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Why do oranges have peels?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

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Fernando Alferez
Fernando Alferez: 我的柑橘研究涵盖了从种子到餐桌的整个过程,包括种子研究、幼苗生长、结果以及如何提高果实品质的研究,目标是让消费者吃到最好的水果。柑橘类水果,特别是橙汁,对佛罗里达州的经济至关重要。我的研究工作不仅关注如何种植出产量高、口味好的水果,还包括如何保护柑橘免受疾病和入侵物种的侵害。 柑橘类水果属于柑果(hesperidium),这是一种特殊的浆果。它们与蓝莓或覆盆子等其他浆果有亲缘关系,但具有坚韧的革质外皮和内部多汁或肉质的部分,该部分被分成若干瓣。柑橘类水果包括橙子、柑橘、柠檬、柚子、柚和青柠。 水果的主要功能是保护种子。水果始于花朵,花朵在树上或灌木丛中生长、开花、授粉、长大,然后花瓣凋谢,但果实已经受精并仍在生长。通常是花朵中间部分的子房开始膨大。子房的内部部分,称为胚珠,将发育成种子。在种子的周围,子房膨胀成我们认为的果实。正如我们所说,水果的目的是保护这些种子。正如你可能已经知道的,种子对于繁殖以产生下一棵树或灌木是必要的。 有些水果的种子会产生与母株口味相同的果实,但另一些水果,包括苹果和柑橘类水果,则不会。因此,如果你吐出一颗橙子种子,它设法长成一棵新树,它产生的橙子口味不一定是完全相同的。 为了确保每个脐橙、柑橘或酸橙的口味都一样,柑橘种植者通常不会冒险种植所有来自种子的树木,而是从他们知道口味的树上取下一根枝条,并将其连接到一棵新的幼树的根部。枝条将与该砧木融合,新的枝条将结出与最初来自的较老树木口味相同的果实。这个过程称为嫁接。 球形水果更有效地保护种子,因为球形具有最小的表面积与体积比,这意味着更少的暴露。这就是为什么大多数水果,包括橙子,都是球形的原因。但柠檬和青柠的形状并不完全像球形,它们更像美式橄榄球。球形意味着水果外表面积较小,可以减少动物刺穿或暴露于恶劣天气条件的可能性。在外皮的保护下,这种形状为汁液和果肉提供了很大的空间来保护种子。 柑橘类水果的瓣状结构可能利于种子传播。通常每个水果有10到15个瓣,每个瓣通常含有一个或多个种子。这种结构可能使种子更容易被不同的动物传播,从而使所有种子分散在不同的地点。 柑橘类水果的果皮在果实生长和成熟过程中起保护作用,成熟后果皮会变软。果皮在果实生长和成熟时具有良好的保护作用,一旦果实成熟并到了动物食用或果实掉落到地面并进入泥土的时候,果皮就会变得不那么坚韧。 水果多汁是为了吸引动物,并作为植物的糖分储存器官。植物在光合作用过程中产生的一些糖分储存在果实内的汁液囊中,这对于想要食用这些水果的动物来说非常有吸引力。然后,动物会在不同的地方排泄种子,而不仅仅是在原始母树所在的地方。这是树木进化出将种子传播到新地点的一种方式。 无籽水果可以通过育种、杂交甚至辐射等方法培育。许多研究人员和产业界的努力都致力于培育无籽水果。可以通过育种、杂交,甚至在某些情况下通过用伽马射线照射木材来实现。有很多商业品种不产生种子,因为我们做了这样的事情,这是一个多年的趋势,例如,我可以告诉你佛罗里达州最受欢迎的柚子之一的故事。它是邓肯柚子。在某个时候,它在该州非常流行,因为它味道和风味俱佳,但它可能每个果实有70颗种子。所以这是不可能的。发生的事情是,人们都决定不再种植它,或者不再种植它,因为种子数量太多。