welcome back to the base welcome back to the basement yard podcast featuring joe sanagato and uh that guy over there yeah you can make up something i knew you were gonna make up something i i just did a little shimmy angel hernandez not angel hernandez the mlb umpire angel rivera that was my fake id name that's right but i would they would go angel i'd go on help
You know, because I had to really commit to the bit. Okay. You did get it taken away, so it didn't work. I got it taken away after years of using it, though. Yeah. You know what's funny is I got it taken away about two months before I turned 21. At McCann's, right? Yeah. It was by a big Asian dude, and I was so angry at him. I remember because I was inside, I think. Yeah.
I think. Yeah. Well, you were already 21. You were already 21 at the time. Oh, yeah. And I got it taken away and I was very upset. But I'd use that. Here's the thing is I got that when I think I was like 19. So I used it for, at that point, almost two years. The person whose ID I was, first of all, it was found in a deli and given to me by someone. Perfect. And he was 10 years older than me. So like- What? It was.
This guy was 30 and you were trying to pass his 30? Yeah. I swear to God. So like, I wasn't just like, I always think of the thing. Welcome back. I always think of the thing from McLovin from Superbad where he's just like, how many 21 year olds you think there are in this neighborhood? Yeah. You know, fucking idiot. Oh, that's how you were justifying it? I was justifying. If you're 21, he's going to think it's fake. But if I'm 30. Yeah. Genius. Genius.
Not when you looked like how you did. It worked all but like once. Every other time it worked and I got away with it. Yeah. But also people didn't care. No. Back then they were just like, whatever, your money's green. Get in here. You know, I feel like now. Do fake IDs even exist now? Yeah, of course. I saw some shit that like apparently the generation of kids that are turning 21 now just don't drink as much.
I mean good for them probably be healthier not fucking losers. Yeah, you guys are dweebs fucking dweeb loser Chug that right now. Hey, guess what pledge? Shots if you don't you're gay That's how we grew up Basically, yeah and even down to what you drank made you Cool or gay gay, you know, which is funny because when we were younger and it's like I loved mike's hard That was the first thing I ever drank. Yeah, me and you we drank them on new year's and then someone was like you drink mike's hard
You're gay. I was like, I'm not drinking. It made you gay. But they're great. Same thing with like Twisted Teas. I remember when the first time we went to hang out. I thought that like twice. The first time I ever went to hang out with like the Ant and all those guys, the Piggy Boys. They love them. Love them. They love Twisted Tea. They've got themed buckets. Like they've got it all. And I remember all of them were ripping Twisted Teas. And a part of me was just like, gay. You know? Yeah.
But like that was, that was beat into me at the age of fucking 16. I've also went full like rebelled against that whole thing because against the homophobia, because now like I will go to a, like a cocktail bar and look at,
Like, I pick all of my cocktails based on if, like, there's tequila or mezcal in it. But if there's, like, pineapples and, like, watermelons and, like, you know what I'm saying? I want this thing to show up and just look like I bought it and I'm at a swim-up bar in the Bahamas. Yeah, I don't know who decided to give...
sexual orientation to drinks. It's like, oh, it's sweet. But let's be honest about something. Oh my God. The gayer drinks are way better than the straight drinks, bro. It's not even close. Also, dude, you're so sick with your whiskey neat. Yeah. It sucks. Dude, I like whiskey. I like scotch. I like whiskey too. I like it on the rock. I like it on
I mean, I like it, Neen. Listen, I see the appeal in it. But if you're going to tell me that you're going to go to a bar and you're going to get a whiskey neat over like a fucking cum shot on the beach. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You're out of your mind, dude. If I look at a menu and there's a drink that has like a gay name, I'm like...
Dude. Also, dude, and listen, I'm not just saying this. I'm not just pandering because we went to a Mets game one time and it was Pride Night. Let's go. And they had like the Pride cocktail and I was like, definitely getting that because of this is... Yeah.
It was phenomenal, dude. Of course it was. Now, what would fucking straight pride... Unhealthy. Unhealthy. Oh, yeah, of course. A lot of sugar in there. The amount of red dye in that bitch was probably fucking insane. You know what it looked like? It looked like you took a bunch of ice pops that were, like, not frozen and just dumped them. I like that. Alcohol. I kind of like that. Like it. I love it. I want some mo of it.
I just, like, I just don't get it. I hate it. Why did we need to, like, listen, whoever, whatever fucking homophobic loser out there was just like, certain drinks are gay, certain drinks are straight. Yeah. You ruined a whole fucking generation. I could have grown up enjoying this shit. And now?
I need to find it in my later fucking years when I can't drink like I used to I wanted to drink a Cosmo in my house too But I couldn't because I was afraid my dad would find me and then disown me And he would he would have he would have a hundred percent He would have bro if my dad my dad didn't like us drinking period He really really didn't because my dad is sober. My dad's been sober for 30 years. I know This is what's crazy. Most of the drinking we did was at his house I know this is what's crazy is my dad for years like didn't know we drank
I swear to God. Frank, outside the door. Until we were like 20 years old, he didn't know that we, like, it's so funny. I love my dad. This is a big dad episode. Not Father's Day, but here we go. My dad, for years, we would always say, because his mom passed away, you know, fucking 17 years ago at this point. Who cares? Move on. Okay. And we would always say, like, what was it like with her growing up? And he was like, good mom, really naive.
And we're like naive neef and he argued that. Oh he thinks it's neef. Yeah. Got it. But we were like what do you mean? He's like I do all this stuff she never know. And then legitimately my dad didn't know we drank until we were like 20 years old. Mind you literally I would say maybe 27 feet from where he lays his head at night I have drank 30 beers in a night. 27 is generous dude. Like 27.
Six feet from where 37 beers multiple times dude, and he just like legitimately didn't know and then when he found out he was Like you're fucking you're naive, too Yeah, but if I if my dad found out I was drinking and it was just like a fucking dirty martini He would have kicked me Square in the chest be like don't do that. Yeah, that's for downtown. I
What does that mean? Cause according to fucking whoever made up geographic locations for the gays- Oh, downtown's gay? Everywhere's gay! Downtown's the best part of every city! I KNOW! It doesn't make sense, dude!
