Just a reminder to subscribe. And it's a little bit longer of an intro today. So, hey, check out the markers if you want to get into the stories. Thanks, guys. Enjoy the episode. Will they not even forgive me but understand, like, I'm not PC?
You know, so like don't come here. Come, come here if you want to be offended, but don't come here like looking for, you know, good takes. They're all terrible. Okay. I love that this is the energy we're starting off with today. This is going to be so, so good. And I know
Hearing you say this, I know I picked the right theme for you. I'm so excited. Because is it still like Reddit? Still Reddit. Okay. And a lot of people get scared because like, you know. I'm a Reddit sleuth. Are you? Yes. You know, sometimes when you're so hungover, you need to feel something. And preferably it's like something bad. I feel something.
so bad about how much I drank and blacking out that I just need to feel worse about something else. Right. Like I need to have some kind of emotion and I need a distraction. So one time I watched my ex-boyfriend's wedding live and
on Instagram stories when I was so hungover. It did the job. I felt all right. I would have needed a padded room. Yeah. No, literally, I should have been admitted to the hospital. Or checking yourself into the ICU where you used to work. Hail doll.
ASAP. So then when I was on Bachelorette, I did a similar thing. I was so hungover. I forget where I was, but I was in like an Airbnb and then I looked up my name and it got the job done. It was terrible. And I haven't been back. Thank God. Because that's a form of self-harm that should not be repeated. Yeah. No, I agree. And like haters means you made it. I know it's trite and it's like, but like Cardi B I feel like is wise in some ways. Yeah.
And I don't know. It just really rings true. It's like if you hate me so much and you're going to talk about me, like why are you thinking about me so much? Thank you. You know? That's the question I've been asking. Yeah. Yeah.
Because the people I hate the most. It will never be solved. No. And the people I hate the most or like not hate but want to talk shit about, like I am incredibly jealous. Are you? Kind of. See, the one like person that I'm just like about, like I, well, there's actually no, there's more than one. Yeah. But I just like, I literally they pop up and I'm like, I'm not jealous at all. I actually, I feel so much pity for them.
Or maybe pity is not the right word. Like, just like... What actions on their end make you feel pity? I don't know if I feel...
Yeah. I'm just like, I feel so bad. Totally. Because this is coming from a bad place. Yeah. Like you're just such a bad person. Yeah. And I know how bad of a person you are. And other people don't when they like you. Oh, no. I like having that insight too. Like I like being on the right side of history. I'm so, I told you so. Oh. I will never keep it in. I have such a hard time. My,
My mom and my brother just like got a new couch recently and I told them, I was like, that's not going to fit. I was like, that's not going to fucking fit. And they get it in the house and it doesn't fit. And they go. And you're like, yes, fuck.
I go, I literally go, I told you so. Yeah. I was like, I just needed one. I just needed one. Literally. But our theme today, which, first of all, guys, you might have recognized her amazing voice or her beautiful face if you're watching on YouTube. But today's host is the lovely Gabby Windy. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. I'm Brayden.
I'm blown away. I did. I told you I did like a full deep dive on you because I like I hate not being prepared. But, you know, you have lived so many lives. Yeah. ICU nurse, Denver Broncos cheerleader. Yeah. On The Bachelor, then The Bachelorette, which.
splitting a season, they robbed you. Then Dancing with the Stars, you got robbed. You should have won. Yeah, it was a national upset. People just like, yeah, they just like, these things blow over. Your dancing was insane. Thank you. Insane. Yeah. Now you're on Traitors, which also, I'm obsessed. Thank you. I'm just like, this is the greatest show. How have I never seen this? I'm just like, I'm blown away by you and like every clip I watch, like,
First of all, I love how much you scared Alfonso on Dancing with the Stars. Oh my God, he was the best. He like didn't know how to handle you. And he was like, you could tell he was kind of scared. Like, what's Gabby going to say next? But then like just all of your clips, like you are so emotionally intelligent. Thank you. Like you really are just...
tuned in and with it. Thank you so much. I don't want it to go to your head too much, you know? No, my head can barely fit, but I'm like, it does come with side effects. Really? Yeah. I think...
Empathy kills. Literally. I wish I could back off a little bit. Well, Anne, what's your sign? I'm a Pisces, which I was offended. You said Pisces better luck next time. I was like this bitch. Maybe I don't like her so much. No. My co-bachelorette, Rachel, is a Pisces. Okay. Yeah. So, but other than that, I haven't really met a lot, honestly. Really? Yeah. We're just at home crying. Literally. I'm
I'm like, it just feels like you're very emotional. I'm already crying. Yeah, actually. Are you okay? No. I'm just... We're off to a start, dude. No, I'm a laugh crier. It's concerning. No, that's the best. Oh my God.
I love when people laugh cry. I did it once the other day and I'm like, that felt good. I'm just like, okay, literally, why did I put bottom mascara on? But back to emotional intelligence. Sometimes it's like it teeters on the line of judgy. I'm just like, oh my God, there's no hope for you.
And then I'll continue to pick a part in my head. So I'm like, I'm trying to come off of that. I'm not judging you. Okay, thank you. No. I get scared about being perceived. Oh my God. I already like you immediately. Yes. Obviously. Me? Come on, imagine. I passed the Gabby bar. No, I know. This is so crazy, but I don't want you. I don't know if I'm setting the tone. I don't want you to think that I came in here and sit and I'm like...
You know, this is my show now. Yes, actually. Okay, please. Like, just I'm going to put a muzzle on. No, un-muzzle, unfiltered. I want bad takes. I want devil's advocate. I want it all. Today's theme, because obviously you're on Traders right now. And I literally before I started watching the show, I was like, okay, good theme for Gabby. Like, maybe it's friend or foe. Like, it's a slippery slope, a fine line.
I started this show and Alan Cummings is literally like friend or foe. And I was like, the fuck? Okay, this feels meant to be. But the more I got into these stories, I'm like, it's very clear a lot of them are foe. A lot of them are very like evil. So I changed it a little bit. And what I'm working with right now, it could change by the time it comes out. Sometimes my titles do. But it's more along the lines of like, is there any good in this evil?
Is there a silver lining here? Yeah. Because as you will see, these people are unhinged. Right. But maybe there's a little upside. Maybe not. Totally. But you and your emotional intelligence, I feel like you would be the one to find it. Yeah. Let's hear it. Now I'm like getting nervous. I'm like, oh my God. You got this. You're going to crush it. Let's dive in. Let's dive in.
Oh, how do I want to start you off today? Give it to me. Okay. This one is coming from AITAH. Am I the asshole, basically? These I love because I feel like if it's always a woman writing in, they're clearly not the asshole. This is from my data, which is pretty good. Did you do a double-blind study? Yeah. I did all the research in my head.
I'm obviously unbiased being a raging misandrist. Is that what people tell you? No, self-proclaimed. Okay. Yeah. Taking it on. Literally, which I just found out what that word meant. It's a big word. Yeah, maybe a couple months ago. I'm like, what is this new word misandry? And how have I not been using it by now?
But if a man writes in, he's always the asshole. We're going to see. This first one is coming from a guy. Okay, let's see. Am I the asshole? My wife wants me to set a budget for sex as a part of her stay-at-home mom role. What is it? So he's going to pay her for sex? She wants him to set a budget. I think that's genius.
I, male 33, am the breadwinner in our family of four. My wife is a stay-at-home mom, and it's a decision we both agreed on. I take care of everything financially—food, clothes, bills, household needs, etc. Problem is, my wife wants me to set a budget for sex.
I love her. Yeah.
She said it is her right since she'd work all day and take care of the house and kids then. Then she has to stay up at night so we can have sex together, and it's exhausting for her and time-consuming, as she put it. She's giving me ideas. I felt extremely upset and disappointed in her behavior, but she says she's in the right and that I'm being too selfish to see it. She keeps demanding it, but I refused. Am I the asshole here?
I mean, I don't know if you're an asshole, but your wife clearly doesn't like you. I just, I'm like, it feels a little goofy to like charge your husband for sex. Yeah. I'm like, you're...
you're pimping yourself out, ma'am. Right. But it's like, what a safe space to do it. Like, I'm all about sex work and she literally is giving me ideas. I'm going to take this home to Robbie immediately. I'm like, I want to have compensation. Um, but,
But I mean, yeah, they're always like, it's about communication. I mean, she's communicating. Yeah. And it's like she's thinking about sex as a job. It's not something that she willingly wants to do for pleasure. It's like, is he making her come? No. Right. No. There's like things left out of the story. If the sex is her just sucking your little dick.
for however long, like she deserves compensation because it is a part of her housewife duty. Yeah. If you're going down on her for hours doing your due diligence, then maybe the price could be lower. But I still think there could be a price. Five dollars per blowjob. Just a little something. Here's a coffee, babe. Right.