所以在某个时候,它不再具有市场价值了。这就是发生的事情。所以趋势是尽量减少种子的数量。这主要可以通过育种来实现。育种意味着选择种子较少的品种,并挑选这些植物进行繁殖。记住,大多数柑橘树都是通过嫁接培育的,因此根本不需要从种子开始就能用一根来自原始树的枝条来培育一棵新的树。 柠檬和青柠的种子数量差异与育种和市场需求有关。有些青柠有种子,有些柠檬没有种子。在某些情况下,正如我刚才描述的那样,我们的目标始终是培育出无籽或几乎无籽的水果,因为这样更容易销售。就柠檬而言,如果你在挤压柠檬时,所有的种子都进入你的食物中,你不会喜欢这样。所以我们总是试图去除种子。我们在美国杂货店最常看到的青柠是波斯青柠。这些青柠是酸橙和柠檬的杂交品种,不会通过种子自然繁殖。因此,种植它们的农民使用我们讨论过的嫁接技术来培育新的青柠树,它们产生的青柠种子很少。但其他类型的青柠确实有种子。 柠檬和青柠的酸味来自柠檬酸。柠檬和青柠之所以酸,是因为它们含有柠檬酸。这是一种存在于许多水果中的有机化学物质。在酸味较浓的柑橘类水果(如柠檬和青柠)中,柠檬酸的含量较高。 大约需要21个橙子才能榨出一加仑的橙汁。一加仑大约是128液量盎司,一个普通的橙子大约有6盎司。所以如果你计算一下,大约需要21个水果才能榨出一加仑的果汁。这需要很多橙子才能得到我们的果汁。但这也是佛罗里达州最重要的农产品之一,佛罗里达州向其他所有人出口大量果汁。事实上,佛罗里达州的生产主要集中在果汁生产上。我认为该州约95%的产量用于果汁生产。 柑橘类水果全年供应是通过种植不同品种实现的,并辅以不同地区进口。他们会根据一年中的不同时间种植不同的品种。例如,你可以在9月看到柑橘,然后在10月、11月、12月、1月继续看到它,或者你认为它是同一种柑橘,因为品牌相同,但品种不同,你不会注意到。所以他们以同样的方式进行品牌推广,但它们是不同的品种。橙子也是如此。例如,我在佛罗里达州工作,所以例如,你可以在10月、11月、12月在超市里看到哈姆林橙子。然后你会突然看到瓦伦西亚橙子,这些橙子会在1月、2月上市。所以你一年四季都有很多不同的品种。 所以你告诉我橙子也是季节性的,但为什么我们一年四季都能在杂货店买到它们,而有些水果只在一年中的特定时间上市呢?是的,这与可用的品种数量有关。石榴可能没有那么多品种。但在柑橘类水果的情况下,我们估计,而且没有明确的答案,没有人确切地知道有多少种不同的柑橘类水果,但有人估计超过1000种,包括橙子、柑橘、柠檬、青柠和其他特色水果。所以可能超过1000种。这是一个巨大的数量。在西班牙等一些地方,一年四季可能有30到40个不同的品种。现在,如果通常在6月、7月、8月等月份没有水果,那么我们会从其他地区进口水果。我们在北半球,所以我们从9月到5月、6月生产水果。但是,在7月、8月甚至9月初,我们会从南半球进口水果。 “orange”(橙子)这个词起源于梵语,后来才被用来指代颜色。“orange”这个词是一个古老的词。它的起源可以追溯到大约3000年前在印度北部使用的一种语言。这就是梵语,它衍生出包括英语和西班牙语在内的多种语言。它被称为Naranga,意思是芳香的。意思是梵语中的芳香。芳香的,就像闻起来很香?是的。西班牙语单词与naranja相同。你只需要将“g”改为“j”就可以了。如果你考虑“orange”这个词,它几乎包含相同的字母。它只是丢失了第一个“n”,但这就是语言进化的方式。我认为,英语中第一次提到橙子是在13世纪。所以这是这个词第一次出现在英语中的时候。在旅行商人开始将橙子带到说英语的国家之前,实际上并没有橙色的词。英语中“orange”这个词是水果的名称。一旦人们开始在市场上看到橙子并知道它们是什么,他们就开始使用相同的词来指代颜色。