Why are we running away from the coolest parts of things? The coolest shit! The best cocktails, the best parts of town! They were also, the gays might have been gatekeeping it a little bit too, because they were just like, alright, we don't need to share this stuff with you, it's ours now. And like, damn, like, yeah. Fucking, I didn't want to drink fucking vodka straight out the bottle, I wanted to mix it with some fucking... Some pineapple juice. Juice! Some juice. Juice! By the way, mimosas, bellinis... Mimmy up...
Belly baby. I'm ready for fucking all of it, dude. Belly baby. Hell yeah. Yeah. Or like even a sangria. I feel like that's like old lady stuff, but I love it. Dude. And then like, like someone, I remember once, I think actually it was a family guy joke or maybe not. Whoever. They were just like, oh, hollowed out sourdough with a dip in it is gay. And I was just like, what's the best way to have dip? Dude. Plastic bowls are dope.
Dude, come on. Stop doing this. Dude, honestly, the bread bowl up there would fire as far as like inventions. Great.
Yeah. The wheel. Yeah. Fire. Yeah. Dip in a bread, a sourdough bread bowl. Breaking off a piece of a bowl and dipping it into the thing that the bowl is holding. And then eventually the bowl goes away and the dip at the same time. I mean, magic. Honestly. People pay top dollar in Vegas for that kind of shit. That's something that only like, like a genius could have come up with. Like you have like J. Robert Oppenheimer and then, or Robert J. Oppenheimer. You know who I'm talking about. I don't, but I do remember earlier today.
Frankie tried to say Vivica Fox and he said Vivia A. Fox. Vivia A. Fox. Not Vivica Fox. No, no. He's like, where are you going? A hangout with Vivia A. Fox? I was like, who the fuck is that? Yeah, I messed that one up a little bit, but. Whatever. Yeah. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you because I had a dream. Speaking of your dad, I had a dream. Pancr-
I had a dream about your dad. Well, technically we were all in the dream. Wait, you dreamt about my father? He actually wasn't in, I didn't see him. Well, hold on. He was in a dream. You just kept saying his name in your dream? I don't, that I don't understand. Okay, no. Were you moaning my dad's name in your dream? Frank! That's a... Big Frank? Were you drinking a Zima? No, what's that? That was apparently a gay beer, dude. A Zima? God, you got a lot... I've never heard of that before. You got a lot to learn. Um...
But I had a dream that we were doing a show and I remember like looking on the crowd and I'm like, this crowd is not that big. Like it looked like there was like 40 people and there was foldable chairs. If we ever get there, put a bullet in my fucking head, you know? But like there was like foldable chairs out and like the metal ones that you would crack over each other's heads. Joey, I am very well aware what a foldable chair is. And if it was metal or plastic, wouldn't change a thing. Correct. Correct.
But we were there and we're doing the show and I remember thinking like what the hell's going on like why is it such a small crowd and then all of a sudden people started leaving and I'm like what and they're taking their chairs with them. Right. So there's where you wear. Were you wearing your red your white hood. That's a joke. Yeah. That's a really good clan joke. That's a really good clan. You're only 70 years late. OK. Well is that another. Is that a good number.
It's probably earlier than that I think the clan's been around a little longer than 70 years Yeah, probably But, so, we're on stage doing this show And then all of a sudden I notice people start leaving And they're picking up their chairs with them and taking them with them There's just like a hole Were they like the collectible chairs that you get at like WWE shows? How about I tell the story, you shut the fuck up And we'll make some comments afterwards, how's that? Alright Drink your tea I will
But then, so they start taking the chairs and I'm like, what's going on? And then eventually we just like get off stage. Right. And then I see you and you're furious. And I'm like, what's going on? And you're like, you didn't hear that. And I'm like, no. Like, why are all those people leaving? Where does my dad come into play? Right now. Oh. And you go, you're like, you didn't hear that? And I'm like, I'm like, no, what? And you're like, my dad was in the crowd and he heard some girl talking about her boyfriend. And he said, yeah, right, honey. You don't got a boyfriend, you fat fuck. Right.
Yeah, and then people heard that and were like, hey, and then started leaving. And then they got up and they left because of my dad. Because of your dad calling some girl a fat fuck. All right. First of all, not something my dad would say out loud. Maybe he would say it in his head. In Spanish. Well, no, Spanish is way louder than English. Probably. Louder? Yeah, it probably is. Come on, dude. Yeah. You can't whisper Spanish. Oh, no, you could actually.
Oh, yeah. No. No, you cannot. Yeah, you can, but like... Don't. Yeah, you have to do it. It's sexy if you whisper Spanish. You just can't tell secrets that are like dangerous secrets. You can't whisper and not be sexy in Spanish. You know what I mean? That's... Yes. Because it's like you can't tell a secret. Right. Because it'll just be sexy. It'll be horny, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm with you there. Like someone's going to kill you and it's like, oh, what? What? Yeah, you know? Or they can just say like they shit their pants, but it'd be like... My pants...
And diarrhea. Yeah. You're like, ooh. Ooh, cagar. What is that? Cagar, I believe, is to shit. Cagar. C-A-G-A-R. What was this? You went to shit. You pulled the plug on your ass and now you've shit. Isn't this in American Sign Language bullshit? Is it? I thought it was like, fuck you. I don't know. Now we need to look this up. Or is this like fucking? I think that's bullshit. Oh, maybe it is poop. I think it's bullshit. I don't know, honestly. I don't know either.
But if someone is hard of hearing watching this, they're like, what are they doing? How would they watch this? Oh, captions. Subtitles, yeah. Captions, subtitles, yeah. It happens. But yeah, anyway, so you're dead. I know nothing else in sign language. I was going to do something, and then I realized. This is something. This is definitely something. No, no, no. That's everything. That is everything, yeah. No, this. Brother? Yeah. We're back. Yeah, I don't know.
Don't know Shannon no sign language. So I like picked up some of it. Okay. Yeah, maybe we can learn we probably won't probably I saw a video recently of Margot Robbie doing the whole alphabet I saw that she was like talking to someone that was like hard of hearing that was are we not allowed to say deaf? I did that because they're like no, I don't know either and I don't want to like I don't know if anything I feel like Again, not a member of the community the hard-of-hearing community. You can definitely hear I
sounds way cooler than being called hard of hearing. Hard of hearing. Yeah. Like, yo, that's deaf. Hard of healing. I think of like heart of palm. Like it sounds like, you know, like a, it sounds like, yeah, like hard of hearing, like a Yu-Gi-Oh card or like something you have to like go get in like Zelda. Yeah.
