cover of episode A Look Back on Weight Loss, Part 1

A Look Back on Weight Loss, Part 1

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Office Ladies

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Angela Kinsey
Jenna Fisher
Jenna Fisher: 本集回顾了《办公室》第五季第一集《减肥》的幕后故事,包括演员们在拍摄场景时使用即时通讯软件互相开玩笑,以及John Krasinski为演员们设置的即时通讯用户名。此外,还讨论了剧中Jim和Pam的即时通讯场景,以及一些技术问题。 Angela Kinsey: 本集主要围绕着Andy和Angela的婚礼计划展开,Angela对Andy的每一个建议都表示不满,因为她并不想嫁给他。同时,Angela与Dwight的婚外情贯穿始终,她们讨论了Angela和Dwight在不同地点发生性行为的可能性。此外,还分享了剧中Andy独白的一些备选版本,以及一些关于拍摄过程中的幕后花絮,例如拍摄过程中遇到的技术问题、道具的制作以及演员们的即兴表演等。 Angela Kinsey: 本集中,Angela与Dwight的婚外情是主要情节之一。她对Andy的婚礼建议感到厌烦,并多次与Dwight在仓库秘密约会。DVD评论音轨中,剧组人员详细讲述了拍摄过程中的各种挑战,包括服装、布景、道具、以及后期制作中的数字修改等。其中,Andy的独白、Meredith晒伤的剧情、以及拍摄过程中遇到的技术问题等都得到了详细的讨论。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Today we’re taking a look back on *Weight Loss and Jenna and Angela have some new info to share! With a little more digging, Angela shares some alts and Jenna tells a story about how all the cast members got their instant messaging screen names. To kick off Season 5 and this two part episode, Angela also shares that the DVD commentary features commentary from The Office crew! The crew gives the lowdown on how they *shot this episode that spans over an 8 week period. It was a continuity nightmare with fruit flies, goatees, and a cast member that had to have their shirt digitally altered in post. The ladies also break down an old tech alert that caused camera interference and we find out what’s going on with Meredith’s sunburnt face. Enjoy this episode now, so you can get in bed with your nice comforter and several cozy pillows, read a chapter of your book and have lights out by 8:30. That’s how you sleep at night.


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