I don't know. Like I, so I just went to Amsterdam for the first time. Oh, did you go to a sex show? I didn't. I was a little intimidated. We went, Robbie and I. Was it good? No, it was, it was traumatizing. Really? Yes. We, we went to this one that was highly recommended. Which one? Because there's like, I'm trying to remember the names now. There was a Moulin Rouge there. Oh, it definitely wasn't that. And there was like, oh, what was the one that was really, there's a bunch.
Yeah. I'm like, but I wanted to. This one was packed. It was mostly packed with dudes, like red flags sitting in the corner in a very suspicious position. I know. Robbie and I were immediately like, oh my God, don't get too close. We can't let anybody know we were lesbians because like we don't know what's going on here. Highly recommended by her lesbian friend who was just there, who was obviously very, um,
What do you call it when you're not getting a lot of sex and you're sexually… Deprived. Yeah. Or like angst. Frustrated. Yeah.
I am having word finding issues, which is like par for the course. So she's sexually frustrated, sat for three hours at this show. You can just go. Anyway, she gave us the rec. We. Three hours. Yes. It was like, I just always think like, yeah, are they being well compensated? Do they have the right to say no? Like that was immediately where my mind went because this guy's dick was bad.
a weapon. It was huge. It could, like, penetrate her chest cavity. Oh, my God. She could have been kebabbed. Like, literally. Literally. Speared. Yeah. And just, like, balanced. Honestly, though, would you rather have that or...
Well, now you're with a woman. So like, yeah, you're decided. It is like a micro dick. A microponous is the equivalent of a clit. So like if if your boyfriend has a tiny dick, just be a lesbian. It's way better.
You heard it here, guys. I literally, there's one person and I thought about this the other day because like a friend of mine texted me. She's like, I got blackout drunk and had sex with someone. I don't remember it. And it's not like me. And I'm like, it's fine. You're not going to think about it again. Yeah, because you don't remember. Well, that or like you forget it until times like this. But like, I'd rather have like the kebab fear versus like the one where you like turn around. You're like,
Is it in? Because you can't even feel it. Right. No, that's terrible. Because that's just a waste of a number. Right. You're like, is this real? You know, is this actually happening? Or like, and naturally as women, you just want to like take on the blame. I know. Why? Why do we do this? I know exactly. I'm like, is my pussy too agape? Like, am I the problem? That word. Agape? Yeah.
But really, it's them. One time I had a pencil dick come right at my belly button and then I immediately flipped on and I was like, holy shit, I think I have a stomach ache. And I rolled over. You're so smart, though, that you got out of it. Yeah. I just like was like, I'm too far gone. Totally. I mean, you have to experience it. You do. But back to this one. Yeah. Should she be able to charge? Yeah.
And should he have to set a budget? It's definitely not normal to ask for compensation for sex with your husband. But it's like, I want to know where her mindset is because yeah, I feel like if it feels like a duty for her, there must be a reason behind it. So it's like naturally like a man, I don't think he's giving us all the information. I do think they need to go to therapy and talk about it. Yeah.
And like figure it out. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not for it or against it. I'm very curious about the context. I will say like when I was looking for stories this week, I think there's an epidemic of bad sex or like unequal sex. Yeah. The amount of stories I saw from like
Please help me be attracted to my boyfriend. We've been together for seven years and I've never come. Yeah. Be a lesbian. Seven years? Why are you not making her come? Like, have you ever heard of a vibrator? Do you not believe in toys in the bedroom? No. Like, you need to grow up. So many don't.
I personally know multiple dudes. We've like as a friend group sat down and had this conversation. They do not look at toys as okay. They think it's like replacing them and it's competition. It's like, no. It's like you're so insecure to like think like that. It's like Robbie doesn't even have a dick and she makes me cum more than any man.
Why? Why are they so threatened? And I just like, see, I can't have an unbiased take. See, there's that misandry. It's the misandry. Yeah. And it's like, I love audacity. So you like it. You're like, yeah, you should get a budget. I'm like, this bitch.
Being a stay-at-home mom is not easy. Hardest job there is. Yes, you get to leave the kids. I can barely take care of the house. I'm so exhausted when I come home. But it's like you get to leave. I used to be a nurse, and the moms would be like, no, this is a break. And our job, you know, working in the hospital was grueling. I'm like, oh, my God, what are kids like?
if this is, if this is like your respite, like, fuck that. It makes having kids sound so great. Yeah. Yeah. Do you want kids? Like,
I go back and forth all the time. I'm kind of like in the position of like, if it happens, it happens. I really don't want to be pregnant is like my problem. Yeah. I'm like that concept like really freaks me out. Like a little thing like potentially breaking my legs, making my... Breaking your what? Oh my God. What kind of kid are you expecting to have? Okay, well some people's pelvis breaks when they come out. Yeah. Breaking my ribs.
Oh, my God. Some people lose their teeth. Your hair falls out. Where? You got to get off Reddit. I know. You got to get off Reddit. Have you seen the girl with the list? No, but she, this is, yeah. As women, we are meant to have kids because also to contribute to the many lives. I am a dropout of sorts, which I think adds to my resume. I went to a year and a half of midwifery school, I think.
I was going to get my master's. Yeah. That's cool. It's a fun word to say, midwifery. Yeah. That's why I did it. That's a good pronunciation. Yeah. But so we learned a lot about pregnancy. For someone who doesn't want kids, like I am extremely interested and cannot stop talking about like my vagina. Yeah.
because I think it's a complex creature. I don't think we talk about it enough. No, we don't. Just like so much is going on. And like, I feel like I'm coming from a scientific standpoint. So it's like more educational. But anyways, as a woman, we are meant to have babies. I don't know what this girl's doing, losing her teeth. She needs to go to the dentist. No, like the baby needs so much calcium. And if you don't have enough, it just takes it from your teeth.
Um, what about a calcium supplement? Some people don't do it until it's too late and the teeth are just gone. Okay, I do think this is like, yes, an abnormal case, but I'm the opposite. I want to be pregnant, but I don't want to raise it. I'm looking for a surrogate.
No joke. Yeah. But no, it's really women's bodies are just so incredible. You'd really get into pelvic floor therapy. Yeah. You should really get on that. I fuck with Kegels. It's a part of it. Yeah. I want to do a dumbbell. Oh, my God. You're giving that new show with Amy Adams Night Bitch.
Oh, yeah. Have you seen the trailer where she's like, I can crack a walnut in my vagina? That's literally going to be you just carrying around a dumbbell. Yeah, I hear you can put a dumbbell on the end of it. What?
I'm thinking a five pounder. Like one of those ones you get on Amazon that has that like weird material around it that you can like use at home. Oh my God. I know. You know what you should just do? Is just use the Bala. What's the Bala? You know those Bala bangles that everyone was obsessed with during COVID? Yeah.
The little arm weights. Okay. They make like a pill. It literally looks like a beet pill. And it's like workout material silicone. Yeah. They have five pounders. See? Just so everyone knows. And it's like a size...
I don't have like actually any pelvic floor issues. It's like totally fine. If you're wondering, Robbie has nothing but good things to say. A plus report cards, people. Yes. This is just like purely curiosity. It's bucket list. Totally. I just like the idea of it. I'm like that too. I just like wonder about things like.
Like pegging, it's kind of one of those bucket list things. Like everyone, if you don't get curious about like obscure and random things, what are you doing? Right. What is there to live for? Nothing. Yeah. Might as well be gone tomorrow. Right. Just running the rat wheel. Come on, mix it up a little. Right. Yeah. Peg your husband. Let's go. Oh my God. We were talking. I'm just going off the deep end with you today. Please hit me. We literally...
I don't know if it's appropriate for online. We'll reconvene. No, yeah, you can bleep. Yeah, that's my problem is I don't know what is appropriate for YouTube. I'm like, I'm not even monetized, so I can't get demonetized. But I'm definitely on-
I'm definitely on that route because I'm screaming things, I guess, that I shouldn't be screaming. Honestly, though, people love the chaos. So let's just plug it early. If you want another amazing podcast to listen to, long-winded, on YouTube, clearly. Yeah, yeah. Let's get her monetized, people. Actually, please do the Lord's work. I was a nurse for eight years living paycheck to paycheck. What?
Oh, my God. Give me a break. And you were cheerleading at the same time as nursing, weren't you? Mm-hmm. Which, like, you don't get— I've heard some NFL teams have to, like, buy their own uniforms.
Like all of them. Yeah. The first thing when I first made the cheer squad and we have to like go over our contracts and documentation, literally the first clause was like, we are Denver Broncos cheerleaders LLC. So immediately they're setting the tone that you are not a part of the NFL.
We'd do it again and again and again. I love my tits and my chin. Like, that is so empowering. And shout out to the Victoria's Secret bombshell bra. Hey. Yeah. There we go. Literally. We kept them in business. But yeah, no, we don't get paid anything. I think as a cheerleader and as a nurse...
