cover of episode #473 - We Are Chimp Crazy

#473 - We Are Chimp Crazy

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The Basement Yard

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Joe: 我认为如果一个笑话的措辞搞砸了,这个笑话就自动失败了。我认为把 Cracker Jacks 视为美国传统食物,并将其与一些负面事物联系起来是不合适的。我认为现在棒球比赛中 Cracker Jacks 的价格远高于歌曲《买些花生和 Cracker Jacks》创作时的价格。Cracker Jacks 实际上就是焦糖爆米花,而不是饼干。我认为幸运饼干比 Cracker Jacks 更有趣,因为幸运饼干带有神秘感。我认为有些幸运饼干上的预言过于含糊不清,难以理解。我认为现在没有人再对幸运饼干里的纸条感到兴奋了。我认为抱怨过去的不公平待遇并不意味着现在应该同样对待你。我认为在沙漠中为了生存而吸吮动物的乳头是合理的。我认为奶牛的乳房是一个整体,而不是由多个独立的部分组成。我曾经做过一次幸运饼干。我不记得制作幸运饼干的具体过程了。我曾经为大学生做过幸运饼干。我们曾经在小学的时候经历过中国新年,并收到了红包。我曾经吃过红包里的巧克力金币,并认为它们很难吃。我认为好时巧克力太普通了。我认为在中央公园与马说话是不合适的。我认为在中央公园骑马很贵。我喜欢听到马蹄声。我喜欢观看关于给马修蹄的视频。我认为马蹄感染是正常的现象。我认为如果观众知道表演的内容,他们就不会感到惊讶。我认为如果去看裸体滑旱冰修女表演,应该做好准备。我认为裸体滑旱冰修女表演很像我的节目。我认为修女发现自己的性取向很正常。我认为滑旱冰不是性感的活动。我认为裸体滑旱冰修女表演很疯狂。 Frank: 我认为如果一个笑话的措辞搞砸了,这个笑话就自动失败了。我会把幸运数字融入我的生活中,例如将其与亲人的生日联系起来。我认为幸运数字的概念很荒谬。我从未在轮盘赌中赢过钱。重复做同样的事情并期望不同的结果是疯狂的表现。我认为林特巧克力是最好的巧克力。吃林特巧克力让我感觉很富有。吃林特巧克力就像穿着丝绒拖鞋一样舒适。吃林特巧克力就像体验宝可梦技能“冲浪”一样。我认为猴子是否有睾丸。我无意中在谷歌上搜索了色情内容。我认为如果出于生存目的给动物哺乳,这不算兽交。我认为把猴子关在笼子里是不好的,无论笼子是在好的还是坏的环境中。 supporting_evidences Joe: 'The reason they said buy me peanuts and Cracker Jacks is because when that song came out, those things cost $0.04 to get both of them. Now, peanuts, Cracker Jacks, running you $4 each.' Joe: 'It's caramelized popcorn. Just call it what it is.' Joe: 'When you open a fortune cookie, you're hoping your life gets changed. Yeah. When you open a bag of Cracker Jacks and there's this little fucking paper envelope, no one's excited anymore.' Frank: 'The rule of jokes is if you fuck up the up the wording on a joke you automatically lose the joke I did that's the rule of jokes that's the rule of how it works with friends' Joe: 'doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different outcome is like the definition of insanity.'

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the value of Cracker Jacks at baseball games, questioning their price and lack of a real cracker. They reminisce about simpler times when snacks were cheaper and prizes were more exciting.
  • Cracker Jacks at baseball games cost $4.
  • The hosts suggest jumping off the stadium if someone buys them.
  • They question the lack of a cracker in Cracker Jacks and the quality of the prize.
  • They reminisce about the value of snacks and prizes in the past.

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