cover of episode How Trump Is Winning With "Gen Z" (Ep. 01)

How Trump Is Winning With "Gen Z" (Ep. 01)

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Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Evita Duffy
Evita Duffy: 本期节目探讨了川普对Z世代的吸引力,以及拜登政府的施政与其宣传的团结口号之间的矛盾。她认为,拜登政府对川普及其支持者的打压,以及对保守派声音的审查,反而激起了美国民众的反抗精神,这与美国开国先贤的叛逆精神相呼应。同时,她分析了Z世代内部的政治观点差异,认为民主党对年轻男性的忽视,以及男性圈层人物的影响,导致部分Z世代转向支持共和党。她还认为,对史蒂夫·班农的严厉惩罚,以及对保守派媒体的审查,是拜登政府对言论自由的压制,预示着对所有美国人的潜在威胁。最后,她以80年代美国社会的景象与当下进行对比,试图唤起人们对过去美国精神的怀念,以此来吸引Z世代选民。 Joe Biden: 拜登在节目中被描述为一个不诚实的政客,他的团结口号与他的实际行动相悖。他被指责利用煽动性言论,将MAGA支持者妖魔化,并采取行动打压异见。 Steve Bannon: 班农入狱事件被用作拜登政府打压异见的例子,他的遭遇象征着政府对言论自由的限制和对反对者的迫害。 Naomi Wolf: 沃尔夫的报道揭示了班农在狱中的生活状况,强调了政府对班农的压制以及对言论自由的威胁。 Ben Shapiro: 夏皮罗的证词揭示了全球大型公司通过合作审查保守派声音,这是一种对言论自由的威胁。 Andrew Tate: 泰特等男性圈层人物被认为对吸引年轻男性支持共和党起到了积极作用,尽管其言论存在争议。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Good morning and welcome to the early edition with Evita. I'm Evita Duffy. We're here at the RNC with a lot to talk about today. First, the iconic Trump photo, the one where he's got his fist in the air, blood on his face. And we're not just going to talk about

what this photo says about Trump, but what it says about us as Americans and why we are so inspired by what Trump did on that really disturbing Saturday rally. We're also talk about Joe Biden and his call for unity and why we're not going to accept his call for unity because he's been the most disunifying president in American history. Steve Bannon and what life is like for him in prison right now. An inside look at that. And then also Gen Z trend

Tending toward the right, we'll talk about that as well. And the collusion between major tech corporate, major tech companies and major corporations to silence conservative voices. And lastly, a flashback to the 80s at the end of the show. All of this on the early edition.

Just a heads up that all of the headlines that I'm going to be covering today will be linked on Just to start, there are so many unanswered questions when it comes to this attempted assassination on President Trump. Democrats, of course, have been prepping us for this assassination for years now with their rhetoric.

But I want to talk about the photo, this iconic photo of Trump. I think we have I think we have it here. You can see what it looks like. It's been all over the Internet. Even Trump said, you know, this is this is an iconic photo. I've never seen a more iconic photo about himself, which is so Trump.

But I think it really says something about who Trump is, right? That his instinct was to put his fist in the air, was to show defiance, his fighting spirit. But it also says something about us as the American people and why we are so attracted to this Trump photo. I believe that it taps into the American mythos.

And a month ago, I wrote an article titled, "Biden Will Live to Regret the Day He Made Trump an Outlaw." And it's connected to what I'm gonna say here.

Essentially, I said Trump is is having lawfare waged against him. Every every rule in the book thrown at him trying to be taken off the ballot in Colorado. They are persecuting this man. And I believe it is going and it has backfired on Democrats because Americans love outlaw figures. They love anti heroes. They they love people who are rebellious because we as Americans are

attracted to the rebellious spirit it's who we are we are cowboys conquistadors pilgrims pioneers the inception of America was a rebellion against the status quo for people wanting to pursue freedom think about your ancestors all of us had people who came here and took a risk either you were gonna come here and be really successful or you were

or it was going to be disastrous. So many pioneers were murdered or died, diseased. So we are risk takers. We are rebellious and Trump taps into that American spirit all the time, but specifically in this photo.

