cover of episode Why do trains run on tracks?

Why do trains run on tracks?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#transportation and logistics#educational#transportation experiences#childhood exploration People
Patrick Kidd
@Patrick Kidd : 我致力于学习火车的一切知识,这需要一生的时间。火车由机车牵引车厢组成,机车分为柴油机车和电力机车两种。柴油机车使用柴油燃料,类似于汽车使用的汽油;电力机车则通过架空接触网获取电力,通过车顶的受电弓进行供电。早期的火车使用蒸汽动力,后来逐渐转向柴油和电力动力。蒸汽火车通过燃烧煤炭或木材产生蒸汽驱动。火车依靠铁轨行驶,铁轨引导火车方向,并分担火车重量,这在早期交通工具匮乏的时代尤为重要,通过铁轨分担重量并实现长距离运输货物和人员。火车运输比卡车运输更省油,成本更低,且一次可运输更多货物。火车通常没有安全带,因为车厢本身坚固耐用,能提供足够的保护。火车即使很重也能高速行驶,是因为机车提供动力,以及行驶中的动量。Acela列车是流线型设计,速度可达每小时150英里,采用固定编组,无需调头即可往返行驶。子弹头列车速度快的原因是:采用电力驱动,流线型设计,专用轨道或平整轨道,减少路口等。火车由机车、客车和(过去使用的)守车组成。火车在拓展美国西部领土方面发挥了重要作用,极大地缩短了东西海岸之间的旅行时间,并促进了信息的传播和文化的交流。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

How do trains work? We went to Union Station in Washington, DC to answer a whole wagonload of questions with Amtrak's Patrick Kidd.

A few years ago, we left our studio in Vermont to hop on the Amtrak Acela train that runs multiple trips per day between Washington, DC, New York City and Boston. But don't worry; we got off before the train departed! It was so much fun, we wanted to bring you that journey again!

Questions we're answering in this episode: How do trains work? What about electric trains? Steam trains? Bullet trains? Why do they have to go on tracks? How can trains go so fast even though they're so heavy? And why don’t trains have seat belts?

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