I was making around $40,000 a year, 40 to 45. Like literally one of the most valuable professions we have, nurses, teachers. And like, why do we pay them so poorly? Yeah. I know terribly. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Moving along to the next one. Okay, hit me. Oh my God, I didn't even read the top comment. I'm just so flabbergasted. No, this is what I want to hear. I know they're going to be like, whatever. She shouldn't be doing that. Like, so lame. Honestly...
So I read it as sex because I knew what word. Yeah. But he wrote it as S comma X. Like he felt like he couldn't say sex or something. Yeah. So the top comment, you can say sex on the internet, bud. Literally, as it should. Because it's like I love when people comment like that on Reddit because immediately they're like, this is so throwaway. Nobody gives a fuck.
Next one. Info. Does she have any spending money where she is not accountable to you for what she spends it on? It may just be that she has no breathing room when it comes to money and wants some that is hers for whatever she wants. Yeah. I didn't think about that. Maybe there's some financial abuse here and this is like her last flaw and chance to get an allowance. Totally. That'd be bad.
Right. Because then he should already, one, he should address it and he should already be like understanding that. And two, I don't know. I'm obviously full of shit and speaking from a place of I don't know. But it's like, who cares? Just pay her. But that I understand that it would make him feel like it's more procedural. But this already feels procedural. Like something here is clearly not
Right. Right. Like, I don't think she's being satisfied because otherwise if you were being satisfied and it was like a mutually beneficial thing, which is what sex should be. Right. You wouldn't ask for money for it. Yeah. Yeah, totally. Huh. I know. I know. Okay. Well, on to the next one.
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And 50% off your custom routine. Pros.com slash THD. Okay. Are you buckled? Mm-hmm. I know you're going to like this one. My 29 male girlfriend, 27 female, has a blackmail folder on her computer. She has one on me too. What should be my next move? I'm speechless. A blackmail folder. Let's get into this one. Okay.
So I've been with my girlfriend for about six months and we've had zero big issues. We have opposite personalities. I always try to be chill and she's more strict and more of a decision maker. She comes from money and works for her family's corporation. And she's told me that it changed her brain chemistry because she has to work really hard to be taken seriously because of her age and relation to the business. Can relate as a nurse.
So you start young and nobody takes you seriously, especially doctors. And it's like, well, what did you hire me for? She's someone that has to have control over every decision and has a way of getting her way, even with something as simple as deciding where to eat. This hasn't bothered me too much until I found out the extent of it.
She has a laptop that she guards with her life. I don't know why, but the other night when she got up to pee, she didn't close it properly, and I just jumped into Snoop while she was in the bathroom. I don't even know what I was looking for, but I found a blackmail folder of everyone from her business partners to friends and family. She had a folder on her uncle having a gay sexting session, had a folder on some random guy cheating on his wife,
I don't even know how she got it. She had screenshots of her friend's old tweets, and I even found a folder on what I think were my initials, but I couldn't open it before she got back.
Again, I never had any issues with her and I was going to keep dating her. But now I'm genuinely worried. You should be worried. Maybe paranoid. Yeah. I haven't done anything bad. But what if she took pictures of me without me knowing or something like that? Oh, my God. I'd be so embarrassed. I don't know what to do. Then you could be a victim and people love victims. So, like, don't worry. Okay, well, there's the good and the evil. Yes. There you go. Yeah, yeah. Okay.
I feel like I need to go back. So she must have learned something along the way through working with her family's corporation that's, like, making her extra vigilant. What is this corporation? The CIA? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, it could be. Yeah. Are you a spy? That's what it's giving. Like, what is going on?
And then I understand like nobody takes her seriously, but I don't think that lends itself to blackmail. But maybe she's just been like so fucked in the past that she's ready to fuck someone over. But like, I don't. Do you watch Real Housewives of New York? No. I see clips. Yes.
So Dorinda has this amazing saying that she's like, say it, forget it, write it, regret it. It's like things in print. I know it's so good. Because if you like say something kind of like fucked up, like people will like, it's like, whatever, it'll blow over. You have more context. It's not that like, you know, it's easy.
easier um kind of just to forgive yeah and and maybe understand everybody does it differently um but if you write it that's like it's in stone yes and that's what she has on her computer so it's like why can't you just keep it in your head can't you just make mental folders in your head and like talk shit when you need like her paranoia that she has to have like folders on the computer like
I would be afraid. I would be terrified. Yes. You got to get out. And how is how? Yes. Before you get out, you have to delete your folder. But don't you think she could just get it again? Right. She would back that shit up. Like she's, oh, she's got a hard drive copy of this. I mean, the fact that she has her uncle's
sexting conversation yeah how'd she get that she had to get into his phone screenshot it and then send it to herself like she's good yeah in a bad way but like she's good at what she's doing and so nerdy so nosy and so curious it's like who has the energy I just cannot find the energy literally for anything else besides like getting up in the morning and coming here oh thank
Oh, thank God you came here. Yeah, I just cannot be bothered. No, I get that. I'm flaky. I'm so flaky.
this is nothing about you but like sometimes I'll have people coming on or like I have to do something and I'm like god I just hope they cancel I just want to stay at home today all the time every time yeah it's always fine when you go you're like oh my god I love my friends I love my community yes but before it's hard teeth to get there literally but it's like yeah how does he get out
Literally. Because you have to do it in a way where she's not mad at you. You have to make it. It's her idea. Yeah. I think you blackmail the blackmailer. I think you mental gymnastics, backflip, full twist, your way out of the relationship. Get a file on her. Yes. Get the blackmail. I mean, you have the ultimate blackmail because you know she has the blackmail.
Like arc. Right. Like this is like Noah collecting all the little animals. Like she's got this locked and loaded. Yeah. So it's like if you just are like, hey,
Saw that. Right. Didn't love it. I'm going to go. And just slow, like, Homer Simpson fade into the bush. Yes, yes. Like, I'm going to go. Yeah, yeah. And if you blackmail me, I have stuff on you. If you try anything, like, you just really can't because he honestly has the power. I hope he realizes that. He probably won't. Because, like, this could go so wrong. Like—
I mean, you never know what someone like this is capable of. Like genuinely, I'm like, okay, I know I'm spiraling a little bit, but like, who knows? She could jump from blackmail to murder. We don't know. Literally. So you have to like set it up where you're like, if I go missing or something happens to me, there's an automatic email that gets, you gotta like trip her up a little bit. Or option B, have you heard about weaponized incompetence?
Oh, no, but this is gonna be my new favorite word. Okay. Maybe. It's literally, it's... When people play dumb. Or they purposefully do things wrong or bad so they never have to do it again. So you see this a lot on Reddit in like hetero relationships. And it's like, I asked my husband to like help with the laundry and every time he does the laundry, he ruins my clothes. So I can't have him do it anymore. Like,
People will fuck shit up on purpose to not have to do it. That's evil. I think that would be option B to get out though. Yeah, that's actually Diabal. How would he weaponize and oh, like. Yes, but then she would just blackmail him. She would like get receipts and be like, he's doing this stuff on purpose. She would twist it. And this is the problem.
As much as I'm a raging misandrist, also there's like, it just like, it takes one. Sometimes there's like one woman who fucks it up. It's like Elizabeth Holmes. You really got to ruin it for us. And she's like on that path.
So it's like, come on, girl. Yeah, I think maybe like a fade out. I was thinking like a cheating scandal. Ooh. And he could get ahead of it. That's safe. Yeah. But then I think it would really set her off. So it's like not safe. It's kind of like whatever, going into a lion's den. Yeah. I don't know if that's possible. Yeah.
I don't know. I'm concerned for him. Yeah, same. For his safety. You think he's going to get murdered. I do. I'm like, you never know. Too bad Reddit's anonymous. We could like put him in. Maybe he should go in a witness protection program. He should look into WITSEC, honestly. Top comment. With 4,000 upvotes, break up with her. Yeah. She's a good person.
She seems like a vengeful person and readily armed to destroy whoever betrays her. Just tell her in these six months, you've really enjoyed the time you've spent together, but you realize you're entirely different people. You respect and admire her work ethic, but you're not so organized about every single detail. You're carefree, chill, laid back, and prefer a lifestyle and partner who can match your personality. That you both do have opposite personalities, and in the long run, you don't see this truly working out.
Basically tell her something she can believe. Lie if you have to and run. Don't even bother deleting that folder or bringing it up. Leave as amicably as you can. Do not piss her off. She is vindictive. She prefers to ruin someone's life. This is not wife material unless you're in the mafia.
Yeah. I kind of disagree. I absolutely disagree that she should delete the file because what's she going to do? Get mad at him for blackmailing him? I don't think that's going to happen. And I don't know. I'm like, does he blow it up and confront her? Get the receipts? I do think he should blackmail the blackmailer. I think he should set up hidden cameras. Huh?
And capture the folder. Yeah, because there's reason to. And then go first get a restraining order. She's going to do some crazy shit.
