cover of episode What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Stay There

What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Stay There

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Hot Mess with Alix Earle

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alix Earle
Alix Earle: 本集节目以vlog形式记录了我在拉斯维加斯超级碗期间的经历,包括参加各种派对、出席NFL荣誉奖颁奖典礼并颁奖,以及在赌场玩乐等。整个旅程充满兴奋和刺激,但也让我感到疲惫不堪。拉斯维加斯是一个充满活力但又容易让人精疲力竭的城市,长时间逗留可能会让人难以承受。我之前两次去拉斯维加斯,一次是预算有限的大学旅行,另一次是相对奢华的F1之旅,这次旅行将融合两者,体验不同的拉斯维加斯。这次超级碗之旅让我有机会体验到拉斯维加斯的多面性,从奢华的酒店到热闹的派对,以及令人兴奋的颁奖典礼,都给我留下了深刻的印象。然而,长时间的派对和赌博也让我感到疲惫,甚至有些后悔。总的来说,这次旅行是一次难忘的体验,但我也意识到,适度享受才是最重要的。 Braxton: 作为Alix的男友兼摄像师,我全程记录了她的拉斯维加斯超级碗之旅。从准备行李到乘坐飞机,再到参加各种派对和活动,我都陪伴在她身边。在NFL荣誉奖颁奖典礼上,我为Alix准备了一份惊喜礼物——一对熊猫项链,以此庆祝她成功颁奖。在拉斯维加斯期间,我们一起经历了许多难忘的时刻,包括在赌场玩乐、参加热闹的派对,以及在超级碗比赛现场观赛。虽然行程安排紧凑,但我们都玩得很开心。我见证了Alix在颁奖典礼上的出色表现,也分享了她对橄榄球比赛的独特见解。这次旅行让我更加了解Alix,也加深了我们之间的感情。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Have a surprise. We're getting on those boats. Nobody can use that. This is the craziest party I've ever been to. You're more like a shark. I'm gonna regret that. I can't make it to the Super Bowl.

Hello, everybody. Welcome to the first ever vlog-style episode of Haunt Mass with Alex Earle. We're doing something a little bit different today. I know we've experimented with kind of vlogging in the past, and, you know, it's been me holding the camera. It hasn't really been so great. So if you're listening to this, you might want to wait until you can watch this episode because I am inviting you guys to the Super Bowl of

I don't know what number Super Bowl this is. 11? 11? It's not 11. The 11th Super Bowl ever. This number Super Bowl in Las Vegas with me. We're flying there with Braxton today. And this is going to be a full submersive style episode. Like when I say you guys are coming to the clubs with me, you're coming out with me, you're getting ready with me.

You guys are going to see everything, every side of me, and I am so beyond excited for this. This is the moment I've been waiting for. And I thought, what better of an episode to introduce this new style format to you guys than the Super Bowl?

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This episode is brought to you by Liquid IV. It is hot out this summer. It is actually absurdly hot out and you don't have to be an athlete like Braxton to get the sweat going working outside training. I'm sweating walking to the car, walking down the road. People are taking zoom meetings on their porch sweating and you need to replace that sweat with hydration. I personally love Liquid IV. They have three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink plus eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness. Liquid IV hydrates two times faster than water alone. If

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This episode is brought to you by Tinder. We all have a dream of how we'll meet that special someone, right? We think it's going to be this big romantic moment. I'm going to be walking down the side of the road. He's going to see me, think I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, turn right back around, come sweep me off my feet. But that's never a

quite how it happens. I mean, I met my boyfriend at the bar, at a party, you know? I mean, I feel like that's how it happens when you go out. Some of you are still waiting for a meet cute moment to happen, but in reality, you might be more likely to find your meet cute on Tinder. A new relationship starts

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I have a really bad habit of not like packing until I'm 10 minutes out of having to go to the airport and this is the current situation that we're looking at. I guess I forgot to pack any type of color this weekend. Like I am wearing just all black, all black shoes. Like I don't think the only one color I have is this dress and that's because I'm

presenting at the NFL Honors this weekend. That's gonna be more of like a red carpet fancy big moment, so that will be a lot of fun. I'm going to that with Braxton. And yeah, for the rest of everything, I just brought black everything. We're doing a little golf moment this weekend and I really need to stop sitting on these clothes and instead put them in a suitcase, but we'll get there in a minute. And you know why I'm especially scared for this weekend?

One, it's Super Bowl weekend. Last year, I went to Super Bowl weekend. I was in Scottsdale, Arizona. I had the best time of my entire life. Like when I tell you it was such a fun weekend and...

