Jane Lindholm
@Eileen Kennedy-Moore : 焦虑是对未来即将发生的事情的担忧、紧张或恐惧感,它可能出现在大脑或身体中,例如心跳加快、肌肉紧张、头痛或胃痛,以及反复思考'如果…会怎样'。焦虑是人类进化过程中发展出来的一种正常且有用的情绪,适度的焦虑有助于应对挑战,例如考试或遇到不熟悉的狗。过度的焦虑是'错误警报',会让我们把不危险的情况误认为危险,例如参加一个不认识人的聚会。应对焦虑的方法之一是问自己三个问题:事情有多糟糕?事情发生的可能性有多大?我能或应该为此做些什么? 勇敢意味着即使害怕也要去做某事,并记录下你勇敢的行为。寻求帮助,不要独自应对焦虑。逃避会加剧焦虑,应该尝试面对让你感到焦虑的情况,逐渐适应焦虑的情况,就像慢慢适应游泳池里的冷水一样。 @Jane Lindholm : 焦虑是正常且自然的情绪,适度的焦虑有助于应对挑战。如果焦虑频繁发生、让你非常沮丧或妨碍你做想做或需要做的事情,就应该告诉成年人。目标不是消除焦虑,而是学会与焦虑共处。如果焦虑影响你的日常生活,例如无法做新事情、难以入睡或无法做以前能做的事情,就需要寻求帮助。成年人可以提供不同的视角,帮助你以健康的方式应对挑战。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do we have anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural human response designed to help us survive dangerous situations.

Why is moderate anxiety useful?

Moderate anxiety helps us focus and perform better in new or challenging situations.

What happens when anxiety is too high?

High anxiety can prevent us from performing well and enjoying new experiences.

How can we deal with anxiety?

Recognize feelings, think of anxiety as a sign of doing something new, and use worry questions to assess the situation.

Why should we not avoid anxiety-inducing situations?

Avoidance makes anxiety grow and limits personal growth.

How can we build confidence in the face of anxiety?

Keep a bravery notebook to document acts of courage, even when scared.

What role do adults play in helping with anxiety?

Adults can offer perspective, support, and connect kids with professionals if needed.

Anxiety is a universal human emotion that serves as a survival mechanism. It helps us prepare for and respond to potential threats, but it can also lead to false alarms when we perceive non-dangerous situations as threatening.
  • Anxiety is a natural and necessary emotion designed to help us survive dangerous situations.
  • It can manifest both in our bodies and our minds, such as rapid heartbeat or 'what if' thoughts.
  • Moderate anxiety can be useful, but excessive anxiety can hinder our ability to learn and enjoy new experiences.

Shownotes Transcript

Why do we worry and how can we deal with it? Why do we get anxious? Where does anxiety come from? Anxiety or worry is a hard feeling to overcome, but it’s a universal human emotion. In this episode, we explore anxiety with clinical psychologist Eileen Kennedy-Moore, also known as Dr. Friendtastic. She helps us understand why moderate anxiety is useful and necessary. But too much worry can prevent you from learning new things or doing activities that could be fun. And she has some tips for how to overcome anxious feelings.

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