cover of episode How do broken bones heal?

How do broken bones heal?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#educational#parenting practices and challenges#connection building#personal growth and resilience#emotional resilience and self-care#medical practice People
Jane Lindholm
Melissa Raddatz
@Melissa Raddatz : 骨骼是人体结构的基础,支撑身体并帮助我们运动。人体骨骼从出生前就开始生长,生长板控制骨骼的长度和宽度,激素系统发出停止生长的信号。骨骼由骨髓(液体)和钙组成的坚硬外层构成。关节是骨骼的连接处,由软组织构成,允许骨骼弯曲和移动。关节的响声可能是关节内气体释放或软骨磨损造成的。骨折发生在施加于骨骼的力大于骨骼所能承受的力时,通常表现为骨裂,X光检查可以确诊。骨折治疗可能包括石膏固定或手术,严重骨折可能需要手术植入金属部件以确保骨骼对齐。骨折愈合过程涉及血液输送营养物质到骨折处,形成骨痂,儿童愈合速度更快,因为他们有更快的细胞活动。儿童骨折率较高,是因为他们更活跃,进行高冲击活动。保持骨骼健康的方法包括均衡饮食、充足睡眠和休息。 @Jane Lindholm : 成人约有206块骨头,婴儿出生时约有270块,随着生长,一些骨头会融合在一起。骨折是常见的,发生在施加于骨骼的力大于骨骼所能承受的力时。骨折的症状包括疼痛和活动受限,X光检查可以确诊。现代石膏材料种类繁多,更舒适方便。3D打印技术也应用于石膏制作。

Deep Dive

Bones provide structure, support upright movement, and act as a foundation for the body. Unlike exoskeletons, human skeletons are internal, with muscles and tissues offering protection.
  • Bones are the foundation for movement and play.
  • Human skeletons are internal, protected by muscles and tissues.
  • Bones enable us to stand upright and move.

Shownotes Transcript

Why do we have bones? How do they grow–and how do they know when to stop growing? How many do we have in our bodies? And when we break our bones, how do they heal? What do casts do? And how do you know if you’ve broken a bone? Broken bones are a common occurrence in kids. Up to 40% of girls and up to 50% of boys will break a bone in their lifetime. In this episode, we learn about the role of bones in our body and how to deal with a fractured bone with Melissa Raddatz, a family nurse practitioner at Duke Health System in North Carolina. The first part of this episode is all about bones in general, and we shift to broken bones for the second half.

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