cover of episode #281 ‒ Longevity drugs, aging biomarkers, and updated findings from the Interventions Testing Program (ITP) | Rich Miller, M.D., Ph.D.

#281 ‒ Longevity drugs, aging biomarkers, and updated findings from the Interventions Testing Program (ITP) | Rich Miller, M.D., Ph.D.

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Rich Miller
Rich Miller: 本期节目主要讨论了干预测试项目 (ITP) 的最新研究成果,该项目旨在评估潜在的延寿干预措施。ITP 使用遗传异质性小鼠模型,这比大多数研究中使用的近交系小鼠模型更能反映小鼠群体的真实情况,并能更好地进行基因图谱绘制。ITP 已经发现了四种能显著延长小鼠寿命的药物,还有其他几种药物也显示出显著但较小的效果。ITP 通过测试不同剂量的药物,观察病理变化,并与其他研究者合作,来深入了解衰老的机制和控制点。ITP 的研究结果为寻找延长人类寿命的药物提供了宝贵的线索,但从老鼠药物到人类药物还有很多步骤需要跨越。ITP 每年接收的药物建议数量有所波动,通常会从10到15个建议中选择大约6个进行测试。美国国家老龄化研究所 (NIA) 每年向 ITP 的三个研究地点提供 100 万美元的直接经费。ITP 主要关注指标是中位寿命和最大寿命,同时也会评估其他健康指标,例如握力、运动能力和认知能力。ITP 使用中位寿命作为主要统计指标,并使用 Wang-Allison 方法评估最大寿命。ITP 在每个实验中使用相同数量的小鼠,以确保研究结果的可靠性。ITP 的对照组小鼠的寿命存在一定的个体差异,雄性小鼠在不同研究地点的寿命存在显著差异。ITP 药物制剂的制定需要考虑药物的剂量、给药频率以及药物在小鼠体内的吸收情况。雷帕霉素是 ITP 发现的第一种能够显著延长小鼠寿命的药物,即使在老年小鼠中也具有显著的延寿效果。ITP 发现的某些药物能够延长小鼠寿命的比例远高于治愈癌症或消除心脏病对人类寿命的延长比例。ITP 除了评估寿命外,还会评估其他健康指标,例如握力、运动能力和认知能力。衰老速率指标与衰老生物标志物不同,前者反映衰老速度,后者反映衰老程度。ITP 已经确定了 13 个在所有 10 种长寿小鼠中都发生一致变化的衰老速率指标。UCP1 是一个与衰老相关的蛋白质,在所有长寿小鼠中表达量都升高。GPLD1 是一种由肝脏和脂肪组织产生的蛋白质,它与认知功能和衰老有关。蛋白质组学数据对于理解细胞变化至关重要,因为mRNA水平与蛋白质水平的相关性较低。将 ITP 的研究结果应用于人类需要找到能够在血浆中检测到的衰老速率指标。ITP 对照组小鼠的主要死因是癌症,但其他原因也占有一定比例。ITP 目前尚未发现能够改善健康状况但不延长寿命的药物。17α-雌二醇与17β-雌二醇的化学结构相似,但其作用机制不同。ITP 发现某些药物对雄性和雌性小鼠的影响存在差异,这可能是由于药物在体内代谢的差异造成的。白藜芦醇、二甲双胍和烟酰胺核糖苷在 ITP 中均未显示出延寿效果。美克利嗪和虾青素这两种非处方药在 ITP 中显示出延长雄性小鼠寿命的效果。非瑟酮在 ITP 中未显示出延寿效果,也未显示出清除衰老细胞的作用。作者对衰老细胞在衰老过程中的作用持怀疑态度。 Peter Attia: Peter Attia 主要就访谈内容进行提问,并对Rich Miller 的回答进行补充和引导。

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Richard Miller is a professor of pathology and the Director of the Center for Aging Research at the University of Michigan, as well as a previous guest on The Drive. In this episode, Rich provides an update on the exciting work of the Interventions Testing Program (ITP), an initiative designed to assess potential life-extending interventions in mice. Rich covers the notable successes like rapamycin, 17⍺-estradiol, and acarbose as well as notable failures like nicotinamide riboside, metformin, and resveratrol, providing valuable lessons about the intricacies of the aging process. Rich delves deep into aging biomarkers and aging rate indicators, unraveling crucial insights into the science of geroprotective molecules. Additionally, Rich discusses some surprising successes of recent molecules tested by the ITP and concludes with an optimistic look at future frontiers, including bridging the gap from mice to humans.

We discuss:

  • An overview of the Interventions Testing Program (ITP) [3:45];
  • How the mice used by the ITP are superior for research relative to mouse models used in most research [11:15];
  • Design of ITP studies, outcomes tested, and metrics of interest [19:00];
  • The process and challenges of drug formulation for mice [30:00];
  • Four drugs identified by the ITP that extends the lifespan of mice [36:30];
  • The success of rapamycin and what it tells us about the biology of aging [43:15];
  • Other measures of healthspan evaluated by the ITP in stage 2 studies [50:45];
  • Distinguishing aging rate indicators from biomarkers of aging [57:30];
  • Aging rate indicators identified through the examination of slow-aging mice [59:15];
  • Why proteomics are essential to understand changes in the cell [1:12:15];
  • Unraveling aging rate indicators: dose-effect, duration, and future frontiers [1:21:45];
  • A closer look at aging rate indicators: bridging the gap from mice to humans [1:27:00];
  • What do laboratory mice die from? [1:38:45];
  • Distinguishing between a drug that improves an age-sensitive outcome and a drug that improves all aspects of aging [1:42:00];
  • The ITP study of 17⍺-estradiol: mechanisms of life extension and surprising sex differences [1:43:30];
  • Unsuccessful drugs studied by the ITP: resveratrol, metformin, and nicotinamide riboside [1:51:30];
  • Over-the-counter successes in the ITP: meclizine and astaxanthin [2:01:00];
  • A senolytic drug, fisetin, fails to extend lifespan [2:07:00];
  • Can targeting senescent cells slow aging? [2:13:00];
  • Optimism about future findings [2:16:30]; and
  • More.

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