I think we need to get the law involved, take her to court, and then take her down. He needs to be stacked with a plan. There's no way that he's going to be able to get out of this amicably. I feel terrible. She's going to stalk him after. Even if he did end it amicably, I think she would still keep tabs on him for this folder. Yeah, he's fucked for life. She has her friend's old twerp
tweets. Why are you trying to blackmail your friends? Your friends. Yeah. No, you need to like have their back. It's so strange. Yes, like I support women's rights and wrongs. Like that's where we're at these days. Well, we have no update from OP. So he's so damn bad, so fucked. There's no comments. When was it? How long ago was it posted? 17 days ago. Yeah, no, he's like
He could be dead. He could be dead. Yeah. Like... It's not going well for him. And sometimes I wonder, sometimes I can be a victim blamer. I hate that about myself. Unless you're a woman. But he's not. So, and like largely, you guys, I do have his back. Give me a break. But also... There's jokes. Yeah. There's jokes there. Aren't there clues?
in the beginning. It's like, how do people get themselves in situations like this? This to me feels like I don't think you ever would have known. You had to have known. Like, what if you go home tonight and you find out that Robbie has a folder on you? Yeah. Like, would you have known? Were there signs that you could look back now and be like, you know...
She was screenshotting a lot of my texts. Yeah. Like, yeah, I think sometimes you just get sucked in and it's blindside. I stare at Robbie's phone. She doesn't even have a lock on her screen. And every time she. What? Yeah. What about pickpocketers? She doesn't care.
One time she got her phone stolen on the airplane. And it's like, whatever. We just like, I know. She, I don't know. What? Maybe she doesn't have a hidden folder. My iCloud was leaked or hacked and my nudes were almost leaked. And I. Did you pay a ransom? He wanted me to, but you know, he wanted me to send him more photos. He sent me back my leaked nude.
This could have been the best day of my life. This could have catapulted me into fandom that we could not expect. I was begging him at this point, taunting and teasing. Even the police called me the other day and they were like, do you want me to close this case? And I'm like, absolutely. Don't go after this man. I need him to leak my nudes because the picture he sent back to me was so hot. I had fake hair.
Erin, my extensions where I was like really inspired. You're like, this is the one. Literally, I was inspired by Love Island UK girls. This gets me the Playboy spread. Yes. Sports Illustrated. Yeah, my hair was down to my ass. It was a tasteful nude. I think you could maybe see a centimeter of a nipple.
So I'm like, why? Let it go, baby. Yeah, get it out there. I'm like, please leak this. But it was in my hidden folder. And so he got in there. I don't think Robbie has a hidden folder. And she would just fully... Like, she knows my password, too. She could go through my phone, and I could go through hers. Gabby, there's someone...
This is you. This story is you. No. Someone hacked you and has your intimate stuff in a folder, a blackmail folder. Yes, but we're not dating. No. Like, you're part of the story. There's that. Yeah. Oh, my God. And they called me, and then it was like...
This is sick and twisted. It was from or I had found out that they were hacking from Houston. And I was like, oh, I want to be on a flight there. My mom lives in Houston and we're strange. And I'm like, what a story. If my mom leaked my nudes, it could compound my astronomical fame. And I'm a serious victim in a sick way.
Hopefully your hacker sees this. Yeah. I've been talking about it. I've been like for so long. I'm like, please pay attention. Leak the news.
Like I'm dead. I'm just like I'm crying again. This is just so good. Wow. Well, everyone say a little prayer for Gabby that her nude gets leaked. Please, please, please, please, please, please. People are like they would DM me and be like, oh, I know you're coping with humor. And I'm like, bitch, I'm not coping. Like, no, like there's nothing to cope. No, I'm actually more pissed that it hasn't happened. Right. Like we need this for ourselves. I'd also like to retire in four years.
But like, I don't have a savings account.
I have an IRA. Well, that counts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Jenna, my editor over here, she's like, I need to start an IRA. And I'm like, yeah, it's just time. Yeah. You got it. You're doing good. Right. I think it's fine. I want to get on like the stonks subreddit again. Stonks? Stonks. With an N? Yeah, they call it stonks. Instead of stocks? Yeah. But I want to be like on that like, remember GameStop?
Let me in on some GameStop type action. Like I want to tank meta and then buy it when it's really low. And like, I just want to be in on the stonks. Do you do crypto? No. Surprise. I don't believe in crypto. That's surprising. With the GameStop, I would have for sure thought you'd fuck with Bitcoin. I get crypto? Yeah. Do you know the crypto queen? No. It's not that interesting.
Anyways. That's fine. Next story. Yeah.
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available in sizes for women, men, and kids. Okay, this next one I'm super deeply concerned about. This is coming from Relationship Advice. I'm a 29-year-old female, and my long-term partner, 29 male, is creating AI porn with unsuspecting women he knows in real life. I'm trying to understand if most men are doing this. No. No.
Well, who knows, actually. The XY species chromosome is going downhill fast. The Y chromosome is losing its genes literally by the second. Is it really? Yeah, they only have 50 left. And they started with like, I don't know.
I think they started with like a thousand. Is that just like a lack of diversity in breeding? Yeah. It sounds so weird to say, but I'm like, what is, why?
I don't know. It's like this is just our nature happening. I want to say natural selection, but I don't think that's the right word. And by the second, I mean it'll take a million years for the Y chromosome to fully disappear.
I hope I'm back in some kind of life. Oh, just to see it? Yeah. But I'm not around a lot of men, I've noticed daily. My manager is a man, surprisingly. He's a real one. And my dad, and that's about it. So I do not know what dudes are up to. Yeah. But I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are doing AI porn. Oh.
That is... Let's get... We've got a little more. We've got a little more info for you. I'm getting ahead of myself. I found out that my 29-male boyfriend of eight years is creating AI porn with women he knew from college, possibly his coworkers, etc. I am betrayed, humiliated, and disgusted. I can't believe he thinks his own pleasure is so important that he can violate the safety, privacy, dignity of unsuspecting women who are not consenting to this.
Also, it feels pretty illegal. It's totally illegal. Or at least it should be. Yeah. I'm trying to figure it out. Is this something that most men are doing now? Do I just have to accept that this is what porn is now? I'm aware that I should walk away if it's something I'm not okay with. What I'm really trying to figure out is if most men are doing this. I would really appreciate honest input across genders. And this...
This, sorry to interrupt, this is what women do. We try and make excuses for disgusting behavior. That should not be the first thing. I mean, I hope to God I'm looking at you men that you're not creating AI porn. I have your back for once. I think this guy's maybe sick and twisted. This is sick and twisted. Do not try and what do you call that word? Not reckon.
You're looking for a big one, though. I am. I can't figure it out. Don't try and, like, make excuses for this guy or make it normal. Go to the police. Yeah. This is, like, revenge porn. This— It feels— It— Yeah. Yeah.
That's the one thing like and I know it kind of got brought into the light, but it hadn't until this thing. But Taylor Swift, they were making like AI, like very graphic images, porn like in nature of her. And then she was the first one to like be like, OK, no, there needs to be laws about this, because as of right now, I don't think there is.
Because AI is like so on the verge of like all of this. Like our government, like right now, cannot keep up with how fast technology moves. You want to ban TikTok because you're scared of China, but everyone flocks to Red Note, which is actually communist China. Like you can't keep up with it. And like that's kind of where they're at with AI, it seems. So I'm like, I don't know if this is illegal, but this is sick. And all of the women...
they deserve to know because I wouldn't want this person who's creating AI deep fake porn of me. I wouldn't want them near me ever again. This is gross. You're getting, you're getting off on me and playing it like you're just my friend or a coworker. Yeah. Right. Oh,
Yeah, literally, why can't you like keep your dick in your pants? Why do you have to like make porn out of people that you're close with in real life? Part of me is like if you're not sharing it.
It's not as like... Maybe it's okay. No, I'm kidding. It's terrible. But what? Oh my God. Can you imagine if he is like posting it on Pornhub or something? No, I bet he is. This guy knows no boundaries. Well, to like have the technology and know how to do this, that's also like such an investment. Like you just went above and beyond any normal guy. Yeah. Like just going on Pornhub and looking up porn. No, he's proud of his work. You know, he's sending it to all of his sick friends. Yeah.
Because who is he surrounding himself with for one? And,
I didn't realize that about AI, but it makes sense in like lawmaking and stuff. So, but like this, I mean, how many like upvotes does it have on Reddit? The post is two months old. It's only got 1.1K upvotes. It feels like it flew under the radar. Yeah, naturally, because it has to do with like women being abused and their rights.
But it's like this story, if she could go public with it, she could be the one to probably lead the lawmaking. Or I'm sure there's a loophole that it's like even if it's not AI, there should be a way that it could categorize itself into something illegal. Please. It does. I bet you could put it in revenge porn.