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This is But Why, a podcast for curious kids from Vermont Public. I'm Jane Lindholm. On this show, we take questions from curious kids just like you, and we find answers. You all are so interested in so many things that we never know where your questions will take us. This time, your curiosity took us on a field trip to Florida so we could get an expert to help us with these kinds of questions.

Why do oranges have peels? Why fruits are so juicy. How do seedless oranges reproduce? I'm pretty curious about citrus fruits too, so I headed to the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center at the University of Florida to talk with a professor named Fernando Alvarez.

He's a citrus horticulturist, a plant guy who focuses on citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits. I work on citrus research, as I like to say, from seed to table. And that means that I have some projects working on citrus seeds. I have projects working on the small citrus trees, how they grow.

how they set fruit and then how we can improve the quality of that fruit. So when you eat that fruit, it's the best that you can eat.

Oranges, and orange juice in particular, is very important to the economy in Florida. And you might drink Florida orange juice with your breakfast in the morning. So having people like Professor Alferez who can study how to make these plants grow well and produce tasty fruit, but also how to protect them from disease and invasive species, is really important work.

Since Professor Alferes knows so much, we put all of your questions to him. But first, we wanted to get a real basic one out of the way. What is a citrus fruit? A citrus fruit is a fruit that is...

we call botanically an hesperidium. That's a pretty cool word. Citrus fruits are in a group called hesperidium, which is a type of modified berry. They're related to other berries like blueberries or raspberries, but they have a tough, leathery outer rind and an inside juicy or fleshy part that's divided into sections. Citrus fruits include oranges, mandarins, lemons, grapefruits, pomelos, and limes.

Generally speaking, a fruit of any kind has one specific job. What a fruit does is just to protect the seeds. That's right. The job of a fruit is to protect seeds. Fruit begins as a flower. Flowers will grow on a tree or bush, bloom, get pollinated, grow bigger, and then the petals wither away.

but the fruit has been fertilized and is still growing. The ovary, usually the middle part of a flower, starts to enlarge. Inner pieces of the ovary, called ovules, will develop into seeds. Around the seeds, the ovary expands into what we think of as the fruit. And, as we said, the purpose of a fruit is to protect those seeds. As you probably already know, seeds are needed for reproduction to make the next tree or bush.

Some fruit seeds make a new plant with fruit that tastes just like the parent plant it came from. But others, including apples and citrus fruits, don't. So if you spit out an orange seed and it manages to grow into a new tree, the oranges it produces won't necessarily be the exact same flavor.

But citrus farmers want to make sure that every navel orange or mandarin or key lime tastes the same because people who buy them get used to those certain flavors.

So rather than take a gamble and plant all of their trees from seeds, they usually take a branch from a tree they know the flavor of and attach it to the roots of a new young tree. The branch will fuse to that root stock, and the new branches will bear fruit that tastes just like the older tree they originally came from. That process is called grafting.

Here's a question from John. And I'm four years old and I live in Turkey, Istanbul, and my question is: Oranges shaped like a ball? That's a very interesting question and it looks simple but this is really profound and it has to do with shape in nature. Usually different shapes in nature

they have a role, they are not random and in the case of why they are like balls or like a sphere is because efficiency. Let's say that a sphere gives you the less area for a given volume, okay? And that means at the end means less exposure. So it's the way that the fruit

can protect better the seeds. So that's why most of the fruit, including oranges, are like balls. But lemons and limes aren't quite shaped like balls. They're shaped more like American footballs. Yeah, that's right. Well, there is some variation there.

A ball shape means there's less overall area on the outside of the fruit that can get punctured by an animal or exposed to challenging weather conditions. And inside the protection of the peel, that shape provides a lot of room for juice and pulp to protect the seeds. You know how when you peel open an orange it has sections, and then you can just pull those sections apart and eat them one by one without all the juice spilling out? Kevin has a question about that.

I come from Maui and I'm nine years old. And my question is, how are oranges pre-sliced? What role do the segments play and why have they developed? Yes. And actually you can see between, let's say in general, between 10 and 15 segments per fruit, depending on the variety. And every segment will have typically one or more seeds.

And why this is organized in that way? There is not a clear answer, but one theory that is easy to understand, it facilitates seed dispersal. So if you have your seeds divided in segments, probably it's easier for those seeds to be dispersed by different animals.

So all the seeds will be dispersed in different places. Okay, that's what I have read about it. Now, I would like to know if an animal is able to eat only one segment and leave the rest for other animals. I would not be able to do that.

No, I don't think humans are very good at that. We may be able to divide the segments, and if we have to, we'll share with a friend or a sibling. But yes, I don't think an animal biting into it is likely to leave some segments. But

If seed dispersal or the way the tree has developed to make sure its seeds get spread is by having animals eat those seeds, which a lot of plants use that as a method of seed dispersal, why do they have such a tough peel?

Humans don't usually eat the peels of oranges, although we can eat the peels of some citrus fruits, but we usually don't. They're kind of bitter and they're tough. So why have such a tough peel if the fruit is supposed to be eaten by an animal? My name is Jed from three years old, and I live from range. And why do apples have skin? You do eat apples.

