cover of episode Justin Benton | Challenge to Triumph: Harnessing the Power of Hemp for Health

Justin Benton | Challenge to Triumph: Harnessing the Power of Hemp for Health

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Mick Unplugged

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Justin Venn
Justin Venn:我的儿子被诊断出患有严重自闭症,这彻底改变了我的生活。为了帮助他康复,我开始研究植物药,并发现了大麻的惊人疗效。通过大麻汁,我们改善了他的健康状况,这让我意识到这种植物的巨大潜力,并促使我将事业转向大麻领域。2020年全球疫情的爆发迫使我将实体店业务转型为线上平台,并学习了新的营销策略。在这个过程中,我得到了Russell Brunson的指导,学习了漏斗式营销和价值阶梯等方法,这些方法帮助我更好地触达客户,并建立了成功的在线业务。 Mick Hunt:Justin的经历展现了适应变化和持续学习的重要性。他成功地将个人挑战转化为商业机遇,并通过分享他的经验和知识帮助他人。他强调了积极的心态、持续投资自我以及专注于目标的重要性。他还分享了如何建立价值阶梯,为不同需求的客户提供不同价位的服务,从而提升客户终身价值。

Deep Dive

Justin shares the life-changing moment when his son was diagnosed with autism, leading him to explore holistic health and plant-based medicine, ultimately discovering the benefits of hemp and CBD.

Shownotes Transcript


Are you ready to change your habits, sculpt your destiny, and light up your path to greatness? Welcome to the epicenter of transformation. This is Mic Unplugged.

We'll help you identify your because, so you can create a routine that's not just productive, but powerful. You'll embrace the art of evolution, adapt strategies to stay ahead of the game, and take a step toward the extraordinary. So let's unleash your potential. Now, here's Mick.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of Mic Unplugged where we channel the power of because to look beyond your why and fuel your passions. And today I am honored and thrilled to introduce an extraordinary entrepreneur, visionary leader, and pioneer in the CBD industry. He's revolutionized the wellness sector and continues to inspire countless of individuals with his innovative approach and dedication. It is my distinct honor and pleasure to introduce you

to my man, the dynamic, Justin Venn. Justin, how are you doing, brother? Hey, what's going on, Mick? Thanks for having me. So stoked to be here. It's amazing how our paths have crossed and here we are talking. And I know you're a fan of Russell Brunson and myself and my journey. And I'm just so excited to share it with your audience because it is so aligned

what we got going on, especially with this Think and Grow Rich challenge coming up. So, so excited to be here. - Dude, I'm just as excited. And there's so much to talk about. I don't even know where to begin except your journey. And we talked about alignment and I know that you believe in the power of because as well too. So what was the pivotal moment for Justin in your life that shaped your because? And for the listeners, you know, like I feel like your why is very superficial. Your because is what actually brings you to success.

And if I don't know anyone successful, I know Justin Benton. He is the definition of success. So Justin, what was that moment like for you? Well, for me, I had success. However, it's traditionally defined in the United States. I was a serial entrepreneur. I still am.

What happened for me was my son developed a severe diagnosis of autism. This was about seven or eight, nine years ago. And so it basically stopped my world, just stopped. Because as a father, you're like, you're the only dad. And it's like, I got to figure out how to get my son healthy again. And so that's when I stopped what I was doing. I had to figure out how can I get his health back? And so that's when I started researching and

Fortunately, I was raised holistically, so I understood the power of plant-based medicine. We cleaned up his diet. We got him like a really clean diet, which means getting rid of all the processed foods, refined sugars, all of the crap really that's on the shelves out there in our grocery stores in the United States and just eating real vegetables and fruits. It sounds kind of simple, but it's what works. It's what we've been raised on for the last, you know, however many tens of thousands of years. And when we did that, organic fruits and vegetables,

along with some supplements. We got him back to moderate healthy so he could start to talk again and make eye contact. This was around when he was the age of three, but he wasn't all the way back. And so I continued to research and I found that there's this miracle plant out there that goes by a ton of different names, hemp, cannabis, whatever you want to call it, that