You know, you have to go get the heart of hearing. Yes, before you can go into the fire dungeon, you need the heart of hearing. Yeah, exactly. And it's like, do I actually? Oh my God, I need to go all the way back now to go get the heart of hearing. I just got to say, you brought up Zelda and I want to keep talking about it, but I understand we got to move past that. You know, I've never played that game ever. I don't know anything about it. Well, there's several Legend of Zelda games, Joey. You need none of them. You've never played any Legend of Zelda game? Breath of the Wild, no.
Well, that's one of them. Well, that's like the most popular one. I've never played any of them. Arguably most popular. It's one of the most recent incarnations. But like Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, you know. None of them though. None of them. Zero. Very good. You should. But they're like, you can't, like you wouldn't be able to play them. And I guess I do mean this as an insult, but like you can't be like stupid and play these games. Because...
Because like you need to be able to like put clues for things together. What do you think of me? With video games, honestly, I think you're probably a little dumb.
It's not that I'm dumb. You're just not like a video game minded person. So like you would have to like. First of all, 100% insulting. Okay. Okay. That's number one. Number two, the difference between you and me when it comes to video games is like you enjoy a good, nice, slow storyline. So like Red Dead Redemption. Yeah. You enjoy being like a fucking hardcore jock and throwing fucking touchdowns to fucking, you know, Terry Holt. Tori Holt. What year do you think it is?
Torrey Holt hasn't been in the league in 30 years. 20 years. Yeah, like, what are we talking about here? What were we talking about? I don't know. The Legends of Zelda. So, like, Red Dead Redemption. I'm not going to play this whole game. But Red Dead Redemption is, if I'm being honest with you, it's not, like, a smart game. They'll say, like... I don't play that. But that's because you're all so stupid. Like, it'll say, like... I'm just saying. Like, I don't mean it as a straight insult, but, like...
A curved one. A kind of curved roundabout insult. Okay. But like, you'll play a game where it'll be like, go to this house and kill this person. And you'll do it because...
Because you're brain dead. But if it's just like, hey, you need to figure out how to move this person who's blocking entrance to fucking Death Mountain or Dodongo's Cavern, then... Dodongo's Cavern. That's a real thing? So let me say something. You're a genius. Your IQ is genius level because you play Zelda and you run around with a sword. Is that what I'm hearing now? I think not. You're cool because...
You're a genius and you should get a Nobel Peace Prize because you play with elves. Is that what you're telling me? Magic elves. As far as I know, there are no elves. Okay. There are humans. There's Kokiri. Okay. We could go down the line of the races in the high rule, low rule if you really want to get into it. But I just think that you tend to – your taste in video games tends to be, if we're being honest, simplistic and kind of barbaric. Okay.
Barbaric. Joey, two of your favorite games. Frankie, you used the word brain dead back there. Yeah, I did. Totally different than what you're saying now. All your taste in games is different. It's different than you going, well, you're brain dead. You like sports. You like games where you run around and aimlessly kill and shoot. Yeah. You don't like anything with any form of complexity or puzzle solving. That's not true. Like what? No, no, no. Seriously. Like fucking what? Command and Conquer.
Okay, you had a small blip on your radar. That's not true. I played that a lot. Okay, for two years, Joey.
2002 to 2004. When's the last time you played Command & Conquer and or Red Faction? 20 years max. No, no, no. I still have it on my Xbox. What do you mean? Okay. That's not answering my question. Within a calendar year. Really? 100%. What the hell is wrong with you? I just do Skirmish. You could just like... It's fun. Okay. I like strategy games. In that... You don't even know me! In that regard, I will recant...
Part of my statement. But the vast majority of the video games you play are simplistic, barbaric, and kind of hold your hand through the whole thing, Joey. Play something a little out the box. Unraveled. Play a little Unraveled. See if your brain can comprehend fucking puzzle solving on a micro and macro scale. Listen to fucking Power Rangers and fucking Mario Party over here. Is this kid kidding me?
Are you kidding me? Well, I'm just saying, like, Legend of Zelda... You collect stars. Don't, now, you know what you're trying to do now. Mario Kart. You're trying to insult me on a personal level, which is... You are doing that to me! Which is taking away from what I'm saying here. All I'm saying, Joe, is that maybe broaden your horizons with video games a little bit. Oh, you like NHL, do ya? Champ?
Way to fucking go. You're really cracking the case. You're really a fucking... All you play right now is MLB The Show. It's baseball. Correct. Goodbye. Bing bong. We do have ads for today.
Fuckin kid. Brain dead. I'm not the one who has a dad who called some girl fat fuck and ruined our show. In your dream, you made it up! Yeah, in your dream, in my dreams. Your dream, you were imagining calling someone a fat fuck and that's why you're, that's why. No, I imagine your dad saying it. And it was a litmus test to see if you would want to do it yourself. You fat fuck! That's an insane thing to say to a person. That would be so fucked up. I would never in a million years do that. Don't do it. Yeah.
Thanks for... Okay. Anyway, we do have some sponsors for today. The first one being Babbel. You want to learn another language?
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Oh, geez. You know what? I have to go for English because I can't speak. But it's a great way to learn how to speak a new language. And it's conversational. It's not just like, you know...
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the basement yard. Go to patreon.com slash the basement yard. Folks, we gave you guys a couple years ago a task with getting us to number one on the Patreon charts and boy, you have not fucking disappointed. We are on our way. Thank you so much to everyone, everyone that has gotten us to over 30,000 patrons. Isn't that
fucking banana sandwich. Joey don't answer. It is banana sandwich. So thank you. And for those of you uninitiated, what you can do is go to patreon.com slash thebasementyard and sign up today if you feel so inclined, if you're nasty. That first tier, you get these weekly episodes one week in advance. And then...
