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Is flying still safe?

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Today, Explained

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#travel safety#transportation and logistics#travel and hospitality#transportation experiences#political discourse#law enforcement and public safety People
Daryl Campbell
John Cox
Sean Rameswaram
@Sean Rameswaram : 最近发生的几起飞机事故,包括美国和加拿大的坠机事件以及一起险些相撞事件,引发了公众对飞行安全的担忧。这些事件让人们开始质疑飞行的安全性,并考虑选择其他交通方式,例如驾车。 我作为节目的主持人,也对这些事件感到担忧,并希望了解当前飞行的安全性。 @Daryl Campbell : 尽管最近发生了一些令人震惊的飞机事故,但统计数据表明,目前乘坐飞机比以往任何时候都安全。商业航空仍然是世界上最安全的交通方式之一。然而,这些事故也暴露出航空系统中的一些潜在问题,例如人员短缺和系统压力。这些问题需要引起重视并加以解决。 虽然这些事故令人担忧,但我们必须保持理性,并根据数据来评估风险。与驾车相比,飞行仍然要安全得多。 这些事故的发生并非由于单一原因,而是多个小问题叠加的结果。我们需要对航空系统进行全面的检查,并采取措施来预防类似事件的发生。 @John Cox : 我作为一名拥有55年飞行经验的飞行员,认为FAA的裁员可能会对航空安全产生负面影响,因为这将导致对关键设备维护工作的减少。虽然FAA表示裁员不会影响关键安全岗位,但这可能会在长期内影响航空系统的可靠性和容量。 空管员短缺也是一个长期存在的问题,这与FAA的资金不足和招聘困难有关。稳定的国会资金对FAA的运营和招聘至关重要。 公众对飞行安全的担忧是可以理解的,但我们必须保持理性,并根据数据来评估风险。与驾车相比,飞行仍然要安全得多。

Deep Dive

This chapter delves into recent airplane crashes and near misses, highlighting the increasing frequency of such incidents and raising concerns about aviation safety.
  • Recent crashes include a medevac flight in Philadelphia and a Delta flight in Toronto.
  • There is growing concern over the safety of flying amidst these incidents.
  • The president and other officials have commented on the causes of these accidents.

Shownotes Transcript

Recent airplane crashes and near misses have everyone freaked out, just as DOGE is laying off workers at the agency charged with keeping people safe in the air.

This episode was produced by Victoria Chamberlin and Gabrielle Berbey, edited by Amina Al-Sadi, fact-checked by Laura Bullard, engineered by Patrick Boyd and Andrea Kristinsdottir, and hosted by Sean Rameswaram.

Transcript at

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The Delta Air Lines plane that crashed and landed upside down at Toronto International Airport earlier this month. Photo by Katherine KY Cheng/Getty Images.

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