when their parents were giving it to their children to help with epilepsy and seizures, having incredible results without the side effects. And so when I saw that, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and I started doing more research. I was praying for a miracle and that was what begun. And as I went down that rabbit hole, I discovered that when you juice cannabis, just like juicing celery, you unlock the full potential of this plant, which really helps our body find alignment or what's called homeostasis. Anyways, long story short, my son

is no longer on the spectrum, no longer has the diagnosis. He's a healthy, happy kid. And that was like, wow, that was incredible. And so that was my huge why. And because I was trying to heal my son, I was able to help millions of other people around the world, expose them to the power of this miracle plant, which leads me to how I got here in this world with your incredible success of your podcast. And I also have a podcast called The Miracle Plant. But when 2020 happened, this world began. I didn't know it existed.

you know, Les knew it existed. Russell knew it existed. I didn't know it existed, but we got conditioned to shop online. We got conditioned to talk on Zoom. We got conditioned to listen to podcasts and get groceries delivered and Uber Eats and the whole world opened up.

In 2020, it's only been four years and I had to shift my physical brick and mortar stores that we had opened up for 101 Hemp out here on the 101 Highway in California. How do I shift to online? Because I knew that's what was going to happen. And lo and behold, it did. The average American was 17% of Americans shopped online primarily before 2020, which means they were already getting their groceries delivered. They were already, you know, having Uber Eats show up.

That number quadrupled since we were conditioned to shop online, to go to Zooms, to do these meetings, to go to Amazon, all of that really sped up. And so I knew that I needed a mentor that was going to help me transition. And it was Russell. And I was so fortunate to be able to be mentored by him and taught by him. And one of his books came out right then. It's called Traffic Secrets, which was March of 2020. Can you believe it? You want to talk about alignment?

This book comes out to teach us how to drive traffic to our websites or funnels, you know, or podcast shows or whatever it is that you're offering or courses. And it just absolutely, I had gone to a very prestigious school and got a business degree and took many marketing classes and even e-commerce classes. And I learned more in that

book, reading it in one sitting. Because once you go down that route, you're like, just keep flipping the pages. And I went all the way down because I needed to figure out how I was going to reach a billion people by 2025 about this miracle plant. He also opened up a mastermind. And so the mastermind was how I went all in. And for those of you that have heard of a mastermind or don't know what a mastermind, we're going to talk a little bit about that here coming up with Napoleon Hill. And he's one of the original teachers of this as principle of this mastermind. So I know that's me talking a lot. I

I can go on and on and on. And like I said, it's been an amazing journey. I am really blessed and honored to be here, to be your guest and share these secrets that I've learned on my journey that hopefully, you know, your audience and you listening right now can apply to where you are in life, whether it's a health journey or whether it's a relationship journey or whether it's a wealth journey, whatever it is that you're on right now, these secrets that I've discovered, I want to pass on. We don't want them to be secrets anymore. So again, just so happy to be

here brother and i hope that i answered your question you totally did and this is your platform this is your arena right now because i know me my audience the listeners we don't want to wait for the secrets let's just go right into them justin it is 2024 like you said and i tell people this all the time i actually do a keynote around it the modern buyer has changed

A lot of everything that you just said that happened just four years ago, right? Like typically when you say modern buyer, people think younger in age. That's not the case. We all are conditioned to let me research it, let me find it, and it can probably be here tomorrow. And so if the world has changed in that sense, as leaders, as salespeople, everyone has to change and understand that the dynamics of the world just aren't

are not the same. And I find, and Justin, I want your insight on this too. I find that people that try to buck the trends or try to be old historians on this are the ones that are getting left behind right now.

