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How do we learn to swim?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

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#educational#fitness and exercise#urban living People
Kana Wyman
@Kana Wyman : 学习游泳可以增强自信,并提高安全性。害怕将脸浸入水中的人可以先学习仰泳,因为它不需要将脸浸入水中。初学者可以在浴缸或水桶中练习将脸浸入水中,并练习在水中呼气。在水中不要憋气,要学习在水中通过鼻子呼气,哼哼声可以帮助呼气。在水中最好睁开眼睛,可以戴护目镜保护眼睛。漂浮时,想象肚脐有一根绳子向上拉,并收紧腹部和臀部肌肉,同时使用手臂和腿部动作辅助漂浮。漂浮时,伸展身体而不是蜷缩身体,并尽量保持肺部充满空气,有助于漂浮。有些人比其他人更容易漂浮,所以如果漂浮困难不要灰心。不要将浮具作为学习游泳的替代品,因为即使是很小的孩子,也应该学习如何漂浮,以确保在没有浮具或浮具破损的情况下也能在水中安全。泳衣需要具有弹性且贴身,以避免在水中产生阻力。游泳是水中最快捷的移动方式,因为水的密度高,会产生阻力。通过使身体更流线型,可以减少摩擦和阻力,从而提高游泳速度。游泳时,应该像用勺子舀水一样使用手臂,而不是像用叉子一样。游泳时,应该用手臂划水,而不是在水中滑动。游泳是一项适合所有年龄段和身体状况的人的运动。游泳池是一个没有评判的环境,适合各种身体状况的人。她在日本长大,学校每周两次的游泳课让大多数人都学会了游泳。在美国,50%的成年人从未上过游泳课。学习游泳永远不会太晚,她曾教过一位82岁的成年人游泳。许多学生多年后仍然记得她在游泳课上教他们的技巧。学习游泳需要耐心和坚持。 @Camilla : 学习游泳增强了我的自信,游泳时感觉很平静。

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But it’s important to know how to swim if you’re going to be around water! In this episode, Upper Valley Aquatic Center Swim School Director Kana Wyman gives us swimming tips, like how to get comfortable putting our heads in the water, how to float and more.

Download our learning guides: PDF | Google Slides | Transcript

A few tips for getting started:

  • If you don’t live near a pool or body of water, you can learn some primary skills even in a bathtub or using a bucket. 
  • Get used to putting your face in the water by using a bucket or big bowl. Keep your mouth closed and blow air through your nose. Humming can help make sure you’re breathing out.
  • When floating, think about a string pulling your belly button up to the sky. It’s easier to float if you spread your body out, rather than curling into a ball. You may need to swirl your arms or legs to keep your whole body on top of the water.
  • Some people have a harder time floating than others, due to body mass differences. So if it feels hard, it’s not your fault!
  • Check with community swimming pools to see if they offer free lessons. Many pools, gyms or swim schools will offer lessons for kids and adults that are free or subsidized, at least occasionally, to make sure everyone has the opportunity to learn lifesaving swimming skills.