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Puberty hits different now

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Today, Explained

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Cara Natterson: 近年来,儿童青春期提前已成为一个令人担忧的现象。其原因可能包括压力、抗生素暴露以及内分泌干扰物的影响。压力会导致身体产生皮质醇,从而影响青春期的启动。抗生素的广泛使用,特别是动物饲养中抗生素的使用,可能导致肠道和卵巢炎症,从而影响青春期发育。最近的研究表明,一种名为麝香酮的常见环境化学物质,存在于许多化妆品和日用品中,与青春期提前有关。麝香酮进入人体后,会影响下丘脑释放促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH),进而影响垂体释放促黄体生成素(LH)和促卵泡素(FSH),最终引发青春期变化。虽然目前尚无明确的结论,但这些因素很可能共同作用,导致青春期提前。作为医生,我呼吁大家关注日常生活中可能接触到的内分泌干扰物,并尽量减少接触。同时,我们也需要关注儿童的心理健康,减轻他们的压力,创造一个健康成长的环境。 Vanessa Kroll-Bennett: 青春期提前并非全是坏事,但它确实会带来一些风险。研究表明,青春期提前的女孩更容易出现物质滥用、焦虑、抑郁、较低的自我形象以及更早的性行为等问题。然而,这些关联并不意味着因果关系。关键在于,当孩子看起来比实际年龄大时,社会会以更成熟的眼光看待他们,这可能会增加他们面临风险的可能性。因此,我们需要重新思考我们对青春期的传统观念和语言,避免给孩子带来不必要的压力。我们应该庆祝孩子在这个阶段的成长和变化,理解他们是一个不断发展变化的过程。青春期教育应该是一个持续的过程,从幼儿时期就开始,教会孩子正确的身体部位名称,以及尊重自己和他人的身体。随着孩子年龄的增长,我们可以逐步深入地与他们讨论身体变化、自我保护以及性关系等话题。重要的是,要根据孩子的年龄和心理发展水平,选择合适的方式进行沟通。 Isaiah King: 我记得我11或12岁时,我的声音开始变化。我感觉自己经历了很大的变化,变得更成熟了,但在某些方面,我还是个孩子。青春期是一个持续变化的过程,我的身体和大脑都在不断发展。

Deep Dive

Research indicates puberty onset is happening earlier in children, potentially due to factors like stress, antibiotic exposure, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like musk ambret found in cosmetics and fragrances.
  • Puberty onset is happening earlier for both boys and girls compared to data prior to the 1990s.
  • Stress, antibiotic exposure, and EDCs are potential factors contributing to early puberty.
  • A chemical called musk ambret, found in many fragrances, has been linked to earlier puberty onset.
  • Fragrance ingredients are often not listed on product labels, making it difficult for consumers to identify EDCs.

Shownotes Transcript

Kids are going through puberty earlier, and scientists think they have found another reason why. Pediatrician Dr. Cara Natterson and puberty educator Vanessa Kroll Bennett explain why it should also change the way we talk about puberty.

This episode was produced by Haleema Shah, edited by Amina Al-Sadi, fact-checked by Miles Bryan, engineered by Rob Byers and Andrea Kristinsdottir, and hosted by Noel King.

Transcript at

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Cover art for "This is so Awkward" by Cara Natterson, MD and Vanessa Kroll Bennett. Image published with courtesy of Rodale Books.

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