cover of episode 194: Makeup Possible Here? Ft. Bailey Sarian

194: Makeup Possible Here? Ft. Bailey Sarian

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#fashion and beauty#navigating personal boundaries#marital dynamics and gender roles People
Bailey Sarian
@Morgan 认为朋友不应该因为朋友丈夫的迷恋而改变自身形象,这是丈夫的问题,而不是朋友的。朋友的丈夫应该控制自己的行为,而不是要求朋友改变。她认为朋友的丈夫应该控制自己的行为,而不是要求朋友改变。朋友不应该为丈夫的迷恋改变自身形象,这是丈夫的问题,而不是朋友的。 @Bailey Sarian 也认为朋友不应该为丈夫的迷恋改变自身形象,这是丈夫的问题,而不是朋友的。她还指出,丈夫向朋友表露对她的幻想非常不恰当,应该在婚姻内部解决。她认为朋友不应该改变自身形象来迎合朋友丈夫的不当行为,朋友的丈夫应该为自己的行为负责。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the friend ask the woman to stop wearing makeup around her husband?

The friend believed her husband had a crush on the woman and fantasized about her, so she asked her to stop wearing makeup and dressing in her normal style to avoid attracting his attention.

How did the woman respond to her friend's request to change her appearance?

The woman felt uncomfortable with the request and found it unreasonable, especially for a Michelin star restaurant where her style of dress was appropriate. She ultimately responded with a calm and mature message to her friend, explaining why she couldn't comply and advising her to work on her relationship with her husband instead.

Why did the woman's friend react angrily to her wearing makeup to dinner?

The friend was already upset that her husband had a crush on the woman and felt that her request for the woman to stop wearing makeup was being ignored, leading to her anger when the woman showed up looking 'hot' at the dinner.

What was the outcome of the woman's confrontation with her friend about the makeup request?

The friend showed up at the woman's door with flowers, crying and apologizing, admitting they were having relationship problems and that it was wrong of her to take it out on the woman. They had a long chat, and the woman agreed to support her friend.

Why did the brother and his wife dress up as Charles Manson and Sharon Tate for Halloween?

The brother is super into true crime and his wife humors him. They dressed up as Charles Manson and Sharon Tate for Halloween as a nod to their shared interest in true crime.

How did the brother react to being told that their Halloween costumes were tasteless?

The brother dismissed the criticism, saying they were just costumes and that the person should stop making a big deal out of it. He also got aggressive when questioned further, threatening to contact the neighborhood watch.

What is cuckooing and why was the neighbor concerned about it?

Cuckooing is a form of exploitation where a criminal takes over the home of a vulnerable person to use it for dealing, storing, or taking drugs, facilitating sex work, or financially abusing the tenant. The neighbor was concerned because their elderly neighbor, a woman in her mid-80s, seemed to be a victim of cuckooing by an older man who had moved into her flat.

How did the neighbor's concerns about cuckooing lead to a resolution?

The neighbor contacted the council's MASH team, who were immediately concerned and sent social workers to check on the elderly woman. The social workers, along with the police, discovered the elderly woman was being abused and locked in a room by the man who had moved in. The man was arrested, and the woman was taken to the hospital for safety.

Why did the boyfriend get upset when his girlfriend picked off the nuts from her ice cream cone?

The boyfriend was upset because he had just lost his job and was trying to be frugal with his money. He felt that his girlfriend was being ungrateful and wasteful by not eating the ice cream he bought for her, especially after she had also not eaten the fast food he bought earlier that day.

What was the final verdict on whether the girlfriend was the asshole for picking off the nuts from her ice cream cone?

The top comment on the post deemed the girlfriend the asshole, stating that she had been rude and ungrateful by not eating the food her boyfriend bought for her and by wasting it in front of him, especially after he had just lost his job.

Shownotes Transcript


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Stop by a Warby Parker store near you. Just your reminder to subscribe. And before we get started, I want to give our guests this week a little shout out. Miss Bailey was way too humble to not even plug her up and coming makeup collaboration with Melt. And I got to tell you guys, this palette is absolutely beautiful. I mean, look at these colors.

The lipsticks are also magical. I'm trying out a new color right now. I think I just became a matte lipstick girly with this one. So thank you, Bailey, and be sure to go check it out. Enjoy the episode, guys. Bye. Are you ready? I'm ready. Okay, we're rolling on everything. Thank you so much for coming in and joining me. Of course. Thank you for having me. I'm really excited. This feels iconic. I'm like sitting here. I'm like, God, your makeup is even better in person. Shut up. It's not that good. It's...

I feel like I'm Monet. Like when you like, yeah, from far away, I look really good. And then up close, it's like, girl. No, I hugged you. I'm like, your pores, you have none. Where are they? Really? Thank you. I tried really hard. What primer did you use? Today I used Milk Makeup. They came out with, you know, their Hydro Grip. I have the grip. Yeah. So they have a bronzing one.

I'm kind of obsessed with. You just put it all over your face before your foundation and you look flawless. I'm obsessed with it. Add two cards. I know. Because Samora just had that sale, so I wasn't going to pay full price. No, no. So I waited for the sale and then I got it. I love that. Well, if you haven't recognized her amazing voice and beautiful face yet, today we are joined by Bailey Sarian. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.

But I am so excited to have you. I have been watching your videos for a while now, and I just watched your recent one about the lady who had Otto in the attic for 10 years. For 10 years, she had a quote-unquote sex slave in her attic. I was losing my mind. Me too. And it just kept getting worse and worse, and I'm like, and you have Otto up there still, and you got a new guy? I'm like, what? What is this? I know. I felt so bad because the guy, like, she never let the guy out of the basement. Yeah.

And then in court, he was like, well, I wanted to be in the basement. And I was like, did you though? Like, what's going on? He got like psychologically. Uh-huh. And then he was given the nickname Bat Boy because he lived in the attic. I know. And he would only come down to clean the house, cook, and then have sex. And then he would go back in the attic. And honestly, like, not a bad combo. Yeah.

If it's consenting, if both parties are consenting, I would say that's a dream relationship, honestly. The link for that one will be in the description, you guys, because it's so good. But you have such amazing content, and I'm really excited for these stories today and to get your takes on them. The theme I have, working on the title, guys, we'll see what it is when it comes out, but it's like,

Can they make up? Is there any chance of making up here? Because you know makeup. You know, we got some makeup. We got some true crime. Yeah. We got some crazy relationship stuff that we'll see if they can make up. I love that connection. That's good. It's going to be a fun one. Okay, let's dive in. ♪

Okay, this first one. If you went to our LA live show, it might sound a little familiar, but I'm like, it's so good. I can't keep it in the vault forever. So it's coming from Am I the Asshole, a month old, titled, Am I the Asshole for continuing to wear makeup and dress in my normal style around a friend who thinks her husband has a crush on me? Hmm.

My 29 female friend, 31 female, has told me that her husband, 35 male, has a crush on me and has recently told her that he fantasizes over me. This already makes me feel very awkward, but now she asked me if I can stop wearing makeup and wear baggy clothes around him.

We went out for dinner last night at a reasonably expensive restaurant with a few others, seven of us in total, and she texted me when I got home saying she was angry at me for, quote, looking hot after she asked me not to wear makeup.

She's my friend, and I want to do the right thing, but there's nothing I could wear that is baggy that would have suited the restaurant we were in, Michelin star. My style is very conservative, and I wear a very average dress with heels.

I've written out several responses, ranging from an apology to being quite rude, but I wanted to sense check my thoughts here before I go back to her. I don't want to make life difficult for her, but what she's asking for feels unreasonable. Am I the asshole?

She's not the asshole. No, that's so uncomfortable. That's very uncomfortable. I feel bad for her. My skin crawls. Why does your skin crawl? Just like, can you imagine your partner going to you and saying, your friend, I have fantasies about her. I'm like, that's an inside thought. I know. That's a diary. Get a diary, honey. That's not something you share. It's like, are you trying to like, are you trying to bring my self-esteem down to like,

Right. What's the purpose behind that comment? I'm not sure. I don't like it. That's uncomfortable. Yeah. I'd be pissed off. I'd be so pissed. But I wouldn't be mad at the friend. No. And I would not ask the friend to change her appearance or anything about her. Like, she's your friend for a reason. I would not ask my friend to change anything about herself. That's your husband needs to be in check or your partner. Yeah. It's so odd. And I'm like, I get being in...

I had a bad relationship where it's like you feel like the only person you could control is your friend versus the husband. But like you said, it's not your friend's problem. Like, no, get your husband in check. Get your husband in check. What's he doing? That's so conversation. Yeah.

I think they need to sit down and talk about it. Not the friend, the girl and her husband. Yeah. And kind of figure out like is there something missing? Are you feeling a certain way? Do you want to be with her? Because if you do, go ahead. Like we don't have to be together. Yeah. You know, like that's between them. Yeah. Leave the friend out of it. Oh, my God. But if I was the friend and my friend had asked me to like change how I – my makeup, my hair, my outfits –

I'd probably just cool it and just not go around as much. It's kind of just weird. Yeah, I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable going over to her place anymore. Right. Especially if he's going to be there. Right. It'd just be weird. There's no way. No. No way. Top comment on this one. Total not the asshole. For one thing, I don't think it's possible to dress appropriately for a nice restaurant without looking hot to someone who already finds you attractive.

And more generally, as long as you're not hitting on the husband or intentionally dressing provocatively to catch his attention, which it sounds like you're not, then this is a her problem, not a you problem. Here's another point. Why on earth did she tell you that her husband has the hots for you? Completely inappropriate. That's something to be handled within the marriage. Agree. As you said. Yeah. It's super awkward. Like putting your friend in a really weird position.