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All of that stuff. So go to TheBasementYard.com. Thank you so much. And listen, lean in a little closer. Listen, put your sneakers on, okay? I want you to come with me. We got somewhere to be, okay? What you're going to do is go to TheBasementYard.com slash submit. If any of you freaks and ghouls out there are coming to any of the Basement Yard Experience shows and you submit answers to the questionnaire. Listen, these shows that we do,
We like them to be interactive. All right? There's a portion of it where we want to talk with you guys. We want you to talk with us. We pulled someone on stage at one of the shows. We call people out. All that stuff. You can be kept anonymous if you want, or you can just...
Talk with us during the show if we so choose. So go to thebasebdr.com slash submit. Make sure you answer the questions, input what show you're going to, and it's going to be a good old grand old time. All right? Thank you guys so much. I'm throwing it back to my co-host right over there, Joe Santagato. What is that? That was flawless. It was. It was good. That was pretty...
Give me more than good. Great. Thank you. Brilliant. All right. Not going higher than that. Come on. Anyway, we do have to talk about the big beef right now. That's the fact. Hey, yo. We have to talk about the big beef. The big beef. Yeah. Whose? Yeah. Who's big beef? Who's big beef? No, I know what you're referencing. Yeah. And it's not...
Kendrick Drake. I was going to say, it's so funny. A lot of beef. There's so much beef right now. Quavo Chris Brown beef. Yeah, Quavo Chris Brown beef. Beef. J. Cole, Kendrick, Drake beef. That J. Cole is like, I don't want to be in this beef, so no more beef for him. But Drake and Kendrick are down for beef. There's so much beef with so many rappers, and then on the other side of it. We've got Taylor Swift beefing with the big beef herself, Kim Kardashian. Is she the big beef? No.
First of all... She used to have a big beef, but she got it... She shrunk down her beef. Joey. Joey. What? I'm talking about her butt. She shrunk her butt? Yeah, she shrunk her beef. Her butt beef? Yeah. What the heck? Do you remember back in the day when Kim Kardashian was like, that's clearly a... That's fake butt beef. That's fake butt beef. Yeah. They shoved some horse meat in there. Exactly. Like, that's not butt beef. That's horse beef. Let me ask you a question. No. So then...
They cut it open later on and they took some of it out because she's like, oh, this looks a little ridiculous. Too much beef. Wow. So now it's a smaller beef. She had to get rid of all those clothes. She had to get rid of all those clothes. Yeah, they don't fit no more. I'm sure she's okay. Those are probably custom-made clothes. People aren't built like that. This is not normal beef. That's wild beef. They don't make clothes for beef like that. That's crazy beef, honestly. The beef you're referencing is between Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. A.K.A. Mommy. Mommy.
A lot of people refer to her as mother or mommy. Something like that. And Kim Kardashian. Right. Now, it is funny that there's like all these rappers that are fucking beefing with each other. Yeah. And then she's just like, I'm going to drop a fucking diss track. Yeah. Taylor Swift on her new album called like the something about poets. Tortured poets. The Tortured Poets Department. I think it's called that. I gotta look it up. The Tortured Poets Department. If it's department, that is fucking hysterical. I'm pretty sure it's department.
Alright, I'm looking it up right now. Hold on. The Tortured Poets Department. The song of Post Malone is good. It's Department, right? Yeah, I knew it. See? I'm a Swifty. It's so funny because... It's not funnier than the word beef that I love. Because just like...
You think of a department, you think of like a part of Target, you know? Yeah, yeah. I think Department of Education. Exactly. This is the Department of Tortured Poets. But yes, so she released a song called Thank You, Amy. But in the title, everything is lowercase except the K, the I, and the M. The word Kim, yeah. So Kim Kardashian, Miss Beef. Miss, whoa, hold on. Miss Beef?
I explained this. She had a big beef back in the day. Oh, you're referring to her as the poster child for beef, for back beef. I mean, she is queen beef. She's queen beef? She is. You have your queen bee in Beyonce, and then you got your queen beef in Kim Kardashian. Yeah. Okay, all right. I hear what you're doing here. So Taylor Swift put out this song, and she was basically like, yo, you fucked me up for a bit there, but look at me now. Well, so I looked into this.
and oh my god i before you explain just so you guys know frankie doesn't know anything i don't about pop culture so the fact that you looked into this and now you're going to tell me about it yeah is exciting okay yes and i think i actually got a pretty good job so this actually starts yeah back at the 2009 mtv vmas correct where kanye it's now an infamous clip yeah kanye west as a
Taylor Swift was accepting the award for best music video. Yeah. Ran on stage, took the mic and said, hold on. Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. I believe it was the single ladies video. Yes. Which is an iconic video. It's a good video. It's a great video. It's a great song. Great song. Great video. Yeah. Great dance. Yeah. This thing. This. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Yeah. You know? And he, you know, that was a big thing, you know, like people like, oh, this is the downfall of Kanye West. Like you can kind of like, you could,
Look at, like, the part of, like, where it started and say, like, bingo, bango, bongo. Yeah, but then he put out Dark Twisted Fanny after that and it was fire. Honestly, Kanye's music after... Wrong. Okay. My Dark Twisted Fanny was fire. Okay. I like, I think, two songs on there. Crazy. Anyway. Okay, well... Move it along. I'll be honest with you. I also only know two songs on here. Correct. So...
Started there. Beef started there. Then, a couple years ago, in a song that Kanye released when he was married to Queen Beef. Kim Kardashian, Queen Beef. Was called Famous. And in the song, he said, hold on, I got- I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. I made that bitch famous. I made that bitch famous. Referencing-
First of all, Taylor Swift was on a meteoric rise. She was already famous as shit. You Belong With Me was a fucking certified bippity-boppity-boop at that point in time. That was also years before Famous came out, way before. But I'm saying when the VMAs thing happened. Oh, yeah. He's referencing he made her famous because of that clip. Right, right, right. Which is off. Yeah, it's not true. That is mother. Don't speak of mother this way. Yeah, we're not... I don't want this to get confused...
I like Taylor Swift. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also, I have nothing against Kim Kardashian. No, she's queen beef. She's great. Yeah. You know? We support all women. There's probably a few that I don't support, but I don't know where the hell they are right now. Yeah, like Joey's not a big fan of Ava Braun. Neither am I. I don't know why I specifically said that. Who's Ava Braun? She was Hitler's wife. I'm not either. Just putting that out there. I don't even know that. But, and then...
