cover of episode Something to Fix (Emmett Corrigan)

Something to Fix (Emmett Corrigan)

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Anatomy of Murder

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Ashley Boyson
@Ashley Boyson :讲述了与Emmett Corrigan从相爱到婚姻破裂,最终丈夫被谋杀的整个过程。她描述了对丈夫不忠的怀疑,以及在得知真相后的痛苦、自我怀疑和疗愈过程。她强调了在失去丈夫和面对背叛后的情感挣扎,以及她如何努力重建生活,并帮助其他经历类似创伤的人。 @Scott Weinberger @Anasika Nikolazi :作为播客主持人,他们阐述了本期节目的主题——关注暴力犯罪受害者的幸存者,并强调了Ashley的故事对其他幸存者的意义。他们分析了案件的证据,包括枪击事件的经过、法医证据和证人证词,并探讨了自卫与谋杀之间的界限。 @Candy Hall :作为案件的关键证人,她的证词前后矛盾,对案件的真相造成了影响。她承认与Emmett有婚外情,但在庭审中为丈夫作证,试图掩盖丈夫的罪行。 @Robert Hall :他承认枪杀了Emmett,但声称是出于自卫。他的自卫说法与法医证据相矛盾,最终被判犯有二级谋杀罪。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the primary reasons for Ashley's initial hesitation to move to Boise with Emmett?

Ashley had doubts about moving to Boise because Emmett had a troubled past there, including making bad choices during his high school years. She was concerned about starting fresh somewhere else.

How did Emmett's behavior change after they moved to Boise and he started his law practice?

Emmett started working long hours, often staying late at the office and meeting with clients. He also began drinking again, which was a concern for Ashley.

What were Ashley's suspicions about Emmett's infidelity, and how did she try to address them?

Ashley suspected that Emmett was having an affair and tried to find evidence by searching his phone and truck. She also sought help from a marriage therapist and a church member.

What did Ashley and Emmett discuss during their heart-to-heart conversation on the evening of March 11, 2011?

Ashley confronted Emmett about her suspicions of infidelity, asking if he was not intimate with her because he was seeing someone else. Emmett denied the affair and accused Ashley of being suspicious and ungrateful.

What happened to Emmett on the evening of March 11, 2011, and how did Ashley receive the news?

Emmett was shot and killed in a Walgreens parking lot. Ashley received the news when three detectives came to her home and informed her of his death.

What was the relationship between Emmett Corrigan and Candy Hall, and how did it contribute to the shooting?

Candy Hall was Emmett's paralegal and they had a romantic affair. Her husband, Rob Hall, suspected the affair and followed them to the Walgreens parking lot, leading to the confrontation and shooting.

What evidence contradicted Rob Hall's claim of self-defense?

Gunshot residue tests showed that only Rob Hall had fired the gun, with his DNA found on the trigger. The sequence of gunshots heard by Candy also contradicted his claim that Emmett shot first.

What was the outcome of the trial for Rob Hall?

Rob Hall was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 30 years to life in prison. His wife, Candy Hall, was also convicted of theft for embezzling $300,000 and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

How has Ashley Boyson coped and moved forward after the loss of her husband?

Ashley has remarried, added two more children to her family, and founded a nonprofit called A Reason to Stand to help others who have experienced loss and trauma. She also shares her journey through a blog and books.

Shownotes Transcript

After her husband's murder, his wife has to grapple with multiple revelations.

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