And why do bananas and oranges skin on peels that you don't eat? My name is Sage. I am seven. And I live in Madison, Alabama. Why do oranges have peels? Hi, my name is Ava. I am four years old. I live in Illinois. Why are there peels on an orange? Yeah, well, that's again...

for protection. And that's for protection when the fruit is growing and the seeds are developing. At some point when the fruit gets into maturation, pills are not that tough. They are more soft and animals can actually access without any problem. And that comes at the end of the maturation

that the fruit can also drop from the tree and is accessible to animals. I didn't realize that, that the skin of citrus fruits becomes less tough as the fruit matures. So it's really good at protecting the fruit as it grows and ripens, and then once the fruit is ripe and it's time for an animal to eat it, or for the fruit to fall to the ground and go into the dirt, then the skin or peel becomes less tough.

My name is Ellis. I'm from Wisconsin and I'm four years old. And I want to know why fruits are so juicy. Fruit are cool.

Ellis and Felix both want to know about why fruits have juice, and citrus fruits are full of juice. It's to make them appealing to animals, and also consider the fruit as what we call a zinc organ in the plant. So it accumulates sugars, so it accumulates the juice, and because of the sugars, it makes it desirable for the animals as well.

So some of the sugar that the plant creates during photosynthesis gets stored in the juice vesicles within the fruit itself. And that's pretty appealing to animals who want to eat those fruits. And then the animals will poop out the seeds in various places, not just right where the original parent tree is. And that's one of the ways trees have evolved to get seeds to new spots. OK, but what about seedless fruit?

My name is Maisie. I'm from Valley Stream. I'm seven years old. How do seedless oranges reproduce? Hi, my name is Arlo and I'm eight years old and I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. How do they get the seeds out of seedless fruit like seedless watermelon and seedless clementine if they have to be planted from a seed?

One of the things you mentioned was that the whole point of a fruit is to protect the seed, to grow and protect a seed so that that seed can grow into a new tree.

But sometimes when we buy fruits in the grocery store, they are what are called seedless fruits. And so, because we don't really like to eat the seeds, they don't taste very good, they're hard to spit out. So a lot of fruits have developed that are seedless fruits you can buy. But how is that even possible if the whole point of the fruit is to protect the seed and when the tree is growing, the fruit is supposed to make seeds? How in the world do we get seedless fruits?

Yeah, that's a great question. Many of the efforts from researchers and the industry is to develop seedless fruit. You can do that by breeding, by hybridization, and in some cases even by irradiating the bad wood

for instance with gamma rays and you can get you can get a bad wood that doesn't produce seeds anymore. There are a lot of commercial varieties that don't produce seeds because we did that and that's a trend since many many years ago because for instance I can tell you the story of one of the most

salt grapefruit here in Florida. It's the Duncan grapefruit. At some point it was really, really popular in the state because the taste and the flavor, but it may have 70 seeds per fruit. So it was impossible. So what happened was that people all decided not to grow it again.

or to grow it anymore because that amount of seeds. So at some point it was not marketable anymore. So that's what happened. So the trend is to try to

to reduce the number of seeds. And you can do that by breeding, mostly. I don't think I would want to eat a fruit that had 70 seeds either. So farmers have found ways by selective breeding or by radiation to create trees that produce fruit with fewer seeds.

By breeding, that means you select varieties that have fewer seeds and pick those plants to reproduce. And remember, most citrus trees are made by grafting, so you can use a branch from an original tree to create a new one without having to start with a seed at all.

I'm eight, I live in Williston, Vermont. Why do lemons have seeds but limes don't? Well, there are limes that have seeds and there are lemons that don't have seeds. So in some cases, as I just described, I mean, we always try to breed a fruit

seedless or almost seedless so because then it's easier to market

And in the case of lemons, if you are squeezing a lemon and you get all the seeds in your food, you don't like that. So we always try to get rid of the seeds. The limes that we most typically find in U.S. grocery stores are Persian limes. And these limes, a cross between a key lime and a lemon, don't naturally reproduce through seeds. So the farmers who grow them use that grafting technique we've talked about to make new lime trees, and the limes they produce don't have many seeds.

But other types of limes do have seeds. Coming up, why are those limes so sour? This is But Why, a podcast for curious kids. I'm Jane Lindholm. We're answering your questions about oranges, lemons, and limes with Professor Fernando Alferes at the University of Florida. My name is Kimiko, and I'm eight years old, and I'm from Austin, Texas. Why does lemon taste so sour?

Hi, my name is Hanley. I'm eight years old and I live in Arlington, Virginia and I want to know why are lemons sour? My name is Laura. I'm six years old. I live in Germany and what makes a fruit sour or sweet?

