense systems, artillery, mortars, and anti-tank and anti-ship missiles. And Americans here at home are suffering from the border crisis. Massive strains on the taxpayers, fueling this drug epidemic with an open border crisis.

And now we have to pay nearly $2 billion to Ukraine on top of the billions that we've already sent. The most annoying part is how we just keep hearing that it's about democracy and defending democracy when Ukraine is notoriously a corrupt country. 2021 corruption perception perceptions index ranked Ukraine the second most corrupt country in Europe after Russia. It's not a beacon of democracy. I'm sick of hearing that. And we have no accountability or oversight whatsoever.

with our tax dollars going to Ukraine. And there's a lot of evidence to suggest that this whole thing is a money laundering operation. Tucker Carlson has talked about this extensively. And human lives are at stake when we're talking about Ukraine and the just hapless seamless stream of money that we're sending to them.

I have a video depicting a Ukrainian family struggling to prevent a middle-aged family member from being thrown into a van because the family knows that the van means this man will be on the front lines within days. No training and probably will die. Let's play that video.

We're good with that. It's just horrible. And hundreds of thousands of men have died on both sides of this conflict Ukraine is losing. And instead of facilitating peace, our leaders are fueling this conflict. And I'm going to end the show by just saying that if you feel like you don't have any control over what's going on, the censorship from Google, from Meta, Snapchat,

the installation of Kamala Harris, an assassination attempt on Trump, more money to Ukraine, it's because we don't have control. You're right. It has been terrifying to see the way that the state saw Trump was going to beat Biden and they just rebooted the system, installed Kamala, deleted the assassination attempt via the media and big tech, and we're all back to normal.

And the deep state did the same thing in 2016, right? They promoted massive rioting, sparked mass hysteria, right? This writing of the 2020 BLM riots sparked hysteria, implemented draconian policy prescriptions when faced with the COVID virus, which was no worse than the common flu for most people. And then election rigging in 2020 to install Biden, censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story, among other things. The system works terrifyingly swift, right?

And we are increasingly no better than Venezuela. And that's a really terrifying thought. I'm sorry to end on that bad note, but thank you guys so much for tuning in. Reminder that I'm here live on slash Bongina report at 9 a.m. Eastern time, five days a week. Make sure to like, follow and rate this podcast on Apple and Spotify. I really appreciate it. See you all tomorrow.