People were just like, oh shit. Like, why would you say that about her? Because it's wild to say on a song, like, I'm going to have sex with this woman. Yeah. Like, I could still. And then I did my research, Joey. Okay. Let's see if you get this right. They released, they said that she, that Taylor Swift agreed. And they released a phone call on International Snakes Day, which was pointed out by Queen Beef herself.
International Snakes Day? Some shit like that. We got to chill with that, by the way. Yeah, yeah. Snakes, you're getting a day? You don't need a day. You don't need a day. You're lucky you're still allowed on this earth. I agree. You don't need a day. No, like apparently earlier in the day, she had acknowledged it was International Snakes Day and then later released a clip of the phone call where she's reportedly agreeing to the line being used. Right. Saying like, oh, it's tongue in cheek. It's okay. Ba-ba-bing-bong. Ba-bong-bing-bong.
This reportedly made Taylor hide because she was getting attacked because people thought she was a liar now. Can I interject? Yes, sir. I believe that she knew that he would say that line of like, I think me and Taylor might still have sex.
But he left out, I made that bitch famous. So I think that was the part that she had like an issue with. So what I read was that later on, there was something that came out that was an extended version of the call or whatever. But it basically showed that although she agreed to a portion of the line, that part of the line. Right. She didn't agree to. So then doctored footage.
Fake news the queen beef is playing Queen games royal families play games you could have just went with chess chess Wow, that's good Queens chess. Come on. Yeah, that's good Queens gambit. Mmm. Yeah. Yeah, they play chess in there Yeah, the whole show is But now this new song is
Comes out Taylor's just like Yo there's like a bronze statue Of you Yeah Of like Fucking And then Taylor Swift Says some shit like What was that shit she said
She's like, something about I changed your name and blah, blah, blah. So it's like she's confirming that like, yo, I'm talking about Amy, but Amy's not your name. Your fucking name is Kim Kardashian. Yeah, well, I mean, she didn't really make it hard for people to figure that out when the letters K-I-N-M. That is such like a third grader could have come up with a better fucking puzzle. Sorry, mother, but you knew what you were doing. I think that I've sent Frankie a post-it in third grade that said like,
I like capitalized like the word fuck. Like the word like fuck, yeah. I just wrote like, I have to go to the store and then tried to send a curse word. Yeah, also, none of those have F. But... Whoops. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But like...
What? Now what happens? Yeah, do they just... Because also, let's be honest, the biggest loser here is Kanye. He's all... He just made Kanye Yeezy porn. Oh, he said he wants to make Yeezy porn. No, no, no. He said he's making it. Oh, he says a lot of stuff, though. He does. What's your favorite thing he said lately? Lately? Within the last five years. Okay, I know you're walking me, too. Yeah, I don't know. But like...
What? It's beef, dude. And it's on-site, probably. No way it's on-site. It has to be. Who do you think wins that fight? I think Taylor Swift might kick her head off. I don't wanna... Kim Kardashian's small, but she's got a lot of... Bro, she's got fucking power. She's Queen Beef, brother! Come on! You don't get that name like Mike Tyson would've been at a certain point in time. King Beef. 100%. He's like a little fucking... She's bobbing and fucking weaving. Are you kidding me?
You know, her dad helped fucking OJ dodge some fucking time. Yeah. You know she's in the fucking... Yeah, she can bob and weave some stuff. She can bob and weave. But if Taylor Swift, like, keeps distance, because to me she's, like, six foot three. I know she's not, but she feels like she is. Okay. So if she kind of just keeps her distance, she could probably, like, hold on to Kim Kardashian's head like this and then just pat and just kick her. This is like if, like, Joelle and Bede were to fight, like, Mike Tolbert. Like, Mike Tolbert. Yeah.
That's a crazy pull. Oh my god. This is what I imagine. Taylor's got to have a good two feet on her. I feel like she's got a jab. I've never seen Taylor in real life up close. I've seen her in real life from across the stadium. Have you? At the Jet game. I was there. She was there. Oh, that's right. She was there at Jets Chiefs. I've never seen her. I saw her. I've never seen her. Granted, it was a quarter mile away, but I saw her. Did see her. Did breathe her air.
The technicality of what you're saying is there. It checks out. It does. But if she had a cold, there's a non-zero chance that you could have eaten it. I can't confirm how tall she is. Right. But she looks like she's at least 6'6". You know? She isn't. Let's see. She's probably something along the lines of like 5'11". Taller than you. That's crazy. Yeah. It's insane. You'd be agreed.
I'm not. I'm 5'10". No, you ain't, Joey. Okay, here we go. 5'5". You're 5'6". 5'6". That's crazy. But like, Kim Kardashian's got to be 5'8".
What? Bro, she's 5'2". The odds on this on FanDuel are going to be insane. Dude, hold on. She's got nine fucking inches on her. That's crazy. That's a crazy reach. Dude, nine inches is like... That's a big cock length of height. That's nine inches, brother. That right there. That's right there. I believe that's nine inches. I think that it could be more. It probably is. But...
Yeah dude Just like We don't want to see two women bring each other down We don't I hope that they handle it amicably Or Amicably Or Shut up Amicably Amicably Yeah Or Have people step in as representatives for them to fight Travis Travis What's a Travis Scott? Travis Kelsey Travis Kelsey this is your time Who's gonna fight for Kim Kardashian? It's not gonna be Kanye It can't be Kanye anymore Who's she got over there? I don't know
Who's in her camp? Look it up. Pete Davidson. That's the only most recent one I could think. Travis would tear his head off. Look up who Kim is dating right now. Oh, Odell. What? Yeah, she's dating Odell.
This could be the biggest event in fucking football and pop culture history. Have Odell fight Travis Kelsey and winner wins the beef war. Winner becomes queen beef. The beef belt is on the line. This is the dumbest episode we've ever done in recent history. Well, we've done some pretty dumb ones. I'm going to choose to ignore them though. Okay.