Hey, my husband thinks you're hot. Okay. All right. Thanks. I don't know what to say to that. Unless like they're trying to have a threesome or something. But I don't know. Really odd. I guess she just wants her friend to be like a little house on the prairie or something. Like what is she supposed to wear? I don't know. What do you want her in? A trash bag? Come on. No, because even that shows a little leg. Oh, you're right. So you'd have to do something that's fully covered.

like two braids and then pin them up. No makeup. Churn in some butter. Usually that he might not want her then. Honestly, I could see a bonnet coming into play because you can't show that either. Yeah. So she should have wore that to the dinner. Shut up. That would have been way more respectful. Yeah. What a bitch. OP responds to that top comment.

Ew. Maybe it was some kind of proposition. Like, hey...

Like, to see how she felt about her husband fantasizing about her. To see, like, are you interested? Yeah. Yeah.

Because like if you start with a crush, like, oh, he's got a crush on you. And like there's no mention of this person having a boyfriend or like whatever, like no relationship. So it's like maybe she was trying to broach it. And now that it wasn't reciprocated is now like. It's just weird. Well, now we got to shut this down. Yeah. Like we can't engage. Right. We can't encourage this crush. Maybe. Just an idea. Just a thought. Or the friend is just really insecure. The woman. Yeah.

I could see that too. Yeah. There's so many ways it could go. Well, we do have an edit. Oh, yeah. We get a little bit more detail. I love it. Thank you so much for all your responses. It's 421 a.m. here in the UK, so I will write out and send response tomorrow and we'll update you all on here. Sorry, I can't respond to everyone. I didn't expect so many responses. Edit two. While I was reading your response, he just liked an old Instagram picture from way back.

A bikini picture. The friend? The friend's husband. Oh, God. He is now blocked. Final update, edit three. I responded with the following to my friend. Quote, Sorry it's taken me a while to reply, but I wanted to consider this properly and not react emotionally. I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't think it's fair or reasonable to ask me to change how I look because of your husband.

My advice is to speak to husband's name and work on your relationship because projecting your issues onto me isn't going to help you, but it will damage our friendship.

You have nothing to be insecure about. You're the most beautiful person inside and out that I've ever met. I'm here for you if you want to talk through it. But ultimately, I can't help it if I'm smoking hot. Just kidding. XXX. Oh, my God. Okay, that was a very adult, great response. I love that. I need to like

capture some of this like calm it's calm mature kind it's mature it's kind it's like hey this isn't me this is you yeah without being a bitch that was really good I

Take notes, everyone. Take notes. That's how you do it. Five minutes after I pressed send, she knocked on my door. Shut up. She was already on her way. Showed up with a bunch of flowers and cried and gave me a hug while apologizing. She told me they were having problems and it was wrong of her to take it out on me. We had a long chat and I'm going to be there to support my friend.

Thank you all for your input. You all helped so much. Additional info, I've had a lot of people messaging me asking if they can post my story elsewhere and a couple of reporters even. Really? Yeah. Wild. Happy ending though. Very nice ending. I'm glad the friendship didn't fall apart.

Because men come and go. Relationships come and go. Friendships. Hopefully they can stay for a long time, you know? You hope. And I think that's why, like, friendship breakups, I really think they do hurt sometimes, oftentimes worse than relationship ending. Like...

friendships just going to shit is like it's so much stress it's so sad it really is like a chapter of your life just close it is like a breakup yeah chapter of your life closing and this person that knew everything about you now there's just a stranger i know it's so sad but i'm glad it wasn't like that for them i know really good yeah everyone's like wait when's the other shoe gonna drop i know i'm like it it feels like too good to be true a little bit right guys

Yeah, I'm sure there'll be an update. Like me and my husband got a divorce. Yeah. And I will bet it comes. I'm like, I don't wish for people's downfall, but.

I don't think he sounds like a great guy so far. He seems like he's looking. He's wandering. His head's turning. To go like her bikini picture? Yeah, that's creepy. He's trying to like plant little seeds and then slide into the DMs and hope he has a target that's not going to tell his wife. Yeah. Slimy. You can't do that with a best friend. Dude. Ew. Super gross. Ew.

This next one is coming from Am I the Asshole? It is titled, Am I the Asshole for telling my brother that he and his wife's Halloween costumes were tasteless? My brother, 26 male, is super into true crime. His wife, 24 female, humors him. This Halloween, although they couldn't host a proper party, they dressed up as Charles Manson and Sharon Tate. Mm-hmm.

I told him ahead of time it would be tasteless, and he said, they're just costumes. I ignored all of his posts during Halloween. I can't explain why, but it really, really bothered me. Like, probably more than it should have. I just don't think Sharon Tate should be remembered for the way she died. Anyways, his wife is pregnant, which is part of the reason why they did the costume in the first place. She's also blonde.

He posted a photo of her with a nosebleed and said, channeling Sharon Tate energy. And I commented on the post that he should really back the fuck off of Sharon Tate at this point. He replied saying I'm no fun and told me to delete my comment. He's saying it's disgusting that I tried to humiliate him over someone who's dead and that I don't even know.

He says he can see where it's offensive, but Sharon Tate won't ever see it, and I should stop making such a big deal. Even if I think it's wrong, he says my comment was inappropriate. The comment? Am I the asshole? The comment was inappropriate? That comment. So inappropriate. Back the fuck off. Yeah.

Jeez. You did this to yourself, my dude. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That one's hard because obviously I'm in the true crime world and I've come across people who dress up as serial killers all the time. Like I see that a lot. I personally wouldn't want to do it. I don't really – Yeah. I don't feel like it's right, but –

Everyone is allowed to make their own decisions, you know? I know. So it's like tricky. I don't know. Like if my partner wanted to do that, I would shoot it down. This one's hard for me personally because I get it, but at the same time, I wouldn't do that. But if someone close to me did it, I'd be like, ooh, okay. Yeah.

All right. Do you think like there's a difference? Because like I think a lot of people do dress up as killers. I mean, you see it a lot, too, depending on like the Netflix cycle and what's out. Like, I feel like when that Bundy show came out, a lot of people dressed up as Bundy. Like, it was a big thing.

But I'm wondering here if it's like, it's not so much the serial killer that's the issue, but then... The victim. Bringing the victim into it and dressing up as like a couple costume with the victim as the wife is also pregnant, which is just like...

There's just so many other pregnancy, like, costumes you could do. There's so many others. There's just so many other ways this could have went. Why? Maybe they're just morbid people. Like, does it make sense? Are they very dark, morbid people? And, okay, it makes sense for them. Or is it just, like, out of left field? They go to church every Sunday and you're like, what the fuck? Like, wouldn't have seen this one coming. Yeah. What? So, I don't know.

I don't know. I know. It's really, really odd. And, like, I love true crime. Like, I am big into the podcast and all the YouTube stuff, but it's, like... Not the victim. Not the victim. Not the victim. Like, her whole story is so sad. And, like, I don't even know a lot about it. I know you did do a video on Sharon, and so...

I am a little uneducated in that, but it's like, I feel like especially like posting a photo with the nosebleed, like...

There's so many better ways you could have gone about this costume. Is there a picture linked? I'm so curious to see if there's a picture of the costume. I wonder. It depends, like, how gory they went with the Sharon Tate outfit. Like, if she was just pretty Sharon Tate, like, that'd be a really pretty costume. But if she added a bunch of blood and, like, gashes, like... No. No. It's starting to get...

distasteful yeah no picture okay that's no picture top comment not the asshole in my opinion this is making light of a murder victim very tasteless indeed to anyone saying she's dead and this happened a long time ago how would you feel if your family member was murdered and then someone dressed up as them and the person who murdered them my guess is furious livid disgusted etc

And I get the killer. Like people dress up as Bonnie and Clyde all the time. Like they went on a rampage. They do. Like I'm trying to think of like other costumes you've seen. No, I'm trying to think of like because to me, obviously dark, morbid person. I think dressing up as the victims. Yeah. Not cool.

I'm trying to think if there's like one specifically that's standing out, but there isn't. I think that's probably Sharon Tate's pretty bad. Because usually everyone dresses it up as the killer. That's, yeah. So I feel like that kind of makes sense. And even like... I don't know what we're doing for Halloween. Movie killers. Like, I got a lot of trick-or-treaters this year. It was like the highlight of my year. But I saw a lot of Chucky's. A lot of...

I don't remember the mask guy. Freddie? Jason? Jason. Both of them have masks, maybe? Freddie? Well, no. He has, like, the hands. Okay. Jason has a mask. Okay. I saw a lot of him. Michael Myers has a mask. Okay. And I saw a lot of the Scream. Oh, okay, yeah. Like, vintage Scream stuff. Yeah. So I'm like, that... But those are movies. Exactly. I'm like, that makes sense. I'm like... Those are movies. I don't know. When it starts to get to real people and they're not 100 years old... But I saw something recently...

Where people were dressing up as, like, Titanic victims. Okay, yeah. That's kind of—well, okay, this is—it's funny you say this because I was just having a conversation about the Titanic Museum, and—

There was this one where I used to live that would have a blow. You know those like blow up jumpy things? Oh my gosh. Yeah. So it would have a blow up jumpy thing, but it was shaped as the Titanic like sinking. What? So you would go to the top and you slide down like you're. No. Yes. Like the Titanic was sinking and you slide down. I need to see a picture of this. Oh, it was 100% real. And I was like, you know.

