cover of episode An Interview with Timothy Olyphant

An Interview with Timothy Olyphant

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Office Ladies

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Angela Kinsey
Jenna Fisher
Timothy Olyphant
@Jenna Fisher @Angela Kinsey :我们制作了一个关于《办公室》的播客,每周都会深入探讨该剧的幕后故事和独家采访,今天我们邀请到了蒂莫西·奥利弗特,他在剧中饰演丹尼·科德雷,他是斯克兰顿-威尔克斯-巴里地区最优秀的销售员。我们还会分享一些粉丝的精彩评论和观察,例如迈克尔在剧中提到了《惊声尖叫2》的凶手,而蒂莫西·奥利弗特恰好也出演了这部电影。另外,丹尼·科德雷这个角色的灵感来自于我们的朋友兰迪·科德雷。 我们还讨论了蒂莫西·奥利弗特在《办公室》中的经历,包括他与史蒂夫·卡瑞尔合作的趣事,以及他如何适应剧组的即兴表演和摄像机。我们也谈到了他与其他演员的互动,以及他如何看待自己的角色与其他角色的互动。 最后,我们还分享了一些粉丝的问题,例如哪个《办公室》角色最有可能在《律政狂鲨》的世界中生存下来,以及蒂莫西·奥利弗特在《办公室》之外的职业生涯。 @Timothy Olyphant :我很高兴能来到你们的播客节目。我在《办公室》中的角色是剧组主动邀请我出演的,我当时并没有太多的表演经验,所以这对我来说是一个很好的学习机会。 我在剧中饰演丹尼·科德雷,他是一个非常优秀的销售员,我努力去展现他自信和魅力的一面,同时也要展现他的一些缺点和不足。 我和史蒂夫·卡瑞尔合作得非常愉快,他是一个非常敬业和专业的演员,我们之间有很多即兴表演的片段,也有一些因为笑场而NG的场景。 我对在《办公室》中的经历记忆深刻,剧组成员们都非常友好和专业,这让我感到非常开心和舒适。 在《办公室》之外,我还出演过很多其他的影视作品,例如《惊声尖叫2》、《律政狂鲨》和《曼达洛人》。我通常不保留剧组的道具,只保留一些实用的衣物。 我经常被误认为是乔什·杜哈明,我们甚至一起拍了一张照片,这张照片后来被用作我的圣诞贺卡。 我的妻子是一个非常棒的人,我们是在大学里认识的,我们一起上了一门海洋学课程,并因此相识相恋。 我的周末生活通常比较轻松,我会游泳、去艺术工作室、遛狗或打网球。我喜欢花生酱,也喜欢威士忌。

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I'm Jenna Fisher. And I'm Angela Kinsey. We were on The Office together. And we're best friends. And now we're doing the ultimate office lovers podcast just for you. Each week, we will dive deeper into the world of The Office with exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes details, and lots of BFF stories. We're The Office Lady 6.0. Hello there. Hi. Hey.

We have a really, really fun episode today. I feel like we say that every week, but oh my gosh, if you don't leave with a smile on your face after you listen to this next hour. I don't know what's wrong with you. I don't either. Also, we just love our job, so it is a fun thing. It's fun to get to do this. Really fun. I do. I love my job.

I feel so fortunate that I love my job too, Ange. Oh, yeah. My parents loved their jobs. My mom was a teacher. My dad was a plastics engineer.

They loved what they did for a living. And they always told me, we just hope that you get to have a career that you also love. Yeah. And I do. What a gift, right? They supported me in my pursuit as an actress because they knew, well, that's the thing she loves. That's what makes her heart happy. Yeah. My sister's a teacher. It makes her heart happy. Yeah. It's a beautiful thing when that can happen. Yeah. Yeah.

All right. Well, listen, you all know that there are still so many people who were on The Office that we have not talked to, that we have wanted to have on the podcast. And today we get to cross one of those names off our list. Yep. Today on Office Ladies 6.0, Timothy Oliphant is in the studio with us.

You might know Timothy from his many movies and television roles, including the hugely successful shows Deadwood and Justified. Of course, you know, I loved him in The Mandalorian. And you know what? I did not bring it up on purpose because I didn't want to be a total nerd in front of him. I know. I was already a geek. But I loved him in Mandalorian. And you know, on The Office, he played Danny Cordray, the top salesman in the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre area. Yeah.

He was the salesman that Michael Scott eventually hires to work at Dunder Mifflin. Yes, the character of Danny Cordray was in two episodes that aired in the original broadcast, The Sting and Costume Contest. And Angela, you bring up in our interview that he was also in a deleted scene for Michael's Last Dundies. Yep. Now, I love the setup to his character.

In the sting, Jim and Dwight are on a sales call to their client meeting at Frame Select, and they see rival salesperson Danny Cordray sitting in the lobby. I thought we should hear it. Dwight. Crap. Danny Cordray is the worst. Well, by worst, you mean the best. The best salesman ever. He works for Osprey Paper over in Throop, steals more clients from Dunder Mifflin than anyone. So the situation is the worst. Also, he slept with Pam. No, he didn't.

Tell him. Nothing happened. We went on a couple of dates. He never called me again. What? He never called you? I thought you said it just fizzled. That's fizzling. I mean, someone has to start the fizzle. Yeah, I thought you started it. No, I liked him. For a couple of days. Four years ago. You know I have a kid with you, right?

I just love this. There's so much information and history packed into these little couple of scenes. I know. This was a really fun Jim and Pam runner. We talked more about it, but it was so fun how it kept popping up. Well, I just love that. And Jenna, in rewatching this episode, it was so funny to me how all the Dunder Mifflin employees react to meeting Danny. So we just heard Jim and Dwight.

But I also thought you should hear when Michael first sees him and then the whole bullpen. Sam, help me put these clips together. Let's hear it. Oh, no, that's a male model. Oh, my God. Jansport Backpacks. 10 or 15 years ago, you were a model for Jansport Backpacks, were you not? Yes. What's going on here? I knew it. I remember the one you were like, hey, to Mr. Danny Cordray. He is going to be joining us as our new traveling salesman. Say hello to Danny.

F*** me. Okay. You know what? No. Just, that was a bleep. That was probably standards and practices because Kelly says, you know, the F word. She does. And listen, we've shared this before, but the character named Danny Cordray was inspired by our very own Randy Cordray. And I just love that his name made it on the show. I know.

Well, we always love hearing from you all, and several of you wrote in some great observations and comments about the character Danny Cordray, and we wanted to share. Yes, starting with Ashley S. from Kaysville, Utah, who wrote in to say, I find it funny that Michael has a talking head referencing the killer in Scream 2. One of the murderers is Timothy Oliphant. That murderer is now in the office.