Yeah. But there's a lot of beef in the world right now. The beef belt will be on the line. Yeah. I think this could be a billion dollar right, and it could be hosted by the Basement Boys. Listen, Kim. Yeah. And Taylor. We're sorry if you were offended by anything you just said. First of all, we didn't offend. We're fans of both. Very much so. Yeah. But if you guys are looking to make any investments, we are open for...
Business. Business. That's all I'm saying. We're in the beef business is what we're trying to say. I think this is... We're trying to get in. We're trying to get in, right? This could be huge. It could start... It's starting as like a small little idea right now. Rinky-dink idea. But it can grow into something massive. Let's talk about scale. Kind of like Tom Hanks. Humble beginnings. Simple approach to just capitalizing on... Stop it. ...popularity. And then it could be iconic.
Think of Beef Battles USA as a pay-per-view. You're going to tell me you wouldn't want to watch that? You wouldn't want to watch Kendrick, Lamar, and Drake box? Beef it out? And maybe they don't have to box. Just beef in some sort of way. There could be a beef. There could be the queen beef belt, the big beef belt, which is for... Who's that for? Super heavyweights. You can have like... Speaking of beef, did you hear Meg Thee Stallion is getting sued right now?
Because she like watched they made she made her cameraman watch her fuck some woman or something in a car Yeah, I saw that that's crazy. Yeah, you don't force people to do stuff. Don't do that guys. It's simple It's very easy even though I knew this is where you were going Even though not saying me I'm not saying me though who could be anybody anybody? Yeah, I think there is a portion of the world that
That would just be like cool. Yeah. With that. But if it's not, if you're not cool with that, you shouldn't be forced. You shouldn't, you should not force somebody in that situation. But it sounds cool, but that doesn't mean it is cool. That doesn't mean it is. Absolutely correct. It sounds cool to be like, look at that. If you are a hardworking individual and you're being forced to watch somebody else engage in any form of coitus. Right. Not okay. Not cool. Not good. Don't be forced. Even though that...
It sounds like it might be alright. It's not alright. Because some people like the beach. Frankie hates the beach. I do. I do hate it. So, like, you know what I mean? What if one of the undercard bouts on the Beef Brawl USA pay-per-view card could be Lizzo versus Meg Thee Stallion? What does Lizzo have to do with anything? She was allegedly forcing people to do sexual things, too. That's true. That's true.
Wait, why would they fight each other? Why not? Okay. And then you could put in like... Who else has beef? Everyone's got beef. Me and you. Me and you beefing? We'll beef. We should beef. We should. We have to. I feel like all we do is beef, though. We do beef. We beef a little bit. We beef a lot of beef. A lot of beef. It's our shtick. Beefaroni. Our shtick is beef. Our shtick is beef. You know? It's a beef shtick. It's a beef shtick. This episode is not for them. Cheers. This is for us. This is the dumbest thing ever. Ow! Ow!
Are you bleeding? You bashed your tea into your- I bashed my tooth on this. You bashed your tea into your teeth? My tea and my tooth while we're talking about beef sticks! You bashed his tea into his teeth while talking about beef! This is the dumbest fucking episode ever! Oh my god. This might be my favorite episode. Knocked my tooth with my- tea with my teeth while talking about beef! Oh god, I'm covered in tea. Whose fault is that? You also spit it on the ground. You're lucky we're revamping.
Oh, you spoiler bitch. Shit. We're going to revamp. Yeah. Figure it out. Yeah. We got one more sponsor. Only that's it. Only one more for you fucking peasants. I'm sorry. What's going on with him? I think that hit a nerve when I hit my tooth. Yeah. You hit the, what? There was like, we do have a sponsor for today.
And it's FitBod. You want to get in shape? Never too late. The summer's right around the corner. You want to get that summer bod or you just want to get in shape anyway? You want to be a little healthy? Here's how you do it with FitBod. I personally love FitBod because I think that they're great for everybody. And it's educational and it's also going to get you into shape because you can't just go online and look at any other, you know,
Just any program and follow that that may not be helpful to you depends on your genetics depends on your goals and Also your experience. Okay, if you have no real Experience with fitness or working out you're gonna need some help along the way and they have over a thousand demonstration videos to teach you how to do certain You know routines or exercises or whatever the case may be And it's for anyone
like at any level of experience, but also, you know, what you have available to you. If you don't have a gym membership or you don't have any workout equipment and you just want to do body weight stuff, you can do that as well. They will build a workout routine for your level of experience and your goal. So if you want to put on mass, you want to lean out, you want to do whatever weight loss, they will build one for you based on your goals and your experience. And you can do it from your
living room or wherever you want. You don't have to go to a public gym. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming for people, which I totally understand, but that's why FitBot is great because they will make something cater to you and your goals and they will help you work out in the most optimal way possible. And you can go to fitbot.me slash basement and you will get 25% off your subscription. Okay. This is more affordable than a personal trainer as well. So it could be very helpful, especially if
Like I said, I'm big on the educational side of this and for fitness because I think it's important. I think that's a big deterrent for people of why they're not into fitness. It's like, I just don't know how or whatever. This is a good way to kind of get into it. So get 25% off your subscription or try the app for free at fitbod.me slash basement. That is F-I-T-B-O-D dot M-E slash basement. All right. Enjoy. Go crazy. Anyway.
Where do you go from here, you know? I'm trying to think. Think about what? Where we go. Oh, no, yeah. Where do you want to go? I don't know. You don't know? Why do you say it like that? I said, I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. I did write down Costco guys. You ever see those two? The guy and his son? Yeah, yeah, yeah. AJ and Big Justice. Is that their name? Yeah.
Damn, that sounds like superheroes. Well, yeah. Big Justice and his sidekick, AJ. People are starting to challenge our love for Costco because I'm a fucking big Costco boy. I like Costco. Dude, love Costco. I like it, and sometimes I'm like, okay. I just want a jar of mayonnaise, and it's like, here's a barrel. Forget that. I want a single thing of ketchup. I don't want a suitcase.
That includes ketchup, ketchup, relish, fucking mustard. Just give me just one ketchup. Yeah, they get a little crazy with the sizes. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if you guys have seen this on TikTok, but it's like a guy and his son and they go on Costco and they're like, we're Costco guys. Of course we fucking, you know, whatever. Eat the chicken bake. What is that? Bro, first of all. It looks like a big breadstick. It does look like a big breadstick. I would love to eat it. Would you? Yeah. I am going to go further.