Well, yeah. I mean, you look at Blockbuster, right? They had the opportunity to buy Netflix for $60 million. And now how many billions of dollars is Netflix worth? You look at IBM, you look at Xero, you look at the companies, the old blue chip stocks that had the opportunity to pivot. And this was a major change. And just like you said, I'm sure the 17% that were shopping primarily online were younger. They were millennials. They were in that generation. But now my grandma,

is shopping and getting her groceries delivered and using Amazon. And it forced them to understand. I knew what a QR code was before 2020, but nobody was using them. Now everybody uses QR codes. So you have to change. And Russell Brunson, like I said, who's my mentor and partner on Secrets of Success that we'll be talking about here a little bit more, has put the last 20 years of his life studying just that.

these things called funnels and online marketing, which basically when you drive someone through traffic, which is eyeballs, whether it's organic traffic, like going viral on a reel or TikTok or YouTube or paid traffic that you pay Facebook ads or Google ads to drive to your funnel. Once you get them there, then it's a matter of simple things. And it's like,

It's called a squeeze page, right? And it basically what it means is you give them something like really cool thing, like a book or a report or something really cool. And all you ask is to further get their email list and you build your email list. That's one of the most crucial things these days that people don't understand because

Like the value when I forget who it was that bought Skype. I think it was Yahoo or one of them. They didn't care about, you know, even when Facebook bought Instagram, they didn't care about the technology. Mark Zuckerberg could make that in an evening, have his team whip that technology up. They wanted the customers. They wanted the list. And that's the same thing. Yeah. Build your list. First and foremost, if all you learn from this entire podcast episode is that when people, when you drive people to your, wherever you want them to go, we call it funnels.

first things first make them an irresistible offer to get their email address and build your list because every doll every person that you sign up if done appropriately with sending out you know regular emails that person's worth a dollar a month 12 a year so if you get a list of 10 000 people on your database you know that you've collected you can do the math 12 times 10 000 that's

$120,000, right? I'm not saying it, no income claims here, but those are the stats that flush out over time. And a lot of people don't take the time to do the simple thing, which is build your list. So I hope that helps. Totally agree. Couldn't agree with you more. And you hit on something that's important though. If you're going to do this, have something that people want or need and can continue to follow.

Because there are a lot of people that will have something and it's like, oh, well, Mick, I don't have enough to offer or I'm not the person that when I go, I put in my email address and register. I think it's salesy. I think it's gimmicky. I'm going to tell you, the world has changed. Everyone's doing it, right? Like we all put in our email for something. So make sure you have something of value that you can give people, because if not, then maybe you need to go back to the drawing board and rebuild what you're doing. But excellent point there, Justin. Absolutely.

And here's the other thing too. So you build your list. This is all I've been doing for the last four plus years. So you build your list and then there's this thing that's called a value ladder, right? And so there's a guy out there called Dan Kennedy. He's old school. He's been around forever and he has been teaching what's called direct response marketing since the 1980s. He's still alive and he's actually a partner with Russell as well. And he taught this thing called the value ladder. And

Russell tells a funny story. Russell Brunson, he's sitting there with Ryan Dice at one of Dan Kennedy's super conferences. This is like four or five years ago, a live event. And Russell's like, they're talking to each other. And Ryan's from, you know, traffic and conversions and people know him. He's a big deal in this world. Anyways, Russell looks at Ryan and he says, hey, have you gone to this thing? You know, Tony's thing. Hey, have you gone to this thing? You know, Dean's thing. Hey, have you gone to this thing? He goes, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been to all these things. He goes, why are we both here?

at Dan Kennedy's event. And he goes, because Dan keeps making offers. And there's another great mentor of mine, golfing buddy, Myron Golden, Dr. Myron Golden. He talks about that. He has a make more offers challenge. You have to continue to make offers. So once you get the email list, then you send them, you know, valuable information that you've learned that you've earned over your time that helps add value to their life. You don't have to

pitch them on every email, but you should be sending out an email at least once a week. Like just start with that. You should send out an email at least once a week and maybe one is adding value. It's a cool blog or a podcast. And maybe the other one is giving them an opportunity for those that want to learn more or to get quicker results that you make them an offer. And that

The reason I talk about a value ladder is look, the value ladder is at the bottom is zero. Zero dollars is what you invested to give me your email address. But then after a couple of emails, maybe you make an offer for $97. Maybe it's a membership site. Maybe it's a course, you know, whatever. Maybe it's some type of mastermind. Now, for those people that want to go to the next level, they really like what you're saying. They want to learn more. They want to get closer to you. They want a community. Now you've given them that platform. Now they're in that $97 a month platform.