Not only is it Super Bowl weekend and there's massive parties, everyone's flying out to Vegas for this, but we're in Vegas. Vegas is a whole different beast, a whole different animal. Vegas will suck the life out of you. I've never been there for more than two days and I feel like that's just a known thing with Vegas. Like you go, you get in, you get out. You cannot stay there for that long.

long because you will, I don't know how you will survive, but we are going for six days to Vegas. I may not make it out on the other end. The two times that I've been to Vegas before, the first time was my college fall break my senior year and we were just balling on a budget for that one. We were like booking the cheapest places we could stay. I'm pretty sure the place that my friends stayed, it didn't have like any like lights in the hotel. It was like broken down and I

I liked Vegas that time. Like we had a really good time, but we were definitely doing it on like the dingier side. Like we were just trying to go there and the cheapest possible way that we can. I flew back on some like whack airline and I don't even know, like the plane almost broke down halfway through. It was like the craziest flight I've ever seen in my life. People were standing up partying the whole way back. The guy next to my friend was like puking on her, like sitting on her. I was like, what is going on?

So that was my first experience in Vegas. My second experience in Vegas is when I went with Kristen this fall for F1 and that was a little bit more bougier of a weekend. And I feel like this one is gonna be a little mix of both. We're gonna get into everything this weekend and I cannot wait. It's gonna be so much fun. By the end of it, I'm probably never gonna wanna go back to Vegas ever again, but right now I'm very excited to go and get there. I have to put down this microphone or we're not gonna make the flight. Let's go.

Braxton is stinking up the flight with his beef jerky. It really smells so bad. I'm that person right now, and I don't like it, so I probably won't be eating anymore. All right, we're on our first flight of the day, so we're going from Miami to Chicago right now, and then Chicago to Vegas. We're spending five nights in Vegas. I made fun of Braxton for eating beef jerky, but I'm about to... She has a hard-boiled egg that's way worse. It smells horrific.

Can you please close the cup? Okay. All right. Well, not as plain as egg in it. Let's see what's happening out the window. They're off to Vegas to break their livers. My one snack that I always have to get when I'm flying is some hot Cheetos. Oh, these ones look skinny. I have some more. These are so good. I've been having stomach problems this week, though, and this probably is not going to help at all. Get out of here. We have made it to Chicago.

Are these not the biggest pours of wine that you've ever seen in your life? Mine's a little bit lower because I drank it already. But Braxton's is this red one and it's full to the brim. We're kicking off Vegas with a glass of wine, although we're still in Chicago. We need to make sure that we make it to our flight to Vegas, but right now we're in

The Admiral's Lounge? Braxton has his like fancy schmancy status so he got us up here. Let me show you around. Over here we have the bar and there's like coffee machines over here. Okay, you get to click, click away. Oh, oh. I just accidentally made a coffee. So I guess we're having a decaf latte. Anywho.

Well, that's being made. There's basically a bunch of seats and then there's some soup over here, which I dove into already. Oh, they took the soup away. Never mind. But everyone here seems very...

professional up here. They do not want to be disturbed. So good thing I'm roaming around with the camera. But I have my fancy date over here. We didn't really do the best job planning our flight because now we have a four hour flight to Vegas. Yeah. And we already had like a three and a half hour flight here. Or was that more? That felt like 10 hours. It was like three. It's like three. Cheers.

I think we need to drink this wine and pass out on the next flight because this first one was kind of brutal for me. I was like really awake. We aren't the smartest because we knew we were going to the Super Bowl for probably since last Super Bowl and we didn't book a flight until this last week. So yeah, there was no flights left. So we're having a like two hour layover in Chicago right now.

But I'm enjoying it. I'm loving this lounge. How do I get myself up here? I'm gonna be drunk off this one glass of wine. Okay, Braxton was in charge of ordering the food. He went a little crazy. Chicken bites look great. Those are the best things. Fries looking great. Undercooked maybe? Don't be picky. Don't be picky. Quesadilla looks good.

What do you think? That's the best bar I've ever had. I'm gonna save you guys and I'm gonna turn off the camera for us eating. We'll be back when we're on our next flight to Vegas. Here we go into our Vegas suite. Oh, oh my god. Wow, what an... Did you do that? No. They just know? Oh, wow.

Where's the tiger in the bathtub? Where's Tyson? Feeling bougie So this is one bathroom and then there's one over here Oh perfect so I can make a mess in one and then you can have the other I think I'm gonna need this one This one's mine Excuse me Why is all of this shallow? That's why This is a little bit better Yeah it's bigger

I need to shower, go to bed. We will see you guys in the morning. Hopefully I have a little bit more energy. Good morning! First day in Vegas. I really feel like we're in the salt burn house over here. I'm so excited. We have room service on the way. We have coffee, some oatmeal with some fruit.

La la la, so happy to be here. You can see the beach. - The beach? - You can see the beach club. We see the sphere.

There's a golf course. We see the mountains. This is gonna be the only morning I wake up with energy and a smile on my face. Our room service is here. We have some oatmeal for me and we have a breakfast burrito for Braxton, aka my cameraman. I'm so excited. There's something...