And say I wouldn't. And I'll tell you why. I once had a hot dog at a Sam's Club and I almost died. And that's a serious true story. Why? I just, I went to a Sam's Club in West Haven, Connecticut. I know, I know, probably not the best place to go and get a fucking hot dog. But there was a Sam's Club right by my college. And I went and I got a fucking big fat hot dog. Were you going food shopping? I went and bought some stuff. I actually think I bought a pillow or two.
You bought a hot dog when you were pillow hunting? Yeah. It's crazy. Sam's Club. Yeah. But I went, I ate the hot dog, and my heart was racing immediately after I took my last bite. Does this thing have caffeine in it? I don't know, dude. But I remember I was with my friend Melissa, and I was just like, holy shit, like I can't calm down. She's like, what do you mean? I was like, my heart is racing. Like I was sweating. From a hot dog? From a hot dog. And you know how I love hot dogs. We all love hot dogs. We all love them. So it hurt me, but...
You know, I made my way back around to fucking... But that's not Costco. Costco has good samples. Bro, the last two times... But it's not Costco branded. I guess some of it is Crizo. But like, is it...
Are they still doing that? They do do samples. They didn't do samples for a while during the pandemic, but then they're back. The last two times I went, I'm like, where's the sample people? Dude, I would go up. First of all, if I didn't take a sample, I thought the person would react like I was going to spit in their fucking face. I agree. If they're like, you want to try this? I'm like, I'm okay. They're like, fuck you. Yeah, they're not. They don't care. But I'm taking all samples. It depends. There are certain samples I'll crush. I like things...
That are like, you know the little cup they usually put ketchup in? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they put like a little like something in it. Like a dumpling. Like a piece of a dumpling or something. Yeah, and I'm like, I like this. I like carrying it around. I like when they do little cups of like coconut water or something. Yeah. And they're like, and I just throw it back like I'm in fucking, you know, college again. Yeah. You know? But, oh God, I love Costco. Costco? Can you get multiple samples or is that, you know, that's like... We, I mean, the people by us didn't care. We would go around and around. Yeah.
Oh, you were treating it like a fucking Chinese buffet? Yeah, why the fuck does it matter to them? They don't care. They got to sit there and... They're not like... I mean, they got to shell it out to the people and try to sell it. You can't just give it to you because you want a fucking buffet. You know, this isn't Golden Corral. I'm not kidding. There have been occasions where we have gone to Costco hungry and left satisfied. Who is we? My wife and I.
Yes. What are you guys feeling for dinner? You want pizza or you want Costco samples? I swear to God. And some of the best food I've ever had was in a Costco sample cup. You need to get out more. Yo, you ever see those cups that I'm talking about? I know, the paper ones. You can open them apparently. When I saw that, I was like, genius. You can spatchcock them, butterfly them, open pussy. Spatch...
All of that what? Yo, your dog stinks like shit. Bro, before- Bro, he sucks right now. He farted before and I was like, what is happening? Yo, he smells awful, dude. Do you not bathe this dude? You bring him to get fingered but not fucking bathed? First of all, it doesn't get fingered. Don't say that out of context. Do they put a finger in his ass? Yes.
That doesn't... It's for medical reasons. Yeah, okay, I'm sure. Is that why you get it done too? Is that why you milk yourself? He had an anal gland leaking thing. I don't know. Wild. That happens. Wild that that happened. That happen to you? Happens to dogs, Frank. Stupid. Sorry. Honestly, I'll be honest with you for a split second. He's just a boy. Yeah, well...
He does... He's been farting, though. And I don't know why. Yesterday, I didn't even... I gave him... What did I give him? I did give him a little piece of pizza earlier. Oh, you know what it... I didn't give him pizza. That was a joke. No, no, no. It's not that. Because he wouldn't be farting that up already. Oh, excuse me. I don't know what he could have...
I'm trying to think if he ate my food recently. Because usually sometimes he'll eat some human food and then he farts it out. I'm just going to say this. I already know what you're going to say. If you bring this fucking dog here, have him not smell like shit. That's all I'm saying. We are the talent. And as we're recording, we need to be on our fucking A game. Okay? Frank, we just talked about B for literally 47 minutes. If that's A game, I don't... What is B game?
Beef game. Beef game. The beef games. The beef games. The beef games. Now, we make Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift race each other. So, it's like the Olympics. The beef games. Dude, I mean, come on. Who's winning that race? Sponsored by beef jerky. Slim Jim's. Who's the other company? Jack Link's. They got beef sticks. Yo, they beat the shit out of Slim Jim, though. I don't know about beef.
Slim Jims peaked in the 90s. That's what I mean. They're like Beef Lynx kind of took over. I'll say this. I love a good Slim Jim, babe. Isn't like Sasquatch their mascot? Jack Lynx, yeah. Yeah. Do you believe in Sasquatch? Probably not. No? The fuck? No. But I've heard it's like a species. Yeah. Sasquatch is the name of the species. You're talking about Bigfoot. Species. You're talking about Bigfoot. Correct, yeah. The guy. I think I believe in like a Sasquatch species. Like...
I've heard stories of them just like hiding in trees. Like my dad thinks. You don't need to follow up with anything. I know my mind has been made up about whatever your dad thinks. My dad thinks that Sasquatch travel through portals. Well, Joey, like I said, you didn't need to elaborate on that. I had made up my mind. He really does think that.
I don't know where I stand with all these mythological animals and creatures in our world. Loch Ness Monster, maybe. I don't care. I'm not going to swim in a loch, you know? Although that would be really cool. What is a loch? It's just a lake. But Scottish? Yeah. Really? I think that's where the term lake comes from. Loch. Yeah. Now I look it up. The Loch Ness Monster is probably fake. And also probably dead even if it was alive.
Yeah, no, this is just giving me the like scientific definition of what a lake is. I don't care. But yeah, chupacabra. What's that? It's like a Spanish. It's like a demon woman. It's like a Spanish. No, it's like some animal that like sucks blood from like goats and stuff. It's like a big bat. The Jersey devil. Don't know if I believe in that.