Ashley, this cracked me up. You know I'm a horror movie fan. You know I know Scream 2. I held myself back from asking Timothy about Scream 2 in our interview because I didn't want to geek out too much. Let's hear this clip of Michael talking about Scream 2. I tried. I tried. I tried to talk to Toby and be his friend, but that is like trying to be friends with an evil snail. I feel like I'm dying inside.

I feel like Neve Campbell in Scream 2. She thinks she can go off to college and be happy. And then the murderer comes back. Starts killing off all of her friends. Learned a lot of lessons from that movie. This is just one of them. There's more. There's more lessons in Scream 2.

Well, Scream 2 was early in Timothy's career. I mean, he is playing a college student. He is so good in it. He is such a great villain. Like, he always often is playing kind of like the nicer guy. The hero guy. But always with a little darkness. It's interesting. We talked to him about it. Mm-hmm.

Good catch, Ashley. I loved it. Well, we also got this fun catch from Carly F. in Prospect Heights, Illinois. She said her and her husband were watching Justified, and they realized that Dave Koechner had a few episodes. She said they loved that Timothy and Dave Koechner had a few episodes together, even though they didn't have any together on The Office, but they were both traveling salesmen.

They also found it ironic that their joint episodes in Justified both take place in Florida, which is where Todd Packer ends up at the end of The Office. Oh, gosh. This is like a Monk crossover, but it's a Justified The Office crossover. I just started watching Justified. It's really good. It's so good. I have not gotten to Dave Koechner yet. I haven't either. I just started watching it, too.

Well, everyone, thank you so much for writing in. We used a lot of your questions in our interview with Timothy as well. And, you know, we're so excited to reunite with him. And this really all came about, Jenna, because you ran into him last year. Yes, we were at a mutual friend's birthday party, and I asked him if he would come on the podcast. He was so lovely. He said, of course.

We did this interview right before our holiday break, and it was just such a great way to end the year. It really was. He's so charming, and he hung out with us for over an hour. We talked to him about his time on The Office and so many other things. So let's take a short break, and when we come back, our interview with Timothy Oliphant. ♪

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Find a shoe for every you at your DSW store or My goodness. Timothy Oliphant. Hey, how's it going? Good. Oh my gosh, how cool to see you sitting across from us and you got a scarf on. Well, it's the season. It is the season. Yeah. How are you doing? We're good. How are the ladies? The ladies are good. How long have the ladies been in this building? Um,

It didn't start here. No. No, no. No. I like that. I'm going to try to get more of those moments right there. Answers. We started at Earwolf, which was this great little space. And then Sirius bought Earwolf and then we ended up renting this little space, which was cute. But like we had like a shower curtain that like separated us from Sam and Cassie in the booth. It was sweet. It was cute.

It was cute. But now we're with the folks at Odyssey and we got real fancy building now. And this is their floor. This is their building. Yeah. This is their nook. This is their nook. And this space is your space. Yes. Yeah. Way to go. Right? I'll get you too. Yeah. That's really good. Pretty good. We're doing all right. Yeah.

Yeah, it's very. Look, we have these doohickeys too. Look at that. Oh, no, the whole thing is. It says office ladies on the microphone. Pretty swanky. Yeah. Who would have thunk? I know, right? Just two gals chatting about a show they were on. Just chatting about. Here in Hollywood, there's a walk of, there's the stars. Yeah, the walk of fame. We don't have one. Wait, do you have a star? No, I don't have a star. I don't have a star. You know, every now and then you have these moments. You're like, yeah, you're in showbiz. That's right. Yeah.

A little razzle dazzle. I do feel a little show busy when I come here because I'm coming into the heart of Hollywood. You know, when I first moved to LA, I lived in West Hollywood. Yeah. And I went by all this stuff all the time. But I moved out. I'm not in West Hollywood anymore. You left. Yeah. All right. I'm jumping in. Okay. Jump in. Ready? All right. Okay. Here we go. So listen, we usually start with the same question. We usually ask people, how did you get- They offered it to me.

Your job in the office, you already know. But I was going to start with this. You know, first time. First time call it last. Anyway, yeah, I've listened. I got it. Yay. I got no story for you other than they offered it to me and I said yes. Wait, can we just go on record that Timothy listens to Office Ladies? Yeah. Thank you. For sure. Let's go. Wow. Yeah. They offered it to you? You guys are huge. They gave you the office because people are listening. You know that, right? Yeah.

I love it. Well, I was actually going to start with another question, which was how'd you get your start in showbiz? Like when in your life did you realize that you wanted to be an actor?

I articulated it sometime in my early 20s. Okay. You said it out loud. Yes. Yeah. Yes. That's a big deal though because you usually are thinking it. My wife, I remember – I know – I may not have articulated it. I don't – well, let me say this. I do remember articulating it to my wife –

And we got married at 22. I just had turned 23. And she, I do know that her response was, you've never mentioned this before. So I saw that when I, so first started talking about it like 22 around there. Yeah. What inspired that? Had you been in a, like a college production or what? Nothing. Nothing.

Nothing. Now, when I was younger, I do remember thinking, oh, I'd love to do that. I remember thinking comedy, stand-up comedy. I remember thinking that. And my mom said, you don't want to do that. Those people are all on drugs. They're divorced and they're on drugs. Oh, no. And then at a certain point, I was like, mom, you're divorced. You know what I mean? You're halfway there. Might as well be in showbiz. So, yeah, never done it before. I had never done it.

Wow. And so where do you go from there? Yeah, you grew up in Modesto, by the way. Grew up in Modesto. We got a fan question about that. We asked people to write in and someone actually said, Megan G from Albany said, my husband and I lived in Modesto, California. What does Timothy remember about growing up there? Folks are really proud of him out there. Oh, that's very kind. Well, I mean, I don't.

I mean, I still – my mom lives in Modesto. I still go to Modesto. I was in Modesto just in October. So, yeah. My favorite bread maker is in Modesto, Bonnie O'Hara. She has a home bakery, fresh breads and cookies and stuff. Wait. That might be my – wait a minute. What? Wait, wait. Well –

That can't be right. Is her name Bonnie? I'm forgetting a name, but the woman used to live across from my street from my mother had made in her garage. She had a home bakery. Yeah. And she was doing really well. Is that Bonnie? I don't know. Bonnie was your neighbor? What's her? Bonnie O'Hara.