Now, then you can go up to the next tier, which can be $497 a month, or you can make a one-time offer for $997, all the way up to like Myron Golden right now and Russell. They both have $1 million offers. And I know that might sound crazy. Or maybe it isn't. Maybe you're like, I could do it.

then good for you, go for it. But it starts with the value ladder. And that's one of the things that I learned in Traffic Secrets was this value ladder. So it's first like it's free and then it's a little bit of money, then it's a little bit more money. And then for those that, and look, we're in this little bit of a sluggish economy right now. And we've been through this before in 2008, 2009. And before that,

as well. And here's what you do. You want the advice from Dan Kennedy. He's been doing this longer than any of us. His advice is, and he wrote this book, it's called Marketing to the Affluent. Look, there was 600,000 new millionaires made last year in the United States. There's over 6 million of us here in the United States. The economy going up and down, especially for the ultra-affluent, we're talking 10 million a year, that pocket's smaller than 6 million. So let's say there's a million of those.

It doesn't matter. In fact, those people, we actually make more money in these downturn type of economies because everyone else is scared. And just like Warren Buffett says, when everyone else is scared and running out, you run in. That's when you buy up market share. That's when you buy in and you put more of your money to work for you. So this is an incredible...

opportunity for you, but you just want to make sure you're marketing to the people that would rather trade their money for the time or the quickness or the value that you're going to give them because they would gladly give it to you. You don't want to be having your offers tailored to, you know, people that are kind of

thinking about it, hesitating, and it's a hard decision because they're not really sure if it's going to work and all these kinds of things. But if they've got plenty of money in the bank, they, and here's the other thing, there will be less of a pain in the butt too, because so, you know, here's the thing for those of you that have courses and all those kinds of things that you offer. It's like, look,

80 of the people and i hate to break it to you it's the same with books they're not even going to go past the first module they're not even going to read it like a lot of people that have courses and put out courses and things like gosh you're so frustrated i want to make more impact it's like look you did your job you made a great offer you have a great product and for those that want to go through the course that want to advance up your value ladder you can continue to serve them at higher levels and more intimacy and better groups and better masterminds and things like that

But don't take it personally. It's like if you're marketing to people that have an abundance of resources and cash, then it just, it makes your life easier. And here's the last thing I'll leave it with. The same amount of energy and money that you put into a $97 offer is practically the same amount of time and energy that it's going to be to make a $25,000 offer. The people who have the $25,000, that it's not a big deal. They're not going to be a pain in the butt. They're not going to be stressed about it. And if they don't go through the paces, they're just going to be like, yeah,

it's a marketing tax write-off. So there you go. Nope. Totally agree. Obviously, you know this, Justin, because we talk offline quite a bit, right? But we have the same mindset. And then I tell people all the time, attract till you attract and have something for them. Because again, if not, maybe you need to go back to the drawing board. I'm going to keep saying that over and over again.

over again. So Justin, what's next? Value ladder, right? We talked about mastermind. Where are we going next? Where does Justin want to take us? Well, what I'm excited about and why we connected and reconnected is this thing called Think and Grow Rich, right? This is a book written by Napoleon Hill in 1937. And he wrote this book

because he actually wrote a book previous called "Laws of Success," which was in 1925, which is a huge volumes, like super long book, like encyclopedia. The depression happened in 1929. And so the entire economy was in the tank. Like the morale was in the tank. Self-confidence was in the tank.

And so he sculpted from his big book, Laws of Success, in 1937, Think and Grow Rich, to help really kind of boost the American economy after the Depression. And so he comes out with this book in 1937, and it takes off like gangbusters. It just hits at the right time at the right place. They've sold over, you know, estimates somewhere around 500.

hundred million copies. I mean, it's a top five book of all time. There are people like Bob Proctor and W Clement stone who carry two books with them. And when they were with us, it was the Bible and thinking grow rich. That's how important this book was. And it's not just about becoming wealthy and planes and all those kinds of things, which is fun if that's what you want, but it's, it can be applied to health, wealth, and relationships, whatever it is that you're looking to accomplish. It doesn't have to be just about making money. He just titled that

book. It was actually called Noodle Your Caboodle or some crazy name, but the editor said, let's do A Thing We're Rich, which was a good call. And it was just because of the depression and where people were. And so that book has changed more lives as far as earning wealth than any other book on the planet.