Is that a thing? Yeah. You never heard of the myth of the Jersey Devil? No. Yeah, where do you think the game came from? It's a little devil. But the term Jersey Devil, Joey, come on. I have to educate you multiple times during an episode? Because I don't know mythological demons? I would hope. And also, so much for you educating me, you're Googling. It's a mythological creature that has haunted the woods of New Jersey Pine Barren since the 1700s.
All these things are dead, bro. They're not 400 years old. I mean, people say that stuff like this still happens today. Well, they'll find like a cow of theirs dead and it has been drained of all of its blood overnight. Do you remember when we were kids and people found a dog? No. Do you remember down the dumps? I remember the dumps. We had an area in our neighborhood growing up where we just called the dumps, which I don't know why. It was just like a very industrial part of town. Yeah, but remember the hills? Yes. So the hills...
I heard that there was people that would gather there. Like weird people with like whatever and they would like burn shit. Like effigies and shit? What is that? Just keep going. And then someone found a dog that was like cut open and like nothing in it. Like all its organs and everything were like taken out. Like a sacrifice. I was like, what? So I never went down there. I was mad scared. That's wild.
You became big YouTube because your parents sold their soul for you to become big YouTube boy. No. Yes. How did you get there from that? That's what happens to these like demonic people and stuff like that. Is it like they, they will sell, they'll be like, I'll give you, we'll sacrifice the in organs of little fucking this dog. And then my next born son will be a- Humiliation ritual. That's the one I keep seeing now. Humiliation ritual.
You never heard of that? No, what the hell is that? It's like, this is why they put guys in dresses, this humiliation ritual. What? Yeah. Like in movies and shit, like dudes would be like, like Big Mama's house. Great movie. Yeah. Like honestly, probably not that great. It's probably a super okay movie, but I loved it back then. But like even John Cena recently at whatever that was, the Academy Awards maybe, where he came out like naked. He was naked. And I was like, what's the point of this? And people were like, it's a humiliation ritual. Like he's selling his soul so that he could like be more successful. Like what?
Yeah, John Cena needed all the help in the world to be successful. It's like you got to put on this dress. It's a humiliation ritual. For that money, I'll fucking, I'll wear a thong right now. Dude, I, so I don't know if I believe in this stuff or not. I hope you don't. Jim Brewer recently, listen, listen, Jim Brewer on a podcast recently said that he talked to Chappelle back in the day. And he said that Chappelle said to him that people visited him.
So Chappelle was like, people came to me to try and correct his behavior or something. And it like scared him. And eventually he left. Not coming from- What does this mean? What does that mean? I don't know. Is that like people who are running something? I don't know. The Illuminati, the lizard people. Something. I don't think the Illuminati is like an actual thing like that, that people think it is. But I do think there are people who are like, yeah, we make the decisions, do it this way. Or like, you're fucked. You'll never work here again or blah, blah, blah. All right. So then like have them hit us up. I'd love to be a billionaire. Yeah.
Fuck, what the hell? You need me to put a dress on, dude? I'll get fucking real tits shoved in here. I'll just send them the fucking Patreon episode of us in drag and be like, done.
Done. We already did it. Yeah. You know what? People are going to think if we ever become really successful. That that was our humiliation. Humiliation ritual. When really it was two idiots sitting in a fucking room being like, this would be fun. Yeah. And it was. It was a very good time. Honestly, the eyebrows was not fun. I didn't like getting my shit glued down. Yeah. That wasn't really like awesome, but...
you know it was cool it was cool a lot of makeup though honestly big respect oh my god big respect for the drag yeah community in addition to the you know societal beating that they have to take you know from people that think that they are trying to brainwash people you know also the physical parts of it that are very difficult is a lot of respect too yeah probably yeah but like a drag brunch
I haven't been to one because I'm too scared. I'm afraid. I've said it and I will continue to say it. I'm afraid to go. I feel like I look too straight. You are. I'm going to get ruined. Yeah, you would get fucking... Like, get this straighty up here. Let's make him do a dance. I'm like, bro, please, I'm shy. Dude, I'm afraid. I am afraid because, like, they'll... I'm not afraid! I will never recover from a straight... Like, a drag brunch. Yeah, because they'll flame you. Oh, my God. They'll go crazy on you. I'm destroyed. Well...
Yeah, I'm going crazy now. Yeah, my wording is off. Just a little chill. Makes it sound a little too nuts. Yeah. But yeah, we should do that though at some point this year. Go to a drag brunch, see what happens.
I'm gonna try and dress- Why don't we just hire drag queens to come here and we have our own brunch and they just roast us? I don't- Oh, 'cause I'm afraid. Now I'm trapped and I am going to get roasted. I just want- Let's hire three drag queens for one day to come here and we just sit here with mimosas and they just stand there with a mic and a camera and just destroy us. I think that would be an incredible Patreon. If you guys want to see that- All the drag queens are gonna hit us up now like, "Yo." At 35,000 patrons- And drag kings! And drag kings! That's right. At 35,000 patrons,
Maybe we'll do that. Also, 30,000 patrons, you were supposed to do Muay Thai boxing with Josh. You made that up. He made that up. No. He said, yo, tell a fucking... Proof! Where's the proof? The group chat that I'm in, that Josh wrote that in. Show the people. Whatever. Show the people. Exactly. He was supposed to fight our editor, Josh, at 30,000 patrons. And now, 35,000 patrons, maybe we'll do that as a little drag brunch. That would be so... We'll all go. Or we can have it here. No, you gotta go to a place.
We don't. They need a microphone. They got a whole thing. Oh, no. Where will they ever find a microphone?
Fucking loser. Whatever. Anyway, that is all for this week's episode. We appreciate you guys so much. Thank you so much. And like Frankie said, go to thebasemanyard.com slash submit. If you are coming out to the shows, we want you to fill out these forms so you can be part of the show at some point. It's a lot of fun. If you've never been to a show, which most of you haven't because we're coming to different parts of the country, then we only had three shows. So thebasemanyard.com slash submit. Fill out those forms.
And yeah, we'll be super excited to see you guys on the road. You can go follow me at Joe Santagato on all platforms and the show at The Basement Yard. Where can they find you? And then The Basement Yard, every single goddamn place. And that is all. See you guys next time.