And do we need a moment to Google? No, I'm looking at my contacts. No, I don't think it's her. Okay. She wrote a cookbook. She's your favorite? Yeah. Bread Making for Beginners. And I bought her cookbook. I started making bread thanks to her. But she has got a whole business in her little home kitchen. And she sells bread subscriptions. No, for a second there. For a second there. I don't think.

Bonnie, if I do know you, I'm really sorry because it's been a minute. Listen, if it's not Bonnie, the takeaway is Modesto is the Mecca for bread making. Yeah. Good bread there. Awesome good bread. Yeah.

I just finished a job in Finland and the AD made the best bread. Homemade? Homemade bread. They're big on their bread there. Very healthy, good breads in Finland. I guess Europe just has great bread in general. They do. People say like, oh, if you don't want gluten, don't worry about it so much there in Europe. Anyway, I don't understand it. And as a wrap, Giffey gave me the recipe.

No kidding. Oh, he gave me a little notebook and a handwritten recipe. Try to convert it from metric. And we haven't made it yet, but that's the plan this holiday. We're going to make the bread. Auntie. Auntie's bread. I love that. First AD. I'm a bread enthusiast. Okay. Jenna used to bring in like her yeast, like in the bowl, right? Is that what it's called? Yeah. He gave it a name. Well, I would bring in-

My dough. Angela, ask her. My starter, my sourdough starter's name was Goldie. What? No. How long have you two known each other? Am I here to bring you together? Bring you closer? I didn't know your starter had a name. Yes, its name was Goldie. Is this a common thing? Goldie. Because you have to feed it every day. And I said, it's like taking care of a goldfish. So I named it Goldie. Oh.

You know, you're this close to having a second podcast. You're going to be my replacement. All about bread. With Timothy and Jenna. You laugh. It could happen.

happen. Oh my God, for sure it could happen. Okay. Back to your career. This is a show. You've built a monster show here all based on one half hour comedy. Yeah. Bread. It's bigger. It's huge. It's bigger than The Office. I mean, it's huge. People love The Office. People really love bread. I mean, it's a big deal. It's a big deal.

I'm just saying. I would bet. What are you in here twice a week? Most people. How many days a week are you in here? One day. Are you wanting to reach space? Once a week? Exactly for the bread podcast? Yeah. Come on. Timothy's going to be in here on Tuesdays, guys. We'll bring you on. We have a network now. We do. We have a network. You can have a bread podcast on our network if you want it. You have a network? We do. The Office Ladies Network. What the? What the hell?

Yeah. God damn it. I've misspent my whole show business. Listen, bread with Timothy. It could happen. It could. All right. What's our next question? Oh, wait. Theme song by bread. By bread. You know the band? Yes. There you go.

Okay, wait. It writes itself. It does. It really does. It's right there. We were going to ask you next. I haven't said anything I remember about Modesto, by the way. Wait, wait. Yeah, what... What is your favorite place to eat in Modesto? Like, what's your... Like, I know Archer City, Texas. I go to Mearns for a cheeseburger. Oh, wow. You know, I mean, the places I've been going to lately are not places I went to growing up. And Modesto, I mean...

Growing up, when I think of like, where'd you go to eat when you were growing up? I mean, we went to Arby's and we went to Taco Bell, that kind of thing. It was kind of a fast food joint. There was an incredible, I think it's still there, Mexican joint on the way out to Oakdale. Oh, I'm not going to remember it. God, I'm terrible. But that would be like, that was great to go out there. And I'm pretty sure that's still there. Mexican food place on the way to Oakdale. Yeah.

I don't sound like... I've really drifted far from my roots. Modesto's golden son. I really have. Because we didn't really go out to... I know. It's not a go out to dinner town. I know. You know? Yeah. Like my memories of food in terms of... It's like...

Going to get Winchell's on Sunday morning, getting donuts or something. Oh, that's good though. I don't remember like foodie places. There's a little bit of that now because almost the whole country's got into food. Right. Foodie places. Fancy foodies. Yeah. So yeah, no, my childhood memories are just, you know, it was all about just roaming around. We, you know, canals and orchards and all that. That's the end of that story. Right.

Right. Cake parties in the orchard. You know what I mean? In the canal. Yeah. That was the teenage years at times. Yeah. Yeah. We had pasture parties when I moved back to the States. But I read that you were a swimmer. Swam. I grew up next to, we grew up next door to a place, which is still there, called, it was at the time called the Modesto Swim and Racquet Club. It was literally...

We had an old farmhouse. We had a field and a barn, horse, chickens, and stuff like that. And we could just walk through that over to the racket club. And so my brothers and I all, we just were there all the time, just running around. It was a walk-to-school neighborhood. Yeah. That sounds really good to me right now. Yeah. So I swam. We all swam and played tennis. My brother and I, by the way, we're hosting a charity tomorrow, tennis charity. Yeah.

My brother and I, we've never done it before. First annual, OLE, is what we're calling it, the OLE. We're raising money for this really great place called the Center for Reflective Communities. It deals with teen and young adult mental health. And so if people want to go on there, they can hit the little plus sign and donate. And where it says subject, you can put in our thing, Play for Good, the OLE, Play for Good, and donate money. And God bless you because they do wonderful work for us.

Lord knows the young people need some help these days. Well, we'll share that. We'll put it in our Instagram stories with a swipe up and I'll show up with my racket. Oh, let's go. Okay. Bring it. We're playing dingles.

dingles. Okay, we're playing dingles and we've got like, I think there's like 16 or 17 players that are all coming and donating like 500 bucks to play. And then like 16, 17 pros. Oh gosh. So maybe. But still come out and hit some balls. Maybe I shouldn't play dingles. You can hit with some pros. Wait. It's going to be super fun. Are you playing?

Are you playing? I'm playing. Dingles is so fun. You can come out and play a little bit, hit with some of the pros, and you can always say, okay, it's too much. I don't want to play anymore, and just hang out, and then there's alcohol. Great. Dingles is you have to hit cross-court. Yeah. So, like, I have to hit cross-court, and then the person next to me hits cross-court. Yeah. And then the first person that misses, you can only do cross-court. And when you miss, you yell, Dingles! Dingles!

And then the other ball that's active becomes a free ball for the whole court. That's right. But what happens to me is the minute someone yells dingles, I like- You freeze? I freeze. Because I'm like, what happened? And then the ball goes whizzing past me. Because imagine someone next to you yelling dingles really loud. Dingle!

