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Who decides what robots look like?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Adrian Plouffe
Jane Lindholm
Lucy White
@Adrian Plouffe : 我在Global Foundries工作,我们使用Omron机器人作为移动平台来运输产品。这些机器人就像带货架的手推车,可以自动前往不同地点取货和送货。之所以使用机器人,是因为我们的员工非常忙碌,让他们来回搬运物品会浪费大量时间。 我们还可以通过按钮或发送文本/邮件指令来控制机器人,未来甚至可以实现机器人自主运行。Spot机器人则用于检查设备,它配备热成像摄像头,可以检测设备温度,并能自主导航,避免障碍物。Spot的外形设计模仿了狗的形态,因为自然界已经提供了高效的运动设计,我们无需重新设计。 Spot还可以执行对人类来说危险的任务,例如检查危险环境中的化学物质。 @Lucy White : Global Foundries生产用于各种技术的微型芯片,这些芯片非常小,一片晶圆上可以容纳多达2万个。我们使用各种机器人来辅助生产和维护,机器人可以帮助我们移动晶圆和盒子,减少人工步行时间。 机器人通过接收指令工作,例如去某个地方取东西然后送到另一个地方,就像出租车服务一样。我们也可以通过屏幕上的按钮或发送文本/邮件指令来控制机器人。机器人可以根据环境做出反应,例如Spot机器人会在有人挡路时停下。 机器人是工具,但它们可以自主完成复杂任务,并且可以根据情况做出不同的反应。虽然有些机器人被设计成看起来像活物,但它们实际上是由人类制造和控制的,没有生命特征。 @Jane Lindholm : 通过与Global Foundries的工程师Adrian Plouffe和Lucy White的交谈,我们了解到工厂中机器人的广泛应用,以及机器人设计背后的思考。机器人不仅可以提高效率,还可以执行对人类来说危险的任务,保障安全。 机器人技术日新月异,未来机器人将扮演更加重要的角色。同时,我们也需要认识到,尽管机器人可以自主行动,但其行为是由人类设计的传感器和程序控制的,它们本身并不具备生命特征。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are robots made of metal?

Robots are made of metal because it is strong, durable, and can withstand wear and tear. Metal can also be shaped and manipulated in various ways, making it ideal for constructing robots.

Who decides what robots look like?

The design of robots is determined by their intended function. Engineers and roboticists decide what a robot should look like based on the tasks it needs to perform, such as having arms for picking up objects or legs for climbing stairs.

How do robots work?

Robots work by receiving commands, often through computer programming. They can be programmed to perform specific tasks, such as picking up items from one location and dropping them off at another, similar to a taxi service.

How are robots controlled?

Robots can be controlled through various methods, including remote controllers, text or email commands, and even autonomous operation where they can navigate and perform tasks on their own based on pre-programmed instructions.

Are robots alive?

No, robots are not alive. They are machines built and controlled by humans. They do not breathe, eat, reproduce, or have consciousness. However, some robots are designed to mimic life-like behaviors.

How do robots move?

Robots move using a power source, such as batteries or engines, and mechanisms like electric motors to convert that power into movement. Some advanced robots can navigate uneven terrain and avoid obstacles without human intervention.

What do robots do at Global Foundries?

At Global Foundries, robots assist in various tasks, including transporting wafers and boxes, inspecting equipment for temperature issues, and performing repetitive tasks that would be difficult for humans to do consistently.

Why do robots seem to have personalities?

Robots can seem to have personalities due to anthropomorphism, a human tendency to attribute human-like characteristics to non-human entities. This perception is enhanced by robots' lifelike movements and reactions, even though they are not truly alive.

How does remote control send signals to robots?

Remote controls send signals to robots using invisible waves that carry information. The robots receive these signals, interpret them, and execute the commands, such as moving to a specific location or performing a task.

What is the role of microchips in controlling robots?

Microchips play a crucial role in controlling robots by processing and transmitting the digital commands that guide their actions. These tiny circuits enable robots to perform complex tasks and respond to various inputs.

Shownotes Transcript

Who decides what robots look like? How do robots work and move? How are they controlled? And are robots alive? We tackle all your robot questions in this episode, and we’re taking a field trip to a local factory that uses hundreds of robots to help humans do their jobs. GlobalFoundries, in Essex Junction, Vermont makes microchips that go in all kinds of electronics. In fact, if your adults have a smartphone, more than likely it has a chip made at this very facility. Engineers Adrien Plouffe and Lucy White work with the robots at GlobalFoundries and answer your questions about robots, including: Why are robots made of metal? Why do people like robots? Do robots cry?

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