I just don't know if that's the way. Oh, my God. Yeah, this one, right? Yes. It's very fucked up. I'm like, there's kids going down it yelling and screaming and like, yay. And it's like, you know. Is it too soon? I don't think it's too soon. It's just like this historic event that happened where a lot of people died. If we're recreating it or like, you know, it's that part. Well, and it's like, okay, put it into perspective of like another person

huge tragedy like would you see a 9-11 bounce house I I mean maybe in like 20 years but for now like if we did it would be not well received no it'd be on sight yeah so whenever I would see that titanic thing it was just like oh oh mixed mixed feelings mixed feelings indeed kind of want to go down it try it once yeah and then I'll judge and then

Just want to see what it was like. Oh, we had someone. It's a Reddit story from ages ago, but they had a Titanic themed wedding. Oh. Yeah, it was a confusing thing. Did everyone die at the end? No elaboration on the theme from what I remember, but.

There was some issue. The fiance was like, my partner wants this theme and I'm uncomfortable. And I don't know if they went through with it. I don't know if we ever got an update, guys. I don't know if that – I wouldn't label it Titanic thing. Maybe it's – what was that era? Golden – it was the Gilded Age. Yeah. So it's like Gilded Age thing. That would be a great theme. Right. Not Titanic thing. I know. That's kind of weird. But live your life, I guess. To each their own. You know? Oh.

Oh, okay. I love a theme. I love a theme.

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She's got a theme in her life. Really? I don't know if you're going to love it. So this next one is coming from AITAH, another form of Am I the Asshole, basically. It's two months old, titled, Am I the Asshole for Hating My Wife's Creepy Project? Okay, this sounds insane, but I swear my wife is a totally normal person otherwise, which makes this so strange to me.

For context, we're both in our late 30s and live in a pretty typical suburban neighborhood where we all know each other. My wife has always loved trashy movies and shows about infidelities, and she eats up true crime about spouses killing their cheating partners, too. She just says something about it makes her morbidly fascinated, in her own words.

Well, a couple of months back, we had a scandal in our neighborhood where a married couple in the neighborhood divorced because the husband cheated. No, there wasn't a murder or anything like that, but she became obsessed with learning every detail from every neighbor. No matter the occasion, be it a baby shower or cookout, she would bring it up hoping there would be some new information. A month later is when I stumbled upon The Board.

I love her. Yeah.

I was totally confused and asked where this was, and she told me it was a hobby she had started recently where she would track rumors or likely candidates for the cheating board. I love it. The yarn represented who was possibly cheating with whom. She had clearly gotten all of the images on Facebook or some social media and printed them out and even had a few sticky notes with details.

I told her this was creepy and insane, and she said maybe if I was doing it as a man, but she is just having harmless fun as a hobby, and she wouldn't be crazy and try to oust anyone based on these rumors. She just likes feeling like a detective. She told me to view it like a creative art piece. I was still super weirded out, but I let it go or tried to.

I thought about it a lot. Well, every now and then I admit to checking the board while cleaning. But just a couple of days ago, I looked to see that now I was on the board with a piece of yarn attached to a neighbor's wife that I am casual friends with. I asked her why she would add me if she thought I was cheating. And she said that was a different yarn color for potential matches for cheating. Mm.

She said if it makes me feel better, she was planning on adding herself to the board soon. Well, I got pissed and kind of lost my temper about it. I told her to get rid of the board or our marriage will be in trouble. Things have been super rocky since. Sorry for the long post. I'm starting to feel bad and it hit me more than usual this morning.

Should I apologize to her? And before you ask, no, I don't suspect her of cheating. Honestly, I wish she was because it would at least make more sense than this. Am I the asshole? That's a hard one. This is quite the hobby.

I don't think he's the asshole only because he's concerned and he's bringing it up to his wife. Yeah. As you should. I think you're allowed to say how you're feeling to your wife. Oh, totally. Like, hey, this is a little weird. Yeah. But like... A little creeped out. Yeah. As someone who is...

I'm not nosy, but I do like to investigate. Oh, I'm nosy. Yeah. I'm so nosy. And if she's living in the suburbs, I don't blame her. No. There's nothing to do. No. So you start watching your neighbors and you get to know them. And then you start creating, I don't know, a little database. I watch my neighbors now. I watch my neighbors now.

I feel like I don't blame her. I'm like, what are they doing down there? He's got that sign in his yard. The other neighbor across the street did a big banner for retaliation. They're at war. He put a camera on the street sign now. Yeah. My neighborhood is like filled to the brim with tea like this. I get it completely. Me too. Would I make the board? I don't know.

Would you make the board, Bailey? I would make the board only because I'm psycho like that. I'm a very visual person, so I need to see everything. But I feel like, look, they should compromise.

She can still have her hobby and have her little detective work going. But instead of a board, maybe put it into a notebook, write down everyone's name and just keep it more private. It doesn't need to be displayed out in the house and get a little. It just like. Yeah. It sounds like something that she's doing for fun and treat it like a little personal diary. What would happen if a neighbor came over and saw the board? God, how embarrassing. Yeah.

You'd have to move. You'd literally have to move. Or make up some weird lie that you're now going to have to keep up forever about what you're doing. And yeah. So I think the board's a little much. Maybe just like copy it into a notebook. But let her keep doing it. It's keeping her busy. I know. Gosh.

There's other hobbies, too. Pottery's fun. Pottery. Pottery's fun. I want to get into sewing. It's on my list. Sewing's so fun. It's on my list. Yeah. She could do that. There's a lot. There's a lot. But I guess my biggest question is, what's her end goal? That is, yeah. Like, she's getting all the pieces and stuff. Like, what is she doing with this information? Well, do you also kind of find it weird where, I don't know how he got to this point, but

But he even kind of said, and before you ask, no, I don't suspect her of cheating. My mind didn't go there. So I'm curious why his went there. And it's like, did he kind of ponder like, maybe she's making this board to...

detract, like to kind of take the heat off her. Like if there's strings and, oh, you're on the board, babe, to the neighbor that you are friends with and I'll put myself on the board soon. It is interesting where it's like, is this a part of a whole elaborate scheme to maybe hide an affair?

Because I didn't go there. I didn't go there either. I'm like, I'm very surprised he did. Yeah, me too. But I guess maybe he's thinking like she's setting this all up or maybe he's thinking what other people might be thinking. Yeah. Is that she's setting this all up to make sure like who knows what and is it going to get back to her?

Yeah. To her and her husband or something. But I don't think that's the case. Like if you're having an affair, you're not doing that much. I feel like you wouldn't make it so like a billboard. Like this is a board in your home. Right. You're going to connect the dots for him? Yeah. To take the heat off? Yeah. I'm like that. I don't think he's having an affair. That would be another level of gaslighting to like literally put your affair on the board with a yarn string connecting. Right.

That'd be insane. That'd be kind of fun. That'd be insane. Top comment on this one. I really couldn't see it getting weirder until she mentioned adding herself to the board. This is a strange game your wife's playing, and it seems like an unhealthy obsession with infidelity. Right? This is her way of admitting to cheating? I'm so confused. So other people in the comments are kind of making... That she's cheating? I guess. I guess.

And next comment is I'm thinking more fantasizing about doing it. If she was actually doing it, she wouldn't need this creepy hobby to keep her occupied, which is what you said. Like, you're kind of like if she was having an affair, like she wouldn't be doing all this. You wouldn't be doing that. And you would get a diary.

You wouldn't make a big, like you just said, billboard in the house of like your affair. Yeah. I don't think she's having an affair. I think she's bored. I really think she's bored and she found something like exciting going on. Yeah. Everyone's having an affairs and there's probably like little lies and little stories and she's just piecing it together. Oh my God. If anything, she should write some kind of gossip blog. A book. A book. A book. Something. A TV show. It's giving desperate housewives. Yeah. Suburban housewives. Like, come on.

Come on. I love that shit. It could be so good. It could be really good. So maybe they should, he, the partner should nurture it so she could write a book and do something with that information that she's collected. Could buy you a bigger house in a nicer neighborhood. Or maybe she's gathering blackmail to use against all of her neighbors just in case something happens. Mm-hmm.

Well, because if you got dirt on everyone, then they're not going to rat you out to HOA. Oh, my gosh. I have horror. I have HOA horror stories, too. Yeah, I have horror stories. I paid for trauma. Oh, my God. It's insane what people do with HOAs. It's it's nuts. Oh, fuck HOAs. But we have an update on this one. Oh, OK, great. I know. I love this. I know. I know.

Anyways, Jesus Christ. Firstly, appreciate all of the concern and not the assholes. It gave me the courage to approach her and tell her that while I may have overreacted by threatening our marriage, I think it is a creepy thing to do. She apologized and said she would get rid of the board. I thought we were good. Literally two days later,

Two days later, shit hits the fan. Our happily married next door neighbor finds a woman's bra under the bed that does not belong to her.

It doesn't take long for the whole neighborhood to find out. Well, my wife is giddy, like jumping up and down for joy. She shows me the board, which she still didn't trash like she promised. And of course, the husband was marked with yarn, meaning he was likely to cheat.

She told me the board was accurate after all, and maybe she should keep her hobby around. I was definitely suspicious, so I looked at the board again later. It looked different from the last time I saw it, before the latest scandal.

Instead of the yarn connecting to another neighbor, the cheating husband's yarn connected to a post-it with a question mark. Firstly, it was the only question mark there, and I swore it wasn't there the last time I saw the board. So either she changed it after the cheating to prove a point or slightly before it happened, which made me even more suspicious either way.

Now, I felt like I was the detective and I was going crazy. I went over to the cheating husbands to ask a few questions. The wife was staying at her parents, so it was just the two of us. I asked him if he actually did it and he said no, he would never. Then I asked if my wife had been over recently.

He said one day while you were at work, his wife asked her to water a plant they had while they were both away and told her where the key was. So yes, she had been over. Is she planting all of this? I immediately raised an eyebrow.

