cover of episode The Vacation Home (Telma Boinville)

The Vacation Home (Telma Boinville)

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Anatomy of Murder

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#forensic investigation#social media and online interaction#emotional healing People
Ali Eduklo
Anastasia Nicolazzi
Scott Bell
Scott Weinberger
@Scott Weinberger : 我悬赏10万美元寻找杀害我侄女母亲的凶手,这起案件的残忍程度令人发指,凶手必须绳之以法。 @Anastasia Nicolazzi : 社交媒体在现代刑事调查中扮演着越来越重要的角色,它可以帮助警方快速收集信息,锁定嫌疑人,但同时也存在信息真伪难辨、可能引发民众情绪等风险。 @Scott Bell : 欧胡岛北岸是一个风景优美但人口稀疏的地区,这起案件发生在一个安静的海滩社区,给当地居民带来了极大的震惊和恐慌。 @Ali Eduklo : Telma家属通过社交媒体上发布的信息,找到了与女儿描述相符的嫌疑人照片,为警方破案提供了关键线索。 @Telma Boyneville's daughter : 凶手是一个绿头发的男孩和一个粉头发的女孩,他们杀害了我的妈妈,把我绑了起来。 @Kevin Emery : 这起案件给我的家庭和社区带来了巨大的伤害,我希望凶手能够受到应有的惩罚,同时我也感谢社区和警方的努力。 @Stephen Brown : 我承认入室盗窃,但我否认杀害Telma,是@Haley Dandaran 杀害了她。 Haley Dandaran: 我是在Stephen Brown的胁迫下参与了这起案件的,我当时处于一种害怕和无助的状态。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Telma Boyneville's murder case take nearly six years to go to trial?

The trial was delayed due to the pandemic and a series of other excruciating pretrial delays, causing frustration for Thelma's family and community.

What role did social media play in the investigation of Telma Boyneville's murder?

Social media helped spread the news of the murder quickly, leading to the identification of suspects through public tips and viral videos, significantly aiding the investigation.

How did Telma Boyneville's daughter contribute to identifying her mother's killers?

The daughter provided a detailed description of the suspects, including a boy with green hair and a girl with pink hair, which was crucial in narrowing down and eventually identifying the suspects.

What was the primary defense strategy used by Stephen Brown during his trial?

Brown claimed he was not responsible for the murder, blaming his then-girlfriend, Haley Dandurand, who he said was the dominant and aggressive one in the relationship.

What evidence was crucial in securing the conviction of Stephen Brown and Haley Dandurand?

Key evidence included blood-stained clothes and shoes found on the suspects, a bloody washcloth in Thelma's stolen truck, Brown's ID left at the crime scene, and Dandurand wearing Thelma's daughter's backpack during arrest.

What was the outcome of the trials for Stephen Brown and Haley Dandurand?

Both were found guilty on all charges, including murder, kidnapping, and burglary. Brown received a life sentence with the possibility of parole plus an additional 20 years, while Dandurand received two consecutive life sentences.

How did the community react to Telma Boyneville's murder?

The community was shocked and enraged, with many actively participating in the search for the killers through social media and providing tips to the police.

What was the motive behind Telma Boyneville's murder, according to the investigation?

The motive remains unclear, but it is believed that Thelma interrupted a burglary or squatting attempt by the suspects, leading to her brutal murder.

How did the pandemic impact the legal proceedings in Telma Boyneville's murder case?

The pandemic caused significant delays in the legal proceedings, pushing the trial date back by several years and causing additional emotional strain on Thelma's family.

What was the significance of the victim impact statements in Telma Boyneville's case?

Victim impact statements provided a personal account of the devastating effects of the crime on Thelma's family, offering a chance for them to express their grief and pain directly to the court and the defendants.

The episode explores how social media rapidly spread information about Thelma's murder, leading to the quick identification and capture of her killers.
  • Telma's partner, Kevin, used social media to share descriptions of the suspects.
  • A photo of Stephen Brown and Haley Dandaran was shared on social media, matching the descriptions given by Telma's daughter.
  • The photo was shown to the daughter, who positively identified the suspects.

Shownotes Transcript

A woman checking on a Hawaii vacation home is brutally attacked and murdered. Her young daughter would be the key in helping find her killers.

For episode information and photos, please visit:


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