Yeah. Especially because there's no consent from the other parties, obviously. Right. But then like whoever's defending him, sick fuck 2.0 is going to be like, well, it's not actually their faces, you know, which like, yeah, it makes it even worse.
Oh, my God. She's got to break up. And she has to expose him. 100%. She needs to go undercover. This girl needs to meet the other guy. Yep. Who has the blackmail. They need to come together, figure out a plan how to...
Blackmail these people. Get out safely. Because, yeah, I feel like, well, I mean, she can't have that stuff. She's got to steal his computer. She needs a plan in place. Take the computer straight to the cops. 100%. Yeah. 100%. Block him. Block. Delete. Restraining order. And they've been together for eight years. Eight years. And she just found it. How did she find it again? Nothing.
So she's so down bad. She's like, I love this guy. It's like, did you hear the story of Giselle Pelico? No. In France? No. Oh, my God. This is so sick and twisted. It doesn't even— Oh, my God. The woman whose husband—
Yes. Yes. And they were married for like 30 years. Yes. It's like, can you imagine the love of your life? You're betrothed doing this crazy, like going way out of the way, coming up with this sick, depraved plan. No. Like you wouldn't believe it. No. Like if my fiance did like anything like this or like, I'm like, he's such a fucking unicorn. Like he's, he's,
such a gem. And like, I imagine that's what these people feel like. Like, the love of my life, my person, he's so supportive, has my back. And to find out something so...
gut-wrenching, despicable. Like, no, it would crush me as a person. This is why I think we need to bring the electric chair back. Yeah. Like, no joke. Yes. Like, yeah, buzz his ass. People need to be scared of consequences again. Yeah. No, actually. And like, don't go easy on him. I feel like they should do it multiple times. Yeah. Yeah.
No, it's I was going to say, oh, yeah, Giselle Pelico, her husband, like she was having symptoms, you know, of like lethargy and blackouts and stuff and like losing her hair. He would take her to her doctor's appointments.
And like try and figure out what's going on. So he was like feigning. Oh my God, like gaslighting.
But this and it's a lot of responsibility. I don't think you always have to take on the responsibility. But if she's listening, you could lead this because now people are going to do it now that they have this technology. Right. And idea from Reddit is going to happen a lot. No, I feel like even just.
I'd get on the local news. Right. Like we don't have to name him, but like, like, Hey, this is out there. Like, I don't even know. Like, I'm just, I'm a little distraught over this one. There is no good in this one. I guess like the fact that she found out at least and is not going to marry this person because after dating for eight years, like that's the path you're treading. Right. Yeah. Top comment on this one. Yeah. No. No.
Wait, no. Oh, yeah. Literally. Just no. Yes. Yeah. And I do believe it.
I think. I believe that this is real. Yeah. I don't think this is a troll post. No, no, no. I believe it's real. Yeah. No, one time I tried to do the math of Sophie Rain, the OnlyFans girl who made like 40 million in one year. Holy shit. But it's like, I know. I want to know her subscribers and how much they pay because I was high, naturally. So I was trying to like...
make a formula to see how many subscribers she had. And basically, I learned that maybe it was the size of the city of Denver. I can't tell you. I was reading fake news.
Wait, I want to... What's her name? Sophie Rain. I'm going to look. I want to see. And it could then on Reddit, naturally, there were conspiracies like, this isn't true. It's a marketing tactic from her management. And they're telling her to say these things. So more girls will sign up for OnlyFans. I'm like, okay, I believe that. But I'm wondering if there's dudes that...
And, like, not saying that all dudes who subscribe to OnlyFans, like, will make AI porn. Yeah. But it could be a gateway drug. I'm just lost. I don't know. What is life? What is life? Well, I'm, like, I'm also looking at her OnlyFans. Like, she's got a 50% off deal, so it's only five bucks. Okay. For a month. So to get to 40 million. Right. Right.
And she's only got only, right? Like only. Yeah. But like I'm like thinking in terms of 40 million. Right. 843K likes. Like where is this Y equals MX plus B? Like what's happening? Right. Because I'm wondering if you can do anonymous. Yes.
I'm like maybe dudes are like flying under the radar and like not subscribing or not liking but still paying the $5. 100% because they don't want to get caught. Right, because they're not being found out. I'm sorry that this is the XY chromosome. This is your brethren, not mine. I think this is why like –
guys need to talk to each other more in general yeah like I my in for guys this year is like start really developing emotional intimacy with your friends yeah because like that's the problem there's a lonely there's a loneliness epidemic for men and they don't have to like they're putting themselves in this lonely box and like right talk create intimate relationships like yeah talk to people and like
check in with your friends like hey you're not creating ai porn right that's bad literally yeah like check in totally just be like have you heard of this yeah because i i think like they are trying to make up for the fact that they cannot be emotional for one another with sex
But it's like that because like what is even though I was talking about a lesbian who is sexually frustrated, whatever. Forget I said it. OK, I can have a double standard. I take it back. But it's like, is it there's such thing as being sexually frustrated or is it an excuse?
to make AI porn. It's like, what do you mean? How much do you know that thing where they told you in like junior high, like dudes think about sex every five seconds? I wonder if that's true for 30 year olds. Right. And then I internalized it and I was like, I don't want to think about sex every five seconds. You did? And I was like humping the couch. But it's like internalized misogyny. We all go through it. Do they tell us that though? No.
In order to make sex more acceptable. Like, is that a condition? Is they trying to condition us with that statement? Yeah, probably. All subconsciously and maybe consciously.
And this is the thing. I could be, what's your demo like? You probably have men listening, unfortunately. I have a lot of people that, I do have some dudes. Hi, guys. Hopefully they're all gay. A lot of people listen with their partners, which is, that's something I really love hearing because it's like, they can pause this and be like, what do you think of this? Like, you're not gay.
You don't think AI porn is acceptable, right? Like I think a lot of people use this as like a tool to talk to their partners. Oh my God, I love that. Which I love. Yes. And I even have like some fans that'll write to me. Like I had one recently, which thank you. I can't like, I can't respond to all of them, but I do try. But I had this one that was like, we were watching Traders and my husband cannot understand you. And then we went on a deep talk.
dive through your TikTok and podcast and now he's a stan. I'm like, I love a convert. Yes, those are my favorite because I'm like, an acquired taste is expensive. You have to have a mature palate. If you like mushrooms, you're Shelly now. So like, I'm expensive is what you're saying. I just like, I don't understand how people couldn't back you. Like, your TikTok is hilarious. Like, every...
social media clip or any like media I engaged with you in it I'm like I'm obsessed you're so funny oh my god thank you you're so smart thank you stop my head no I just like I was like
We made the right person famous. You know when people joke about that? Oh, thank you. Not that I mean. I got a knock on wood. I became a recent fan. The chair, the chair. The chair. There you go. You have this on purpose? Yeah. Yeah. No, thank you. And like, I want to be on your side, but you're not doing yourself any favors. But I hope that the majority of men are not making AI porn. I think we're safe. Yeah. I would say this is like a select...
Right. And if you are making AI porn with my face, let me see it before you release it. Here. It could. Just hack her and just put it in her inbox. Yeah. Let me see. Like I might be on your team, like given what kind of positions, like what, what kind of art we're making.
If it's tasteful, you could reconsider. It could also blow my career up. I'm not against it. I think traitors. I just have a good vibe about this show. I'm obsessed. I literally watched the first episode and then I had a dream. I didn't sleep last night. I had a dream that I got put in the show. That's how much I liked it. Like, it's so good. They take AI with all my Argyle sweaters.
Your fits were so good. Scottish outfits. Oh, my God. Thank you. So good. It's like Alan Cumming in the background rolling his R's. Murder. Just let me know. I love it. Okay. Moving along. Okay. I'm going to give you some mail-on-mail crime. Ooh.
This is also coming from relationship advice. It is titled, My partner, 28 male, whispered, I hate you, when he thought I, 37 male, was asleep. Do you think he means it? Oh my God. Me, 37 male, and my partner, 28 male, have been together for seven years. I'm not sure if that's true.
We've had arguments in the past and almost broken up more than once. The arguments have calmed down and gotten less frequent over the years. We had an argument today while making dinner. I put the dry pasta in the pot before putting in the boiling water from the kettle, and this really got him angry. I was supposed to heat up the water in the pot and then put the pasta in. He stopped talking to me for the rest of the evening. Sorry, you deserve it. Have you ever made pasta before? No.
He went into a different room and I went to bed. At about 2 a.m., he came into the room and he thought I was sleeping and whispered, I hate you and walked back out. I tried to go talk to him at around 2.30 a.m., but he is not responding to me, just sitting on his iPad. He may be calmed down by tomorrow. What are your thoughts on this?
I think if he's on any kind of medication, he needs an adjustment. I hate to say when I'm in between meds or going, I'm upping my dose. This could be me. The pasta just sets you off. Yeah. But it does take a certain person who could be capable of more to whisper in your ear, I hate you. Or maybe it's like a kink.