We decided, you know, Russell Brunson, my partner on Secrets of Success, he went down the rabbit hole. He actually bought the original copy of Laws of Success. There was only 100 of them. It's called a galley copy where they send these galley copies out. So handprinted, put together to queens and royalty and presidents and industrialists like, you know, Andrew Carnegie. And Russell found a copy, one of the 100 that was still left from this was 1925 that was signed by Napoleon Hill. He paid $1.5 million for this thing.

And so that, and he just went down this rabbit hole and he did found more books and more philosophies. And he, so he bought everything he possibly could. And that's where the Indiana Jones hat popped in. If you're seeing any of this live anywhere on video, cause I'm like the Indiana Jones of personal development, like Russell's like, Hey, let's go. Wouldn't it be cool if we got this? And so I go fly out to Napoleon Hill foundation in Weiss, Virginia and hang out with Don Green and the boys down there. And we go dig through some fun artifacts and things like that.

And so as he went down this rabbit hole, he got everything he could possibly get. He spent millions upon millions of dollars collecting all this incredible. Some of this is unpublished manuscripts. No one's ever read before. We've actually, we'll talk about it here in a little bit. We have unpublished manuscripts that we'll give you access to. If you check out in your show notes later on, you can click on it and check them out. And so then Russell has, he got all this stuff from Napoleon Hill. And then he started reading more about who Napoleon Hill's mentors were.

And so he had mentors like Charles Hannell and L.C. Lincoln Benedict and Samuel Smiles and Orson Swett Martin. And so there was like this time period from the 1850s to the 1950s called the New Thought Movement. And so then Russell was like, well, then I want all those books. So he bought all of their books and all of everything that they possibly have. And one of the things that Russell, the greatest thing about him is he's a curator. So he curates. Right now, we're almost at 20,000 personal development books in one location. We're building a 60th.

60,000 square foot museum library event center all in one out there in Boise, Idaho to house all these books. But we also Napoleon Hill had a dream to have a success school and there was twice in his life where he was almost ready to launch it one time. It was right before the Great Depression and the Depression wiped out all of his funds, so he wasn't able to launch it. And the second time was later on in life and it was around the war and the same kind of deal thing happened. Russell is bringing Napoleon Hill's mission back to life.

raising him from the dead. And we're actually giving you access to 20,000, the greatest collection of personal development books ever put together, curated through them. What that means is we're Russell's reading through all of these books, pulling out the greatest nuggets. And then we're doing deep dives on these books. We've got a mastermind community. We meet twice a week.

There's going to be events that you can do in person. It's just an extraordinary thing. And to tie it all up into a nice little bow, we decided to launch the first ever Think and Grow Rich Challenge. It's a free challenge. Anybody can go to. There's a link here. You can go down in the show notes and check it out and click on that link. And you can sign up for free to hear from the greatest thought leaders. You know, we're talking John Aseroff, Dr. Joe Vitale, Trenton Sheldon's there. It's just an amazing,

amazing collection. Plus we found archive footage of Napoleon Hill teaching these principles. So he's actually teaching along with of course, Russell Brunson. I'm there as well. It's a fun, it's a fun thing that we're gonna do. We can't wait to share it with everybody. And if you click on it down below, check it out, you won't regret it. Hey, it's only the most successful personal development book of all time. You might as well not just read it, but study it and apply it. Love it. Love it. Well, you know, I'm gonna be there. So yes, I'm in.

I'm totally in. I can't wait to see. So this mastermind, talk to us about that. So twice a month we meet, how does someone get access to it? What are some of the things that we're discussing in this mastermind? So again, when you go click on the link in the show notes, when you go to the thinking growers challenge, which is the best place to start, you're going to have an option to sign up for free.