I asked if he still had the bra and he was getting nervous and told me not to get the wrong idea. I said, don't worry. He still had the bra and I looked at it. It's his wife's. It was my wife's bra. But one I knew she almost never wore because it was from a lingerie set I bought her one Christmas and she said it was uncomfortable. I told my neighbor I needed to talk to my wife and ran out, but I told him not to worry.

Oh, my God.

Or something. Oh my God, she was dedicated. I flipped out on her. I said this was worse than her cheating on me because instead of ruining just our marriage, she ruined our neighbors and ours. I demanded she call the wife and admit to everything, even sending pictures of the board. I even showed the Reddit post, which actually helped convince her that my wife had planted it rather than cheating with her husband.

Well, they made up, but now I have no idea what to do. I'm barely speaking to my wife, and it is only a matter of time before the entire neighborhood figures this out. I seriously need advice. Yeah, he does. You gotta move. If he sent pictures of that board to the wife...

That revet like that. I would spread around. I would post it on the neighbor's app. I would print it and put it on flyers on every telephone pole. Like we have we have a problem with this little board making like the revenge is going to come. What is she doing? Hot. At first I was supportive of her. Now I'm very sad for her because I don't know what she's doing.

I don't know. It's like, why would she plan that just to prove a point? But that's going really, really, really far. It's like, girl, is that mental illness? I'm so... Is mental illness in the room with us right now? Like...

I don't, I don't know. Because what would, are you that bored? Are you that bored to ruin other people's lives? That's where I draw the line. I need more information. How much money do these people make each year? Do they have kids? Do they live in the suburbs? Is she just a rich board house wife who wants to shake things up? Or is she like literally just kind of

A little psycho. A screw is loose. Uh-huh. And maybe like when they show you a red flag, sometimes it's a... It's a billboard instead. Yeah. Yeah. It's a billboard. I don't know. But do you jump your whole marriage over that? We just need more information. I know. I feel like you'd have to go to therapy.

individual's therapy for her because I do think the board like could have been just a fun hobby but to take it to this level is deranged now it's psycho yeah it's a lot it's a lifetime movie in the making yeah and so it's like

It could have been cool. And, like, there's so many people that obviously, like, are very into true crime and, you know, cheating scandals and all this stuff. But, like, I feel like there's a better way to pursue this hobby or get involved and volunteer your time with some organization, you know, maybe interviewing people or doing something. But to take it this far to then, like, frame someone. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah.

That's where it's like it's getting really weird. Like you're kind of inching towards territory where like you want to try a crime just to see if you can get away with it. And there is a true crime like that. There's lots of true crimes like that where they try. Yeah, I feel like it happened recently where it was like a young college kid and he wanted to see if he could get away with murder and just like killed someone. Really? Yeah.

Maybe it's your, maybe it's an episode coming soon for you. Yeah, depends which one. But like, are you sure it's the Idaho murders? Not the Brian, the Brian guy? Yeah, because he was- Like studying to be a forensic. Yeah, criminology. And like, here's how I would do it. Did that case end? No, it's happening right now. Yeah, so we'll see. He's creepy looking. If you do a side-by-side of him and-

Bundy. Identical. Identical. Oh, yeah. Do a side by side. I'm like Googling now. Psychotic how much they look alike. Same eyes, same nose, same mouth. It's bizarre. Then I went down this rabbit hole about like certain face shapes and features and how they correlate to like- Oh, my God. They look so alike. The eyes and the hollowed- Yeah. Like hollowed deep socket eyes. Yeah. I was reading about how certain features-

are shown in serial killers. Yeah. Like, it's just a study that's being done, you know? But I found that really interesting because you can see it in that picture where it's like, oh, okay, now show me another killer with those same eyes. Yeah. Because they always have the same, like, sunken, crazy eye. It's so interesting. I just fell down the rabbit hole of that one artist. He's the artist behind, like, Ballerinas. Yeah.

being Jack the Ripper. What? Oh, you are going to eat this up. Okay. I think it's Degas. Degas? Yeah. So Edgar Degas. Uh-huh. So he had this disease actually. And there's a whole... I'll send you a TikTok and you're just literally going to go down the rabbit hole. But it starts out as like this woman...

saying, I think Degas is actually Jack the Ripper. Here's why. He would, one, be obsessed with ballerinas who oftentimes were prostitutes and other jobs that were prostitutes, like washmaidens and stuff like that. And all of Jack the Ripper's

were women, like, of the night or... I'm butchering this. Yes. And so she was like, he never wrote letters, but during the time of these killings, he randomly wrote a letter to someone about a dinner he had. He was antisocial. He didn't write letters. He happened to, like, take random day trips to London to...

visit a friend and then would disappear. Like, all of these correlations. And then he had this disease where he lost his vision. But another correlation with this disease is the, like, gray matter behind your eyes, like, really decreases. And if you do brain scans of a lot of serial killers, the gray matter behind their eyes, like, doesn't have a lot of activity. And there's so many different correlations and...

It's just really, really crazy. I love that. You're going to, I 100% think it was him. Really? Yeah. 100%. I wish we could know for sure. I know. It's one of those things I don't think we'll ever know for sure. No. Yeah. No, I'm like, there's no DNA at this point. No, like when the women got murdered, they were like hosing down the sidewalks. Yeah.

Which is so wild to think of now. No, like the times. Yeah, and they were just like, they had nothing to go on. No DNA, fingerprints. Like, how did you solve mysteries back then is what I'm impressed with. Some Sherlock Holmes shit. Uh-huh, they had a Scooby-Doo it. I would not, I think, oh God, it's just crazy. And then just the way you got like taken out if you were guilty, like firing squad, hanging. Crazy. Yeah.

That's got real dark. Yeah, it got started in my life. Anyways, that wife. Anyway. Hopefully she's not like that. Yeah. Divorce worthy? Like, where do you, where would you go from there? I don't know. Because at the end of the day, relationships aren't so black and white. Like, has it been a happy, wonderful marriage all the way up until this one point?

If that's the case. Right. Has there been weird little things she's gotten into all throughout the marriage and it's just like, okay, this is another weird little thing she's fucking doing. Then maybe. Yeah. Okay. You know, like. Just another ADHD hobby. Yeah. You know, like, or if like she's just a weird person and this is just another weird thing and you can't take it anymore, then maybe it's time for you to leave. I don't know. I don't like to tell people what to do, but I think they should listen to their gut, their intuition. It's always correct. Yeah.

I don't know if men have an intuition, though. I always wonder that because I feel like we as women are trained to listen to our gut way more. I feel like our safety is like you have an experience every day where at least I do or I'm also paranoid. But you kind of look over your shoulder a little bit and like you have to be more on edge. Walking at night is a little scary. I don't think a lot of guys have that same gut instinct anymore.

Or like fear. I don't know. I don't know either. I'm curious. We should put a poll. Yeah. Do you have intuition? Let us know. I'm sure they do in different ways. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, he had a hunch about this. He got paranoid. He's like, he heard this cheating scandal pop up and he knew. He goes, something's fishy here. Something is fishy now that she planted that. Maybe. So...

What if she didn't actually plant it? But didn't she say she did? What if she's lying? Why would she lie? She's having an affair? What if she's lying? I don't... I'm like, this lady is un... She's a little unhinged. She's... Look. For us... What if they were actually sleeping together and now he just got the wife to take him back? Oh, I lied? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The board? The whole board was a scheme? I feel like she would have said something. Someone would have cracked. Yeah.

Right? I personally would have cracked. I don't have a poker face. Me neither. I would have cracked. Me too. I think she had something against that neighbor. Maybe she wanted the husband, so she broke him up. She's playing the long game. Mm-hmm. She's playing the long game. And she could be there for him when he's sad. Shoulder to cry on. Uh-huh. Don't worry. I'll keep watering your plants. So maybe she was doing that, but it doesn't make sense with the whole board of it all. No. It's too obvious then. Mm-hmm. So...

I don't know. Get her on the line. Let's ask her what she's doing. Pull it up. Top comment on this one. I honestly refuse to believe this is real. Your wife is actually nuts. This is insane behavior to have. Next comment. I was thinking just the opposite. This one is so original. It's got to be real. No AI is going to come up with this insanity. That's left to humans. Yeah, it's true.

Have you had any, like, true crime things come up on your channel where you've had elaborate cover-ups like this? Like hiding a bra? Hiding a bra or just, like, the weird map or, like, what's the craziest thing you've seen someone do to...

erase their tracks i feel like women are usually the ones who do crazy stuff right um so there was this one story i did about this lady she was like considered the original catfish this is when aol first came out and she was going into those chat rooms and like catfishing people telling them she had lots of money she was going to take care of them um she was still married and

but she had like three different boyfriends and one was in Reno. One was in some other state, whatever. And she had like a list or a chart and like who she was in that relationship type of thing, like a whole dictionary of like, this is what I told him. She would reference it. Oh my God. And then eventually one of the boyfriends,

She had told him that she was in an abusive marriage and she couldn't be with him because her husband was going to kill her or whatever. Yeah. So then the side boyfriend decided, well, I'm going to kill him. So he like drove hundreds of miles, went killed the husband because he thought she was in an abusive marriage. Yeah.

And everything just came falling apart. She wasn't in an abusive marriage. This guy was just like, he had no idea his wife had all these girlfriends. He just thought she was on AOL trying to like look up antique doll stuff because it was new, the internet, you know? So he was just like, oh, I thought she was just doing like antique doll stuff. Yeah.

Oh, this poor man. And then he actually got he actually got killed. He got killed. Oh, yeah. He got killed because this lady just wanted attention. Her thing creating all these stories. Sorry, keeping it in my she's creating all these stories. And then it blew up in her face.

