cover of episode Marques Ogden | The Power of Resilience and Moving Forward in Life - Mick Unplugged [Ep 5]

Marques Ogden | The Power of Resilience and Moving Forward in Life - Mick Unplugged [Ep 5]

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Mick Unplugged

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Marcus Ogden
Marcus Ogden: 我从华盛顿特区来,住在北卡罗来纳州的Fuquay-Varina。我毕业于霍华德大学,在国家橄榄球联盟打了大约六年。那段经历很棒,我与一些伟大的教练和队友一起工作。退役后,我经历了巨大的挣扎,酗酒、吸毒,生活一团糟。我创办了一家公司,但由于管理不善和一个项目超支300万美元,最终导致破产,房子被查封,只剩下400美元。在NFL球员关怀基金会的帮助下,我避免了无家可归的境地。之后我做过各种工作,包括在梅里尔林奇工作,但最终被解雇。我做过清洁工,时薪8.25美元,这份工作让我意识到自己需要改变。我开始学习演讲,但起初并不成功,两年半时间没有一份付费演讲工作。2016年我的第一本书出版后,我获得了第一个付费演讲工作。在过去的八年里,我为55家财富500强公司工作过。我帮助客户解决问题,包括心态、文化、领导力、销售和策略等方面。我的成功并非一蹴而就,需要持续学习、提升价值并愿意接受指导。 Mick Hunt: 我与Marcus Ogden的对话深入探讨了克服逆境和韧性的力量。Marcus分享了他从NFL球员到面临重大个人和财务挑战的旅程。他强调积极心态、毅力和适应能力的重要性。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Mick Hunt engages with Marcus Ogden in a deeply inspiring conversation about overcoming adversity and the power of resilience. Marcus discusses his journey from the NFL to facing significant personal and financial challenges. He emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset, perseverance, and the ability to adapt and overcome adversity.

The episode is filled with powerful insights and strategies for anyone facing life's challenges and looking to rebuild and move forward.

Marcus Ogden's Background: Former NFL player, transitioned to a successful career in public speaking and personal coaching.Defining Moments: Marcus shares his personal story of hitting rock bottom and how he rebuilt his life and career.

Discussion Topics:

  • The transition from professional sports to life challenges.
  • Overcoming financial struggles and personal setbacks.
  • The importance of resilience, perseverance, and a positive mindset.
  • Strategies for rebuilding life and career post-NFL.
  • Learning from failures and turning them into successes.

Key Quotes:

  • "If you want to overcome obstacles, master these three things: resiliency, perseverance, and mindset shift."
  • "Visualize what you want and take action towards it."
  • "Building relationships plus building trust equals loyalty."

Next Steps:

  • Explore: Visit Marcus Ogden's Website) for more motivational resources.
  • Listen: Check out Marcus's podcast "Get Authentic with Marcus Ogden."
  • Engage: Share your thoughts on the episode using #MickUnplugged and #PowerOfResilience.