Like, this feels sexual to me. And it might work. I mean, for me? Is this dirty talk? Because my mom also hated me. And like, that works on me. It reminds me of my childhood. No.
So I don't know. I'm kind of on. But you guys, I said this is a part I don't like about myself. Like I can be a victim blamer. I want to change it. Oh, my God. See, I'm sitting here and I'm like, if my partner walked into the room when they think I'm asleep and they whisper, I hate you. I would be concerned. I'd be like, am I going to get stabbed over pasta? Like, am I like?
do I have to sleep with one eye open? Clearly. So I don't know, like maybe there's some people that like could get turned on by this. I think our writer could be in that boat because he doesn't seem scared. He's more so like, do you think he means it? Or he literally goes, yeah,
Yeah. Do you think he means it? Yeah. They always ask the question, like the wrong question. It's like, do you think other men are making AI? That's besides the point. If other men are making AI porn, you and it's like, yeah, if your partner is whispering, I hate you. Wow. Like what?
I think I need more context. But yeah, normal people would be like, I need to run. Yeah. This is confusing. I think you have to like take people at their word more. I think a lot of people are struggling with that lately. Yeah. We see it in, you know, politics and everywhere. Like, oh, well, I didn't think that was a salute. What do you mean? He was joking. Yeah. Take it for what it is. Right. Yeah.
Like, no, believe people at what they tell you. Like, if someone says they hate you, why? They do. They do. Especially as an adult. Like, as kids, we would be like, I hate you. I hate you. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Like, and that must hurt, by the way. If I did, this is also why I don't want kids. Because, like, if they said they hate you, well, actually, they probably mean it because they have less of a guard. Yeah.
I know. And it's like, damn, how does that feel? Kids are so honest. Right. They're so scary. They're intimidating. Yeah. Kids are really intimidating. Terrifying. If I see someone high school age, I'm like, oh my God, are you judging me? Oh, they are. But I'm like, what the fuck? Dude. You teeny bopper. No. Every time I go out in public and I just look wrecked, I...
I instantly regret it when I see a group of like trendy cute girls and like you just feel that look that like literally and I'm like like fuck I should have tried harder today I don't try hard for guys I literally try hard for girls because I'm like
Same. I know. Like going into Sephora on a quick stop. No, I only order online now. Oh my God. Everyone after school, 3.30 p.m. flooding Sephora. I'm like, I've never felt more self-conscious. That is another form of self-harm. Yes. Don't do that to yourself. No, we have to stay away. Online only. And you get better samples and little presents. Oh.
Oh, really? They give you so many presents if you order online. Yeah, that's true because you have more options. Well, they like, oh, it's like spend a hundred. Then you get like five free samples. You just get so much better stuff. Totally. They don't offer you that in the store. No. Because they already know they have you. Right. So true. And then you get an options of like three. Like when is the tiniest bottle of Pureology you've ever seen? It's like how much is, but that's like if online it's coming from the warehouse. Well, and then you have to like spend points like,
Do you want to spend a thousand points to get $10 off? Right. Which like, if you think about that, you spent a thousand dollars. That's what points are. They're equal to a dollar. That makes me sick. I'm making myself sick. Oh my God. I know. Oh my God. See, these are things I don't need to know. These are things I'm better off not knowing. But back to the pasta. I mean, he really set this guy off. How long have they been dating?
Seven years. Yeah, this probably isn't the first time it's happened. And they do have quite an age gap. Yeah. He, our writer, is 37. The person that hates him is 28. Yeah. They've been together seven years, so started at 21 and 30. Right. Very different life points. Yeah, and gay men just don't stay in relationships that long.
when they're that young. Have you seen the posts that are, yeah, just like completely made up? You'll like get really into it in the comments. They're like, we don't believe this and like calling them out and then like whatever, taking it further. I'm like, I don't know about this. What do you think about the actual like technique too? Because I feel like this isn't- Technique of I hate you or the pasta. The pasta. The pasta is totally wrong. I mean, I get it's wrong, but it also feels like a hack.
But the water doesn't stay hot for that long, right? I feel like if it's boiling from a kettle and then you put it on a hot stove, I feel like this is kind of like a hack.
I don't love it. Right. I think he should have poured the boiling water into an empty pot if that's how he wanted to do it. Yeah. And then added pasta. Right. But like, I don't... Is the heat still on is my big question on the pot. So if you're taking the boiling water from the kettle and putting it into a pot without the heat on, that's not going to work. You're going to have not al dente. No. No.
I'm getting distracted by this pasta. But okay, we have a lot of comments from OP. Oh, really? Are you ready? Yes. Okay, this is the scroll. Okay, here's the original post. Wow, yours goes backwards than mine.
Did you set it up like that? I don't know. My... You get the post and then the comments? Yeah, and then I scroll down. Oh my God. I get like the most recent to the oldest. Yeah, same. Maybe a setting. Yeah, yeah. But this is a lot of comments. Yes, I love that. A lot of comments. I was actually asleep and woke up when he came in. People were like,
Why didn't you just talk to him or whatever? Right. People are, again, kind of getting into the why do you add the boiling water? It's weird. I'm dead. Of course, I know how to make pasta. I was making it the way I make it, which was wrong in his mind. Apparently, he came back in later on around 4 or 5 a.m. and said more mean stuff.
Oh. He came in again at 4 a.m. to check on me and I can't sleep, but I'm not moving. He whispered, you're a dick. Then again at 5 a.m., you should die. This is all becoming really suspicious to me because why didn't he include this information in the original post? And at this point, why wouldn't he call him out? And why aren't you sleeping?
Like, because you got into a fight? I think so. Don't you have any meds on hand? Some people go just raw dog to sleep. Raw dog? Yeah.
Don't you have like I have an emergency stash emergency every day. I have gotten like really addicted to the CBD sleep gummies. Oh, yeah. I just like don't get good sleep without them now. Yeah, those are so good. So good. But I'm like, I am starting to question him because it sounds like, you know, when people are like whatever calling him out and then you like make up more points, you
to kind of back convenient right to back your story because it's like you're not going to call him out you're just going to let him whisper in you clearly he hates your guts and you need to break up right I hope you die or whatever like
A lot of people are asking, too, like, well, maybe you shouldn't have gone for someone so young. And OP does provide context. He went for me. I didn't go for him. I think everyone has a different path in life, no matter what age they are. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about wasting your 20s. Maybe that is how he feels.
Yeah, but I don't... I think it's way less about that. First of all, it doesn't matter who goes for who. You could still, like, not date someone that young. But it's not even about that. This guy is whispering concerning things in your ear while you're asleep. So, like...
I just don't understand why you couldn't call him out. And I think he's trying to based on the comments. He's like, I clearly know we need to talk. Yeah. But he's ignoring me. And so I think like a lot of times in relationships, like if you have someone that's stonewalling you. Yeah. That's also an answer. Right. Right. Like if you can't have a conversation and be like,
Hey, why did you whisper you hate me and that you hope I'll die? Yeah. Quick question. Quick question here. Did you mean this? Like, just a little concerned. You good? Right. Like, yeah. Yeah. If you can't have that conversation, like, I don't really think you have a relationship to
fight for? No, not at all. I mean, if it were me and people and he like whatever, my girlfriend was whispering those things in my ear, I would quick. I don't even want to put in the context of my girlfriend. If I were him and my boyfriend was whispering those things, I would quick left hook uppercut and get the fuck out.
You gotta. You gotta run. Right. Why would you be comfortable sleeping in your bed while this guy, I mean, they're pretty threatening things. Well, and this is the last comment I'll read, which I think is also really interesting.
A lot of people are, again, talking based on age. Maybe he's resentful. Maybe he feels like he wasted time or is trapped. Is that an excuse? No, people, no. Yeah. And so OP responds, it could be the case that he has grown resentful, but he is the one that wanted the relationship in the first place. I had just come out as gay and wanted to see other guys. He had already had two relationships before me. He didn't want me to see other guys and to be exclusive with him. So that's what I did.
I don't. This is all a distraction from the problem. I don't like. I love that you can see through it. Yeah. This is. I get lost in the sauce. Yeah. You're like, actually. It's just because you started. About that pasta. Right. It's because you started dating at 21. You deserve to die because you started dating a younger man. Don't you know? Yeah.
But it's like, I don't think that excuses his behavior of what's in like, who does that? That's why I think it's kind of a kink or a sexual thing. Because I feel like he's getting off on this. The boyfriend, the boyfriend and low key the OP and just wants to like check in like, hey, he left that part out. But he's like, okay, what do you guys think if somebody was whispering this in your ear? And
And obviously, people got distracted. But it's like, secretly, he likes it. It's just a kink. Maybe he started the whole thing. Or this is like a really... I'm like psychology over here. I'm like, if this is his first relationship with a guy... Yeah. Also deserved to die. Maybe he's like really questioning like, wait, is this normal? Like as...
crazy as that sounds right but like yeah obviously like when you started dating your girlfriend like there's different norms in that relationship and different things you had to like kind of like mentally like oh no no this is normal and like this relationship versus you know like I'm like maybe there's like a little he's kind of mental gymnastic in himself because right it was his first is his first relationship totally yeah that could happen but also that proves my point like gay men are more kinky right
I don't even know what you're saying.