I'm Elijah. I'm six years old. I live in Great Neck, New York. Why are lemons sour? Lemons and limes are sour because they contain something called citric acid. That's an organic chemical that's in a lot of fruits. Citric acid is found in higher amounts in the more sour citrus like lemons and limes.

We have little taste buds, little body parts that can perceive taste on our tongue, the roof of our mouth, and the back of our throats. Those taste buds send information to nerves, which then send information about what we taste to our brain. And that's how we taste things as sour. Okay, now we have a question about juice from Dominic.

I'm eight years old. I live in Farmington Hills, Michigan. I wonder how many oranges it takes to make one gallon of orange juice. For a gallon of juice, okay, a gallon, if I am correct, is about 128 fluid ounces. And a regular orange has about six ounces. So if you do the

You do the math. You're getting out your calculator. Yeah. If you do the math, it's about 21 fruit per gallon of juice. That's a lot of oranges just to get our juice. But that's one of the most important agricultural products here in Florida, too, is that Florida exports a lot of juice to everybody else. Yes, and actually our production here in Florida is mostly orange.

is mostly focused on juice production. I would say that it's about 95% of the production here in the state goes to juice. My name is Alex. I am six years old, and I live in Palo Alto, California. And my question is, why are bananas and oranges here all year long and not pomegranates?

You go to the supermarket and you have citrus fruit all the time in the year. So what they do is to have different varieties at different times in the year. So you can see for instance a mandarin, let's say in as early as September, and you keep seeing that mandarin or you think it's the same mandarin because the brand is the same,

in October, November, December, January. But the variety is different and you don't notice. So they brand it the same way but they are different varieties. The same happens with oranges. You can have, for instance, and I'm working in Florida, so for instance you can have Hamlin oranges in the supermarket in October, November, December.

And then all of a sudden you will have Valencia oranges and those will come in January, February. So you have a lot of different varieties.

during the whole year. So you're telling me that oranges are seasonal too, but why do we have them in the grocery stores all year round and then we have certain fruits that only come at a certain time of year? Yes, that has to do with the number of varieties available. Pomegranates, probably they don't have that many varieties. But in the case of citrus, we

We estimate, and there is not a clear answer, there is nobody who knows exactly how many citrus fruits, different citrus fruits are there, but some estimate that it's more than 1,000, counting oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, and other specialty fruits. So it's more than 1,000 probably. It's a huge amount. And in some places like Spain, for instance,

you can have 30 or 40 different varieties through the year. Now, if there are typically some months like June, July, August that you don't have fruit, what happens is that we import fruit from other areas. We are in the northern hemisphere, so we produce the fruit from September to, say, May, June. But then,

July, August, and even early September we will import fruit from the southern hemisphere. My name's Maddie and I'm seven. I'm from Nampa, Idaho. And my question is, why is the fruit orange and the color orange called the same thing? Why are oranges called oranges, at least in English? The word is really an ancient word.

And the origin is from a language that was spoken like 3,000 years ago in Northern India. That's the Sanskrit that gave origin to different languages, including English and Spanish and others. And it was called Naranga, which is N-A-R-A-N-G-A. And that means fragrant.

That means fragrant in Sanskrit. Fragrant, like smells good? Yes. The Spanish word is the same as naranja. You just change the "g" for a "j", okay? And if you consider the word orange, it has almost the same letters. It just lost the first "n", but that's how languages evolve. Now the first mention in English for an orange, I think, is from

the 13th century. So that's the first time that the word came in English. Before traveling traders started bringing oranges to English-speaking countries, there actually wasn't a word for the color orange. The word for orange in English is the word for the fruit. And once people started seeing oranges in markets and knowing what they were, that's when they started using the same word for the color.

It's so amazing that a discussion about fruit can turn into a conversation about language, history, and culture. Thanks so much to Fernando Alvarez at the University of Florida's Southwest Florida Research and Education Center for sharing his expertise on citrus with us.

That's it for this episode. If you have a question about anything, have an adult record it. It's easy to do on a smartphone using an app like Voice Memos or Voice Recorder. Then email the audio file to questions at Be sure to include your first name, hometown, and your age. We can't answer every question we get, but we do listen to all of them, and we're always delighted to hear what's on your mind.

But Why is produced at Vermont Public and distributed by PRX. Our team includes Melody Beaudet, Kiana Haskin, and me, Jane Lindholm. Our theme music is by Luke Reynolds. We'll be back in two weeks with an all-new episode. Until then, stay curious. From PRX.