cover of episode Sandy Kruse | Rising from the Ashes: A Journey of Health and Healing

Sandy Kruse | Rising from the Ashes: A Journey of Health and Healing

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Mick Unplugged

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mick Hunt
Sandy Kruse
Sandy Kruse:我的健康之旅始于女儿的癌症诊断,这引发了一系列家庭健康危机。在传统医疗未能恢复健康后,我转向整体方法,最终成为一名整体营养师和播客主持人。我的旅程强调了从受害者心态转变为掌控自身健康的重要性,并通过建立支持性社区和创造性表达来应对逆境。我鼓励人们倾听身体的信号,寻求专业帮助,并找到平衡生活的方法。 在面对女儿的癌症诊断、儿子的疾病、自身的甲状腺癌以及丈夫的去世等一系列挑战后,我意识到需要改变自己的心态。我开始探索整体健康方法,包括能量疗法和与其他经历相似困境的母亲建立联系。通过建立网站和分享我的经历,我帮助他人应对类似的挑战。在传统医疗未能完全恢复我的健康后,我转向整体营养学,并最终获得了注册整体营养师的资格。我的旅程强调了积极主动、预防性保健以及身心健康的重要性。 Mick Hunt:本期节目探讨了 Sandy Kruse 如何克服个人和家庭健康挑战,并最终成为一名整体营养师和健康倡导者。Sandy Kruse 的故事突出了从逆境中崛起的力量,以及如何将挑战转化为个人和职业上的成长。节目中,Mick Hunt 与 Sandy Kruse 探讨了她如何通过整体实践掌控自己的健康,并帮助他人。

Deep Dive

Sandy Kruse shares her journey of overcoming personal and family health challenges, including her daughter's cancer and her own thyroid cancer, which led her to pursue holistic nutrition and become a health advocate.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Mick Hunt delves into Sandy Kruse's compelling story of overcoming intense personal and family health challenges. Sandy discusses her evolution from feeling victimized by her circumstances to taking control of her health through holistic practices, eventually leading her to help others as a nutritionist and podcaster. Her story is a powerful example of how adversity can lead to profound personal and professional growth.

Sandy Cruz's Background: Overcame numerous personal health crises, including her daughter's cancer and her thyroid cancer, to become a holistic nutritionist and health advocate.

Defining Moments: Sandy's decision to pursue holistic nutrition after her traditional medical treatments failed to restore her health led to a deeper exploration of alternative medicine and nutrition.

Discussion Topics:

  • Sandy's transformative health journey, starting with her daughter's diagnosis and her struggles, fueled her passion for holistic health.
  • Building a support community through her website helped her cope and assist others facing similar challenges.
  • The shift towards holistic approaches to health after conventional treatments fell short, leading to her career in nutrition.

Key Quotes:

  • "When you hit rock bottom, the only way is up. That's where real change begins."
  • "Ground yourself, get quiet, and let your intuition guide you towards healing and well-being."

Next Steps:

  • Learn More: Follow Sandy Kruse's podcast and explore her resources for holistic health.
  • Reflect: Think about how you can use your challenges as catalysts for transformation.
  • Engage: Share how Sandy's story inspires you to take charge of your health using #MickUnplugged.

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