Actually, yeah. Okay. Actually, totally. I'm mental gymnastics myself. I'm like, wait, what am I saying? No, because it's like this is his first relationship with a gay dude. So this could be totally baseline. Yeah. This could happen in the culture. And maybe this is the first time we're hearing about it as a community. Yeah.
How many upvotes does this one have? Oh, man. I lost it. I'm so distressed over here. I'm crying again, guys. I'm crying again. Oh, my God. I literally lost the tab. That's okay. Okay. It has 4.4K upvotes. Okay. That's a lot. So there should be some gay dudes in there, but they're probably lurking. Okay. Let's see. Like, oh, my God. They found out our deepest secret. What?
The top comment, I'm pretty sure he means he hates you. Literally, like you're saying, take people at their word. The next comment, this is a wild guess, but you might just be right. An age gap relationship turned sour, you say? Surprised Pikachu.
But like nobody's concerned about the well-being of this guy and the partner saying these crazy things to him while he's asleep. It's like, it's like, you know, what's it called when you're sleeping and you play something and it's like it gets into your brain subconsciously by osmosis kind of. Oh my God. It was like, what is that? There's a word for it.
It's they they're on tapes all the time. Yeah. And like there's that episode of Friends where like Chandler's trying to quit smoking or something. Yeah. It's like you're a strong, beautiful affirmations. It's like a trance. Psychosis. Yeah, literally. No, hypnosis. It's like a type of hypnosis. No, it could be psychosis. But anyways, maybe the boyfriend is trying to do that while he's asleep. So he'll wake up and be like,
Oh my God, he hates me. I should break up. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe this is a passive way. Okay. Also, I hope all of these victims are listening to this podcast and they can collaboratively learn from each other's stories. Because maybe the guy from the beginning with the crazy girl with the blackmail, he could use this tactic too.
Subconsciously. Give her a message. Honestly, it's all tied together today. Yeah. It really is. I need like a moment to decompress after this one. I know. Oops. It's a lot to think about. Okay. Wow.
I think I'm going to give you a choice on this next one. Okay. I'm a little scared. So option number one, am I the asshole for calling my brother-in-law's wife insanely entitled after an argument over photos of my sister?
Or I hooked up with my dead ex's sister on accident. On accident? Yeah. On accident? Yeah. Wait, I have to pick one to do what with to talk about? Yeah. Or I'll give you option three. Okay. I, 33 male, am developing a crush on my wife's cousin. How long until these feelings fade?
I'll let you pick two if you want. Okay. I'll pick the last two because I can't deal with the degrees of separation and twice removed in the first one. You're so smart. You'd get it. Is it? Okay. Read it to me again. Okay. So am I the asshole for calling my brother-in-law's wife? Okay. So his sister was married to that guy. She died.
Okay, got it. Insanely entitled after an argument over photos of my sister. So this new wife is coming in and like, fuck those photos. She's dead. Oh my God. Wow. Yeah, I think I'll go with the two dead ones. Two dead ones. Yeah, because they're not here to defend themselves. Okay, got it.
That's a good tactic. Okay, let's start with the complicated one first. Okay. Am I the asshole for calling my brother-in-law's wife insanely entitled after an argument over photos of my sister?
Pretty quick, if you ask me. Yeah.
I'll confess it has been awkward and uncomfortable, and my brother-in-law has admitted that he feels it too. We're still close, still best friends too. But it's weird and hurts sometimes to see him with someone else. I'm happy he's happy, but Anna was my sister, so the emotions are a lot more complex.
He does understand. My niece and nephew have struggled to accept his new wife, Hazel. My nephew doesn't really remember his mom, but my niece talks about her a lot, and brother-in-law talks about her too. He has never wanted to forget her or erase her or let her memory fade. Mm.
What? Yeah. Yeah.
While I struggle with Josh being married to someone who isn't Anna, I'm also happy for his happiness. Yeah. A week ago, Hazel and I got into a fight, and it has caused some extra tension. She told me she was uncomfortable in my house and that I needed to remove the family photos of Anna, Josh, and the kids and of Anna and Josh's wedding photos and even mine because Anna and Josh were in them too.
I laughed at first thinking she couldn't be serious, but she was. She said she always looks to see if I still have them and then said I should take them down and put up some of them, her and Josh and the kids. Oh my God, Hazel, you're giving us a bad name. She also wanted me to remove the wall of Anna's art in our dining room. This is different paintings and drawings Anna did for me slash us over the years. She told me Anna's dead.
Anna's the past and her, Hazel, is the future. Oh my God. Wow. She doesn't really beat around the bush, does she? I told her Anna is my sister, not her, and I can have photos of my sister in my home if I want to. She told me I can't deny her this because I even have childhood photos of Anna on the walls and she's letting that go, even though she feels they should be gone too.
She said the kids see themselves in her kid photos and it's making her harder for her to get into their hearts. Okay. She told me I have no right to make her so uncomfortable. I said she should not be this insanely entitled at her age, 32, and that she should be grown enough to know she can't dictate other people's houses. Literally. Josh came in and asked Hazel to go home early. He asked me to have the kids three days last week, too, which we did.
Hazel didn't like it and accused me of taking the kids out of spite so I can fill their heads with talk about Anna. Oh my God. Hazel's gotta go. She called me an asshole and an insensitive jerk. Oh my God. Am I the asshole? No. No for once.
No, for once, you got me good. You're not the asshole. She's obviously so insecure, which would be hard because I can't. I mean, clearly they got married way too early and they like she's insecure. It doesn't sound like I mean, I agree that you don't want to lose the memory of your late wife, but also it doesn't sound like he's so over her. Right.
which I don't know if you should ever get over her. No, but I think that's like, that's a really interesting concept to me. Because it's not like they broke up. She died. Right. And so I don't know if like you ever...
get over someone that just died. There's no closure. Why can't there be enough room for both of you? Right, right. Which would be the choice you make marrying into that situation. What was Hazel doing if she's so threatened by a ghost? Right. Yeah, literally. Hazel.
If you're not Hazel, if you're not stepmom material, don't fucking sign up for it. Yeah. Yeah. That was a choice. Yeah, absolutely. And I feel like I feel like something could be making her insecure. Yeah. Because and naturally because also she she's definitely not the woman for the job, but him, the best friend and brother in law.
also is still very entrenched with the late wife's family. So it's not like he, not saying you should move on. This is how he's making his choice is to still be very much involved with the, what's the late wife's name? We don't know. Anna. With Anna's life. So it would make it harder for Hazel. So it's like, I feel like
they just shouldn't have married. I'm like actually confused how they got married. Right. You didn't get any sense like the Josh guy. Josh, you didn't get any sense that this girlfriend, this new, you know, fiance, now wife of yours hates your late wife's family. Yeah. Wants to exclude them every step of the way. Right. And it's not just like, OK, this is his late wife's family. Like that's reason enough to like
join and still remain close. But like, that's also his best friend. Like he met Anna, his late wife, because they were besties. Right. Like what? Yeah. No, totally. That's not just like going to go away. That doesn't like leave your life. And, and the guy, the OP is like very involved with the kids and like babysitting and stuff, which is like, what's the,
Not dead ones. Hazel. I have recall. No, names are tough. Now I forgot what I was going to say. Were you about to talk about the village? The village? Like it takes a – like he's got a good village. Right, right. I wasn't going to say the village. Okay.
But that is a good point. Yeah. But now that you said it, it does. He needs to like marry someone who's more chill and who gets it. Probably a widower. Honestly, I've got a friend. She's super down to be a stepmom. Yeah. She like actually might prefer it. Yeah. But it same. That's what I always said. Like if...
which I would literally pray to God and be like, I know there's a God. If I married someone who doesn't want kids and then I became a lesbian and it's like impossible, I know it's not, but I choose it to be. But it's like, yeah, even with a stepmom, like some, I think there's a really complicated dynamic with having a dead one.
You know, because like there's it's not like you kind of get to talk shit on the ex-wife or get to have a relationship with her. If Hazel did, it doesn't sound like she does. But it's like, right. And she can't just go into someone else's house and walk all over them. Like that's she is like, yeah, she's being she's way too extreme. What's like above entitled? What would like be above that?
What would be above entitled? I don't know. Bitchy? No, I think that's below entitled. Is there anything above entitled? I don't know, but there should be. You're right. Controlling. Definitely controlling. Mm-hmm.