Wouldn't that make you? It would. Yeah. Yeah. It did right now. I could see it on her face. I froze. I stopped talking. As soon as you guys started saying dingles, I haven't said a word. We're doing it tomorrow. Yay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. There we go. Now, let's see. Okay. Back to The Office. Had you seen the show before? Were you a fan of it? Did you know anyone on The Office? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'd seen both versions. Did I know anyone? I knew Rain. Oh, yeah. Rain Wilson. Yeah.

When I first started acting in New York,

He was my understudy in a play. What was the play? I'm pretty sure that's true. It was called The Monogamous at Playwrights Horizons. By the way, I'm going to go see Rain's play Friday. Waiting for Godot. Saturday, closing night. I'm going to go see Waiting for Godot on Saturday. I saw it. He's great in it. Yeah? I can't wait. He's really good. I have a question from a fan. Let's go. It's Amit R. from Edmonton, Alberta, who wants to know, on The Office –

What was hardest to get used to? The improvising in scenes or learning to see the camera as a separate character? Take us back.

You're very great, like right out of the gate at like clocking the camera. Yeah. Because some people that threw them off. But we watched you look at the camera. I appreciate hearing that. I was about to answer that question with the question, which was, I don't remember. Did I look at the camera? What? Yes. It's all very vague, foggy to me, my experience.

I don't remember. You do. Am I on one episode or multiple episodes? You're on two episodes. I'm on two episodes? Two, and then you have a cameo, and Michael's- I hope that doesn't sound pretentious. I just don't remember. No, no, it's fine. You're in two episodes, and then you have a little cameo for Michael's Last Dundies, where Michael sends the camera crew, because Danny Cordray wins hottest in the office. And it's in deleted scenes, and I'm pretty sure it'll end up in the superfan episodes too, but yeah. So you're-

You do win the Dundee. I'm in a deleted scene in another episode? Yes. So you're in two episodes and then you got deleted from a third. But you'll probably be added back. Oh, and what's that scene? You've won hottest in the- But I didn't show up for that. You didn't. And so you come on- So how am I in it? Oh, they put me on the screen? Michael has a TV screen. Yeah. And your character says, yeah, I said I couldn't be there, but Michael sent out a camera crew to my house.

Oh, so I shot and I shot that. You shot that. Yes. You talk. It's you. You did it. I don't remember that. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Well, do you remember- I do remember getting the Dundee though. And they sent it to my house. It was pretty great. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. I got the little trophy. Yeah. So do you still have it that says hottest in the office? I don't know. Oh, that would be great to have for your shelf. Yeah. Yes. I have-

I have two, and this will go next to it, Greatest World's Best Podcast Guest. Yay, our coffee mug. I have two –

World's Greatest Dads. I've won it twice. Aww. That's so cute. Yeah. Now, I've been a father for 25 years, but I've only won – I've only got it twice. And you have three children. I have three children. Have only two awarded you this award? By the way, that's a good question. Or is it the same kid? I don't know. I just like that I – for some reason, I have two of them. Yeah. Somewhere along the line, they either forgot they gave me one or they're like, oh, let's get it to them again. Yeah. He really likes that. Let's give him an award.

And I don't know if I am the world's greatest dad because I don't even remember who gave it to me or why or when I got it. I just know I have two. And I've always liked having the two side by side. And I think for a second that Dundee might have been there. I'm a bit of a minimalist at the house. I don't tend to keep a lot of stuff. That's good. That's smart. Yeah. I mean, I turned that frown around. So I don't remember the looking at the camera bits.

Okay. But it sounds like a winner. You did it really well. That's great. Okay, cool. I don't remember anything being difficult about the show. I remember, other than, I do remember laughing. I'm sure I screwed up what would have been a really good scene because with Carell where I was, I just couldn't stop laughing because it was so intense and funny. And I, the,

There's a little bit of disappointment still there that I could not keep a straight face. Is it when you're trying to leave the building? Yes. Because it's in the bloopers. Yeah. So at least it's got a life somewhere. Because he's incredible. Yeah. And he's fully committed. And I'm quite certain, I haven't seen it in a long, you know, but that I'm the one busting up more than he is. I'm sure I'm busting up and that's making him then laugh. But he's...

He was really impressive. Oh, yeah. He doesn't break. He's like a statue. It's really hard to make him laugh. Yeah, no, he was very committed. I have fond memories of my experience, you know, just in general. I just remember enjoying the whole thing. And you guys were all wonderful pros, great vibe. You'd already been on the air for a while. Yeah, it was season seven, but it was always so fun when someone new came in because

that new energy that it would bring to the set. Sure. And I loved it so much. I rewatched it. The fact that

Danny Cordray thinks Pam is a dork. And that's why. Do you remember our storyline? It's coming back to me now. So we had gone on a couple of dates when Jim was away. Two dates. Two dates. And it was supposed to be a third, but then you didn't call me back. But you try to tell Jim that it was that I didn't call you back. And so I say, no, no, no.

And then we will not leave you alone. We're like, he has this great scene where he's like, man, why didn't you call her back? And you're like, for real? You want to know why I didn't call your wife back for a date like five years ago? And you eventually admit that it's because you thought I was a little dorky. I do remember that. It was so fun. That's so wonderful. It's such a great scene. And when you finally admit it, that Pam's a little dorky.

I watched it with my son who's 16 and he turned to me and he goes, this is so cringy. Well, I'm dressed as olive oil. I'm in a full Halloween costume. Yes. And so I am like, I'm being pretty dorky. And she goes, when you call her dorky, she goes, oh, okay. Excuse me. Like, it's so funny. Do you remember that too? Yeah. That's so fun. I love that storyline so much.

I want to ask you about The Sting. That's the first episode where you show up and you're this salesman and Michael's going to try to figure out why are you so good? You're this rival salesperson. Yeah. And so they set up that fake office. Yeah. And then Meredith is an Oscar come in. Meredith? Wait, her name is something Van Helsing. What?

Do you remember if Dwight knews her? I do remember. Now a lot of this is coming back to me now, but I do remember the sting. I remember that scene being in the office and her acting like she's super rich and in charge or something. Yes, yeah. And people are coming in and out. Yes, because-

She starts to really hit on you. And so they're like, ah, she's going to ruin it. Send in Oscar. And then Oscar comes in and she's literally like, he's here to clean. He speaks no English. And then they send in Ryan the temp. And she's like, that's Esteban. He does floors. So she keeps like thwarting their plans. Yes. It's really fun.

It is a show. How long ago is that? It's a long time. It's been, my God, how long ago now? I mean, we probably shot that in 2010. Yeah. I mean, 15 years ago. Yeah. Yeah. People still will be like, you know. Yeah. Do you get recognized for a D&D portrait? Yeah. I'll get, you know, the occasional like, hey, were you in the office? Yeah. Yeah.