So, you know, maybe going back to that previous story, it's like, why would she create this chart and all that? I guess this is kind of a perfect example of maybe she was doing that, creating a chart that she could follow. And like, I don't know. I don't know. Women, lady killers? We're a little crazy. I'm just, I'm sitting here. I need a minute. We're a little crazy. We like to take notes. We're visual people. Yeah. Guy killers just kill.

That's so crazy. We make charts. Pie chart. Okay. One thing I haven't done is look and see if there's any comments from OP. We have an update. A final update. We have a final update on this guy. It was posted four hours ago. Oh, shit. Four hours ago now. Oh, God. When was it originally posted? Originally posted two months ago. Oh, wow. So things really played out.

quickly. I'm scared. Another one of this week's partners is Dipsy. Think about how often you're on social media doom scrolling. I myself am so guilty of it. I get a little lost in the social media sauce. But one thing I've been doing to try to combat that is audiobooks, which is where Dipsy is going to come in. Dipsy has spicy bite-sized stories that get you right to the good part so you can escape into some captivating

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Final update, I hope. It's been months since the last update. Sorry I've been busy. Long story short, my wife is in a mental health facility. Mental illness is in the room. You called it. You called it. I'm so scared. Good for her. Let her make those charts in her facility. I think we're good here, folks. Bye.

After what happened previously, I did not speak to my wife for a while. I tried to stay working or out of the house as often as I could. Well, a few weeks passed and time made it seem like less and less of a big deal. Finally, my wife offered to take me out to a very nice restaurant and make things up to me. She told me everything was behind her and while I was avoiding her, she had actually started online therapy to get help and realized now that what she did was wrong. I really believed her and we had a great night.

One thing led to another and yeah, LOL.

It took about two days after that for her to get a pregnancy test, and she texted me the positive result. Yeah, I know, some of you already think I'm a fucking moron, but it had been a rough year, and this made me really happy. I started getting very excited. We started talking about turning my home office to a baby room, looking up ways to prepare, book appointments, planning a shower, etc. A really fun but whirlwind week.

Unfortunately, she told me the first ultrasound was at a time I had to be at work and she would have to go alone. Really bummed me out and I asked her to reschedule, but she said it was the only availability. Well, that next week she went and I was waiting for an update, a picture, anything, nothing.

She came home and was super quiet, and I flipped out and got super worried that the worst has happened. I told her I understood she was probably in a lot of pain and something, but she told me she had to tell me something. She finally admitted, no, she wasn't dealing with losing the baby, but she was actually pregnant for longer than she thought. Longer than the last time we did it. Uh-oh.

She actually got pregnant during the time I was avoiding her. What? Do we think the neighbor? How are we going back to the neighbor? Ma'am! Obviously, I was so mad and upset. I couldn't understand why she would do this to me. But then I realized all the signs were there for so long and all the comments telling me she was probably cheating were right.

But I tried to keep a clear head for at least a second because I really love my wife and I couldn't believe it. I asked her who it could have been, and she actually said she didn't know. She said she hadn't done it with anyone during the time I was avoiding her. Mm-hmm. Math. The math ain't mathin'. She swore it and also didn't know what this meant. I thought about it and realized if she was really pregnant for that long, her tummy should be showing, and it wasn't.

I decided to call the place and ask them to confirm what they said. My wife told me it would be a waste of time, and she promised she heard them clearly, so I didn't do it that night. But I couldn't sleep without hearing it from the doctors for myself. I called the clinic she told me she went to the next day in the morning and asked them to confirm the results. They told me something worse than I expected. She had no visit. She was never there. I didn't understand that at all.

Before I talked to my wife again, I did what I should have done in the first place and reverse image searched the pregnancy test image. Yeah, it was on Google from a random years old Facebook post. I was again really mad at my wife and couldn't believe that she had put me through all of this. What is she doing? I'm, I am just, wow.

I confronted her about the picture and that I called the place and there was no appointment. I told her she had a pattern of lying and this was probably the end of our relationship. But she responded in a way I didn't expect. She burst into tears and had a manic episode, but then said that she really had cheated on me and really was pregnant and that I had made this up in my head because I couldn't face what she did to me.

She said she felt like the devil and started sobbing and literally screaming at the top of her lungs. She locked herself in the bathroom and told me she was going to hurt herself over what she did to me. I couldn't get the door open and freaked out. I called the cops and they broke down the door. She wasn't hurt, but she was really out of it.

They took her to get mental health help and she told them everything there. She even started mixing in stuff about the board and how she knew everyone around her was a cheater so she had done the same because she was in an evil place. She promised them she was pregnant but she didn't know who the father was. They tested her while she was in custody. No pregnancy at all. They told me she was likely suffering from a form of schizophrenia and acted genuinely like

believing that what she was saying was true and likely always had to some level, but it seemed to be getting worse. They said she had a symptom called self-accusation and needed help.

I got her in a facility last week. She is safe. They're making a little progress. I do not think that she thinks she's pregnant anymore. I have visited a few times, but she is very withdrawn with me and says she feels too guilty to look me in the eye. I think there was definitely meddling at certain parts like planting evidence, but now I just feel terrible that I did not get her the help she needed when all the real signs were there.

I hope her medication starts to help and she can be normal again. And yeah, the neighborhood gossip is having a field day with all of this. I bet. I bet. Anyways, thanks for listening. I hope this is my last update. Thank you all for the help. That's sad.

That's sad because at first the surface story, you're like, she's just being weird. Well, I'm thinking she's being weird, whatever, whatever. But then now that she's been, yeah, she's in the mental institution, mental hospital for schizophrenia. That is, that makes sense. That makes sense. The chart makes sense. The planting of the bra, the pregnant, like it kind of,

Kind of makes sense. Yeah. And I feel really bad for him. That sucks. It's got to be so hard. They're both absolutely going through it. And, you know, I didn't jump to cheating from the jump. Like that first post was.

I didn't jump to cheating. And even the second we were kind of like, well, what is this all for still? And it does make sense, like severe mental illness, but like him being like, I feel bad. I didn't get her the help she needed.

I don't know if I would have recognized these as warning signs. No. Like the chart. Yeah, he shouldn't feel guilty at all. No. He was concerned. He was concerned enough to bring it up to her. Yeah. To post it on Reddit. Yeah. So I don't feel like he should be guilty. No. It was just he wasn't sure where to go with it. No. You know? And like now having this whole resolution, which, wow. I do think...

There could be a makeup here. They could mend this after a lot of therapy, medication management. But like I have more hope now that like she's got a diagnosis and is getting help versus where we left off on update two of like her just planting this just to be evil or do create chaos. Totally. I don't know.

You don't know if there's any – there's no hope, Bailey. Bailey, there's no hope. I don't believe in hope. No, I just – it's hard because, look, when you get into a relationship with someone, you know, through sickness and in health. Yeah. And a lot of people mean that and then a lot of people don't. So –

I don't know, like schizophrenia, like if you didn't know that was coming and you don't know how to deal with it, like and support your partner and be there for them. I'm sure it could be a lot for someone and they might not want they he might want out. I don't know. I don't know. I just definitely tricky. It's tricky. And yeah, I don't know.

I'm wondering. He seems so hopeful that, like, I could see him giving it a shot. Like, poor guy didn't really know how ovulation and pregnancy works by the sound of it to, like, get a test a couple days later. Like, it sounds like she kind of used his ignorance against him in that regard. Yeah.

Or she was just trying to get him to like move on, move past it. Take me back. Yeah. Like, see, I'm pregnant now. Like, let's move on. It felt like one of those moves. Yeah. And people do that. Oh, yeah. All the time. People fake pregnancies all the time to get closer to their partner or forgive me or whatever. Like, that's not far fetched. Yeah. Not at all. It's sick. It's gross. I'm like, God.

what are you doing there's other ways there's other people even people there's other ways to manipulate no there's other people there's other ways to manipulate like don't fake a pregnancy test oh no because then you gotta do the whole like i lost the baby and all that drama oh my god i feel like she would have been one to like order the pregnancy pillow too and like

Fake it. You think? And fake it. There was that one true crime story about the woman who literally wore a bump, faked it alongside her pregnant best friend, murdered the friend. Tried to get the baby. And took the baby. Yep. Yep. Sick. Like you just don't know where people can go. I know. And where they'll take things. I know, right? Because first it's a simple chart and now...

You just don't know. You just don't know. People surprise me every day. Well, I'll be sure to post the link on this one. No comments from OP on any of these posts. I don't know. How old was he?

So that's what I went to go look back at. No mention of ages. Oh, interesting. So they could be young. They could be 23. I mean, married, but no mention of kids or anything yet. So, I mean, they could be young. She could be, you know, 23, 24 and having her first, you know, mental break. Poor thing. It's so scary. It's so, I can't even imagine. I know. I can't imagine. I hope she gets the help she needs and...

I hope he moves on or moves forward with her. Yeah. Whatever the case may be, but I'm glad she's getting help. I am too. Which does, the top comment does say the same thing. She was probably suffering from mental illness for a while. The recovery will be a long process. I've been through something similar as this and finally divorced years after. I wish you luck and advise you to get some counseling yourself to learn how to deal with this. Good luck. Yeah.