There's something so good about room service. Like, it's just everything's better. When I get to a hotel, like, I would be happy this whole week if I was just sitting in this room. We're not doing that, but I love room service. I'll just put my hand out and spin myself when the time is right. Perfect. I felt it. ♪

So we're in our hotel room right now. Braxton and I are staying in this room and I'm sitting in our chair for hair and makeup. We are officially now getting ready for our first event in Vegas. I was saying I'm feeling very peppy and enthusiastic right now. I may not be this peppy and enthusiastic later on in the week. We're getting ready for the NFL honors which is

the end of the year NFL award show and I'm going to be presenting an award which is insane and I'm a little nervous about it because it's gonna be live, it's gonna be on TV and I can't trip or fall or mess up my words so wish me luck with that. I don't have too many lines, I have like two lines. Getting my hair and makeup done I always feel very bougie, I feel like I'm still not used to it yet and every time I've been to Vegas before I'm like on the floor

crunching down in front of the window doing my makeup so this is a little bit of a different experience and it's honestly like so nice and relaxing and i have a lot of fun doing it i mean i'm not doing anything i'm sitting here so

So we have put the extensions in my head and now we are gonna cut them to a reasonable length. This honestly reminds me like I would always get tape-ins in college or not tape-ins, I would do clip-ins and then just take kitchen scissors and like cut them straight across and like go out to the bars and I'm like post it. So we're upgrading from the kitchen scissors right now. Braxton had a hair appointment booked this week and

I made him cancel it because I was like, "You're not cutting your hair." And he's very stressed out about his hair for tonight. I keep wanting to say offensive, but it's offensive. Offensive. Off-ensive. Offensive. Not offensive. The most offensive player of the year. I will have breakfast at any time of the day. Walking, walking, walking. I think that's good, right? Yeah.

We've got it down. You look so good. We're not gonna be late. We're not gonna be late. Now we're going to the NFL Honors and I'm presenting an award. What award are you presenting? Miss NFL Woman over here. I like that. Yeah, she's presenting Offensive Player, Offensive Rookie of the Year.

And I can't mess it up. This is my first time presenting an award and I'm very honored to present it for the NFL. I'm very excited. What if they asked us to kiss?

Braxton wants a basil. Braxton wants a basil from his mommy. Real quick, did you guys get the card thing? Maybe we can get a basil. Yeah. No, I did it. Did you? How was your journey here? Here we go. Yeah.

We're back from the NFL Honors. I presented. I didn't mess up any of my words. It was great. Words. Now we're going to pop some bubbly and we're going to have a night. Cheers. Actually, I have a surprise. A surprise? A surprise. Well, because you did a great job and you'll understand what it is when I give it to you.

Hold on. Give me a second. It's something that we both can wear that match. Okay. Good job. Okay. You'll see. Open it. I'm nervous. Don't be nervous. What? Do you love it, Panda? Are these pandas? They're pandas. How funny. Look at this panda necklace. Are you kidding me? Oh, this is the coolest necklace ever. Thank you. I love you. I love you. Come on. Let's put it on. Look at these pandas. Are you kidding me?

Oh, we have to wear this tonight. Yeah. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. You love it? Look at this panda necklace. It's actually so cool. It came out so good. Back story, if anyone's like, what are they talking about? We call each other panda because...

How did that start? You started it. Because Natalie always said panda for like people like she loved and like were obsessed with so then we started calling each other panda and then like his car is called panda and then there were so many like panda things that just happened. And then you told all my friends. And then I told Braxton's friends that we call each other panda and then they got us pandas and then my mom has the same pandas that me and Braxton has. Oh that's right.

It's pretty crazy. Wow! Wait, these are so cool! Yeah, right? Make it tighter. This is not real! It's the coolest thing I've ever seen in my entire life! I know! It kind of looks like Mickey Mouse, but so much cooler. So much cooler. And you actually have to get pretty close to understand what it is. Yeah, it's just like, "Oh, she just has that really cool Hello Kitty on her neck."

Wow. We're certified pandas now. Yeah, we can't change. That actually has to stick now. This is the coolest thing ever. It's so good. Thank you. You're welcome. Wow. I'm glad you love it. It was so hard to keep from you. We have the coolest necklaces ever. Thank you, Braxton. This is so cool. I've always wanted to wear like...

Braxton's like initial like you know like maybe like a big B but like this is better. This is so much better. I got a big panda. You got a panda around here. I got a big diamond panda on my chest. Whoa! Cheers to a successful Thursday. Off to dinner we go. Woohoo! That's how big we are. We're all good! We're all good! Woohoo!

Cheers to Vegas baby! Cheers! I'm gonna be really drunk. We've stayed up so late, the sun is up. We've just had a wild... Oh come on! MTV welcome to my crib!

They have the gondola rides over here which we need to do. There's one thing I'm doing, we're getting on those boats. Raxton, get us a boat. I'll get a boat. Shit. We just have to get a Fat Tuesdays cup. Have to. No, we'll do two of those. Fat Tuesday! This is the craziest party I've ever been to!