And then there's going to be an option for what's called VIP. And VIP means you get the recordings, you get to go in a private Zoom room, and you're going to get access to this mastermind for free for 30 days. It's a free trial. Plus, we're going to send you a hardbound book.

of Think and Grow Rich with Russell Brunson's forward. So it's a cool cover and it's Russell Brunson's forward and two unpublished manuscripts, The Secrets of Master Salesmanship, and It Will Place You Wherever You Wish to Be Amongst Men. These are unpublished Napoleon Hill manuscripts that have never been read before outside of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and now inside of the Secrets of Success Mastermind. So when you go to Think and Grow Rich Challenge, you get signed up for free with your email address. Practice what we preach here. You

email address you're in, then you have the opportunity to join the mastermind secret success, get the books mailed to you, physical books in a cool box, mailed to you showing up at your doorstep. And then you have access to the secrets of success membership where you, it's kind of like, you know, like audible, you get three credits to start. You pick out some of these masterpiece books, all these authors that I was telling you about are in there that, you know, we're looking for the rarest books that you can't find anywhere else. And that

that we've spent millions of dollars curating and putting in there. And then there's some of them are courses that all have audio and video. And then every Friday we do a book club. So we go deep and I love it. Cause like right now we're doing, they can grow rich. And so we'll cover either one or two chapters and we'll have breakout rooms on zoom and we can all like hang out

And for those of us that are super busy, hands raised here, like I don't even read the chapter ahead of time, especially when it's other books. I've read Thinking We're Rich a million times, but we do other books as well. So sometimes it's like, okay, cool. I'm just going to hop on a mastermind. It's on Zoom.

I can go to the gym or do some work or do something else. And I'm still listening and I'm still learning all the nuggets and I'm hopping on in our little private breakout rooms and getting to meet cool people and things like that. We do that every Friday. And then we have another one that we do on Tuesdays as well. Plus there's, you know, obviously there's a private community where we, you know, talk and then we have events and things like that.

And there's a surprise in the Think and Grow Rich Challenge, which I don't want to spoil. But for those of you that are like, I just need a vehicle. Like I have all this information. I have all this desire. I have this calling that I want to share. I want to help. I want to give my knowledge. I want to do this thing, but I want to get paid. In the Think and Grow Rich Challenge, there's a special, special offer that Russell makes that I know it's going to change lives. And it's just an absolutely amazing thing. And obviously I'm privy to it because I know what's going on.

It could change your life. If you're the one who's looking for a vehicle, just give me a car that runs. Give me a Ferrari and I will drive that thing to 200 miles an hour on the German Autobahn like you can't believe. But someone just give me the keys. And if you go when you go to the Thingroach Challenge, I promise you that vehicle, that opportunity will arise. So all the Mic Unplugged listeners, viewers, followers, we're doing that right now.

We're going to have our own challenge within the Think and Grow Rich challenge because I want someone that follows Mick Unplugged to be the winner of this vehicle that Justin's talking about.

Well, it's not it's not an actual Ferrari. But funny thing is that Russell did auction off of Ferrari. But someone is going to get into that Ferrari, you know, figuratively speaking, and they're going to go 200 miles an hour and they're going to they're going to be successful. However, they define success, whether that's making a million dollars a year, 10 million dollars a year or just having true financial freedom and living the life you want to live, spending it with your loved ones and just having financial burdens be a thing of the past.

No, wholeheartedly. And that's what I meant. I knew it wasn't a real vehicle, but I mean, I want someone that's a Mic Unplugged follower to access that, right? So I need all of the followers to make sure that they're doing that.

Justin, what are three traits that you see common in all successful people? Well, one of them is a simple one, maybe not easy for some, but certainly something we all can work on. It's positive mental attitude. It's positivity. You know, unfortunately, when we're born, we have part of our brain in the back of the brain. It's called the reptilian brain. It's a lizard brain. It's based on genetics of two million years.

that trains us to look for what is wrong. It's training us to look for a saber-toothed tiger to jump out of a bush. And so if there's anything that's possible, that there's a noise or a rustling, we're snap judgment looking for something that's wrong. So that's the lens that we're looking through. And so fortunately, and look, I haven't seen any saber-toothed tigers in a while. And not many of us have ever been in a situation where we're truly our life is threatened, but that's the physical physiological response in our body, fight or flight.