That happens. That happens. I mean, that's so wild because you have such amazing, huge, larger than life other characters. It's a huge... And also, you get it from like teenagers and stuff. Yeah. It's amazing. A show that just keeps on giving. Yes. How cool to be on a... You guys were part of something that culturally relevant and huge. We had no idea at the time. Kind of amazing. Yeah. It was pretty wild. I mean...

I don't have those kind of problems. You guys must get that craziness. People must go, hey, can you go to the airport? What's it like when you go to the airport? I can go a lot of places. I really fly under the radar and I always have. I don't know if it's like some sort of like special gift or something. I don't know. But I...

Like I was once rear-ended by the paparazzi who were chasing Christina Ricci. And I had to get out of my car and like exchange information with them. And they never took my photo. Like that's.

It's like how invisible I am to that world. Well, I would challenge you to fly southwest to Austin and walk through that airport because you're going to get recognized a lot. I think I can do it.

I'll take that challenge. Let's go. We're taking the show Office Ladies on the Road. We're going to film one. I don't know. Guys, we're going to film one. I get recognized a ton at airports. Southwest Terminal in Austin. It's a great town. She'll get recognized. I won't. It's in the budget. Let's go. It's in the budget. We could go. Talk to people.

people about bread and Austin. I invited myself on the trip, by the way. You're on our spinoff show, Office Ladies on the Road with Timothy Oliphant. Yeah, Office Ladies on the Road. Come on. That's a fun show. You're our man on the street. Bread of the week. Bread of the week. Southwest, Austin. We're building the network show by show right now. I mean, you guys have a network. This is what you guys... Will you please be at our next think tank meeting? Because...

We have 44 episodes we have to fill. I like that there have been already think tank meetings. Yes. Yes. Yeah. We've got one coming up in January. They don't come up often. Well, it's a holiday, so you're shutting it down. We're taking some time. In January, you get the think tank. We're taking some time. Yeah, we're going to think tank it. Okay. In the episode Costume Contest, Michael says, you remind him of someone, and Kelly says, is it Josh Duhamel?

Fan question from Keila V in Texas. Do you often get confused for Josh Duhamel? Follow up. I heard he was on your Christmas card once. Yeah. So I've, I've told this story before, so forgive me for it. So yes, obviously I do. But yeah, he was in my, he took a picture with, we were at an event together. We'd never met. But as soon as we saw each other, started laughing. And while we were talking,

One of the Dodgers, we were at a Dodgers event and one of the guys asked him if he was going to be in any more Hitman movies, which is a movie I did. And he asked Josh in front of me,

And it was really great. I watched him get mistaken for me in front of me. It was just wonderful. And then it occurred to me, I said, you know what? I got my whole family here. Would you? And he knew right away. He was like, I'm in. You got it. So great. So he took a picture with my wife and three kids. And we sent it out as the holiday Christmas card.

That's so awesome. My mom had it on the fridge and hadn't noticed it. Didn't clock it. My brother called me, said, dude, mom had no idea. I had to point it out to her. And she said, I thought he looked taller.

It's such a good story. It's a great story. So yeah, me and Josh are forever linked. Lovely guy. He's a great sport about it. Kind of funny. It's funny. Do you guys have one of those? Yeah. I've got a couple. Yeah? Yeah. I would get Amy Adams and Isla Fisher. Okay. And have you spoken to them about it? Yeah. Because you assume they also... Yes. Or maybe she says, sometimes the paparazzis don't pay attention to me because they think I'm you. Yeah. She's like...

They're like, go ahead, Jenna. Sometimes when I'm being ignored, I realize, oh, you guys think I'm Jenna. Yeah, exactly. No, one time at a party, Amy and I were both at the party. And the guy I was with at the time, he came up to me and he's like, oh, my God, I'm so embarrassed. I just went up and I put my arm around Amy Adams. I thought it was you. I thought it was you.

And I was like, nope, I'm over here. And then she came up and she was like, I met your date. It was so great to meet him. So, yeah. So we've talked about it a little bit, but I don't, it's like I kind of see it. Did you also say, and P.S., don't put your arm around me in public. I was like, I mean, we're not together anymore. See? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Because he overstepped with somebody else.

Do you get one? I've gotten before a shorter version of Laura Dern, but like the short version. She's really tall. So I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. That's all I got. But you don't have the doppelganger, showbiz doppelganger out there that you know you're being mistaken for because that's where we have the –

Yeah, I'll get giggles behind a counter and then I realize they don't know who I am. Yeah, right. They think I'm him. No, no. Although I really want to tell Laura Dern that someday. That like, hey, I'm your short version. Yeah, yeah. You should play her short sister in something. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

I want to ask you a little bit about Justified. Yes. I have only just started watching the series, but I am loving it. Thank you. Me too. My husband loved it. And then he had me start watching it. I love it. Oh, thank you. Do you still have the hat? Never kept it. What? You didn't keep your hat. You didn't keep the dundee. So keep that in mind with the dundee. Right. I didn't keep the hat. Yeah. That is shocking to me. What about from Deadwood? Do you have your star hat?

No, I didn't keep any. Do you take anything from sets? So yes, in that like a pair of jeans or anything that's practical. So you're like, oh, I like the fit of these. I'm going to wear these all. Right. These are good boots. But nothing sentimental.

No, I never take anything sentimental. I take things that I'm like, oh, I could use some socks. Right. Yeah. No, my kids will make fun of me. Like if I buy something, they'll be like, oh, dad bought a shirt because a lot of times I will just be wearing things that have like my character name or it either says like, you

You know, when they put inside, it either says hero or it says like, you know, Raylan. Yeah. I'll have like a pair of jeans and inside it just says Raylan or hero. Yeah. I'll have that. You know what? T-shirts. T-shirts.

Anything that's – those I take all – I always tell the customer, I always say, look, there's going to be some things missing. So I just hope it's in the budget. Which is my clothes, my wardrobe. But I don't – I've never taken – That's how you shop. Yeah, and I will say – because I always think to myself, what am I going to do with the hat? I mean, it's just going to sit there somewhere and take up space and I don't like having – You don't – you're minimal at home. We've learned this. I'm a bit of a minimalist. I'm a bit of the –

When I first heard about that Maria Kondo. Oh, right. I was like, oh, yeah, I got it. You're like, I do it already. I'm there. But she added the little thank you for your service. You ever hear that little quote that she does? As you throw it away. As you throw it away. Or as you re-gift it. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. You pass it on. I've added that. I've added that. Thank you for your service. Big fan. Thank you for your time here. Big fan of that. But I did keep a hat from the show.