I'm going to need all of you to like write in what is above entitled because that is the level at which Hazel is at. Right. Yeah. She just should not have married into that. So, and it's hard thinking, right. If you guys really love each other, but like, yeah, you should have maybe faced these issues before, or he needs to sit her down and be like, look, this is what it is. We can like work through it together, but this behavior has got to stop. But
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Hazel wouldn't take that well. No, but I don't really give a fuck about Hazel. No, me either. She's got to go. I mean, the bright side of this, like at least she kind of likes her stepkids. I'm like, okay, she wants them in her heart or whatever that weird thing was. Yeah.
But she's still trying to destroy any memory of their mom, which is psychotic. Yeah. Which I think she has malintentions for wanting the kids to like her. I think she wants to be above the wife. She wants to be loved more. I'm your new mommy. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
I know. Because she doesn't want any trace. But like as a kid, I feel like you should be able to see where you came from. You know? Absolutely. And like hold on to the memory. There's a place. I think there's a place you can or a way you can do both. Yeah. I think so too. Top comment. Not.
Yeah. Gabby, you were on it. I know, Hazel.
Yeah. They go on to say that's a red flag for me. Yeah. Right. And the talk needs to be had with Josh. It's one thing to remove Anna from Josh and Hazel's home. It's a whole level of crazy to remove from Opie's home. Mm hmm. And that's like, yeah, you think about that. You're like, wait,
Okay, let's just that, like asking someone to take down stuff that's on their wall. Right. Especially art. Like it doesn't even have her face on it. Art. Art that she made. Yes. Like how petty are you? You're just jealous that nobody ever made you art and like you get to hang it in your home. And I know that feeling because Robbie's grandpa was a painter. He was a famous painter in Montreal. Oh, cool. I know. And so I get jealous that I didn't have...
A painter in the family. Oh, damn. Yeah. Maybe you just need to become the painter. Ooh. Whoa. That's deep. That's really deep. But she is sweet because I'm like, we're like speaking of death. We're like, I wonder what happens when we die. And she's like, I bet you'll meet my grandfather first with open arms. So she's saying you'll die first. Yeah.
Well, my thing is, is like she wants to live to 110. Oh, hell no. No, exactly. And I want to be in full control of my death because I am a control freak. So like I'll be of a certain age, but I'm-
Do you envision? Depends on my health. But like I'm thinking in my 80s and then all euthanasia myself. Yeah. Going out by choice in Switzerland sounds nice. Yeah. I fully thought when you were you were about to say like, I want to be fully in control. I literally thought you were going to be like, I want to be fully in control of my bowels. And like after that, it's over. Yes. Yeah. Once I lose that, it's done, which honestly, it goes hand in hand. I don't
I honestly though I thought about it because I really have to pee right now. But I'm like wearing a diaper. Yeah. No, you lose your integrity like when you go when you're sick and it's progressive like that. It's like the people who die in their sleep. That's what I want to do. Ideal. Same. I want to make myself die in my sleep. That's like I just like I don't.
I'm like, beggars can't be choosers, right? But like my fiance's grandma, just great grandma, just passed away. She was 99. Yeah. In her sleep. Wow. That's ideal. Is that luck? Or like, how do you get that? Because I'm sure I don't have good enough karma. My genetics are bad.
They're not great. No, what are they? Not great. I got heart disease, cancer, bad hips. I got it all. Oh my God. Oh, that's why you're so worried about your hips with baby birth. See? Yeah. Break your legs. Yeah, they're going to come right for your legs. Her eyes were gone. Her teeth were gone. That's literally my fear. Okay.
One last choice for you. Okay. Okay. I saved some like obscure Reddit titles that are like random rapid fire questions. Yeah. You can have those, those, or the I accidentally hooked up with my dead ex's sister. Oh my God. Should we do the rapid fire? Just because I feel like I can't turn it down. Let's go. And it's an addition. Let's go. Okay. Okay.
Okay, up first. What is the worst response to I love you? The worst response to I love you is probably I don't love you. I hate you. Like that guy. We need to talk. Yes. Or just silence. Yes, silence. Because I don't even think thank you is that bad. People are like, thank you is the worst response. I'm like, I did that.
With Robbie. Thank you. Right. You said thank you. Yeah. Not like just thank you, but I was like, oh, thank you so much. I'm not there yet. Okay. That's so fair though. Yeah. What else do you say? You can't just say, oh, I'm not there yet. You still have to like keep your decorum. Yeah. Somebody's pointing out their heart to you. So I think the worst response is probably fuck you. I would agree with that. I literally said no when my fiance asked me to be his girlfriend at first. And that was awkward.
Oh, no. Yeah. Good for you establishing your dominance, though. You're like the next day, you're like, kidding. I do still like you. I just don't want to be exclusive yet. Yeah, no, that's fair. I had to make sure. Yeah. Okay, this is a hot take. Okay. Slow walkers are worse than slow drivers. Do you agree? Some people really hate slow walkers. But.
I don't know. Yeah, I don't really mind either. But if I had to pick one, slow drivers because they're easier to get around. Slow walkers, especially when they're like swaying. Oh my God. Or they're like weaving in front of you and like you don't have a clear path to weave in front of them. Literally, they're not on a straight path or they have a lot of bags.
and it's like taking up the whole sidewalk then you have to like I don't even say excuse me I just like who's the mom in the Incredibles I like well the slinky she's like slinky yes or what is it I just want to like go into the wall somehow contort my body and go around them go over them yeah and literally that seems worse I will cut anyone off
and make it seem like it's their idea. So I don't really mind a slow driver. I don't want to be on the highway the same time as you. You do. It's seamless. If aliens visited Earth, what's the first thing we should show them? I'm like, my tits. You're nude. That's what I was thinking. You're nude. Let all of the other universes know.
And tell them to follow me on Instagram if they have any kind of brand deals that they're willing to give from outer space. Like I want to establish my fame early in case I end up there at some point in time.
I would love to, like, live on a little spaceship for a while. Yeah. Would you? Like, Xenon? Yeah. I mean, she really sold it. And that's the thing. Like, if I could guarantee, like, I'm not going to get sucked into a black hole, like—
I would probably try it, but I'm like really scared of flying. So like, I don't know if I could handle the rocket ship. I don't think it's going to work out for you. No, I was a flight attendant too. Like really? Make that make sense. Isn't that crazy how sometimes we get ourselves in that situation? How? It's like going to work. I was so anxious as a nurse because I'm terrified of people.
What? Yeah. Well, like in large masses. And like if I have to like talk to a lot of people, I don't know. You're just one person and you're very welcoming. But you like you went on The Bachelor. Like you got it like that's intimidating. No, I overcome it. Going up against like 24 other women and like you have to be friends, but you can't be too friendly because you're competing in it. Right. In front of a camera, I do become invincible. Oh.
I can do the unexpected. It's really crazy. I truly come alive. See, I think you could do stand-up. And I take a lot of propanolol. So much so that one time when I was in Croatia on The Bachelor, they had to send the Croatian medics because my heart rate was so low. I was getting nauseous. And they took my pulse. My heart rate was in the 30s. Maybe that's why I'm nauseous all the time. Propanolol? No.
My heart rate's too low. Yeah. I'm like, before, I was like, earlier today, I was like, God, I'm nauseous again today. Are you always nauseous? I'm not pregnant. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. No. There's no chance.
No chance. Okay, because you haven't pulled the goalie. No. There is no goalie. Okay. I'm playing with fire. Yeah, you pull and pray. It only works if you pray. Condoms. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, non-latex because the latex ones are disgusting. Oh my God. I know. That is truly incredible. I deserve...
some sort of a word. You are a warrior. And that shows, it does show the character of your fiance because men would be like, no. He's a good one. I so said he's a unicorn. He really is. He's a unicorn. Yeah. Last but not least, what is a dumb rumor you've heard about yourself? They're all true. I love them. Where there's smoke, there's fire. I love that. Believe them all. I love that. God, this has been so fun. I'm like, I don't,
I want you to leave. No, I loved it. It's a genius concept, by the way. Can you come co-host with me again? Please. Oh, my God. Anytime. This was so good. So fun. Where can people listen to your podcast, though? Where can they find you? Yes. You're doing it all right now. I know. It's really too much, which is why I need my nudes to be leaked so I can back the fuck off. Work smarter, not harder. Yes. Yes.
You can find my podcast on all platforms, including YouTube. It's long-winded. I'm on TikTok as Gabby.Wendy and Instagram as Gabby Wendy. I'm begging for your attention. This is a plea.
All of Gabby's links are going to be in the description. I will make it so easy to find her. Give her podcast a listen, especially the episode with you and your girlfriend, Robbie. Amazing. I literally, it's like going to be my mission now to get like the two of you on together because like Robbie is so funny. Check out her stand up. I'm just like...
No, she's incredible. Yes, she's one of a kind. I love it. But thank you so much for coming on. Thank you. Until next time, guys. Bye. Yay.