@Scott Weinberger & @Anasika Nikolazi: 我们关注的是如何证明凶手就是他。当辩方提出自卫后,案件性质完全改变了,直到判决前我们都不确定结果。
@Kristen Arno: 克拉克县的谋杀案并不常见,更别说那些登上全国头条的谋杀案了。Nikki Kuhnhausen 的案件对华盛顿州的法律体系产生了深远的影响,它也凸显了针对跨性别者的暴力事件常常被忽视的现状。
@Colin Hayes: Nikki Kuhnhausen 失踪前经常住在朋友家,但母亲无法找到知道她下落的朋友。警方通过她使用朋友手机登录Snapchat 的记录找到了重要的线索。
@David Bogdanov: 我在酒吧看到Nikki Kuhnhausen 独自一人行走,并与她交换了信息。之后我们见面,她告诉我她不是女性,我感到震惊和不安。她攻击了我,我为了自卫才用电话线勒死了她。
@Lisa Kuhnhausen: 女儿的死让我悲痛欲绝,但我也会继续为LGBTQIA+ 社区的权益而奋斗,让更多人免受类似的悲剧。
Kristen Arno: 'Clark County is interesting in that it's a suburban county that's connected to the Portland metro area...We don't get a whole lot of murders here.'
Colin Hayes: 'By that time, Nikki had made a habit of staying with friends more than either of her parents...Snapchat is where the investigation first went to...'
David Bogdanov: 'Word of God, I was walking out, I was getting in my van and I saw her walking by herself...She's a guy.'
Lisa Kuhnhausen: (Indirectly expressed through the narrative and the impact of Nikki's Law)
Nikki Kuhnhausen, a 17-year-old transgender girl, disappeared in June 2019. Her mother contacted the police after her social media went silent. Investigators used Snapchat messages from a borrowed phone to identify David Bogdanov as the last person to see Nikki, but he initially proved difficult to contact.
Nikki Kuhnhausen's disappearance
Use of Snapchat messages as a lead
David Bogdanov identified as last person to see Nikki