We did a thing – it's a spoiler – but we did a thing where there was a guy, a villain with a hat towards the very end of the original show's ending. Oh.

And I wore this hat. I took the dead guy's hat because he shot my hat. We had a whole story. Anyway, I took that hat and then had it refitted so that I could just wear like a free hat. Yeah. It was a little bit along that practical thing. I was like, I'd love to get a free hat out of this. Right. But I don't want to want that hat, the hat. So I got another hat. You wouldn't recognize it as the hat from the show because you just have it re-blocked.

I kind of wish I did that with the Raylan hat. Yeah. Yeah. Just took it and then just had it. I forget. You can just have a hat reblocked and just make it into, it's not even recognizable. And it'd be a fun fact to say, yeah, this is a Raylan hat. Yeah. There it is. Yeah. But I just like how it looks. Yeah. Just,

Change it around. I have a little story for us. Well, two things. One, I have a question from Julio in Clinton, New Jersey. Julio says, which office character would best survive the justified universe? I'm going with Creed. Okay. I think he is in that world. He's sort of a criminal, but also sort of...

not he's questionable i feel like a marshall yeah would be needed to track him in some way yep that would have been great because everyone on your show is so good at comedy and but not acknowledging the comedy without pointing it out which is kind of what we were doing a little bit like very much nothing more fun than taking someone who's like known for a sitcom and putting them in like a

gritty, like comedic performance on our show. That was always my favorite thing. I always love that when I watch a show to see someone from a world that's like totally different. I think your character was that on The Office too for a lot of people. That was really cool. Yeah, because your time on The Office was after Deadwood but before Justified. Okay. I'll take your word for it. It was. Yeah.

So if you had watched Deadwood. It's all a bit of a blur. Yeah. As a Deadwood fan, which I was, you know, we had, that was a thing that we did on the show a lot. Like we had a lot of folks who had been on the sting. Wait, is that the name of the show? No. The Wire. I was going to say them. I was like, wow. We're professionals. Hold on. Timothy.

Can I just tell you, this is our last show of 2024. Can you feel it? You had Redford, Newman. Who else did you have from The Sting? Jackie Gleason. Gleason. He was in it. Amazing. They were great on the show. I forgot Jackie Gleason was in The Sting. Have you watched The Sting in a while? I have. Because it holds up and it's fantastic. I have. It's one of my favorite movies. I keep a list of things and I want to say I watched it like a year or two ago. Yeah.

- Oh, I haven't seen it in a while. - Really solid. - All right. - So good. Just wonderful performances. I mean, just, wow. That ending, it's just like you love everybody, right? - Yeah. - When they're all closing up shop, giving the little-- - On the nose, mm-hmm. - Now I need to rewatch it. - It's so wonderful.

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Hey there, Ryan Reynolds here. It's a new year and you know what that means. No, not the diet. Resolutions.

I found a little something on YouTube.

That I want to talk to you about. Okay. Well. I'm leaning in. Everybody's leaning in. You should have teased that. By the way, put that in the front of the show. I found a little thing on YouTube I want to ask you about. But we'll get to that later. And then people will really stick around. Stay tuned. Why do you think we've lost that?

What are you saying? All right. What do you got on you? By the way, let's circle back to that thing you were saying on YouTube. Yes. See what I did there? Thank you. Thank you. Can you just do this for us? We have some ads for you later too. Oh, I'd love to sit in on the ads. Oh, you're so funny when you read ads on Conan. I love it. Oh, thank you. That made me laugh so hard. Yeah, I read ads on Conan.

really funny. Okay. YouTube. Here we go. Okay. It was April 2015. Okay. You were a guest. I'm right there. You were a guest on Conan O'Brien. Justified last episode was that night. There was going to be a party. You bring onto Conan a mason jar of whiskey from Kentucky and

And you and Conan and Andy all drank whiskey during the interview. Yeah. I was the second guest that night. And I came out and you poured me a whiskey. You didn't realize. I was like, surely this isn't real whiskey. And I took a big slug of it. Yeah, I remember. And I was like, oh, wow.

Real whiskey. So that is the first time I've ever drank on television. And I rewatched the interview. You totally are great. First of all, you guys were sipping.

And then I come out, I take my slug of whiskey and I am so like wackadoodle in the interview. I don't know. No, you're being tough on yourself. No, but it was really good whiskey and I totally thought it was a bit and I didn't think it was actual whiskey. Yeah, we committed. We committed. You guys are very committed.

Timothy, we shared with our listeners that you and I recently connected at our mutual friend's birthday party. Yeah. And I got to meet your wife of 30 years. Yep. Don't mess me up. 30 something, I think. Go ahead. She is amazing. Thank you.

Thank you. But that's nice of you to say. Okay. I agree. We got a fan question from Kim P in Chicago who said, the sexiest thing about you is your long relationship with your wife. Would you be willing to tell us your meet cute? Oh. We're separating. No, you are not. You are not. Okay.

I have to assume that when you met her, you knew immediately that you needed to marry this person. She is one of the most phenomenal human beings I have ever met. One of the strongest, best first impressions a human has ever made on me. Your wife is like, she is Alexis is Alexis.

Like a gem of a human being. Oh, that's lovely to hear. I will pass that on to her. I mean, how did you do it? Because she's never seen anything I've ever been in. But that's true, isn't it? Which part? That she doesn't like really engage in the whole like Hollywood thing. No, no. Yeah. We met in college. Where'd you go to college? We went to USC. Okay. Junior year of college. Yeah, we were 20.

And we were in a class, oceanography. That's a cool class. It was like a science requirement. And I was swimming at SC. All the athletes, basically, we had the athletes got the counselor. They all said, you're taking oceanography. Like, that's your science. And it's a super fun class. And it's really popular. There's this guy, Pipkin, a professor there. It was a fun class. Anyway. Is it like the easy science class? Yes.

I think that was the idea. Like all the athletes were like, you should take oceanography because that'll satisfy your science. And it's kind of a big, easy class and it's popular. They probably also just liked all the athletes taking the one class. So we're all getting the same tutor. We're all being tutored to get through it. We had a class like that. They called shake and bake.

because it was earthquakes and natural disasters. Oh. And all the athletes were in it. There you go. So that's your shake and take. Yeah, oceanography. And you got a field trip to- Catalina Island. To Catalina. So you'd go out on the boat and go out there and go swim and snorkel in Catalina because SC's got like an oceanography institute out there. Oh.