That's a lot. It's a lot for both of them. And like, I feel so bad for her too, to like be in this facility. And she's like, I can't even look you in the eyes. I feel too guilty. Right. The shame. I mean, I don't know. Cause like, I don't know anyone with schizophrenia, just what I've read. But like, does she know what she did? I feel like based on the comment, like,

that she's not like she doesn't think she's pregnant anymore it maybe feels like she's starting to like come back down down to reality and kind of out of that manic episode

God, that's scary. It's just scary. One day you could wake up and then like your brain is just off. Dude, I, again, I am very, I recognize I'm a little paranoid, but like if I have a gummy some nights and I start seeing stuff, I'm like, this was a bad idea. Like this is going to cause me to have like my break. Or like even if I don't have a gummy and I'm like walking around outside and I see something out of the corner of my eye, I'm like,

Am I okay? Like, I don't know. Like, it would be so scary because I feel like if you were going down that mental health, like down that spiral, it's a slow burn maybe initially. It seems that way based off of what I've read. Yeah. I love, I know we have a lot of listeners that have things like bipolar and I know we have some listeners with schizophrenia. If you could comment and like provide some insight about that,

you know, what that looked like for you, if you're comfortable, of course, or, you know, what you see happening for this relationship. And if there's a chance of making amends, I'd love to have your takes in the comments. It'd be really appreciated. Definitely. Definitely. And to know, um,

how to better be supported. Yeah. Like if your partner has schizophrenia, well, if you have schizophrenia, like how would you want your partner to support you? I'd love that. Yeah. I'd love that. And like, how do you wish you would have been supported during your initial, you know, psychosis? Right. That would be really helpful for a lot of people too, because, you know, we do have a lot of people that

are young and dating, who knows if your partner will be affected by something like this. I know. It's so scary. It's a lot. But comment your thoughts. Otherwise, we're moving along. Okay. Do we want to lighten the mood a little bit? I don't know. I like it. You like this? I like it. You like this? Okay. Well, I'm going to at least give us something a little satisfying.

I just found this subreddit. It's the first time I think we're dabbling with this. It's called r slash traumatize them back. Uh-huh. So I've got a quick one from this. Supermarket aisle earlier this evening. I just witnessed a massacre. A 20-something man carrying a baby in a sling is trying to shop in peace, only to be accosted by an older woman.

Making eye contact with him and then me, she loudly proclaims, quote, I love to see a man doing the babysitting. Are you giving his mom a break?

To which he replies, quote, I am her mom. I just haven't had a chance to look at myself much after having a newborn. Clearly dying inside, the woman sputters, bows backwards, apologizing, and disappears around the corner. He then casually says to me, quote, I'm her dad, really. I just don't like it when they call it babysitting.

It was legendary. Perhaps the greatest thing I've ever seen in real life. I laughed so hard, especially when I rounded the corner and realized she had heard him, dumped her trolley, and ran out of the shop. Dads have read it. Next time someone calls taking care of your child babysitting, follow his example. They'll never do it again. That's pretty funny. So satisfying. I love this subreddit. It's like,

Petty revenge, but like on steroids. Yeah, like just little things, little jobs. Nothing major, just something small. Little. Nice, satisfying little one. But moving along.

Another one of this week's partners is Mint Mobile. Holidays are here and all of us are looking for good deals. But a lot of places make you jump through hoops to get them. And that just shouldn't be the case. And it's not with Mint Mobile. There's no hoops, no BS. Mint Mobile makes it easy to get wireless for $15 a month with a purchase of a three-month plan. The whole Mint Mobile process and ordering my SIM card took me about five minutes. And if you want to put that to the test yourself, slash THT.

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at slash THT. $45 upfront payment required, equivalent to $15 a month. New customer on first three months plan only. Speed slower above 40 gigabytes on unlimited plan. Additional taxes, fees, and restrictions apply. See Mint Mobile for details. You've never heard of cuckooed, right? No. Okay. This is new for me. Cuckooed. Cuckooed. Okay. I'm thinking it's a term from the UK, but you'll see.

So this post is coming from r slash legal advice UK. So I would think UK term. It's titled, I think my neighbor has been cuckooed.

Hi, I'll try to keep this short. This is in England, by the way. I live in a semi-detached house that's been split into two flats. I live in the upstairs one. My neighbor, an elderly woman in her mid-80s, in the downstairs one. We're sort of loose friends slash acquaintances. I take her to bridge nights every so often, do her shopping, and she lets me use her garden when the weather's nicer or lets me get some food shopping on her card. That kind of stuff.

Every so often, I do a bit of baking, and I like to take her a bit. A slice of cake, for example. And at the end of September, when I went downstairs, an older man came to the door. Never seen this bloke before. And he was probably 60s. Not middle-aged, but not her age, if you get what I mean. And dressed a bit weird in a blazer and tie. Was very aggressive and asked what I wanted.

I said I was here to see my neighbor, and he said in this weird faux posh accent, quote, Mrs. X is not taking visitors right now, but took the cake and slammed the door in my face. Really weird, but assumed it was her son or something. I know she has kids, but they're not in the picture.

Ever since then, things have gotten weirder. I've only seen my neighbor twice. Once when she was in the garden with him and once being bundled off into a car very late at night before coming back in the early hours of the morning. Both times, she looked very uncomfortable.

Over the last few weeks, I've noticed the curtains are always shut and her garden is getting overgrown and untidy. Some nights, they're shouting. I can hear a male and female voice, but it's not hers. And a few times, I've seen a Filipino woman coming to and from the property.

Whenever I've encountered the man when leaving the house, more or less, or seen him leaving the property, he's either blanked me or gotten very aggressive when I try to speak to him. I once asked if my neighbor was okay, and he threatened to contact the neighborhood watch. I did contact the police on 101, and they were trying to fob me off and sort of implying because it's an older bloke and not obviously related to county lines, which I don't think it is, they're not really interested.

More or less, got told it's probably just her boyfriend and I should stop being nosy. I'm really concerned for my neighbor. So is there any way I can get the police interested or maybe contact someone at the council? Thank you for any advice. Damn. Cuckooed. Cuckooed? What is cuckooed? I don't know. It sounds like conservatorship. How old is she?

No mention of our writer's age, but woman is elderly woman in her mid 80s. The guy cuckooing is 60s. So kind of a big age gap to like be dating. Right. Family, older brother, older mean brother who's coming in and trying to. I don't know. I don't know either. A lot of people were confused about the cuckooing. Yeah. So asking like what is cuckooing?

And OP responds, it's based off the bird from what I know. I learned about it because my sister's father-in-law is in the drugs squad and deals with it. Basically, I'm concerned this bloke has moved in to her flat and is using it for whatever shit he's pulling. Though, funnily enough, I've never actually seen him do anything out of the ordinary beyond being a bellend and having this Filipino woman around every so often. I'm going to...

Google cuckooing too one more time. I'm like. Yeah, because I feel like when I've heard of reference to the cuckoo bird, I know that's where cuckold comes from, from the cuckoo bird. Oh. Because they. In their mating dance, they cuckold one another? Well, I think isn't a cuckold when like you watch someone else bang your. Yeah. And I think it comes from the cuckoo bird.

What? Yeah. Oh, my God. 2 a.m. deep dives. Wow. I don't remember specifically why. I want to say because they swap partners. But I could be making all this up. I could see that. Which makes sense. They're not a monogamous bird. Yeah. Fact check me, though. I could be wrong. But I believe it comes from cuckoo bird. I love finding out like little tidbits about weird stuff like that. Me too. Because then you're like, oh. Oh. Okay.

Okay. Sure. I can see that. Yeah. So the definition of cuckooing, it's a form of action termed by the police in which the home of a vulnerable person is taken over by a criminal in order to use it to deal, store, or take drugs, facilitate sex work as a place for them to live, or to financially abuse the tenant. What? Wait, watch, watch, watch, watch. So is this like a squatter?

Who just moves in. It's giving like an intense squatter. Like I know this woman.

But I'm just going to come and, like, move in, essentially. Oh, poor thing. That sucks. In her 80s? Yeah. How did it... Oh. Can they do, like, a... I don't know what the laws are out there, but, like, a wellness check? That's what I would assume. Can't they do, like, an anonymous tip? Like, hey, I think drugs are next door. Yeah. Or something. I'd lie. I'd start being like, I saw him cooking in there. Mm-hmm. I saw something happening. Right? We need investigation. And then if nothing truly came of it, then maybe...

Just start looking in the windows. I'd become a peeper to make sure my neighbor's okay. For sure. I mean, her garden's overrun. The warning signs are there. Maybe they can go next door and be like, hey, I just noticed that your garden's a little like run down. Maybe I can help you and like work on it. And that's how you get inside.

I doubt that. You got to do something. You got to get in. You got to get in there. Yeah, there's something going on. Someone does recommend like trying the adult social services at your local council, even if there isn't enough evidence of a crime for the police to investigate at this stage. The way she's being isolated from you is a warning sign for elder abuse. And it definitely is. Yeah, that's sad. There's like a lot. Being locked away. Yeah. Yeah.

There's a lot of like warning signs for elder abuse. And I like I used to really have them locked down. But like there's so many, you know, careers that are mandated reporters. So I just start start calling a hotline. Get someone in there. Yeah. Get someone in there. Just lie and be anonymous. I would make up anything. Who cares? Like if you get a ticket for a false report, like he's being weird. He's being rude. Something's not right. You haven't seen her. You've seen her twice.

Twice? Twice. That's crazy. Because this was originally posted October 29th. So to see her only a couple times since September? Maybe she's sick. Maybe this guy is just taking care of her.

I don't know. I'm trying to think of the best here. For someone that doesn't believe in hope, you're being very hopeful over there. I know. Because I don't want to think of a poor old woman getting taken advantage of. It's so sad. We have an update. Oh, there's an update? Yeah. Oh, I love that. We got an update. Okay. Update. Hi there. You might remember this post I made the other week about my neighbor being cuckooed. The short answer is she was, though probably not for the reasons any of us expected.