It's so good. It's the best drink I've ever had. You could catch me in Vegas. You're giving me so much shit. I'm like, I wasn't going to bring the energy. You're not going to get the energy that I need. You missed a straw. I bet you it probably looks so good. You catch me on a dick shot of ride like a puppy. And I say yeehaw. Yeehaw. Oh, yeehaw. I got the yeehaw. I'd rather have the other part. You catch me on a dick shot of ride like a puppy. Yeehaw. Yeehaw.

Bro. Today is our first morning in Vegas. Well, actually, I guess technically our second morning. First morning after doing something. And last night took an unexpected turn because we were planning to not go out after the NFL Honors, which maybe we should debrief the NFL Honors. Yeah, we can start there.

I had a great time. I thought it was really cool. It was very well done. The show was good. And you...

Did very well. I presented an award. I didn't mess up my words. I tried my best to look normal walking on stage. I think it went very well. And we didn't get into any sort of trouble. It was good. Yeah. I had a good time. Yeah, it was fun. It was really cool seeing you do that. Afterwards, there were some after parties, but we decided not to go. And we came back to the room and then we went out to dinner at Tao. And...

I literally was saying, I was like, I haven't taken a shot since December because I did 30 hard. And then last weekend, I just didn't take any shots. And I was like, I just can't take shots. Like, I don't think I'm going to be taking shots this weekend. I don't think it's going to be happening. Literally five minutes later, Earl girls come sprinting up and they're like, we have shots for you. Like, they brought a tower with us. They bring a sparkly tower of shots. And we took it. We took one together. It was really good.

And then I got drunk after that one shot and then proceeded to order more shots for our table. And then we hit up Fat Tuesdays. We got some Fat Tuesdays cups, which are still in our room right now. I think we should bring them out with us tonight. There's nothing better than a Fat Tuesday sippy cup. And we went to the casino. How'd that go? We lost all Braxton's money. Yeah, we...

It was not my fault. Marco ran us and then the other guy came and he ran us off the table and then we were almost out of it. And I said, let's, let's go play roulette. Let's try to win some of it back, which never works in a casino. Yeah. I wasn't paying attention. Where were you? I was thinking about how there's free drinks in the casino and no one told me that. I thought we were paying for these drinks. We were having the casino last night. Did you guys know that drinks in the casino are free?

Yeah. She was like, by the way, you should charge it to the room. I was like, we should charge it to your room. And I said, what do you charge? What? And she's like the drinks. And I was like in the casino. And she's like, yeah, drinks in the casino are free. Yeah. They want you to drink for free so that you gamble more and you make bad decisions. And it worked. Go to the casino then to pregame or do they have to see you like taking out? No, like people do that. Really? Yeah. Yeah.

People go and pregame there because you get free drinks. You hang around. But what if you don't spend any money? You just want to sit there. Can you get a drink? Yeah. And now, today, we have...

I don't even think you guys understand. We have RSVP'd to, I think, seven parties for tonight. We have a marathon coming up. And we are just still planning to go to every single one of them. I'm like, we have to like cut one out. And I'm like, okay, but this one has Post Malone, but this one's cool, but this one's with the NFL, but this one has like really good food. But this one, like, I think all the people will be at and be the most fun. So it's like, how do you say no to anything? Yeah.

So we're going to be having an actual marathon today and I'm a little nervous, but it should be fun. Are you going to be able to do it? You got tired very quickly last night. I got very tired very fast last night because of the time change. So I'm going to have to have some...

Aminoline, Berry Elixir. Those are on the way. Yes, we actually ordered some to the hotel because I was like, I'm going to need some energy drinks for tonight because those things are like literally crack. I don't know if I'm allowed to say that. That's probably not the description they want. They really wake you up. No, they work. They work. They taste good. They work. So that's what I have to say about them. But I think while we're sitting down and we're talking about football this weekend. Oh,

The NFL posted Braxton and I, these pictures of Braxton and I, pull it up from booth by Bryant at the NFL Honors last night. Literally just a whole slide dedicated to us. And I can't even click on the comments because I already know they're all going to be like, can we stick to football here, please? But let's see. I can't believe that the NFL really they live for the they live for the T.

I love it. They love the couple content. And this is so cute. So I think we should tell the Earl girls how I am as a football girlfriend. Okay. Do you have any commentary? Am I supportive? You're very supportive. Or like what? How am I? Very supportive. I got to say that since you like really turn the page and like understand football and like get it,

So like after games, you're a terrible loser, which I can appreciate and I respect. - I don't like losing. - But the thing is, after a loss, the last thing I wanna do right after a game is talk about the loss. That is the last thing that I wanna do. We're in the car. - Every time the Dolphins would lose. - I'm in the car, she's in the passenger seat, we're driving home. And like, look, it's not like I'm like running around pissed off, but like, I don't wanna talk about it. It just happened, it's fresh.