And again, this is a theme in American culture that comes back all the time. Yes, Americans love the cowboy genre, but the cowboy culture

mythos comes in with when you think about Jack Sparrow and Pirates of the Caribbean or Han Solo and Star Wars. It's a theme that keeps coming up. And so I think the photo with Trump is is tapping into that. It's uniquely American because it shows

it gets at who we are as a people, which is so powerful as we're looking toward 2024 and why I think save any shenanigans in this election, Trump is going to do very well. Now it's not all sunshine and roses. It's not all, it's not all a sunshine and rainbows, right? It's going to be a real uphill battle. And, and Biden in the wake of, of all of this, you know, chaos,

Chaos in the midst of this attempted assassination on Trump has called for national unity. And he wrote this on X yesterday. He said, while we may disagree, we are not enemies. We are neighbors, friends, co-workers, citizens. And most importantly, we are fellow Americans. We must stand together.

And ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden is a liar because he has never wanted us to stand together. He has never wanted to unite the country. We were told on inauguration day that he was going to be this unifying president. He was going to take all this division that's been sowed and just wipe it all clean. We're going to be a new America under Joe Biden. And that did not happen. I have a video to show exactly what I'm talking about. Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation.

He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat for everything America stands for.

It's a threat to everything Americans stand for. I mean, this kind of rhetoric is not unifying at all. Frankly, it is assassination prep, as many have pointed out. It is leading us to what happened last Saturday. Now, also recall the speech that he gave early on in his administration where he's bathed in this blood red light, demonizing all MAGA supporters. Let's play that video. And now America must choose to move forward.

or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past, to be a nation of hope and unity and optimism, or a nation of fear, division, and of darkness. Magna Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. So here's what really gets me about that video. It's not just rhetoric. It would be one thing if he was just...

saying horrible things about Trump and MAGA supporters smearing us, lying about us. He actually took action. MAGA supporters are labeled as domestic terrorists by the FBI. I believe it was Newsweek that came out with that groundbreaking story. You have the FBI raiding the homes of pro-lifers,

throwing them in prison, traditional Catholic communities being infiltrated because they're viewed as somehow a threat to the state. Parents at school board meetings were targeted. The January Sixers have been politically persecuted, put on no fly list, put behind bars. There are many January Sixers

I've written about this extensively, so has Julie Kelly, who actually have committed suicide from the pressure and just the vitriol coming out of the Biden administration. This is not an administration of unity at all. And it's not just, of course, Trump supporters. It's also Trump himself. This is a man who had his home raided by the FBI, countless criminal charges, countless convictions, right? This assassination attempt, everything.

trying to take him off the ballot in Colorado, everything has been thrown at him. And I think, frankly, I prefer America before all of the Biden unity. It's been the most disunifying America I think I've ever experienced in America and any American of any age has ever seen in our country. And it's not just Trump and his supporters generally, specifically anyone who's a Trump loyalist has been targeted by the Biden administration.

And I have to talk about Steve Bannon specifically. Steve Bannon is behind bars right now for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena, which many people have done. And only Steve Bannon is going is going to prison for it.

And Naomi Wolf, she's a journalist who I really respect. She did some digging on the Danbury Federal Prison, which is where Steve Bannon is being held, and just did a report on what his life is like there as you as you look at the rules of this prison. So I'm going to I'm going to read you what Naomi Wolf wrote there.

And it's a little bit long, but I think it's worth illustrating because this is important for us to know, really important. And we'll get back to that in a second. But Naomi Wolf says, and she's a very renowned journalist,

Mr. Bannon will receive a set number of points a month for visitors. Each visit uses up these points. He will need to submit to authorities in advance a list of visitors and fill out forms for each. Each visit will need to be approved. Points are used up for metrics as random seeming as the distance the visitor travels. Mr. Bannon will be awakened at 6 a.m. every day, and if he oversleeps, there will be disciplinary action.

visits restrict human contact from family members meeting kissing and bracing and handshaking holding are only allowed upon arrival or departure phone calls are limited to 15 minutes each for a total of 30 minutes a month Bannon may not act and this is key as a reporter publisher published under a byline or conduct a business or or profession while in BOP custody and Naomi says Bannon's voice has been affected

silenced by the FCI Danbury for the critical next four months, months which just happened to overlap with this make or break, do we survive as a free nation or die presidential race? And she is absolutely right. And she

also points out that this is not just about Steve Bannon. We have to be talking about this. We, we alternative media has to be talking about this. We can't expect much from the corporate media. They don't do anything, but alternative media, it's up to us. And I have not seen many people talk about it. Save maybe Natalie. No, not maybe of course, Natalie winners, former, you