Okay, so what happened after the post? The next day, I contacted the council's MASH team as advised, and they were extremely helpful. They were immediately concerned and said that they would be sending someone to check on her. They also asked if I could keep a diary of any events as they would like to speak to me when they do arrive, and I said I'll make a log of whatever happens.

So the week goes by and more weird stuff happens. It was all quiet. And then on Halloween, a group of older gentlemen come to the property and then some women who I assumed were strippers. They show up before leaving a few minutes later, screaming at the man who's in the flat. And he kept threatening to report them and was waving around this insect spray.

Anytime any trick-or-treaters came by, they'd get the same response. It was really fucking weird. On Friday night, I see my neighbor getting bundled into a minicab and then returned early hours of Sunday in a different minicab with the old bloke screaming at the driver before he rushes her inside. Again, all very weird.

Anyways, yesterday, two social workers arrive and talk to me. I show them everything I've written, and they agree this looks very much like cuckooing. But they aren't sure why this old bloke is doing it or what he's doing with the property. Now, I wasn't there for the initial confrontation, but I know they went down to speak to him, and he immediately went on the usual spiel.

I'm going to report you to the neighbor's watch, get off my property, etc. When they weren't going, he sprayed them in the eyes with something and slammed the door shut. What? What is going on? Police and ambulance were rang and I helped them wash their eyes out. From what I could hear when the police arrived, he tried the same bullshit with them. The spraying, not the neighborhood watch. But

but sounded like they tackled him and he got hauled away in cuffs. Police found my neighbor in the property, padlocked in the box room before she was taken to the hospital. Jesus. We did get into the property later and for the most part, it was how it had been left, but every door, I mean every door had a padlock on it.

I did speak to my neighbor in the hospital. Her kids are coming down. And she explained to me that she met this man at her bridge club where he claimed he was in the parachute regiment but was now down on his luck and asked if he could stay with her for a night or two. Unfortunately, she had agreed. Apparently, the first evening was fine. But the next day, the moment she goes into the toilet, he attaches a padlock to it and locks her in. Oh, my God.

What a psycho. That's when the abuse started. During the time he was living there, he apparently tried to take control of the flat and her bank accounts with the goal of chucking her out. And he would get angry and scream at her when she didn't get into him. But she refused to respond to him.

What? What?

Jesus Christ. Jesus. As for the bloke, no idea what happened and we've had all the locks changed. Though we have suspicions he'll attempt to return one night.

I did hear someone try to handle to the front door. I assume they mean a crowbar. My neighbor's going to go stay with my sister when she's discharged, and some of my bigger mates from Warhammer have offered to stay downstairs just in case, but we'll see. Thank you all for the assistance. You all were amazing. I showed her all the comments, and she was blown away by the support. So a huge thank you from both of us. Aww.

At least that was a happy ending because, look, real talk, I'm surprised he didn't murder her.

Like the fact that he kept her around for so long? I think he would have if she would have given him banking info and all of that stuff. Totally. I 100% think this would have turned into true crime. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I have no doubt in my mind. Yeah, for sure. This is coming from legal advice Reddit. Right? This is not one of our like no sleep, like crazy fiction videos.

stories. This is coming from legal advice. Imagine if this person wouldn't have had like that gut instinct that something was wrong or like this could have gone so wrong. Thank God this little subreddit was here and they actually got like good legal advice. And thank God the social workers showed up. I want to know, is cuckooing like a big problem in the UK? In the UK?

Because that's wild that someone can essentially just do that. But I guess couldn't you do that here too? I think it does happen here. Right? Because all it takes is the kindness of someone just like, hey, come stay with me for the night or whatever. Like not a big deal. And then they just lock you in your room. I just, dude, I would. That's so sad. She was locked in there for at least a month. How come our kids didn't come check on her?

That's like, that's what makes me so sad. Or how come the neighbors didn't have family references? I don't know. It seems like this neighbor writing in really is...

I mean, for this woman to get out of the hospital and then go live with our writer's sister, that, I mean, they sound like really close, like almost like family. Yeah, totally. So I don't know. Maybe the kids live far. Maybe the kids live in the States. Time different. Who knows? But it is odd to not have talked to your mom for a month. Mm hmm.

And maybe she was allowed... Depends. But yeah. Maybe she was allowed a phone call, but he sat there over her with a weapon or a knife or who knows. Who knows? Better not say anything. Yeah. That's so scary. I hope he got locked up. I hope so. Which I do have hope that he did get locked up because I Googled, is cuckooing a big problem in the UK? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Poor Google terms probably, but...

As of May 15th, 2024, the government has finally accepted the evil practice of cuckooing, and police now have the powers to take down cuckoos.

Nice. So laws have been changed. That's great. Maybe it's more enforceable because otherwise, like, that would have been kind of an interesting thing to prosecute because it's like, well, she let me in with permission. I know here it's like squatters rights. I know. Which is wild that you can just move in and now...

You live there. Yeah. And like there's nothing really anybody can do. No. So it's nice that they at least have these laws in place that will...

help like remove these I know shitty people. I know. I really appreciate that. The squatter stuff in California especially is really bizarre. Really crazy. Bizarre. Really crazy. The fact you can move in you could just literally walk into someone's house be like I'm living here now. Yeah. And just get mail sent to the house. That's all you need. And

It's your, like, you just live there. I saw this video of a guy on TikTok who his sister had an Airbnb and the lady stayed and, like, is a squatter now. And so he moved in and is just, like, terrorizing this person. I love it. I love that for other people. If it were me, I would go absolutely psychotic. No, I remember my realtor kind of, like, just...

I don't know why she told me this. Like, I don't think it was a really a big concern. But when we got our first home, she was like, you know, I don't think this will ever be an issue. But just so you know, technically, you can close the escrow. Confusing. We'll fund and close the sale.

But there's nothing necessarily to force them to leave. It's your house. If they choose to stay, they could. And you would have to get the sheriff involved to then evict them. Oh, my gosh. And I'm like, what? How do they even have rights to do that? And if they're not leaving, why would the escrow pay?

That seems like so wonky. It's a little backwards. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. But it happens. It happens all the time. It happens all the time. Yeah, it's weird. I don't get it. I'm just... I don't get it. I'm so glad this little lady's okay. Me too. Yeah. I'm so happy. Yeah, that's so sad. Insane.

Insane. What were they doing? Did they say drugs, sex? I think he just wanted a place to live, trying to get her money. Jesus. Just needed a roof over his head. Yeah. And to like play the military card, like you knew you were garnering sympathy. Like maybe he was in the military. Maybe that wasn't a lie, but I don't believe him. Not for a second. No. I mean, maybe he was, but like, yeah, I'm the same with you. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. I'm pessimistic. No. No.

But he knew he went after her for a reason. He can tell that she was vulnerable. Vulnerable. Bridge Club. Yeah. I mean. He went to Bridge Club finding it, scoping out his victim. Yeah. So he's just going to do it again. I know. Yeah. If he gets out. Yeah. I wonder how long they stay for. I have no idea how the UK works. Insane. Right? Okay. Okay.

One of this week's partners is Quince. I love gifting people clothes for the holidays, pieces they've been wanting, dreaming of. Well, Quince is my go-to place this holiday season for all of the clothing essentials I need for people on my list. Quince is where you go to find luxury pieces at an affordable price. All of Quince's items are priced 50 to 80% less than similar brands.

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Q-U-I-N-C-E dot com slash T-H-T to get free shipping and 365 day returns. Quince dot com slash T-H-T. Okay, one last one for us. This is coming from Am I the Asshole? Three days old. Titled, Am I the Asshole for picking off the nuts on an ice cream cone? I'm going to say no right off the bat.

Yesterday, my 20 female boyfriend, 19 male, bought us both ice cream. When we got it, the server asked if I wanted a special type of cone. I said yes, picking out what looked to me to be bits of cookie stuck to chocolate on the cone. My boyfriend got this as well, and it cost an extra $6 on top of the $18 already for the ice cream. He paid for it as his treat.

even though I think he didn't expect it to be so expensive. When I started to eat, I realized it was actually bits of peanut. I'm not allergic, but I don't really like nuts that much, especially on sweet ice cream when the flavors don't really match up.

I started to pick off the nuts. Most of them were stuck on pretty hard. I eventually just ripped off the entire chocolate part of the cone and threw it into the bin. I didn't notice my boyfriend at first, but about 30 seconds later, he stormed off and I could see he was crying. Something I haven't ever seen him do before.

I chased after him and asked him what was wrong, and he yelled at me for being ungrateful and for making him literally throw away his money for no reason. This made me very upset as well, and I started crying too. He calmed down and comforted me after this, but never properly apologized. For additional context, earlier that day we went out to my favorite fast food place, and I picked out something that I hadn't tried before, rather than my regular.

He paid for it, but I didn't end up eating it because I didn't really like it. So I let him have it. I felt hungry after that. And after I told him, he then took me to get the ice cream. Since I got home that day, he hasn't messaged me back at all. And I'm starting to get worried. Am I the asshole? No, she's not the asshole. But I think they should. This is too emotional over an ice cream. Yeah.

I was like, am I missing something? Yeah. Yeah, we are missing something to be young and 18 again. Yeah, 2019. Yeah. Yeah. No, she's not the asshole. If you don't want like peanuts on your thing, you take them off. Yeah. It's not like she was through a hissy fit like a three-year-old and was like, oh my God, peanuts, fuck this. And like made it all dramatic. Yeah. She just quietly picked them off, threw away the part she didn't want. She didn't know.