And I'm like, I don't understand how the ref called the flag on this one play. That's how everything starts. I don't understand. I'm like, well, couldn't you guys just really have pulled it together in the last quarter there? Why do you guys like run it up the middle? Like, isn't that like not a good idea? That's something I don't understand about football. When they...

are running the ball like why when there's a huge group of guys they run just straight through it just to like get two feet maybe but there's all this maybe potential space to run around but and that also seems very scary I understand the question to run right through 12 people but it's drawn up

A man for a man. And like the blocking scheme is drawn up to where like it works. And obviously a lot of times it does. Sometimes it doesn't. I just feel like it never works. But if you run to the side in the NFL, it just doesn't work. The only time I see it working is when you have like one yard to go to get the first and ten. First and ten. Good job. But I don't see what the point of that is at any other point. Like, you know, you're not going to get that far. But that's just not true. I could show you any game played this year where a team ran up the middle for a touchdown.

I don't know. I get the question, though. It doesn't look good, but it does work. It seems dangerous also. Well, it's not the safest sport. We've established that. I don't... I'm drooling.

I don't like, not that I don't like losing. No one likes losing. No one likes losing. She just wants to talk about it immediately. I just want to talk about it and I want to understand why because I've been trying to learn about football this year because I really didn't know that much before and now I know a lot, I will say. No, you know a lot. And the questions you ask are, besides the losing ones, the questions you ask are high level. They're impressive. But it's just the fact that... What's a high level question that I've asked?

Like you asked, what's the difference between pass interference and defensive holding? Oh. Which is like a high level question. I still don't really understand that one. Yeah. I mean, it's very intricate. Intricate. It's very intricate. Pass interference is when the ball's in the air. Defensive holding is before the ball's thrown. Yeah. I just don't understand how everyone knows the call.

Like, how is everyone have their eyes on every part of the field and knows the call before it actually happens? Like, for me, I'm sitting there and I'm like, wait,

I need to like rewatch everything 10 times. Like everyone already is screaming in the stands and like knows the exact call. Yeah. Well, the more you watch, the more you're familiar with like where the flag's thrown and at what point in the play the flag was thrown. And then you kind of use context clues and it always dwindles down to like one or two calls. It could be. And then another question I feel like I see on the internet, which we could clarify up for everyone is this girl, um, the one who always makes the videos, that's just like always very mean. Um,

She was like Braxton Berrios got dropped from the Dolphins. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So maybe we just clarify that situation. Yeah. So after every...

After every season, like everybody does it. You just, you know, you basically do like a recap of the season posts. Like this was an amazing season, you know, post all the pictures with your teammates, yada, yada. And so I do it every year. I do it every year. And I guess, I guess this one because of, of whatever, um, everybody's like, Oh my God, like he's done. Like he's not coming back. Braxton only had a one year contract with the dolphins. So I signed a one year deal. And so technically this coming March, um,

Technically, I'll be a free agent. Now, anything can happen. I can obviously very well go back to the Dolphins. I can go somewhere else. But the fact of the matter is, all that, it's just not dropped. Entering free agency, so is 20% of NFL players. It's just part of how it goes when your contract's up with that team. Yeah. So...

When do you think you'll know by? Like March? Yeah. March. Yeah. Early to mid-March. I'll know. We'll check back in with you guys where Braxton will be. Yeah. I'm glad we got to clarify that. Well, I saw it everywhere. My dad texts me. He goes, did the Dolphins drop Braxton? I'm like, no, he only had a one-year contract. Well, everybody was like, wow, this definitely means he's not coming back, like all these things. And it's like, I just said that this year was the most fun year I've ever had. Like there was nothing else to that. But everybody took it and ran with it.

Yeah. And I guess you don't really care who wins the Super Bowl this year. No, I want to see a good game. Yeah. I'm excited for the game. We're going in a suite with the NFL. So like...

I'm besties with the NFL guys. They love me. They love Roxanne, but they love me more. And I love them more. So we're going with the NFL. And apparently there's going to be cool people in the suite, which I don't know. Who do you think it's going to be? I have no idea. We're going to find out. Honestly, it could be anybody, but it will be a good suite. I'm excited. We have on film us practicing the poses. So that's pretty self-explanatory.

Please put that in. Explanatory. Explanatory. I guess. Got it. Woo! Woo! Nice. These copies are good.

for the past few months braxton has said he's going to grow out his hair he's like i'm gonna make it longer i'm gonna grow it out i'm like so cute love let's do that i personally never like when guys get haircuts and then we're approaching this past week and his hair finally gets long like it literally finally gets to the point where it's long and he's like you know i made a hair appointment for this week like i'm gonna cut it no i didn't say cut it cut

- Trim it, trim it. - Tell the truth. Exactly, I said I'm gonna get a trim so it looks good. - But every time a guy goes in for a haircut and they say it's a trim, they come out bald. And you cannot prove me wrong. And no guy, in my opinion, ever looks good with a fresh haircut. It always looks better like a little scriptier. - Yeah, but what you don't understand, alright, when you grow your hair out, right, you get it trimmed, correct?