Oh, that's cool. Yeah. So she was in the class? She was in the class. Yeah. She used to come in late. One of the last people to come in. So I'd always see her coming in. And, um...

To your point, I began referring to her as my girlfriend. We'd never met, but I was like, that's my girlfriend. I need to save her a spot because she comes in late and she'll have to come up, sit next to me. So, yeah, we had met taking oceanography class. We had friends in common. Yeah, we first met. I introduced myself to her after class. Oh.

That's so cute. And the rest is history. Yep. All right. You've been so generous with your time. You have. The last thing that we have. It's been a pleasure. I appreciate the invitation. Oh, thank you. Yeah. The last thing we do on this show is season five of Office Ladies.

The last thing we do on the show are our call sheet questions. These are questions that we would ask members of our cast and crew, and then we would put their little answers on the back of the call sheet. Yeah, we'd put their answers on the back of our call sheets. We didn't do this. Like the production office did it, but it was such a fun thing on the side of the office. And it's how people like you learned a little bit about the cast or crew. It was a lovely show. I know. Isn't that wonderful? Yeah.

So you guys are dominating the world with your show and just making all this and also with the lovely kind of wonderful atmosphere and feel good. The camaraderie. It was like a family, really. Yeah. Yeah. So you want to kick it off, lady? Sure. Okay. First question is, what was your first job? It could be your first paid acting job or maybe your first job in general.

As far as I can remember, I think we would be accepting two answers, either lifeguarding or swim coaching. I think I coached – yeah, those are probably the two jobs I kind of did when I was growing up. I used to give swim lessons. Yeah. Because I was a swimmer. Yeah. All right. So we're going to go with lifeguarding. Lifeguarding. Lifeguarding. All right. Do you play a musical instrument? I play guitar.

Not well, but I play it. I played it a couple of times for a movie. I never got into it for a couple of different jobs, but learned it well enough for the job. And then just a few years ago, either pandemic or strike. I mean, just not long ago, my daughter, who's a very good singer songwriter, she was like, dad, you should play guitar, play guitar with me. So we started, I started playing guitar with her and that got me into it.

That is so sweet. So she's, I owe her some thanks. Next question. What's a place that you've been to that you absolutely loved?

Oh, well, I love the Carmel, the sort of Northern California. Carmel has always been a very, they can put as many bad art galleries and cutesy, but I still, I love it. I don't care how many they can, that's how great that place is. They can shove, they've shoved so much bad art in that little community. And I'm still like, yeah, it's great. I love it.

Can't ruin it. I just love that coast. And that is always, I've always had a soft spot for it. And we used to go there as kids, not so not far from Modesto. And my wife and I always go, we honeymoon there. I love that area. All right. I've got the next one. What do you like to do on the weekends? These days? Sure. Yeah. Um,

So I swim early Saturday morning. This is like the routine. I swim early Saturdays. You still swim? Still swim. Okay. I've gotten way back into, I don't know why. It's like a thing. My wife dragged me. I've always swam. Mm-hmm.

But a few years ago, I was working in Tribeca with Alex Winter in New York. And my wife is like, oh, we found a pool. We usually do. And then there was a master's program there. And she was like, let's do master's. You kind of like are with a group and there's a coach. And I was like, I don't want to do that. Come on. And then I did it.

And I love it. I'm like, yeah. So now, yeah, swim over it. So I swim usually Saturday mornings. Lately, we have a – my wife and I share an art studio with our son. If we're really a mellow weekend, we'll go to – we like a Saturday in the art studio. It's kind of great.

I mean, if we're just hanging in town, dog walks. Our kids, we're empty nesters, so it's just chill time. We do whatever. We're done with the taking kids to a tennis tournament or whatever. It's kind of nice. That sounds really chill. May play tennis over the weekend. I play with my kid. I play with my brother. Yeah.

Yes, weekends in LA are pretty chill. Sunday more like just, Sunday tend to be stick around the house. Yeah, like chore day kind of? Chores. Like do you have a Sunday chore? Angela, I'm in show business.

I grew up doing so many chores. Did you guys have, like, I was a chore, you were a chore person growing up. You had chores. We had major chores, major chores. My buddies were like, dude, how, I was like, I just got to do my chores and then I'm free. And they were like, oh, yeah. Yeah.

And now my kids, I don't think they know. They'd be like, chore? What is that? Look it up in the dictionary. I know. I know. What's a chore? We decided to have a chore day. And we told our kids they have to load the dishwasher. That's a chore? Yes. Oh, my God. You know what my chores were growing up? Load the dishwasher. Well, listen, I...

That's a routine. That's not a chore. Yes, thank you. But they're 14. But let me tell you, you have a- Wait, that's still-

How do you mean that? But they're 14. But like, why? Like, we're in Los Angeles. It's not like, listen, in Archer City, Texas, chores were like, go, you. I had friends that had to milk the cows. Yeah. They had to go collect eggs. We had to clean out ponds. We had to like mow lawns and we had to like prune and weed. And like, we had like chores. There was like, there was a wheelbarrow involved. Anyway. We had a wheelbarrow involved. There was something that took gasoline. Yes. That was a chore. I wrote with my dad where he bailed.

He bailed hay. It was like chopping. We had like, you know, there was something involved. You might get like, there might be blisters. No, I'm not saying. There was a shed. We had to go out to the shed. Okay, fine. Keeping them grounded. Well, anyway. Let's hear it. I want you to know. Load the dishwasher. I want to tell you, it was a show. When I opened the dishwasher, I was like, what the hell happened in here?

Everything was just thrown in there. I do remember moments with my kids when they were pretty old. And I'm like, could you just sweep this up? And I started watching. I'm not even going to name which one because pretty much all of them had this moment where I was watching them sweep. And I'm like...

Who taught you to sweep? What is that? Where'd you learn that? And I realized I've failed. I haven't taught them. It's my fault. I mean, I can't blame them for not knowing how to sweep.

Clearly, that's something you have to kind of at some point. Someone has to show you. Oh, my God. It was so embarrassing. I was like, that's not how you sweep. How is that? I thought that was just something you knew. No, no, it's not natural. I have a new thing that I just implemented with my kids. I want to get your take on it. All right. Let's hear it. So I heard this on a podcast, which when I told my kids that they were like, oh, mom heard a podcast.