I know. For him to get up and cry over that, I personally would be like, all right, well, this has been fun. I think, you know, good luck to you. Bye. Yeah. Like, it's not that big of a deal. But to be fair, that ice cream was very expensive. So I'm like, where did they go? Cold Stone, probably. They're so expensive. Oh, my gosh. Have you ever had gingers here in L.A.? No. No.

So, so good. Really? So good. They have a lot of vegan options, so that's why we go there a lot. And to get like a tiny little one, I think it's like 18. It's just like... It's ridiculous. It's insane. I'm a good old-fashioned Ben & Jerry kind of girl. So you know my favorite ice cream? Hmm. Ikea. Really? Yep. It's like a dollar for a cone. $1.99, something like that. Damn. Members get a discount. And it is the best custardy cone ever.

so good and that like it's like that sugar cone too that like the ice cream soaks in and then it gets like a little soggy but it's so good best cone ever I also I go to Ikea for lunch a lot too I get the meatballs plant balls yeah best lunch you'll ever have it's so good I avoid Ikea at all costs

There's no windows. You go inside, there's no windows. In the cafe, there is actually a beautiful view of the mountains. You got to get there somehow. I feel like a hamster in one of those mazes. Anytime you want to go to Ikea, a little lunch. Ikea date? I'm ready. It is. Seriously, it's such good food, you guys. It's so slept on for a date. It's so funny. It's so slept on. It's okay. I'm passionate about Ikea. Sponsorship? Not yet. I'm here, Ikea. With the meatballs?

I'm here. That's so funny. I would never think they have like, well, I've heard their meatballs are really good. Yeah. I won't lie. Yeah. You have so many kinds. Yeah. But when I, I believe you just getting there for me. You'll take my word for it. Yeah. Yeah. For me, it's not my favorite. But this one, I mean, do you think they can make up or do you think like this is kind of a, is the ice cream, the straw that broke the camel's back?

Well, when you're young, you start to learn what's important to you and what's not important to you in relationships. And that's what's nice is that when you're dating, you get to find out things that you like and you don't like. So for this, she and he can determine, is this something like I want to put up with? Yeah. You know, like do I want to date someone who's going to –

I don't know, every little penny he spends, like, I'm going to feel some kind of guilt if I don't eat it all. That is a very good point. Yeah. Like, because I've dated someone like that who just, like, watched every penny. And, like, I love that. Yeah. Be frugal. Yeah, money management. Great. Smart. Yeah. But it's, like, when they start making you feel guilty for every little, like, hey, do you know how much that costs? You just threw it away. And it's, like, oh, fuck.

Some people it doesn't bother, but it's like you have to figure it out. Like if that's something he's going to be doing, is that something you want to put up with? I did not even consider that. And it's such a valuable point because that gets to be so unhealthy. And then especially if it's around food, like you don't want to instill unhealthy eating habits or, you know, cause that to domino into something else. Right.

Oh, mic drop, Bailey. Okay. Let's go. No, but it's like, you know, that pressure of I have to eat my whole plate because if not, he's going to be upset with me or like I don't want to start a fight. Yeah. I should just eat this and shut up.

It just can turn into something bigger. Well, and you shouldn't be forced to eat stuff you don't like. Like it's okay to get something and then realize you don't like it. Right. Especially like it's fast food and ice cream. I, you know, I get going to a Michelin star and ordering a hundred dollar steak and then all of a sudden being like, I don't like it. I'm not eating it.

That's kind of shitty. So you better fucking eat that $100 steak. I don't give a shit. Eat it. But I'm like, there's...

I'm like, this doesn't need to be so heavy, so serious. No. But they're also really young and they could be making like, do you remember your first paycheck? Oh my gosh, yeah. I worked at Perkins as a hostess. Yeah. And it's just like, you know how like you thought you were going to get a lot and then when you first get that paycheck and you're like, wow, this is nothing. And then having to date and like take people out and then imagine if they're like, I don't like this. And you're like,

It's such a slap in the face. It is. Yeah. Or just hurtful. Yeah. I could see where he's coming from too. But crying, talk it out. Learn how to communicate from a young age, please. I know.

That's one thing. I'm like, we should start having people take communication classes like in high school. Like literally, let's all learn how to talk to people again. Definitely. Because I feel like a lot of that is really missing these days. Definitely. Really missing. And sometimes when you do try to communicate with someone online,

If you word it wrong, then it comes off the wrong way and then it backfires. And it's just like, so communication classes would be really smart. I think so. Which we do have some comments from OP. He yelled at me over the ice cream, which yelling about this, like, here we go. All the more reason for communication classes.

Generally, I'm not very fussy because I just normally order the same kinds of things. Today, I just wanted to try something new because it looked really yummy, but it had way too much mustard, which I didn't really like. None of the food went to waste because I ate a part of it and I gave him the fast food to eat. I asked him if he was okay over text, but he's leaving me undelivered so far. There is a comment here, which is interesting.

OP got asked, like, why didn't you buy the ice cream after he bought you the fast food? I'm saving my money for a car. He doesn't have his license yet, so he has more money to spend freely. But what's interesting, and it doesn't appear until the 10th comment, he did just lose his job, but he still has a bit saved up and he doesn't really have any big expenses.

Oh, maybe he's gone through a lot. That's starting to add up why he cried. Yeah. Because like to spend your money on someone twice. That you love and care about. And then they're just kind of. Throwing it away. Uh-huh. Not liking it. You lost your job. That could be. I know it's over like a $3 cone. Maybe that's his last $3. Totally. Or it's just like the day in general. Yeah. Maybe she didn't say thank you.

You know, and that's, I don't know. That bugs me so much. Bugs me to my core. If you do not say thank you, I will never talk to you again. I literally, if I go out to eat with someone and like it's like a first time going out to eat with them, like a new friend or a work person, if they don't say thank you to people, I write them off. And like the way you treat people and just...

So easy. It's two words. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Just like, hey, thank you. Like, even if you didn't like the food, thank you, though, for taking me out to dinner. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Top comment. Mm-hmm. Where do you think this one went? Do you think you're the asshole, not the asshole? Not the asshole is probably where it went. Really? Top comment. Is you're the asshole? You're the asshole. For taking off peanuts? Mm-hmm.

You're the asshole. You, one, he bought you food once that you wound up not eating. Two, you then complained about being hungry. Three, he then heard that and went to buy you more food, ice cream, which you then proceeded to Hulk smash in front of him. I get not liking nuts, but come on.

Hulk smash. Four, you somehow still didn't realize the multiple things you did, which are generally considered rude. Five, somehow you made you hurting his feelings into you being the victim. And six, you wound up expecting an apology from him instead of the other way around. Also, did you even thank him a single time for all the food you wasted? Or did you just repeatedly ask for food and waste it in front of him? Aw, okay. Well, when you put it like that,

Thank you, top comment. Top comment. Yeah. I wonder if she said thank you. Yeah, we don't really know. And we don't know if she was like complaining the whole way.

We're only getting a snippet here. I know. Because it's like, okay, if they went to the first restaurant, she's like, I don't like this. And then afterwards, I'm so hungry. Like, yeah, I can understand. I could see why he'd be just like at his wits end. Yeah, totally. And guys can cry too. Like, there's no shame in that. I was initially very surprised over like... The ice cream cone. You're crying over spilled milk in a sense. Like, that was odd. But if this is like...

I'm just being kind of walked over, like walked over. She's not gracious. She's entitled. I'm not getting a thank you. Like I'd cry too. I've cried over less. Oh, me too. I've cried over a lot less. Me too. Me too. Poor guy. It sounds like he's kind of going through it. Definitely going through it. Maybe they should go their own way and like figure life out. And then if it's meant to be, they'll reunite. I don't think I'd make up over this one. I think you're just –

Just go. Just tell people that. It makes them feel better. Like if it's meant to be, you'll come back together. Yeah. That way it doesn't sound so permanent. I like that. A little hopeful over there. I am. A little hopeful. Maybe I am. There's some hope over there. There is. That was fun. Those were some journeys we went on. I'm not okay. Yeah. A lot of – life's not that bad. Yeah.

Man, someone just asked me the other day. It was a really good interview with a woman named Natalie. And she asked me, she was like, what do you think people get out of your podcast? And I was like, I think it's something for so many people, like it's something different for everyone. But I was like, I think one thing, and this just came to me recently, there's a saying where it's like comparison is the thief of joy. Mm-hmm.

This is the opposite. You might be comparing, but I hope it brings you joy instead of stealing it from you. But Bailey, thank you so, so much for being here today. Thank you for having me. Where can everyone find you? You can find me everywhere. YouTube, Instagram.

Facebook. Spotify. Spotify. Apple. Apple. Snapchat. Oh. Twitter. Well, X. Threads. TikTok. TikTok. At Bailey Sarian. Everywhere. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I'm everywhere and anywhere all the time. Your content is so good. I just started the Aaron Hernandez one because it is football season and- Football. Football.

I'm diving into it. And that was a really, that was a crazy, crazy case as well. So I will, I will be sure to put all of Bailey's links in the description. Really easy to find, but make sure you go and give a watch if you haven't already, because I mean that auto one, the, the, the attic guy lived in the attic for 10 years. I will link that one. It's

It's insane, you guys. Yeah. It's insane. It's so good. It was fun. No one dies. Well, actually, I'm sorry. Someone does die.

Someone dies. I mean, it is Murder Monday. Murder, Mystery, and Makeup. Sometimes there are stories where sometimes no one dies. It's like those one-off stories. Like I survived almost. Kind of, yeah. And for a minute there, I thought this was one of those, but I forgot the husband dies. He does die. The sex guy. Yeah. Check it out for yourself. Check it out. Thank you so much for having me. It's been a lot of fun. It's been so good. Until next time, guys. Bye. Bye.