Yes, but wait. No, no, no, wait. But you get it trimmed. Yeah. That's it. You get it trimmed. You get it shaped so it looks good and you continue to grow it. But every time Braxton gets his hair trimmed...

um, it looks like someone took a lawnmower to his head and he'll like come over to my house with like a baseball cap on. And I'm like, I know that you cut your hair. So basically we had a big debacle this week of like, how's he going to style his hair? He's very worried about it. I was like, don't worry. I'll bring my hairspray and my texture spray and like all my makeup for you. You can use it all. And we styled his hair. It looks great. And

All the comments on my post yesterday were like, Braxton's hair looks so good. No, I saw a few like, needs to get cut. No. There's a few. I promise you. I'll show them. Okay, whatever. But everyone agreed with me that Braxton's longer hair looks better. No, I like my long hair. I do. It's just sometimes hard to style. And since it's been growing for, what is that? Three plus months without a cut? I just wanted to get it trimmed. Like, shaped. Yeah, but I think every other girl...

understands that like no one likes when their boyfriend gets a haircut. See, I don't think you're in the majority there. I don't think you're in the majority. It's not even, I think it's an I know. Really? It's an I know. That needs to be a poll. It's a poll. You're already losing. You lose all these like little things because I'm always right. What did I teach you? What did I teach you? What did you try to teach me? I'm always right. Mm-hmm.

I am. It's actually a thing. Every time we have one of these disagreements, I'm always right. We're going to find out. Yeah. Right now, I'm already right. I already see. You think so? Yep. That's the thing. It's not a drastic change. It's just like a haircut. Like every guy gets haircuts. But no one looks good. Okay. It's okay. I love you. I love you too. But I'm telling you, I think you're in the minority here.

haircuts look good and again it wasn't drastic that was my thing you're really dragging this one on okay let's wrap it up braxton's off to do some stuff for work and i'm having a little earl girl day in vegas alone i found these gondolas yesterday i'm thinking i need to gondola with you guys today like i'm just going to take you guys around vegas with me today while braxton's out working and you know making all that money so that we can gamble with it in the casino tonight

Because I don't know. One thing about me is I don't really want to take out my own money to gamble with. That's okay. After what I saw last night. So let me ask you this. If I give you $500. And I win? And you win. So say you win $500. I won that money. I think I have to keep it. I could give you back the $500 that you lent me, but say I made $1,000. Mm-hmm.

wait then that would be then i keep a thousand and i give you back what you gave me so you're just that's fair i was curious yeah of what this answer was that's fair yeah but if you lose the 500 that's just on me yeah yeah that makes sense i i agree with that yes okay okay so it's a lose tie for me it's always okay it's just always that way true

This is a win. Well, I love you. Go have fun at work. I'm off to spend a day with the girls. Sounds good. Have fun. No boys allowed. Bye. Girls' Day in Vegas. Here we go. So we've made it onto a little gondola.

We're just cruising around this nice Friday morning in Vegas. I hope you guys are loving our date that we're on today. Being on the water is really calming my nausea that I was feeling this morning. Has anyone ever fallen in? Yes? Oh my god. I could see that happening. I'm only a little scared. Sure. Cool.

Kristen! Hey! Guess what I'm doing right now? You're about to lose ice? I'm having a great day on the water. I'm honestly loving this little girls trip, girls day. Ran into some Earl girls in the casino. Hey!

We're heading back into the casino right now because I'm gonna try and be a good girlfriend and win Braxton back some of his money that he lost last night. Aka I lost it because he gave it to me to gamble with so here we go. We're back in bed. I did not win any more money and I am taking a nap. I'll see you guys in a little bit and we're getting ready for our first

night out in Vegas and I'm a little scared about it. This episode is brought to you by Tinder. We all have a dream of how we'll meet that special someone, right? We think it's going to be this big romantic moment. I'm going to be walking down the side of the road. He's going to see me, think I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, turn right back around, come sweep me off my feet. But that's never a

quite how it happens. I mean, I met my boyfriend at the bar, at a party, you know? I mean, I feel like that's how it happens when you go out. Some of you are still waiting for a meet cute moment to happen, but in reality, you might be more likely to find your meet cute on Tinder. A new relationship starts every three seconds on the app.

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This episode is brought to you by Joiba Bubble Tea. If you're a fan of bubble tea, then you guys have to try this range from Joiba. I've seen this all over my TikTok and personally, my little siblings are obsessed with this Joiba Bubble Tea. They show me videos all the time. So Joiba Bubble Tea, it comes in several delicious flavors.

