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Whey too much protein

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Today, Explained

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#nutrition and diet#nutrition#consumer behavior#supplement efficacy#dietary practices#fitness and health#nutritional hype#diet and exercise#fitness and exercise People
Chris Gayomali
David Julian McClemmons (马萨诸塞大学食品科学系教授)
V (Feisty创始人)
@Chris Gayomali : 我对蛋白质的关注始于健身和健康播客,这让我开始关注日常蛋白质摄入量。我尝试制作鸡肉奶昔,虽然味道很奇怪,但我还是喝完了,因为不想浪费。蛋白质热潮始于乳清蛋白,这与二战后食品工业的发展和环境法规的出台有关。技术进步使得乳清更容易转化为蛋白粉,而电影《铁血战士》引发的健美热潮也增加了对蛋白质的需求。许多植物蛋白的生产模式与乳清蛋白类似,都是将废料转化为产品,这是一种将现有废料转化为产品的商业模式。现在人们从各种植物中提取蛋白质并制成粉末添加到各种零食中,包括我尝试过的蛋白苏打水。 我采访了植物蛋白科学家David Julian McClemmons教授和Feisty蛋白苏打水创始人V,了解了植物蛋白的提取方法和蛋白苏打水的研发过程。在对蛋白质的报道中,我发现蛋白质从未被市场营销者妖魔化,这与脂肪和碳水化合物不同。健身文化的普及和女性健康影响者的宣传也推动了女性对蛋白质的关注。疫情后人们更加关注健康,以及健身文化和社交媒体的影响,也导致了对蛋白质需求的增加。GLP-1药物的流行也进一步增加了人们对高营养密度食品的需求,包括高蛋白食品。 我参观了通用磨坊公司,了解了他们在其产品中添加蛋白质的过程。他们发现,在其产品中添加蛋白质可以带来巨大的经济效益。在威迪斯麦片中添加蛋白质的挑战在于保持其原有的口感和质地,他们为此进行了多次尝试。在食品中添加蛋白质的过程类似于改变食物的DNA,需要精确的计算和掩盖味道。高蛋白食品可能并非理想食品,但对于一些人来说是一种方便的选择。人们对蛋白质的摄入量是否过多尚无定论,人们对蛋白质的推荐摄入量也存在争议。蛋白质的兴起反映了人们对营养知识的不断更新和对健康饮食的追求,人们需要在科学研究和各种健康建议之间取得平衡。适量摄入蛋白质可以让人感觉良好。 V (Feisty创始人): 因为膝盖受伤开始健身,并爱上了健身,从而研发了蛋白苏打水。我研发了一种轻便易饮的蛋白苏打水,使用了易溶于水的豌豆蛋白。 David Julian McClemmons (马萨诸塞大学食品科学系教授): 我研究如何强化植物性食品中的蛋白质,最常见的方法是从植物中提取蛋白质,并将其制成蛋白质分离物。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the reasons behind the current protein craze, tracing its origins to post-WWII industrial farming, environmental regulations, and the rise of bodybuilding culture. It highlights how the transformation of whey into protein powder and the subsequent use of other plant-based byproducts contributed to the creation of numerous protein-rich products.
  • Post-WWII industrial farming led to whey being considered a waste product.
  • Environmental regulations forced manufacturers to find uses for whey.
  • Technological advancements allowed for the transformation of whey into protein powder.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger's popularity boosted the demand for protein.
  • The protein boom involves turning existing waste into marketable products.

Shownotes Transcript

Added protein really seems to be in all the food lately. Reporter Chris Gayomali says to thank environmental regulations, GLP-1s, and Arnold Schwarzenegger for our modern protein boom.

This episode was produced by Gabrielle Berbey, edited by Amina Al-Sadi, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Andrea Kristinsdottir and Matthew Billy, and hosted by Noel King.

Transcript at

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Protein bars on display at a CVS pharmacy in Queens, New York. Photo by Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images.

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