cover of episode Why Do People Have Different Religions?

Why Do People Have Different Religions?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jane Lindholm
Wendy Thomas-Russell
Wendy Thomas-Russell:宗教是人们对世界起源、行为准则和死后世界等重大问题的信仰集合。不同宗教的存在源于人们成长环境、地域、家庭、时代和大脑的差异,这些因素深刻影响着人们对世界的认知和信仰。宗教不仅仅是信仰体系,更包含友谊和社群,能让人感到归属感和舒适感。世界上存在数千种宗教,大多数宗教都有一些共同点,例如特殊的规则、仪式、节日、书籍、服饰和食物,以及对超自然现象(例如神、天堂、天使等)的信仰,这些信仰基于信念而非科学证据。所有宗教都认为自己是唯一正确的,这使得达成共识变得困难。我们可以将人们的认知分为事实、虚构和信仰三个类别,信仰既非事实也非虚构,它是一个独立的类别。宗教本身并非善恶之分,人们出于宗教信仰做出善恶行为,但善恶行为也可能源于其他原因。 Jane Lindholm:人们很难改变自己从小就深信不疑的信仰,因为这些信仰构成了他们的世界观和价值观。就像很难让人相信说谎是好事一样,人们也很难改变自己从小就形成的宗教信仰。人们信仰的不同是正常现象,更重要的是关注人们的行为而非信仰本身。每个人都有权拥有自己的思想和信仰,只要不伤害他人,并且没有受到强迫。不应该强迫他人改变信仰,尊重彼此的信仰自由至关重要。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the reasons behind the diversity of religious beliefs, emphasizing how personal experiences and cultural backgrounds shape individual faiths. It also discusses the importance of understanding and respecting different beliefs without forcing them onto others.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of But Why we tackle the question of why people have different religions. Our answer comes from Wendy Thomas Russell, who wrote a book on how to talk about religion for secular families. Plus we visit a farm where kids of both the human and the goat variety are involved in making cheese.