cover of episode Similarly Tragic (Leslie Perlov & Janet Taylor)

Similarly Tragic (Leslie Perlov & Janet Taylor)

logo of podcast Anatomy of Murder

Anatomy of Murder

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Anastasia Nicolazzi
Scott Weinberger
Sergeant Noe Cortez
@Scott Weinberger @Anastasia Nicolazzi : 本集回顾了1973年发生在帕洛阿尔托的Leslie Perloff谋杀案,以及此案如何通过现代DNA技术和家谱基因技术最终侦破。案件中,受害者Leslie Perloff在离开工作场所后失踪,三天后被发现遇害。凶手John Arthur Getrue在案发后潜逃数十年,最终因其DNA证据被警方锁定。本集详细讲述了案件经过,以及警方如何利用先进技术克服证据不足的难题,最终将凶手绳之以法。同时,本集也探讨了凶手的心理动机以及案件对受害者家属的影响。 @Sergeant Noe Cortez : 我负责调查Leslie Perloff的冷案。通过对案发现场证据进行DNA检测,我们获得了凶手的DNA样本。由于当时CODIS数据库中没有匹配的DNA信息,我们利用家谱基因技术,通过公共基因数据库找到了与犯罪嫌疑人有血缘关系的亲属,最终锁定了嫌疑人John Arthur Getrue。我们秘密收集了Getrue的DNA样本,并确认其与案发现场证据的DNA样本匹配。在对Getrue进行审讯时,他起初否认指控,但在证据面前,他最终承认了自己的罪行。 Scott Weinberger和Anastasia Nicolazzi: 本集还讲述了与Leslie Perloff案相似的Janet Taylor和Arliss Perry两起案件,以及这三起案件如何最终被认定为同一凶手所为。这三起案件都发生在斯坦福大学附近,受害者都是年轻女性,凶手都使用了相似的作案手法。通过对这些案件的调查,警方最终揭露了John Arthur Getrue的真实面目,一个潜伏多年的连环杀手。 Sergeant Noe Cortez: 在对John Arthur Getrue进行审讯的过程中,我们使用了多种策略,包括展示证据、揭露其过往犯罪记录等。Getrue起初拒不认罪,但最终在证据面前败下阵来。虽然Getrue最终承认了罪行,但他仍然没有完全交代作案动机和细节。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Leslie Perloff leave the law library on February 13th, 1973, and what was her plan?

Leslie Perloff left the law library at 3 p.m. to go to the hills west of Stanford University to scout a location for a painting she wanted to commission as a gift for her mother.

Why did the police become concerned when they found Leslie's car?

The police became concerned because Leslie's car was found parked in a remote area at 10 p.m., which was unusual, and she was not at home as expected. Her mother was worried because Leslie was very scheduled and had not called or left a note.

What significant evidence was found at the crime scene where Leslie's body was discovered?

Leslie's body was found partially unclothed, with severe trauma and her pantyhose and underwear stuffed in her mouth. Her rain boots were found 75 feet away, and a scarf was used to strangle her.

Why did the police believe the murders of Leslie Perloff and Janet Taylor were connected?

The police believed the murders were connected due to the similar methods of attack, the victims' ages and genders, and the fact that both crimes occurred in remote areas with the victims' shoes removed and discarded.

What breakthrough in forensic technology helped solve Leslie Perloff's murder after 43 years?

Forensic genealogy and DNA testing were the breakthroughs. DNA from under Leslie's fingernails was matched to John Arthur Getrue using genetic genealogy and CODIS databases.

What was John Arthur Getrue's criminal history that raised suspicions?

John Getrue had a history of violence against women, including a 1963 murder and sexual assault in Germany, a 1975 rape conviction in Palo Alto, and accusations of sexual assault while leading a Boy Scout post.

Why did John Getrue refuse to confess to the murders during his interview with Sergeant Noe Cortez?

John Getrue denied any involvement in the murders despite the DNA evidence. He claimed it was a mistake and refused to provide an explanation, ultimately requesting a lawyer.

What was the impact of the arrests on the families of Leslie Perloff and Janet Taylor?

The arrests provided closure and a sense of justice for the families, particularly Leslie's sister Diane, who had been a tireless advocate for solving the case. However, the loss of their loved ones remained deeply painful.

Shownotes Transcript

A young woman left the law library and was never seen alive again. It would take years of persistence and advancements in technology to finally get the answers her family had waited decades to hear.

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