UChicago graduate and a friend of mine who's filling in for him on his show, but other than her, I haven't heard many people talk about it. And it will come at us eventually. And this is Naomi's point that if you think that it's not worth it or that it's too much of a risk to stand up for Bannon, now you have another thing coming because this is going to be this administration, which has gone completely unchecked, a weaponized deep state completely unchecked, will

turn itself on all Americans. And we're seeing that increase. This is why I brought up the pro-lifers and traditional Catholics. It will not just be MAGA supporters. It will not just be Steve Bannon. Eventually it will be all of us. And so we all need to be talking about this, standing up. Now we're going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we're going to talk about the November election and specifically Gen Z, because I think

Trump is actually going to win over Gen Z. I know that's crazy because young people tend to only, only vote left and it's not true. So stay tuned for that. We'll be right back. You asked in my pillow, listen to they're finally bringing you the most requested offer ever. Get the

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Thanks to our sponsors for keeping this show free. Back to the show.

So Gen Z is changing a lot. The electorate in America in general is changing a lot. And it's no secret that Biden is deeply unpopular with young people. Hillary Clinton was deeply unpopular with young people. Young people wanted Bernie Sanders. Young people want someone who's going to bring change, radical change. Now, sometimes that can be a little bit dangerous. But when you have a Trump against Biden, it can actually be in our favor. And there's an opportunity to really message to Gen Z.

I came across this article yesterday in Newsweek that I just have to share. Newsweek says young people appear to be flocking to the Republican Party, according to figures in a new poll from the Pew Research Center. The poll found that among all respondents, 47% said they were Republican or leaned Republican, while 46% said they were Democrats or leaned Democrats. And you guys, 50-50 for Gen Z? You don't have, I mean, that is...

huge, right? We young people in general always tend to to be more left wing and then they get conservative as they get older, that we are seeing these numbers for the Republican Party, potentially for Trump come 2024, is going to be such a dramatic change. And it's it's such a huge opportunity for the right. But to contextualize this a little bit, I have to say that

It's critical to understand when we're talking about Gen Z, that Gen Z is really two generations. There's Gen Z men and there's Gen Z women. And they are very, very different. And I have a poll to sort of, or it's actually a little, yeah, it's a little study to illustrate what I'm talking about here. Change research.

asked young people, "What is your number one red flag when you're dating?" And young women said, "He's a MAGA supporter. That's the number one red flag for women." And for young men, it was, "She identifies as a communist."

So these are very different beliefs systems within these two generations. That is why I think you're seeing so many young men or so many Gen Zers turn to the right. It's largely being driven by young men. And this makes sense, of course, because the left has nothing to offer young men.

Feminism is cancerous. Feminism tells men that, you know, they, their masculinity is toxic. If they're too loud in the classroom, they're put on Ritalin. Their very identity as a man is demonized in this country and by the left. And so they say, you know what?

I can't, I can't identify with this anymore. I can't be a part of this anymore. I have to go to a different direction. I have to try something new because the status quo for young people, IE the democratic party does not care about me, does not speak to me. And so it makes absolute sense. Now it's not perfect because young men and young women are not dating. They're not getting married and having children as much as they usually are.

And that's a huge problem when we think about our culture and the social qualms that we're facing. You have to have people falling in love, getting married and building up the next generation. That's essential. But when you look at the Republican Party and our ability to message to young people and potentially lock in voters for years to come, this is this is a huge deal. This is an amazing opportunity and something to be really optimistic about.

I'll also note that a lot of the shift rightward is being driven by manosphere figures like Andrew Tate. And I'm never, I'm never going to say Andrew Tate is perfect and that I agree with everything that he's done in his life as a Catholic. I can't say that. But what I will say is that there's a lot of right-wingers who will demonize these figures who are role models to young men. And I,

I do not, I would never do that. I will. You'll never see me say Andrew Tate is the worst. We have to censor him or he shouldn't be talking to young men because ultimately if Andrew Tate or others are the gateway into young men starting to identify with the right and conservative values, it is a net positive on our culture. So I will never, I will never, you know, just dismiss the manosphere. Won't see it from me. He says based.

No red wave talk. That's what's what else we're going to talk about, because, yes, we can be optimistic about young people, but shenanigans do happen. And of course, I'm from the state of Wisconsin. We're here in Wisconsin right now at the RNC. And the Supreme Court in Wisconsin is allowed has allowed the legalization of drop boxes, which we know are very insecure.

And there's other things that will will plague this next election. There's no way if it's fair, a senile Parkinson's ridden Joe Biden beats Donald Trump with his fist in the air and blood on his face. It's not happening. But we know that it's not always secure and it's not always fair.

