cover of episode Introducing ChopChop: Let's Get Corny!

Introducing ChopChop: Let's Get Corny!

logo of podcast But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Harry Rosenblum
Jorge Gaviria
Rebecca Robinson
Sally Sampson
Stella Maiden
@Sally Sampson @Harry Rosenblum :Chop Chop播客的使命是通过启发和教导家庭一起烹饪和食用真正食物来丰富他们的生活,他们分享了各种玉米的吃法和烹饪方法,并介绍了玉米、豆类和南瓜的"三姐妹"种植法。 @Jorge Gaviria :详细介绍了masa的制作过程(nixtamalization),以及masa在墨西哥的文化意义和多样性,并分享了制作玉米饼的经验。 @Will :以儿童视角解释了爆米花爆裂的科学原理,从玉米粒的结构到爆裂过程中的物理变化,深入浅出地讲解了科学知识。 @Rebecca Robinson :推荐了一本关于芒果树的儿童书籍《Julie and the Mango Tree》,体现了儿童文学的魅力。 @Stella Maiden :分享了她在农贸市场采访孩子们对玉米看法的结果,展现了孩子们对玉米的喜爱和不同的食用方式,以及一些与玉米相关的趣事。

Deep Dive

ChopChop is a new food podcast for kids focused on cooking and eating real food together. They explore ingredients, kitchen tools, and recipes. Listeners can find them on social media and online.
  • ChopChop's mission is to enrich family life through cooking.
  • The podcast explores ingredients, kitchen tools, and recipes.
  • Listeners can interact with ChopChop on social media and their website.

Shownotes Transcript

A new food-focused kids podcast is here. It’s called ChopChop and it’s part of a non-profit committed to getting kids and families to cook and eat meals together. Explore tasty recipes on their website! They also publish a quarterly magazine in English and Spanish (a good way to practice a second language). 

We contributed to their very first episode and we have to say, it’s the corniest episode you’re ever going to listen to! Our contribution was the science of how popcorn pops. 

We hope you gain some kernels of knowledge from this episode! We had an ear full.