Bridget King
Holly Reese
Jane Lindholm
Sarah Copeland-Hanzus
@Jane Lindholm : 本期节目关注美国联邦选举的流程,以及确保投票安全和选民声音被听到的措施。节目探讨了选举日的投票流程,以及为了确保投票的准确性和完整性而设置的各种保障措施,例如双党合作团队、密封的设备以及对投票过程的公开监督。 @Bridget King : 美国选举设有多重流程以确保投票的完整性,最终结果真实反映选民意愿。这些流程包括对投票设备的测试、双党合作团队的参与、以及对投票过程的公开监督。 @Holly Reese : 投票设备的准备工作就像足球训练,目的是确保选举日一切顺利进行。在选举日之前,会进行模拟演练,测试投票机的准确性和流程的顺畅性,并确保工作人员熟练掌握操作流程。在预处理阶段,工作人员会对提前提交的选票进行处理,但不会查看选举结果,以确保选举的完整性。 @Sarah Copeland-Hanzus : 大多数地方使用光学扫描仪(投票机)计票,速度快、准确率高,且与互联网隔离,确保安全。为防止重复投票,美国采用州级选民登记清单,确保每人只能投票一次;选民必须是美国公民才能参加州和联邦选举。佛蒙特州努力在确保选举安全、透明和公平的同时,提高投票的可及性。公众可以观察计票过程,但不能干扰计票工作。试图作弊投票的后果非常严重,但实际案例非常罕见。 Jane Lindholm: 美国选民投票参与率偏低,一些人担心选民欺诈,但实际上,合法选民被剥夺投票权的可能性远高于选民欺诈。

Deep Dive

This chapter discusses the multiple layers of processes in place to ensure the security and accuracy of votes in U.S. elections.
  • Bipartisan teams work together to ensure the integrity of the voting process.
  • There are strict chain of custody protocols to track who handles voting equipment.
  • Poll workers often have bipartisan requirements to maintain fairness.

Shownotes Transcript

Election Day in the United States is November 5 this year and election officials across the country are already hard at work setting up polling places and processing mail in ballots. Even if you’re not old enough to vote, you can be part of the process. You can watch voting machines be tested, observe the polling places on Election Day, or even watch votes be counted once the polls close. (Sometimes there are livestreams so you can watch from the comfort of your own home!) For this episode on how voting works, But Why stopped by the South Burlington City Hall on the day vote tabulators were being prepared. Plus we meet Vermont’s top election official, Secretary of State Sarah Copeland Hanzas. Have you asked an adult to take you to the polls yet? 

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