And we have to talk about what I think is the biggest issue facing this election, and that is censorship. Now, last week, the Judiciary Committee released a report exposing how the biggest global companies are colluding to censor conservatives and potentially violating antitrust laws via this organization called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, or GARM. And GARM is owned by the World Economic Forum. And if you know anything about the World Economic

Economic Forum, then you know that GARM is definitely bad news if it's associated with them. Now, GARM is made up of the world's biggest corporations, largest advertisers and the biggest tech platforms. And they come together via GARM to censor and demonetize what they call harmful content and harmful

And harmful content is not simply child pornography or criminal activity, things that we can all say, yeah, that's that probably shouldn't be allowed. It is speech disliked by left wing global elites. And Ben Shapiro went on the House floor to testify about this last week, and he talked about exactly what this harmful content looks like. Let's listen to that.

So, what are the brand safety standards that GARM uses? The standards begin with inarguable things that we've heard from the other witnesses, like preventing distribution of child sexual abuse material or stopping terrorism. But GARM doesn't draw the line at what is criminal, abusive, or dangerous. Their standards also include restrictions on hate speech, harassment, misinformation, or my personal favorite, insensitive, irresponsible, and harmful treatment of debated sensitive social issues.

Those criteria are highly subjective in theory and they are purely partisan in practice. For example, last year Daily Wire host Matt Walsh was fully demonetized on YouTube, a GARM member. Why? For quote-unquote misgendering, which to GARM is to say that men are not women. Perfectly obvious facts now run afoul of GARM's censorship standards. So...

Indisputable biology. That's not allowed by Garmin. And you can imagine, you know, that's one example, but there are so many others, right? It's just a vehicle to censor conservatives. It's just a vehicle to destroy conservative media outlets, NewsGuard, which...

NewsGuard is a nemesis of mine, it should be of all conservatives because these organizations exist to destroy the ad revenue, the ability for conservative or alternative media to make money. It's a way for them to say, you know what?

We're going to decide who you get your information from as citizens, and we're going to get rid of and sideline and destroy the ability of these alternative companies and sources to make money, to have careers. It is truly evil. There is an operation globally, but especially in our country as we look to 2024 to control people's minds. That's what this comes down to.

If you look at the advent of social media, it democratized information. Suddenly the legacy media did not have the sway that it once did. And you saw so many in our government, in the corporate world, in the legacy media freak out because they no longer had the power they once did. It is about controlling people's minds. And it is the biggest fight that we have looking toward 2024.

We're going to move on and end with something that I saw on social media a while back. This is a video of what high school looked like in the 80s. I don't know what high school looked like in the 80s, so I'm viewing it through this old video footage, and I got to say, I was really loving it. Let's play this. ♪

That video was awesome. You just see like everybody's smiling. Nobody looks horribly overweight. Nobody looks just depressed and unhealthy. And I feel like older generations, they really don't know what it's like to grow up as a Gen Z-er. I mean, we are a very spiritually and emotionally sick

generation and this I mean this America that I'm looking back at and in the video is I'm nostalgic for it I'm nostalgic for something that I never never knew which is which is weird but it's it's true and I think we have lost so much since this time so much since our you know my parents or grandparents were around the America that we once were people are irreligious now and

I think Gen Z is the most irreligious generation to date. People aren't healthy. Suicide, depression, anxiety, it's all through the roof. People are living through their phones digitally. Young people aren't dating. They aren't connecting like they used to. And I don't know, it just...

watching that video and then looking at the picture of Trump and thinking about who we are as Americans. I don't know if we can bring that picture back. It just it makes you think about who

who we once were, what we have lost. And it's sort of maybe a drive to regain the spirit and the pride that we once had as Americans. I think young people will resonate with that message, especially they yearn for that. Maybe when we're talking about Gen Z and how you can win them over and really bring them into the fold of the world

of the right wing. It's by promising something better than what they have now, which is the America of our parents and our grandparents, the dream that we, you know, everybody wants, but does doesn't really realize or see today. So something horrible happened on, on Saturday and it was, you know, awful and, and, and a mistake by the secret service, but it could have been catastrophic.

And it wasn't. And I think that's a reason to be optimistic. I think the fist in the air is a reason to be optimistic. I think knowing who we are and where we came from is going to be a guiding light for us in the future. And I'll leave it at that. Make sure to, you know, download the Rumble app, hit the like and follow button so you never miss an early edition episode. Yeah.

Yes. And go to Rumble and where you can see all of the articles that I cover in this first episode.