We are getting ready right now to go out. Braxton's about to come back to the room and last time he saw me, I was passed out in the bed. So we're going to see what he thinks of this look. I love it.

We're snatching my hair up right now and this is very much so giving me a facelift and probably a little bit of a headache but it's gonna look good. Let's call my little sister. Isabel, you're a good sister. - I know, bye. - Hey, I love you. What are you doing? - I love you. - Do you like my eyeliner? - Yes, it looks so sly. - It looks so sly. You got the stamp of approval from JoJo.

Is that what we have to look forward to tonight? Mhm. Okay. The jello shots! We'll take photos and then do the jello shots. I'm gonna have jello on my face for sure. Oh, son. The robe is good? The robe is good! Okay. We're taking team jello shots before we go out tonight. Cheers!

here is the dress on it has this fun little hoop do loop at the bottom i have no idea and then some netting up here i actually saw this on the runway for new york fashion week and i was obsessed with it and then i cannot believe i'm wearing it now all right here is froxton's outfit of the day we have a strap and some fire on the shoulder here is the final look of the

We're giving like alien Vegas girl tube girl. I cannot wait. Honestly, this is like a fun spunky outfit for me. We're ready to go. Happy Saturday. We're actually like alive and well today. We pulled it together and now we have a day party and then we're going to come back

do full glam hair makeup again and then we're going to a night party. So today we're going to Michael Rubin's party during the day. I'm wearing this black set, vintage Dior, and I was so cold last night, like I- someone had to give me hand warmers. I was freezing. It was probably the coldest I've ever been in my life. But I don't think I'm gonna bring a jacket just because

It'll like mess with the outfit. I don't know if that's bad and I'm gonna regret that for sure. Can I post it? I feel like it's not that bad. All right, we got back from the party. We made it. Now we are re-getting ready to go out tonight. We're gonna do a little bit more of like a smokey eye look tonight. The party today was honestly really fun. Alex got a little drunk, but it's okay 'cause it's Saturday and we're in Vegas.

Y'all go to 20610. Right down the hall.

Everyone is going to be fine to wake up in the morning. Be quiet when you leave. Everyone is going to be just fine. Watch how he turns to 1pm. Shut the door softly, babe. And me waking up in the morning? No. No, I don't have better than me waking up in the morning. No. No. Hey, I'll be fine. Okay, if you say so. I just need to keep drinking this drink before I actually go to bed.

So we were at the party and like they had the carpet and then they had pressed there like, "Oh, do you want to do some questions?" We were like, "Sure." We did not know what we were signing ourselves up for. It was actually an hour straight of questions. They were asking the weirdest things. What they said to me, they were like, "Something about can you gritty?"

Like, oh yeah, we see you dance on TikTok or something. Like, can you gritty? And I was like, no. And then I got really nervous and they were like, come on, just like do a little dance. So I just kind of like, I just kind of like started like shuffling and like, I, oh my God, I don't know. I don't want to see those get posted anywhere. Honestly, you guys had the Superbowl. Like that's where you first like started dating last year. Right. I was like, no.

She's like, "How fun is it being back to the Super Bowl?" You know, like, it's kind of like one year. Yeah, she was like, "Yeah, no bitch." Alright, and Justin was at the party today, which is kind of making me think he's going to perform with Usher at the Super Bowl. I mean, I'm not sure, but I feel like if he's here,

He may have to, so I will be awaiting that performance. We are finally now ready. Glam is done. I'm taking a moment. I'm sitting in bed because I'm really trying to muster up the courage to get up and put an outfit on and go out and drink again. So this will be fun. It's time to get up, sweetie. Ah.

I'm coming. We're about ready to go again. For sure one of my nipples is gonna come out tonight. That'll be fun. Are you ready? - Oh, it's gonna be a long one. - We're in Vegas. I did a very smoky eye tonight and I'm honestly liking it. Sometimes I scare myself when I do this, but Jojo killed it tonight. I was a little drunk when she was doing my makeup so I didn't really have the ability to say no and I'm kind of happy about that. Like girl, keep it a stash.

Bitch, you're the shit. What was that? I think you're the shit, bitch. You're just a fart. You're not even the fart. You wish you were a fart. You're more like a shart. Oh, it says the girl who told everybody she's shart. Okay, goodbye. Look who we ran into. Oh, hey. Oh, hey.

Oh hey! And our bookies! We're on a little, a double date with some drinks. We're revived over here. I'm feeling a little bit better than I was in the room before. Cheers. Cheers! Alright, we're back. I think we should order some room service. What do you want?

Chicken like noodle soup. I can't make it to the Super Bowl tomorrow. We have to be up at 10 a.m. Now we're taking off our makeup. Whoa. Never mind. I look like a panda. Wait, let me take a look. Hey, guys. Okay, stop. That's going to freak me out. Really? Hey, guys. Yeah. Let's see on my fur.