Well, look, that is what Secrets to Success, Thinking Good Roots Challenge is all about, is how do you reprogram your subconscious? Because that's the hard drive in the back. We're born with a hard drive that's looking for what's wrong. So we can, in our conscious mind, and we go over this a lot in Secrets to Success, is really about how do I reprogram my subconscious mind to not look for what's wrong, but look for what's right. Not live in fear of what could go wrong, but look for what's right.

live in faith of what could go right. And here's a, here's a simple trick that you can just to show an exercise, how it works. So the next time, and I actually learned this one from Scotty Scheffler, who just keeps winning golf tournaments on the PGA tour. Right. And he was, they were interviewing him. I think it was around the masters and, and they said, they asked him, they said, so, you know, what happens when you, you know, if you see all the water or whatever, and you know, like he goes, anytime I catch myself looking for what could go wrong,

I immediately ask myself, well, what could go right? So if the ball, instead of the ball going to the water, what if the ball went in the hole, right? Because one is just looking for, you're living in fear, hardwired programming versus you've trained your subconscious to look for what is right. So next time you find yourself in a panic or anxiety or stress, those are all fancy words for us overachievers. And it's all based in fear. So reprogram yourself to say, okay, well, I've acknowledged that that could happen. What if the thing that I possibly wanted to have happen could happen?

happen. Because look, there's a great coffee cup that's out there. And I think I was probably sitting in my shelf at home. It says, you know, what would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Think about it. Like, what would you do right now if you knew you couldn't fail? Well, look, you will never fail as long as you don't quit. Because every time something doesn't go the way that you want, that just is just a lesson. You just have to look for the lesson. What did I do? Take responsibility for it as an adult, as an entrepreneur. It's like, you know, take responsibility. The buck stops with me. What

What was the thing that I could have learned from that so I can apply it to the next one? That's why Napoleon Hill says nobody can really be successful until you're 40 years old because you've got to go so many loops around the sun to learn things and unlearn things, which is even more important.

Because a lot of conditioning has happened in your life. When your parents or your grandparents or your friends or your family, they're like, money doesn't grow on trees. And here's the thing. If you have a belief and I learned this one from my good friend, Glenn Morshauer is an actor on the TV show 24. If you have a belief and you don't know where it came from, that's not your belief. That's someone else's belief. I'm challenging you to find new beliefs, to program beliefs in your subconscious that you believe.

which is money is abundant. Money is energy. Manifestation is real. What are the things that you want in life? Look for them. Just like when you, when you, and here's the perfect example, the last car that you just bought, right? And you remember what, like, if you remember the feeling when you got your last car and you're like, this is so cool. I got this cool car. And then you're driving down the road that day and you see the exact same car. And then you see the exact same car every single day because you've programmed your brain to look for that car. You've seen it.

Instead of looking for what's wrong, look for what is right. And you will program your brain to see what is right. And those opportunities, those conversations, those people that you meet, the alignment, just like Mick and I had to be here today, will happen for you when you are constantly looking for what you want versus what you don't. I say that all the time. I teach that all the time, right? If you're looking for a $100,000 client, you have to look for it.

And then that's what you see. If you accept anything in my world, I call it being a generalist, right? If you're a generalist, you see a lot of $10 clients and that's what you begin to pick up. But if you just raise your eye level and look for $100,000 clients or million dollar clients, that's what's in front of you. So I love that mindset.

What's two other things quickly that you see successful people? Well, I mean, if we're talking about mindset and money, like here's the other thing that I love. Like it's the relationship with money. So the reason why you're not charging more, and here's a simple one. If you want to charge more, here's the secret to charging more. Charge more.