Mom and her podcast. Mom and her ideas. So the thought behind it is rather than make them a chore list that they have to do, you teach them how to notice what needs to be done and do it. Because the mental labor of making the list and-

saying what has to be done, like that's half the chore. So what you're wanting to do is like raise people who can see with their own eyes what needs to be done. So

I have this thing where I- This is a podcast called Pipe Dreams. Pipe Dreams for parents. Pipe Dream for parents. Next on the Office Ladies Network. There's Pipe Dreams for parents who don't live practically. So here's what I did. This is the kind of thing you- I said- It feels like this is like right next to Whole Foods, like where you go down the aisle in Whole Foods and there's like just stuff in there that's supposed to do things. We're like, how is that even possible? That doesn't work. We all just lost our minds as soon as we walked in this place.

I set a timer for 15 minutes. And they have to notice. For 15 minutes, they have to walk around. And notice. See what needs to be done and do it. How's that working? Wait, and then they're done after 15 minutes? Yeah. This is making my dishwasher thing look hardcore. I got to say, I mean, I hope they turn out. I do. You know that. And by the way, I feel the same about my kids are already in their 20s, so I have a pretty good idea. Yeah.

But that seems crazy compared to how now. I mean, I'm not saying what my because, you know, I got I think there's some areas they kind of screwed up. But I.

They just said like, this is what needs to be done. That's hilarious. 15 minutes, walk around, notice. I mean, the gag there is they take 12, 13 minutes to notice something. And then they're like, they only got two minutes to do it. Like, got it. Still looking around. Still looking around. I got 15. I've noticed a couple of things, but I want to keep kind of poking. There might be something better. It's amazing. Yeah.

All right. I thought we got, I think we hit our stride somewhere where we realized if we just wrote the routines, that was the easiest way.

Like write it on the board, your sort of task. Is what you're doing Monday, is what you're doing Tuesday, is what you're doing Wednesday. Just these are the tasks. A little bit. Because otherwise you were constantly saying, you know, hey, I need you to, could you just go do this? Could you go? And they're like, oh my God, you're just going to throw that on me whenever. So it was more like. Read the board. Here's the board. These are the things that are going to be done. This is, you know, this is yours. This is your sister's. This is whatever. Yeah. Yeah.

And it is LA. It's not Modesto life. So it's not like they're out mowing. I mean. No. No, we were like work. We had like chores. I pulled weeds. I picked up dog poop. Oh, yeah. You know? Yeah. I mean, I cleaned the toilets. I was bathrooms. That was my job in my house growing up. Yeah. I think just three boys and we were just out in the yard working. We had daily chores and then weekends were like.

Yeah, all hands on deck. My memory is a few hours before I was free to go hang out. Yeah. It was always my buddies making plans and then they're like, you'll join us like around noon, one o'clock when you're done. And we're going over the canal to open up to water the...

You'd have to let the water into the field and water the fields. Those are real chores. We had real chores, yeah. Did you take 15 minutes to look around? Just take 15 minutes to look around. Just see what needed to be done. I think this is a really good thing, though. It's amazing. All right, our final question. And we're going to let you go. Okay. What is your favorite midnight snack? Oh, I'm going to go with...

I guess I would go with like peanut butter. Oh, well, yeah. Lately, probably peanut butter. Like peanut butter. Just straight up with a spoon? God, we have gotten to this place where we don't have a lot of – like back in the day, I'd be like ice cream.

But now I'm like, I don't really do that anymore. Isn't that sad? You get to a certain age, you have memories of midnight snacks. Yeah. I remember I used to eat a pint of ice cream. Now it's like, what? That's gross or disgusting. What's wrong with you?

You got to get up and swim. Exactly. So now like we don't, like if I think like right now at the house, the only thing that we have that I will definitely reach for is I bought a bunch of, I was in Finland working. I brought so much good licorice home. So I like reach for the licorice. But when that's gone, that's it. I'm screwed. I'm just like, oh, maybe some peanut butter and honey. I mean, really my midnight snack is probably just like bourbon. That's my midnight snack. Yeah.

It's just the liquor cabinet. The bourbon on the rocks. Yeah, exactly. There you go. Thank you so much. This was a pleasure. Ladies, if I can call you that. You can. You can call us ladies. Ladies, it's been a pleasure. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Well, we're going to get your dates that you can travel. So when we go on the road. Yeah. All right. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, Timothy. It was my pleasure. I mean, how fun. He is so funny. I know.

And Angie, you actually ended up going to his tennis charity event. I did. You know, after the interview, we were talking a little bit before he left. And he was like, I'm serious. If you want to play, you should come. He got my phone number. And on my drive home, he called me. And he was like, hey, I'm about to text you all the info. I was like, OK. It was the next day. And lady, I wore my Songs of Scranton t-shirt to represent the office ladies team.

I was paired up with Timothy's sister-in-law, Robin, and I played with this great group of gals. And I met a lot of his family. It was very much a family affair. Plus, there were some fantastic tennis players, like jaw-dropping, amazing tennis. And some familiar faces like Joel McHale. Oh, yes. I just want you guys all to know that Joel has a really good cross-court forehand. Although, and Joel, I have given him crap about this. He did get schooled.

Oh. On the court. Did he? One or two times. Okay. But that's okay. There was – these tennis players were really good. I was not in the like super good. I was in like the medium court. Is that what they call it? Super good, medium good, not so good? Is that how they count? That's it. That's it.

That is not how they did. They had, if you want to know, they had like 4.5s and 4s and 3.5s. And I was on the 3.5 court. Okay. And 3s. But I was, yeah. So I was, 3.5 is good, lady. That was my GPA in college. So that's very good. It served me well there. Yeah.

But it was a really fun day. And thank you, Timothy, for including me and Robin for introducing me to your tennis gals. And, you know, it was just a lot of great people coming together for a good cause. I will share in our stories. But like Timothy said in his interview, all the proceeds went to Center for Reflective Communities.

And I'll put a swipe up so you can learn more about it. Well, Angela, another follow-up that we should give is that Timothy did go and see Rain's production, The Closing Night of Waiting for Godot, and loved it. Loved it. Took his mom. Texted us to update us, which I thought was so nice. Hey, ladies, by the way, we loved it. Loved the play.

Well, a big thank you to Timothy for coming in the studio to talk with us. We hope you enjoyed this episode and thank you to everyone who sent in questions. We just love hearing from you. Have a great week.

Thank you for listening to Office Ladies. Office Ladies is a presentation of Odyssey and is produced by Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey. Our executive producer is Cassie Jerkins. Our audio engineer is Sam Kiefer and our associate producer is Ainsley Bubbico. Odyssey's executive producers are Jenna Weiss-Berman and Leah Reese Dennis. Office Ladies is mixed and mastered by Chris Basil. Our theme song is Rubber Tree by Creed Bratton.