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Why does dating suck for guys?

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Today, Explained

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#modern dating challenges#dating coaching#gender studies and feminism#online dating trends#relationship dynamics and dating#societal influence on relationships#love#love and emotional connection#navigating personal boundaries#emotional validation People
Allie Volpe
Hadi Mawajdeh
Jonquilyn Hill
@Jonquilyn Hill : 我注意到男性在约会方面似乎比女性更困难。大学毕业率低以及女性对男性学历的要求,都加剧了男性的约会困境。此外,18-29岁男性单身率高达66%,远高于女性的34%。 @Hadi Mawajdeh : 约会应用让人精疲力尽,许多女性也选择放弃约会。我作为一名30多岁的单身男性,深有体会。 @Rohan : 约会中存在许多术语和衡量标准,例如“高价值男性”,让人困惑。如何表达兴趣并获得回应,同时避免浪费时间或被利用,是一个难题。人们害怕被利用,导致约会变得更加谨慎。 @Allie Volpe : 许多单身人士都在约会中遇到困难,这并非个例。社交减少以及对手机的过度依赖,都阻碍了人们的线下互动。30岁以下男性单身率远高于女性,许多单身男性都在寻找爱情,但他们面临着困难。男性和女性对约会对象的期望有所不同,并且这些期望在几十年来变化不大。#MeToo运动提高了人们对约会中不当行为的认识,但同时也影响了男性约会的方式。许多年轻男性缺乏自信和主动性。人们对约会中的一些“红旗”过于敏感,导致轻易放弃潜在的约会对象。线下活动是结识新朋友的有效途径。人们需要更多地信任他人,并理解彼此的不完美。 @Rob : 年轻男性应该向年长男性学习经验教训,避免重蹈覆辙。 @Corey : 现代男性缺乏合适的榜样来学习人际关系。 @Charlie McKeever : 约会成功的关键在于自信。男性应该先学会接纳自己,才能在约会中获得成功。依赖外部因素获得幸福感会让人感到无力,而真正的亲密关系建立在自我接纳的基础上。亲密关系不只是性,而是被看见、被倾听和被理解。自我保护会阻碍亲密关系的建立。害怕打扰他人会让人退缩,而自我接纳是克服这种恐惧的关键。成为真实的自己,而不是试图成为别人,是克服尴尬的关键。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the challenges men face in dating, including the impact of dating apps, societal pressures, and demographic trends. It highlights the difficulties men experience in finding dates and forming relationships.
  • 66% of young men (18-29) are single, compared to 34% of young women.
  • Dating apps are monetized, creating financial barriers.
  • Societal biases affect the perception of desirability for certain demographics (Asian men, Black women).
  • Colorism is a factor in dating experiences.

Shownotes Transcript

The rules of romance have changed, and many young men feel they can't keep up. We get some tips from a Texas men's relationship coach.

This episode was produced by Hady Mawajdeh and Carla Javier, edited by Miranda Kennedy, fact checked by Melissa Hirsch, mixed by Patrick Boyd, and hosted by Jonquilyn Hill.

Shutterstock image by fstop Images.

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