Raise your prices, right? That's just a fun one there. But here's the other thing. Here's one that will actually drive into your subconscious. And this is where authenticity and being genuine is. You got to invest in yourself. Like there's no shortcut in it. If you haven't put in $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, $300,000, $100 million, if you haven't put the money in, put the money where you are.

Like my good friend, Dr. Myra Golden always says, don't be a free pull people. If all you're doing is buying free stuff all day, then that's what you're going to attract. You're not going to attract what you want. You're going to attract what you are. Don't be a cheap people. Don't be cheap. Don't just buy the cheap stuff. You know what I mean? And there's the pro people and it goes all the way up to like totally investing in yourself. So my point is, if you want to charge $25,000, then you go spend $25,000 on yourself.

And I think you can charge more than you have, but it's incongruent. If you're not willing to do the work, then who are you to ask someone to invest in you if you have not invested in yourself? So that would be my kind of a cheat sheet. It's an expensive one. Like Russell Brunson's mastermind, when it opened, that was $50,000. And $50,000, that's a good chunk of change. And I had never spent. I mean, that's what I spent basically on college, a good college back in the day. Right.

Because look, there's risk in not doing something. And another thing from Dr. It's all Dr. Myron Gold. We've got to have him on your show. Another one he said is there's what are the two most expensive things in life? And everyone says, oh, it's house, kids, student loans. Nope. Number one is taxes. When you get taxed on income, state tax, you know, a long term capital gains tax.

do the math. And the second most expensive thing in your life is not knowing how to make a million dollars. So if you made $80,000 last year, then that cost you $920,000 not to learn how to make a million. And so you need to find someone who's made a million, not only made a million, but made a million a bunch of times and has helped a bunch of other people make a million dollars. If that's what you want, you want to make a million dollars, find someone that's done it, find someone that's done it with a lot of other people, and then

spend the money, invest in yourself, and you don't get to question what they tell you to do. The questioning time was when before you gave them the money. You can investigate and research and do that. But once you've put your money in and you said, I'm all in on this person and their mastermind and their mentorship, you become coachable. And that's what you do. And that would be my advice is invest in yourself the way you want others to invest in you. And then once you go down that rabbit hole,

It's put the blinders on. And if they say jump, you say how high. And that is the fastest way that you will get to the kind of success that you're looking for. I love it. I mean, we should just end right there. You gave everyone the, I never say the blueprint to success because I tell you when people tell you there's a blueprint to success, they're lying.

you have to do the work. You have to do self-investment. And then number one, you have to be patient or number three, you have to be patient. Right? So I love it. Justin, this was freaking amazing. So I'm going to end it with this. Where can people follow you, find you? Where do you want people to go next? I mean,

you can find me all over the place on, you know, social media and doing all the fun stuff at secrets of But what I want you to do is you're going to see me at the thick and grow rich challenge. I will be there with Russell. We're in the VIP section with some cool special guests like Napoleon Hill's grandson, the president of Napoleon Hill foundation, and some other really, really cool people that you won't be able to see unless you invest in yourself for $47.

to see us in the VIP room and I'll be there. So what I want you to do is I want you to go down there and click on the link for Think and Grow Rich. You'll see it in your show notes and join us and come on this journey with us. We'd love to see you on the inside and really appreciate you having me on, Mick. It really means a lot.

It meant more to me than you know. And for everyone, again, not just in the show notes, but I'll have it on all of my social pages. I'll have it on the website. I really want everyone that is a true Mic Unplugged follower to be a follower of the Secrets of Success and the Think and Grow Rich Challenge. I really want everyone there because it's dynamic and it is life changing. And you know, if you listen, I don't talk about life changing things a lot because I don't think there's many. This is one of those. Think and Grow Rich Challenge.

Life-changing. Love it. Well, this has been a blast. It has been awesome. And for all of the listeners, remember your because is your superpower. Go unleash it. Thanks for listening to Mick Unplugged. We hope this episode helps you take the next step toward the extraordinary and launches a revolution in your life. Don't forget to rate and review the podcast and be sure to check us out on YouTube at Mick Unplugged.

Remember, stay empowered, stay inspired, and stay unplugged.