cover of episode Do earthworms have eyes?

Do earthworms have eyes?

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But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#educational#agriculture and farming#animal language understanding#animal communication#gardening and plant care People
Emily Gordon
Sam James
@Sam James : 我是蚯蚓专家,已经鉴定出大约200种蚯蚓。世界各地存在数千种蚯蚓,许多物种尚未被发现或正式命名。蚯蚓属于环节动物,身体由多个体节组成,与其他蠕虫不同。它们生活在土壤中,以腐烂的植物为食,对土壤的通气、排水和养分循环至关重要。蚯蚓没有眼睛,但可以感知光线和振动,并利用嗅觉和味觉。它们可能通过触觉、味觉和化学物质进行交流,尤其是在交配季节。某些蚯蚓种类会在环境恶劣时聚集在一起。将蚯蚓切成两半后的结果取决于蚯蚓种类,扁虫可以再生,而蚯蚓通常只能头部再生尾部。蚯蚓分泌黏液是为了润滑身体,帮助其在土壤中移动,并防止身体干燥。下雨天蚯蚓会爬出地面是因为土壤中的空气空间被水充满,导致缺氧。 @Emily Gordon : 我在家进行蚯蚓堆肥,养殖超过2000条加拿大夜行者蚯蚓来处理食物残渣。蚯蚓的排泄物可以作为肥料,蚯蚓浸出液(worm tea)也是很好的肥料。蚯蚓没有眼睛,但有细小的刚毛帮助它们在土壤中移动。

Deep Dive

Earthworms are legless, eyeless animals that live in soil, playing a crucial role in breaking down organic material and improving soil fertility.

Shownotes Transcript

Come along to learn all about the wriggling worms that live in the dirt beneath your feet. Earthworms are everywhere, and there are many species of worms yet to be discovered. How do worms communicate? Why do worms have slime? Why do worms come out when it rains? Answers to all of your worm questions with earthworm detective Sam James. Plus, we learn about worm composting with a kid who’s in charge of her family’s food scraps! 

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