Your fur? My panda. My fur lashes. Okay, so really, shout out Glow Recipe. Nobody can use that. Nobody can use what? These strays. Just hanging out. 303. Cameraman. I need to see myself. There you go.

And get ready with me. Oh my god, it smells so good. What was the best part of the night? I kind of liked when we were getting ready to go out. Yeah? When I was a little loopy. Yeah. From the day. Or actually getting drinks with Monet and Jalen. Yeah, that was fun. Like it was just like good conversations, fun, nice to see them. So honestly maybe that. I mean going out was really fun, but not the most fun.

we got our food we'll see you guys in the morning

This episode is brought to you by Mejuri. You know, I had a thought the other day. Since Rwanda jewelry becomes something we only bought on special occasions, Mejuri approaches fine jewelry a little bit differently. Each one of their pieces is handcrafted by jewelers committed to quality craftsmanship as well as ethical and sustainable jewelry production. Created by women for women, Mejuri is breaking down barriers in what has long been an exclusive and occasional category of men buying for women.

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Now you can have it in the comfort of your own home. I have seen it all over my TikTok page. Ooh, bubble tea. Ooh, ooh, ooh. I'm like, okay, what is this? I need to try it. All of my friends are now drinking it. Joiba bubble tea comes in several delicious fruity flavored tea combinations with popping boba, like strawberry lemonade green tea and mango passion fruit green tea. Enjoy your popping boba moment anytime, anywhere with Joiba bubble tea.

Follow Joyba on Instagram and TikTok at for fun giveaways and to find a retailer near you. Rise and shine. It's Super Bowl Sunday. We are about to start getting ready. I'm feeling great this morning, actually. Rock's still on the other hand.

Alright, time to start hair and makeup. We got some Eggs Benedict over here. I'm not really sure how to... Oh! Oh, God. Hello. What are you doing?

We are gonna head over to the stadium and first we're gonna tailgate for probably like two hours and then if we're on time and then We are going into the game. We're going in a suite with the NFL which will be really fun But I have no idea who we're gonna be with so hopefully fun people we were with a really fun group last year I don't know if it's it's seeming a little cold out there today again. We

We may freeze outside because I'm not sure if I'm going to bring my jacket or not because it doesn't really go. We're just looking for a good game and a good time. Oh my God, you look so pretty. And we're going to style the outfit around these. And then we have these black boots. So here's how like the pants are laying on the ground. I feel like that's good with just like a little bit of toe out. I think you do need a haircut. I told you, thank you. Can you say that again? Just please, just please just say it again. I told her. I told her.

It's okay. That'll be the first thing we do. Okay. I'm gonna wear my panda today. Oh, it's so cute. I think I'll bring sunglasses maybe for the tailgating. Oh, I'm gonna be freezing. Unless you just want me to stay home. Okay. Okay. I've never in my life used so much hairspray. Well, it's not going anywhere now. Stop. Okay.

That's perfect. I smell like a salon. All right, we're ready to go to the Super Bowl. I'm gonna bring my camera with me so we're gonna vlog there. Let's go. We made it. Well, not yet. Well, we're in. We see this video.

- All right, so right here we have these little things. I guess this is for the halftime performance. And then we have tequila sodas. - Bubble ready. - Right now, three minutes longer. - Zero, zero. - Zero, zero. Oh, and I'm still on my first drink. So the 30 hard, I'm just such a lightweight, so this feels like I've got three. Braxton's on three. - No, we're on two.

- Where are you guys? - Alright, we got some doggity dogs. - We got some dogs. - I have no idea what's on this one. - Me neither. - Here we go. ♫ I got this girl ♫ Let it switch your mind up ♫ Can't miss it ♫ I ain't got it ♫ I got this girl

It's now tied. It's like 5:45 left. Tensions are high. Cheers! You're gonna go down this path, huh? Yeah, actually.

Alright, we're out! Super Bowl! What a game! I forgot how much I actually need these things. Alright, so here's my idea.

we take everything we have and chips and we go put it all on black that's a horrible idea i think it's kind of fun we have to go play blackjack all right we just got back from dinner after the super bowl that was the craziest game i've ever seen it's a good game what i expected now

I'm scared of these slot machines because I feel like you just lose all your money. One, seven, seven. See a lot of bar. Holy hell, we're leaving. I don't want to go. Like, I just feel I do want to go, but at the same time we've been here for so long that now it's like I feel more accustomed to my life here. You could get used to this. I don't remember life back home in Miami.

I love it. I can't wait to find out. I'm ready to go. It's been five nights in Vegas. Well, don't be a hater. No, it was fun. Be grateful that you had an amazing partner with you. Yeah, I did. It was fun. We're about to helicopter to a plane to go back to Miami. So that'll be an interesting one. But I'm not going to film anything traveling home.

just because none of it's mine so I feel like I can't really be filming any of that but I'll meet you guys back in Miami bye bitches
